Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (2024)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (1)

Perhatian: Untuk penulisan alamat Sertakan kecamatan & Kota. Bukannya ane takut paket gak nyampe, tapi ane takut nombokin ongkir. Tarif JNE per kecamatan, bukan per kota.

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email ajaMohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum.


99,8% sudah autorun/setup tinggal install, gak usah diekstract. Semua game telah ditest 100% work. Ditest dikomputer dengan OS Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit dan sebagian lagi di Windows XP SP2, SP3 32 bit dan Vista

Minimal Order 2 DVD

Untuk PC DVD Game, berlaku beli 11dvd diskon 1dvd. Jadi diitungnya Cuma 10dvd. Berlaku kelipatannya

Pilihan Media untuk DVD Game:

Paket Insane

Paket Extreme

Choe-Funk GamerLand (baca: Chu-Fank GamerLand) menjual/jokuL/70cooL PC Games dengan harga mulai Rp. 5.000/dvd polos tanpa cover dan label,

Condition: DVD polos tanpa cover dan label, judul game ditulis dengan Spidol Marker. DVD dimasukan ke dalam Filler kasa 2 sisi, atau ke box

Harga Rp 5000/dvd. Media menggunakan Dvd Maxell 16x diburn dengan kecepatan 8x. Media id: CMC MAG. AM3. kalau stok Maxell kosong akan digantikan oleh Ritek.

Harga Rp 6000/dvd. Media menggunakan Dvd Verbatim 16x diburn dengan kecepatan 8x. Media id: TYG03 Taiyo Yuden, kadang MCC03RG20

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (2)

Media untuk CD Game:Paket Mix

Khusus untuk CD game, bisa dikompilasikan kedalam DVD. Satu DVD bisa diisi sampai 6-7CD game kalo muat.

Bisa diisi 6 CD game. 1CD kapasitasnya 703MB.Tapi banyak CD game yang ukurannya gak sampai 703MB, karena itu kalo muat 1DVD bisa diisi 7 CD game

Game CD yang bisa dimasukan 6CD kedalam 1DVD Paket Mix, ane tandain bintang di List (ukuran lebih dari 600MB kalo dimasukin 7cd ukuran bisa lebih dari 4,38GB))Game CD yang tidak ada tanda bintang bisa dimasukan sampai 7CD kedalam 1DVD Paket Mix(ukuran kurang dri 600MB> 600MB x7CD= 4200MB gak sampe 4,38GB)

Jadi 1DVD bisa diisi 7 game kalo masing-masing game 1CD atau diisi 2 game yang masing-masing game 3CD

Untuk paket Mix, kalau agan pesan 7 CD game yang gak ada tanda bintangnya dijamin muatKalau agan pesan 6 CD game yang ada tanda bintangnya dijamin muat

Kalau agan pesan 7 CD game yang ada tanda bintangnya gak dijamin muatKalau agan pesen 7CD game yang ada bintangnya dan gak muat kedalam satu DVD, maka akan ane Reject judul yang terakhir ditulis


Kalau mau pake Box item GT-Pro (Biar aman di perjalanan dan dvd tidak baret jadi lebih awet) Tambah Rp 2000/2DVDSekarang 1 box diisi 2dvd.

Rules: Know Your Rules or You Are Confused

1. Tidak menerima COD, (Cash on Delivery a.k.a ketemuan, ditemui, dijemput, dibayar ditempat dan sejenisnya), Barang dikirim dengan jasa JNE paket YES atau REG.

Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim.Ongkos kirim bisa dilihat di dikirim 1 -3 hari setelah agan transfer (tergantung jumlah orderan) Hari Minggu dan tanggal merah ane gak ngirim tapi nerima order. Jadi kalo transfer Sabtu dikirim Senin.

2. Cuma jual game yang ada di list. Kalo pesen game diluar list ane gak punya. Jadi sebelum pesen cek dulu list game ane.

Harga Rp 8000/dvd. Media menggunakan Dvd Maxell 16x diburn dengan kecepatan 8x. Media id: CMC MAG. AM3. kalau stok Maxell kosong akan digantikan oleh Ritek

Info Lengkap: Satu DVD blank kapasitasnya 4,7 milyar byte (tepatnya 4707321856 Bytes) atau sama dengan 4,38 GigaByte (dibagi 2 pangkat 30)

Contoh: Paket Mix DVD 1> Adam's Venture(1CD), AGON(1CD), Battle Realms(1CD), BMW M3(1CD), Cars(1CD), Deadly Dozen(1CD), Everest(1CD) total 7CD Mix DVD 2> Call of Duty 1**(2CD), NFS 2 - Underground **(2CD), SWAT 4 **(2CD) total 6CD

Mix DVD 3> Diablo II (3CD), Prince of Persia - Warrior Within **(3CD) total 6CD Mix DVD 4> BMW M3(1CD), Call of Duty 1**(2CD), Diablo II (3CD) total 6CD

Kalau agan beli 7 Game yang masing-masing game 1CD, brati agan bayar 8 ribu dapetnya 7 game. Keitungnya jadi Rp 1.142 /game!!!

DVD PC DASH -TIME (MAX 20 JUDUL DALAM 1 DVD) Rp 10.000/dvd media menggunakan Maxell 16x diburn dengan kecepatan 8x

Cek disini

Info tambahan: Pembayaran bisa melalui rekening BCA, BNI, atau Mandiri.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (3)

3. Garansi dvd untuk pembelian 20 dvd kebawah sampai 1 minggu setelah barang diterima. Untuk pembelian 21-40 dvd garansi sampai 2 minggu.

Garansi tidak berlaku jika spek komputer tidak mencukupi. Game kompilasi/Mix tidak digaransi semua jalan

4. DVD Game yang rusak diganti di next order atau kalau mau cepet transfer ongkir aja

5. Kalo pesen harap tulis judul game yang lengkap, kalo mau disingkat sebaiknya lihat contoh ABB di list sheet lengkap: Contohnya Jangan sampe pesen Battlefield Bad Company 2 nulisnya pesen Battlefield 2. Karena itu game yang bedaAtau nulis Battlefield aja. Karena Battlefield itu banyak serinya bisa2 ntar ane kasih semua. 6. Pesanan gak bisa digonta-ganti, karena kalo digonta-ganti ane sering salah kasih game. Nanti buyer yg kecewa kalo kejadiannya gitu, dan ujung-ujungnya seller yang disalahin dan di marahin

8. Belanja di lapak ini ane anggap udah membaca dan menyetujui rule.9. Untuk arti rincian biaya silahkan baca dibawah ini, ane jelasin disini. Jadi kalo di sms nanya "dapet bonus berapa? itu udah sama diskon apa belum?" ane gak akan reply.

Arti Rincian biaya, misal agan beli paket Insane 13 dvd, 4dvd kompilasi dan 2dvd Dash Time lokasi di Jakarta, pake box

Itu artinya total 13 dvd game, diskon 1dvd jadi diitung 12dvd, dikali @5000/dvd ditambah 4 dvd kompilasi kali @8ribu/dvdditambah 2dvd dash time ditambah box (19 dvd boxnya 20rb) ama ongkir 12.000. Jumlah yg harus ditransfer Rp. 124.066

Rinciannya diurutin berdasarkan:

Sistem bonus udah diganti dengan diskon. Setiap 11dvd game diskon 1dvd game ( paket mix & dash time gak ada diskon)

Tentang ongkir dan servis JNECara ngecek ongkir, ketik 'Bandung' dikolom FROM, dan dikolom TO ketik kecamatan dan kota agan, ketik '1' dikolom WEIGHT kalau pesan dibawah 60 DVD(tanpa box). Kalau pakai box 1kg maksimal 22DVDlengkapnya liat disini: pengiriman: YES(Yakin Esok Sampai) : hari ini dikirim, besok sampe maksimal jam 11 malem (tidak semua kecamatan terdapat pilihan YES). Ada garansi, ongkir bisa diminta kembali. Syarat dan ketentuan berlakuREG(Regular) : 1-5 hari tergantung kota tujuan & keberuntungan. Kalo hoki 1 hari sampai (kalo ongkirnya masuk other provinsi, lama pengiriman maksimal 1 minggu soalnya pake jadwal)Berat per dvd sekitar 16gram. 1kg sekitar 66 dvd(belum termasuk packing-tanpa box). Setelah dipacking 1kg muat sekitar 60dvd. Jadi kalau beli dibawah 60 dvd kemungkinan ongkirnya dihitung satu kilogramKalau agan di Jakarta pake Reg 1 hari juga biasanya nyampe

Info Soal ongkos Kirim buat yang di Bandung:Kalau lokasi agan di Jakarta gak usah nyebutin kecamatan soalnya ongkir ke Bandung - Jakarta itu flat. ke kecamatan apapun di Jakarta ongkirnya sama. jadi ane gak akan nombok. Jadi ane kasih tau disini. Ongkir ke Jakarta REG = 8.000, YES = 12.000

a. Kalau Bandungnya dikota Ada YES, ongkir 7.000, REG ongkir 4.000b. Diskotik ( Disisi Kota Saeutik) gak ada YES adanya REG ongkir 4.000c. Perbatasan antara kotamadya dan Kabupaten Bandung Ada YES ongkir 9.000, REG ongkir 5.000d. Bandungnya di kabupaten, gak ada YES adanya REG ongkir 5.500e. Bandungnya di kabupaten dan agak jauh, gak ada YES adanya REG ongkir 17.000 (ongkir masuk other jabar)Dan ane pernah nombok 10.000 karena gak cek ongkir ke kecamatan dia sebelumnya langsung ane anggap Bandung. Cerita lengkapnya lihat FAQ's

Untuk 41 dvd keatas garansi sampai 1 bulan dan garansi berlaku untuk dvd yang corrupt, tidak terbaca, atau cacat. Prosedurnya lihat dibawah

7. SMS cuma buat Pemesanan dan konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya-tanya lewat SMS tidak akan dibalas

pake servis YES. Ane kasih rincian 13dvd>12x5k +4x8k+ 2x10k+ 20k+ ongkir12k= 124.066

DVD Game > Kompilasi CD Game > PC Dash Time > Box > Ongkir. Lebih singkat kan, kalo disingkat. Ngirit karakter sampe 78%

Kalau lokasi agan di Bandung biarpun satu kota tetep harus nyebutin kecamatan. Soalnya ongkir ke Bandung ada beberapa kemungkinan.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (4)

Prosedur Claim Garansi:* Jika game sudah beres diinstall, tapi gak bisa dimainin berarti bukan dvd game yang rusak. Tapi mungkin cara install yang blum bener, atau hardware & software tidak memenuhi. * Kalau proses installasi belum selesai, gak sampe 100% gak mau jalan lagi, coba copi ke hardisk. Install dari hardisk. * Kalau gak bisa dicopi ke hardisk coba cek apakah DVD ROM anda merek Samsung atau LG, atau usia DVD ROM anda udah lama? Kalau iya berarti kemungkinan DVD ROMnya bacanya pilih2, atau opticnya udah lemah.* Maka agan coba copi pake dvd rom laen / di komputer laen. Kalau bisa berarti emang DVD ROM agan opticnya lemah / bacanya pilih 2. * Tapi kalau pake dvd rom laen masih gak bisa dicopi kemungkinan dvd gamenya corrupt maka agan kirim screenshootnya ke email, ym or pm. Nanti akan ane ganti* Kalau saat install atau dicopy kehardisk komputer ngehang jadi gak bisa print screen, saat ngehang foto monitor agan trus kirim fotonya ke email atau YM.* Penggantian dvd rusak di orderan berikutnya atau langsung diganti hari itu juga jika agan mau mengganti ongkos kirim* Game yang rusak diganti dengan barang dan game yang sama. Misal kalau yang rusak game Crysis DISC 2. yang diganti DISC 2 aja bukan game Crysis DISC1 & 2, dan gak bisa diganti dengan game lain.Kalau agan gak bisa ngasih screenshoot atau foto hangnya, mohon maaf ane gak bisa ganti complain dvd yang rusakCara Membuat Screen shoot : saat di monitor ada tulisan error, tekan tombol Print Screen di Keyboard.. Lalu buka aplikasi photoshop atau Paint(di assesoris bawaan windows)Lalu paste disitu langsung ( kalo di paint, kalo di Photoshop buat new layer baru paste). Save hasilnya jadi image (format jpg, gif, atau png). Lalu kirim ke email atau PM Game kompilasi/Mix tidak digaransi semua jalan. Untuk paket Mix garansi Cuma buat dvd yang rusak, tidak terbaca.Kalau dari 7 CD yang gak jalan 2CD gimana gantinya, kalau diganti di next order brati untuk 7 CD mix, 5CD agan beli, yg 2CD buat ganti yang rusak brati agan sama aja beli lagi 2CD. Pusing kan gimana gantinyaDan ada beberapa game CD yang gak bisa diinstall dari image/ISO jadi harus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. (untuk Windows 7)* Kalo ada bekas burn berarti dvd gamenya bukan blank Cuma dvd rom agan aja yang ngebacanya blank. Maka coba baca pake dvd rom laen asal jangan di dvd rom samsung / LG* Kalau gak ada keliatan bekas burn, tapi kebaca blank, maka agan foto dvd nya kirim ke ane kalo terbukti masih blank nanti ane ganti

Cara Pemesanan:1. Kirim sms, PM, YM, atau email, ketik data agan dengan format: * Nama * Nomor Handphone (untuk dihubungi JNE kalau kurirnya sulit menemukan lokasi agan)* Alamat Lengkap (Sertakan kecamatan & kota, bukannya ane takut paket gak nyampe tapi ane takut nombokin ongkir, soale ongkir JNE per kecamatan bukan per kota)* id Kaskus, kalo ada* Media DVD yang dipilih (Verbatim, atau Maxell) kalau mau pakai box, tulis "pake Box"* Rekening tujuan transfer (BCA, BNI, atau Mandiri)* Servis ongkir JNE yang dipilih (YES/REG)* List game yang mau dipesen

Kalau agan pesen Cuma nulis "pesen game anu, itu, & ono, total berapa?" tanpa bilang mau pake dvd apa, servis JNE apa, mau transfer ke bank mana, ane anggap mau pake DVD Maxell, sevis REG, trf ke BCA

Kalau data belum lengkap maka ane gak akan ngasih tau nomor rekening ane.Banyak kejadian buyer belum ngasih tau nama/alamat/no. hp, cuma nyebutin kecamatan/kota biar bisa dihitung totalnya.Pas udah transfer, lalu pas konfirmasi lupa ngasih data. Saat ane mau kirim paketnya ane baru nyadar data belum lengkap. Gak ada nama atau alamat atau no. HpYang harusnya dikirim hari itu jadi dikirim 1-3hari kemudian. Ane nunggu dia ngasih data lengkap.

2. Akan ada sms balasan total dvd, ongkir, jumlah yang harus dibayar, dan nomor Rekening ane

Soale banyak yang jumlah transfernya sama tapi namanya gak muncul waktu ane cek lewat di e-Banking. Jadi bingung deh ngeceknya

3. Konfirmasi lewat sms jika sudah transfer berapa jumlah yang ditransfer, dan ke rekening yg mana. Barang akan segera diproses.Gak nyebutin nama juga gak mama, eh gak papa soalnya tiap orang angka khususnya beda jadi gak akan ketuker

4. Contoh format pemesanan:

* Jika dvd kebaca blank, agan liat permukaan dvd nya ada keliatan bekas burn gak? Kalau gak tau beda dvd blank ama yg udah di burn liat disini

Ane akan kasih angka khusus di 2 digit terakhir untuk memudahkan pengecekan. Contoh total yg harus dibayar Rp 30.000, ane minta transfernya Rp. 30. 022

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (5)

70hni Mar70no bin Su70no,

Jln. Menuju Kematian no. 70, Rt 07/Rw 07, Kelurahan Sukasuka, Kec. Sukasari, Bandung, 44666. (id: ChuFank MangPrank)Verbie, BCA, YES, pake box

Dash time 1: Avalon, Baby Blimp, Crazy Moles, Dairy DashDash time 2: Farm Frenzy, Haunted Domains, Miracles, Pizza Chef

Pisahin game CD dan DVD seperti diatas. Supaya ane gampang ngitung rinciannya. Kalo nulisnya disatuin game yang 1CD ane anggap 1DVD. Contoh pemesanan yg disatuin (yg 1CD akan ane anggap 1DVD: DIRT 2(2DVD), Legio(1CD), Just Cause2(1DVD), Rocket Knight(1CD), GTA 4(4DVD)


Tanya-tanya via sms tidak akan dibalas. Harap maklum. Untuk tanya-tanya via Email & YM ajaid Kaskus: chufank

(buat PM, atau search ketik 'chufank' dikaskus kalo trit ane ganti judul)

Mohon mangaf kalau kepanjangan, supaya semuanya jelas dan gak ada salah faham.Kalo agan beli/ pesen di CFGL, ane anggap udah baca rules dan setuju.

Contoh: Kalo agan belum baca rules dan gak tau sms Cuma buat pemesanan dan konfirmasi, tanya2 lewat sms gak akan dibales, trus agan masih nanya via sms dan ane gak bales.Trus agan bilang servis ane payah, jelek, mengecewakan, %*(%@^#0$ maka itu bukan kesalahan ane, tapi kesalahan agan. Kenapa gak baca rules dulu. Itu diluar tanggung jawab CFGL.

Tararengkyu for your atenttion...

*RiDKiD Choe-Funk*The Green KiD / The i70 KiD

O858 2222 7070

DVD Game: AVP, BFBC2, Dirt 3, Mass Effect 2, PrototypeCD Mix 1: Legio, Doom3, WWE RAW 2008, Worm ReloadedCD Mix 2: Diablo II, Prince of Persia - Warrior Within

Contoh konfirmasi: Ane udah tranfer ke BCA sejumlah 30.022

Handphone: 0857 2255 7770 (hanya untuk pemesanan dan konfirmasi transfer)

YM : choefunkgame (ChoePoe Funky)

Email : [emailprotected]

Review Game bisa dilihat di www.gamespot.comKalau cracknya gak coco*k, bisa dicari crack lain di

Untuk cek spek kompie agan support sama game, cek aja di

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (6)

Choe-Funk GamerLand

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (7)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (8)

1. Tidak menerima COD, (Cash on Delivery a.k.a ketemuan, ditemui, dijemput, dibayar ditempat dan sejenisnya), Barang dikirim dengan jasa JNE paket YES atau REG.

Barang dikirim 1 -3 hari setelah agan transfer (tergantung jumlah orderan) Hari Minggu dan tanggal merah ane gak ngirim tapi nerima order. Jadi kalo transfer Sabtu dikirim Senin.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (9)

9. Untuk arti rincian biaya silahkan baca dibawah ini, ane jelasin disini. Jadi kalo di sms nanya "dapet bonus berapa? itu udah sama diskon apa belum?" ane gak akan reply.

Cara ngecek ongkir, ketik 'Bandung' dikolom FROM, dan dikolom TO ketik kecamatan dan kota agan, ketik '1' dikolom WEIGHT kalau pesan dibawah 60 DVD(tanpa box). Kalau pakai box 1kg maksimal 22DVD

YES(Yakin Esok Sampai) : hari ini dikirim, besok sampe maksimal jam 11 malem (tidak semua kecamatan terdapat pilihan YES). Ada garansi, ongkir bisa diminta kembali. Syarat dan ketentuan berlakuREG(Regular) : 1-5 hari tergantung kota tujuan & keberuntungan. Kalo hoki 1 hari sampai (kalo ongkirnya masuk other provinsi, lama pengiriman maksimal 1 minggu soalnya pake jadwal)Berat per dvd sekitar 16gram. 1kg sekitar 66 dvd(belum termasuk packing-tanpa box). Setelah dipacking 1kg muat sekitar 60dvd. Jadi kalau beli dibawah 60 dvd kemungkinan ongkirnya dihitung satu kilogram

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (10)

* Kalau gak bisa dicopi ke hardisk coba cek apakah DVD ROM anda merek Samsung atau LG, atau usia DVD ROM anda udah lama? Kalau iya berarti kemungkinan DVD ROMnya bacanya pilih2, atau opticnya udah lemah.

* Game yang rusak diganti dengan barang dan game yang sama. Misal kalau yang rusak game Crysis DISC 2. yang diganti DISC 2 aja bukan game Crysis DISC1 & 2, dan gak bisa diganti dengan game lain.

Kalau dari 7 CD yang gak jalan 2CD gimana gantinya, kalau diganti di next order brati untuk 7 CD mix, 5CD agan beli, yg 2CD buat ganti yang rusak brati agan sama aja beli lagi 2CD. Pusing kan gimana gantinya

Kalau agan pesen Cuma nulis "pesen game anu, itu, & ono, total berapa?" tanpa bilang mau pake dvd apa, servis JNE apa, mau transfer ke bank mana, ane anggap mau pake DVD Maxell, sevis REG, trf ke BCA

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (11)

Pisahin game CD dan DVD seperti diatas. Supaya ane gampang ngitung rinciannya. Kalo nulisnya disatuin game yang 1CD ane anggap 1DVD. Contoh pemesanan yg disatuin (yg 1CD akan ane anggap 1DVD: DIRT 2(2DVD), Legio(1CD), Just Cause2(1DVD), Rocket Knight(1CD), GTA 4(4DVD)

Trus agan bilang servis ane payah, jelek, mengecewakan, %*(%@^#0$ maka itu bukan kesalahan ane, tapi kesalahan agan. Kenapa gak baca rules dulu. Itu diluar tanggung jawab CFGL.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (12)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (13)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (14)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (15)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email ajaTanggal Release New Game 2012 Jumlah Disc


Assassin's Creed Revelations - Lost Archive DLC(+ Update v1.03+AC Movie) 1DVD12 Infernal Veil I v1.62 1CD11 Legend of Grimrock 1CD10 Law and Order Legacies Episode 4 to 7 1DVD10 Scarygirl 1DVD9 Dynasty Warrior 7 (Shin-Sangoku Musou 6) 4DVD9 Men of War - Condemned Heroes 1DVD9 Shoot Many Robots 1DVD9 Top Gun Hard Lock 1DVD4 Angry Birds Space 1CD3 Dungeons Game Of The Year Edition 1DVD3 Ridge Racer Unbounded 1DVD


29 Death Road 1DVD29 Tropico 4 - Modern Times (Add on) 1DVD28 Forty BigFish Games Collectors Edition 2012 3DVD27 TrackMania Complete Collection 2DVD24 Rayman Origins 1DVD23 18 Wheels of Steel Collection 1DVD23 Total War Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai (+ Crack Fix) 7DVD22 Yesterday 1DVD21 Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning - Legend of Dead Kel DLC 1DVD19 Dirt 3 Complete Edition 2DVD19 L.A. Noire + DLC + Update v1.3.2613 + Walkthrouh 4DVD19 PESedit 2012 Patch 3.1 + 3.1.1 FIX 1DVD15 Defenders of Ardania 1DVD15 WARP 1DVD14 Hard Reset Extended Edition 2DVD9 Stacking 1DVD8 Major League Baseball 2K12 1DVD7 The Sims 3 - Showtime (Xpack) 1DVD6 Dungeons and Dragons Anthology The Master Collection 3DVD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (16)

6 Mass Effect 3 4DVD4 Deep Black: Reloaded 1DVD3 Adams Venture 3 Revelations 1DVD3 J.U.L.I.A. 1DVD2 Vessel 1DVD

X-Plane 10 14DVD


29 Painkiller - Recurring Evil 1DVD28 7554 1DVD28 Depth Hunter 1CD24 Syndicate 2DVD23 Heavy Fire Afghanistan 1DVD22 Postal 3 3DVD22 The Sims 3 - Hidden Springs DLC 1DVD16 Alan Wake 2DVD10 Crusader Kings II 1CD10 Darkness II The 2DVD9 Corrosion Cold Winter Waiting 1CD8 Elder Scrolls V Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack The DLC 1DVD8 Jagged Alliance Back in Action 1DVD7 Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition 3DVD7 Shank 2 1DVD5 Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning 2DVD3 Complete Racing Games Collection 1DVD3 Dead Island - Ryder White DLC 1DVD


29 King Arthur II The Roleplaying Wargame (SKIDROW ) 4DVD28 Renegade X Black Dawn 1DVD27 King Arthur 2 Dead Legions (Stand Alone) 2DVD26 SOL Exodus 1DVD25 Oil Rush 1DVD25 The Sims 3 - Master Suite Stuff (Xpack) 1DVD22 1DVD21 Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection 1CD19 Unstoppable Gorg 1DVD

Cities in Motion Collection

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (17)

16 Achtung Panzer: Operation Star Volokonovka 1942 (Xpack) 1DVD13 Man Of Prey 1DVD11 Angry Birds v2.0.2 1CD11 Choplifter HD 1DVD4 Achtung Panzer: Operation Star Sokolovo 1943 (Xpack) 1DVD


Release New Game 2011 Jumlah Disc


31 Dead Island Bloodbath Arena DLC 1DVD

21 Wings of Prey Collectors Edition 3DVD

20 World Gone Sour 1DVD

19 Steel Armor: Blaze of War 1DVD

17 Dead Block 1CD

17 X3 Albion Prelude 2DVD

14 Bust-n-Rush 1CD

14 Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon 1DVD

14 FlatOut 3 Chaos And Destruction 3DVD

14 Home Sheep Home 1CD

12 Scooby-Doo First Frights 1DVD

10 Ski Region Simulator 2012 1CD

9 Pirates of Black Cove: Origins DLC 1DVD

8 Costume Quest 1CD

8 Hoyle Casino Games 2012 1DVD

7 Trine 2 1DVD

7 Winter Sports 2012 1DVD

5 SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection Gold Edition 1CD

4 AR-K Episode 1 1DVD

1 Batman: Arkham City (FightClub Version + DLC + Official Strategy Guide) 5DVD


29 Hoyle Puzzle and Board Games 2012 1DVD

28 LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 2DVD

27 Anno 2070 (+ Update 1.01-Reloaded) 2DVD

26 A Stroke of Fate Operation Valkyrie 1DVD

25 Afterfall InSanity 1DVD

24 Assassin's Creed Revelations 2DVD

22 SkyDrift 1CD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (18)

22 Venus Hostage 1CD

21 Race Injection 2DVD

17 Combat Mission Battle for Normandy 1DVD

17 Real Warfare 2 Northern Crusades 1DVD

17 Rochard 1DVD

17 Saints Row The Third 2DVD

17 Sideway - New York 1CD

17 TINcan Race 1CD

16 Jurassic Park The Game 1DVD

15 Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons & Donuts 1DVD

14 Need For Speed - The Run (Reloaded) 4DVD

13 Game Stock Car 1DVD

12 Elder Scrolls V Skyrim The 2DVD

11 Lord of the Rings War in the North (Reloaded) 1DVD

10 Combat Mission Afghanistan 1CD

9 Call of Duty 8: Modern Warfare 3 4DVD

8 L.A. Noire (Skidrow) 4DVD

8 WWE RAW Ultimate impact 2012 1DVD

5 Ignite 1CD

4 Sonic Generations 2DVD

2 Explodemon! ** 1CD

2 Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters 1DVD

2 Take On Helicopters 4DVD

1 Achtung Panzer: Operation Star 1DVD

1 Angry Birds Seasons 1CD

1 Football Manager 2012 1DVD

1 inMomentum 1CD


30 Book of Unwritten Tales The 1DVD

30 Rugby Challenge 1DVD

29 Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 1DVD

28 IHF Handball Challenge 12 1DVD

28 NCIS The Game 1DVD

27 Renegade Ops 1DVD

26 Disney Universe 2DVD

25 Battlefield 3 4DVD

25 Stronghold 3 1DVD

24 Zombie Driver Summer of Slaughter 1DVD

23 ArcaniA - Fall of Setarrif 1DVD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (19)

21 Payday The Heist 1DVD

20 Cities XL 2012 2DVD

20 Haunted Hells Rich The 1DVD

20 Nancy Drew Alibi in Ashes 1DVD

20 The Sims 3 Pets (Xpac) 1DVD

20 Worms Crazy Golf 1DVD

19 Dungeon Defenders 1DVD

19 Great Little Wargame 1CD

19 Smash Cars 1CD

18 Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn The 3DVD

18 Deus Ex Human Revolution - The Missing Link (Stand Alone) 1DVD

18 FIFA Manager 12 2DVD

15 Alimardans Mischiefs 1DVD

15 Red Faction Armageddon (Skidrow) 3DVD

15 Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC 1DVD

14 PES 2012 (Reloaded version + English) 2DVD

14 Insane 2 1DVD

13 Airline Tycoon 2 1DVD

13 MDK2 HD 1CD

12 Dragon Age 2 - Mark of the Assassin DLC 1DVD

12 Might and Magic Heroes VI 2DVD

11 Arma 2 Anniversary Edition 2DVD

11 FIM Speedway Grand Prix 4 1DVD

10 Dead Rising 2: Off The Record 2DVD

10 Disciples III: Resurrection 2DVD

10 A Game of Thrones Genesis 1DVD

9 Orcs Must Die 1DVD

8 WRC FIA World Rally Championship 2011 1DVD

8 Global Ops Commando Libya 2DVD

5 NBA 2K12 2DVD

5 Rage (+ Update 1 Skidrow) 6DVD

1 Off-Road Drive 1DVD


29 Military Life Tank Simulator 1CD

29 Worms Ultimate Mayhem 1DVD

27 FIFA Soccer 2012 (FIFA12) 2DVD

26 Heavy Freight Simulator 1CD

26 Hector - Badge of Carnage - Episode 3 Beyond Reasonable Doom 1DVD

26 Railworks 3 Train Simulator 2012 Deluxe 1DVD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (20)

24 Cursed Crusade The 2DVD

24 Driver San Francisco 2DVD

23 ARMA Cold War Assault 1CD

22 Hunter 2012 The 1DVD

22 Might and Magic Clash of Heroes 1DVD

21 Bunch of Heroes 1CD

21 Two Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress (Add On) 1DVD

20 F1 2011 2DVD

17 Hoyle Card Games 2012 1DVD

17 Xotic 1DVD

16 King Arthur Fallen Champions 1DVD

16 Monkey Island Special Edition Collection 1DVD

16 Rock of Ages 1CD

15 Chronostorm: Siberian Strike 2011 1DVD

15 Silas 1DVD

14 Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad 2DVD

14 Sengoku 1CD

12 Dungeons The Dark Lord 1DVD

11 Atomic City Adventures The Case of the Black Dragon 1DVD

10 Men of War: Vietnam 1DVD

9 Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine 2DVD

7 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters 1DVD

6 Dead Island 2DVD

3 Wasteland Angel 1DVD

2 Call of Juarez - The Cartel 2DVD

1 Baconing The 1DVD

1 Gatling Gears 1DVD

1 Night Club Imperium 1CD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (21)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email ajaBest Seller (Berdasarkan genre) Disc

Shooter ( FPS + TPS)Aliens vs Predator 4DVD

ARMA II Reinforcements 2DVDBattlefield 3 4DVDBulletstorm 2DVD

Call of Duty 8: Modern Warfare 3 4DVDCall of Juarez - The Cartel 2DVD

Darkness II The 2DVDCrysis 2 2DVD

Dead Space 2 3DVDDuke Nukem Forever 1DVD

Far Cry 2 1DVDF.E.A.R. 2 - Project Origin 3DVD

James Bond 007 - Blood Stone 2DVDL.A. Noire + DLC + Update v1.3.2613 + Walkthrouh 4DVD

Left for dead 2 1DVDLost Planet 2 3DVD

Medal of Honor Limited Edition 2DVDPortal 2 2DVD

Rage (+ Update 1 Skidrow) 6DVDRed Faction Armageddon (Skidrow) 3DVD

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad 2DVDSyndicate 2DVD

Tom Clancy's - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 1DVDTom Clancy's - Rainbow Six - Vegas 2 2DVDWarhammer 40,000 - Space Marine 2DVD

Action / AdventureAlan Wake 2DVD

Assassin's Creed Revelations 2DVDBatman: Arkham City 5DVD

Bully : Scholarship Edition 1DVDDead Island 2DVD

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record 2DVD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (22)

Devil May Cry 4 2DVDDeus Ex Human Revolution 2DVD

First Templar The 1DVDGatling Gears 1DVD

Grand Theft Auto IV - Episodes From Liberty City 2DVDHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 2DVD

Hunted The Demons Forge 3DVDJames Cameron's Avatar - The Game 1DVD

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 2DVDLEGO Pirates of Carribean 2DVD

Mafia II 2DVDOperation Flashpoint Red River 1DVD

Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands 2DVDPrototype 2DVD

Resident evil 5 2DVDSaints Row The Third 2DVD

Shank 2 1DVDSpiderman Shattered Dimensions 2DVD

Star Wars - The Force Unleashed II 2DVDSuper Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition 2DVD

2DVDToy Story 3 1DVD

Transformers - War for Cybertron 2DVDTRON: Evolution 2DVD

Wolverine : X-Men Origin 2DVDWWE RAW Ultimate impact 2012 1DVD

RacingBlur 2DVD

Burnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box 1DVDCrash Time 4 1DVD

Dirt 3 Complete Edition 2DVDF1 2011 2DVD

GRID - Race Driver 2DVDJuiced 2: Hot Import Nights 1DVD

MotoGP 08 1DVDMX vs ATV Reflex 2DVD

Need For Speed - The Run (Reloaded) 4DVDNeed for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed 2DVD

Tom Clancy's - Splinter Cell : Conviction

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (23)

SBK Superbike World Championship 2011 (SBK 2011) 1DVDSonic And Sega All Star Racing 1DVD

Split/Second Velocity 2DVDSTCC The Game 2 1DVD

Test Drive Unlimited 2 2DVDWRC: FIA World Rally Championship 2011 1DVD

SportBass Pro Shops The Strike – Addiction Yomata 1DVD

FIFA Manager 12 2DVDFIFA Soccer 2012 (FIFA 12) 2DVD

Football Manager 2012 (FM 2012) 1DVDMajor League Baseball 2K12 1DVD

NBA 2K12 2DVDPES 2012 (Reloaded version + English) 2DVD

Role Playing GameAlpha Protocol 3DVD

Borderlands 2DVDDragon Age II 2DVD

Dungeon Siege III 1DVDElder Scrolls V Skyrim The 2DVD

Fable 3 2DVDFallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition 3DVD

Gothic 4 - Arcania 2DVDKingdoms of Amalur Reckoning 2DVD

Mass Effect 3 4DVDOverlord 2 2DVD

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings 3DVD

StrategyAge of Empires III 1DVD

Anno 2070 2DVDCommand & Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight 1DVD

Company of Heroes - Tales of Valor 2DVDEmpire - Total War 3DVD

Empire Earth 3 2DVD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (24)

King Arthur II The Roleplaying Wargame (SKIDROW ) 4DVDNapoleon Total War 3DVD

Sid Meiers Civilization V 1DVDStar Wars - The Force Unleashed II 2DVD

Starcraft II - Wings of Liberty 2DVDTotal War Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai (+ Crack Fix) 7DVD

Warcraft 3 + Expack 1DVDWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising 2DVDWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War 2 Retribution 2DVD

Worms Reloaded 1CD

SimulationBridge The Construction Game ** 1CD

Cities XL 2012 2DVDCity Bus Simulator 2010 1DVDGerman Truck Simulator 1CD

Microsoft Flight Simulator X + All Xpack 10DVDRig 'n' Roll 1DVD

Silent Hunter 5 - Battle of the Atlantic 1DVDThe Sims 2 + All Xpack ~The Sims 3 + All Xpack ~

The Sims Medieval 2DVDTrainz Simulator 12 2DVD

Wings of Prey 3DVD

TycoonBand Manager 1CD

Hospital Tycoon 1DVDPlayboy - The Mansion 1DVDRollerCoaster Tycoon 3 1CD

SimCity Societies 1DVDThe Movies 1DVD

Tropico 1DVDTropico 4 - Modern Times (Add on) 1DVD

Zoo Tycoon 2 1CD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (25)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email ajaNew Game PC DASH - TIME - MANAGEMENT

Casino ChaosSummer RushVirtual Farm 2Jessica's Bow Wow BistroHotel Dash 2 - Lost LuxuriesFarm 2Youda Farmer 3 - SeasonsSupermarket Management 2Stand O'Food 3Fruits IncFashion ForwardHobby FarmDragon KeeperJet Set GoJoy of Farming TheBistro BoulevardYouda Survivor 2Garden DashIce Cream Craze - Natural HeroMy Farm LifeCake Shop 3Shop-N-Spree - Family FortuneFix-it-Up 80s - Meet Kate's ParentsBusy Bea's Halftime HustleDelicious - Emily's Childhood Memories Premium EditionFarm Mania - Hot VacationMagic SweetsShop it Up!Project Rescue AfricaGarage Inc

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (26)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (27)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email ajaKeterangan :AA : Action Adventure AAH : Action Adventure Horror ABB : Abbreviation / Singkatan. Buat yg judulnya panjang kalo mau disingkat liat ABBFPS : First Person ShooterMis : MiscellaneousRPG : Role Playing GameSIM : SimulationTPS : Third Person ShooterXPACK : Ekspansion Pack (Seperti DLC & add on, memerlukan game starterpacknya)**: game CD yang maksimal dimasukan 6CD kedalam DVD paket Mix(ukuran diatas 600MB)Game CD yg gak ada tanda bintang bisa dimasukan 7 CD ke 1DVD paket Mix##: MSR yang diambil dari googling, bukan dari DVD

ABB Judul Game Disc Genre15 Days 1DVD Adventure18 Wheels of Steel Collection 1DVD DRIVING18 Wheels of Steel - Extreme Trucker 1CD DRIVING18 Wheels of Steel - Extreme Trucker 2 ** 1CD DRIVING18 Wheels of Steel - Haulin' 1CD DRIVING2XL Supercross 1CD RACING3D Hunting 2010 1CD Hunting4x4 EVO 2 1CD RACING4x4 Hummer 1DVD RACING7 Sins 1CD Virtual Life7.62 High Calibre 1DVD Strategy7554 1DVD FPS911 - First Responders 1DVD ACTION911 Paramedic 2CD AA9th Company - Roots of Terror 1DVD strategy

AA.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda 1CD ACTIONA Farewell To Dragons 1DVD RPGA Game of Thrones Genesis 1DVD StrategyA New Beginning 1DVD AdventureA Stroke of Fate Operation Valkyrie 1DVD Adventure

www.PCgameMurahSumirah.tkkaskus tRiD>> Kaskus: chufank >>> & Email : [emailprotected]

Untuk mencari game tekan Ctrl + F, ketik 3 atau 4 huruf aja, lalu klik 'Find Next'Kalo judul game kepanjangan mau disingkat sebaiknya lihat contoh di ABB. Jangan sampe pesen Battlefield Bad Company 2 disingkat nulisnya Battlefield 2 karena itu game yg beda. Atau pesen Sniper Ghost Warrior nulisnya Sniper. Karena Sniper itu ada 3 judul, ntar ane anggap beli semuanya kalo nulisnya gak lengkap cuma nulis Sniper Untuk Melihat Minimum System Requirements (MSR) arahkan pointer mouse ke Judul Game. MSR diambil dari dvd game atau tepmat installan game. Yg gak ada disana ane gogling. Yang dapet dari gogling ada tanda dua pagar ( ##) di awal tulisan MSR


RiDKiD: ## (dapet dari googling, ada tanda 2 pagar) * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz / Athlon XP 2000+ * RAM: 1 GB * HDD: 4 GB free disk space Choe-Funk * Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: Choe-Funk DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Isi: 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America 18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul 18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy 18 Wheels of Steel: Exreme Trucker 18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin 18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal ## Windows 95/98/2000/Windows NT 4.0/Windows ME/Windows XP Pentium 4 1.4 GHz or 100% compatible 256 MB RAM Free hard drive space 1.4 GB DirectX 9.0c or later (included) DirectX compatible sound card 64 MB AGP DirectX 9 and T&L compatible video accelerator card Keyboard, Mouse, and Speakers


RiDKiD: 18 WOS Xtreme


RiDKiD: ## * Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 * 2.2 GHz CPU * 1 GB RAM (2+ recommended on Vista) * 1 GB HD Space Choe-Funk * 256 MB graphics accelerator (GeForce FX or better class, ATI 9600 class)


RiDKiD: 18 WOS Xtreme 2


RiDKiD: ## Operating System:Windows 7 / Vista / XP / Me / 98 CPU: Pentium 3 800 MHz Processor Memory: 256 MB RAM Free hard drive space: 800 MB Graphics Card: 3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading 32MB Directx 8.1 16-bits Sound Card DirectX 8.1


RiDKiD: 18 WOS Haulin


RiDKiD: MSR dari CD/DVD Game (Gak ada tanda dua pagar) Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Pentium 4 1.4 Ghz or 100% compatible 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk 540 MB HD Space 64 MB DirectX/Direct3D and T&L compatible video accelerator card DirectX 9.0c or later DirectX compatible sound card Mouse CR-Rom drive


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP C.P.U : Intel Atom / Celeron D Processor Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 compatible (Intel 945) Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 600 MB of free Hard Drive Space Sound : - Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS : Windows7, Vista, XP. Processor: 2GHz or higher Memory: 2GB Graphics: nVidia 6600 or equivalent (DirectX 9 Support) Hard Drive: 150 MB Sound: Windows compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 450 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Hard Drive: 1.2 Gb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.0


RiDKiD: Windows XP/ Vista; CPU: Pentium IV, 2,4 GHz; 512 MB RAM; Graphics: 256 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0-compatible; 6 GB of HDD space available; Choe-Funk Sound: DirectX 9.0-compatible; DirectX 9.0c; DVD/CD drive;


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 1 GHz Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 900 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible DirectX: 9.0 Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: OS: Windows 2000/XP, DirectX 9.0 CPU: 2 GHz 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Graphic Card: nVIDIA GeForce 5200 or ATI Radeon 9600 DirectX-compatible sound card DVD Drive Mouse 3 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: 3.0 GHz RAM: 2 GB Graphics card: 256 MB, Nvidia 8600GT DirectX: 9.0c Sound card: DirectX compatible Hard Disk free space: 8 GB


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent Memory: 12 MB RAM or more Hard Disk Space: 1 GB free CD-ROM Drive: 4X speed or faster Video: DirectX 9-compatible AGP Graphic card. NVIDIA GeForce3 or equivalent chip set with 64 MB RAM. DirectX9-compatible soundcard (DirectX 9.0c is included on the CD) Sound: DirectX version 9.0c-compatible sound card Choe-Funk DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher Multiplayer: ISDN for Multiplayer Mode DSL for server operation in Multiplayer Mode Input: Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 95/98/ME/2000 Processor: 266 MHz Memory: 32 Mb Choe-Funk Video Memory: 2 Mb Video Card: High Color Sound Card: DirectX Compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2400 MHz and higher RAM: 1024 Mb (2048 Mb for Windows Vista) VGA: 3D accelerator with 128Mb video memory (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon 9800 Rro and higher) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0 or higher OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista Sound: DirectX-compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ *Memory Ram: 1 Gb *Hard Disk Space: 300 Mb *Video: 256 Mb @ nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon HD 2400 *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9 *Keyboard / Mouse


RiDKiD: OS: Windows 2000/XP CPU: 1.5 GHz 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Graphics: nVidia GeForce FX 5700 or ATI Radeon 9600 with 128 MB RAM Sound DirectX-compatible 2 GB available in the hard drive DirectX 9.0c




RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 * Processor: Pentium IV 2 GHz * Memory: 1 GB * Video: 256 MB * Free space on hard disk: 3,5 GB


RiDKiD: CPU: 1000 MHz PIII 512 MB RAM DirectX9.0c, compatible video card with 128 MB memory DVD-ROM Drive At least 1.5GB of free hard drive space Mouse OS Windows 2k, XP, Vista DirectX9.0c

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (28)

A Vampyre Story 1DVD AdventureAcademagia - The Making of Mages 1CD RPGAces of the Galaxy 1CD ACTIONAchtung Panzer : Kharkov 1943 1DVD StrategyAchtung Panzer: Operation Star 1DVD StrategyAchtung Panzer: Operation Star Sokolovo 1943 (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyAchtung Panzer: Operation Star Volokonovka 1942 (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyAct of War - Direct Action 2DVD StrategyAct of War - High Treason - (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyAdam's Venture - The Search for the Lost Garden 1CD ACTIONAdams Venture 2 Solomons Secret 1DVD ACTIONAdams Venture 3 Revelations 1DVD ACTIONAdrenalin 1DVD RACINGAdvent Rising 1DVD StrategyAdventures of Aladdin and the Magic Skull The 1CD MysteryAdventures Of Robinson Crusoe 1CD AdventureAdventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn The 3DVD AAAfterfall InSanity 1DVD AAHAge of Empires Gold Edition 1CD StrategyAge of Empires II Age of King ** 1CD StrategyAge of Empires II Gold Edition 1CD StrategyAge of Empires II The Conqueror (Xpack) ** 1CD StrategyAge of Empires III 1DVD StrategyAge of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties (Xpack) ** 1CD StrategyAge of Empires III - Warchief (Xpack) ** 1CD StrategyAge Of Mythology 2CD StrategyAge of Mythology - The Titans (Xpack) 1CD StrategyAge of Pirates - Caribbean Tales 5CD RPGAge of Pirates 2 - City of Abandoned Ships 1DVD RPGAge of Wonders II - The Wizard's Throne 1CD StrategyAGEOD's American Civil War - 1861-1865 - The Blue and the Gray 1CD StrategyAGON - From Lapland to Madagascar 1CD AAAI War - Fleet Command 1CD StrategyAION Tower Eternity 3DVD RPGAir Aces Pacific 1CD SIMAir Conflicts Secret Wars 1DVD SIMAirline Tycoon 2 1DVD TycoonAirline Tycoon Evolution 1CD TycoonAirport Control Simulator 1CD SIMAlan Wake 2DVD AAAlcatraz 1DVD FPSAlcatraz - Prison Escape 1CD AdventureAlchemia 1CD AdventureAlexander the Great 1DVD StrategyAlgodoo 1CD SIMAlice in Wonderland 2DVD ACTION


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.6 GHz RAM: 512 MB Choe-Funk VGA: 256 MB video card GeForce FX-generation or ATI Radeon 9500 DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista HDD: 3 GB hard disk space Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Windows XP/Vista/7 DirectX 9 1 GHz 256 MB RAM


RiDKiD: * Windows(R) XP or Windows Vista(TM) * Pentium(R) 4 2.0 GHz or AMD(R) equivalent * 512 MB of RAM for Windows(R) XP or 1 GB of RAM for Windows Vista(TM) * DirectX(R) 9.0c-compatible video card with 128 MB RAM * DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones * Microsoft(R)-compatible mouse and keyboard * 120 MB free uncompressed hard drive space * Broadband Internet Connection * DirectX 9.0c or later


RiDKiD: CPU: AMD Athlon x2 4200+ Intel Pentium D 3GHz RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: ATI Radeon x1600 256 Mb nVidia GeForce 7600 256 MB video card DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista Choe-Funk HDD: 2.6 GB hard disk space Sound: DirectX 8 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: a) Videocard: GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon 4850 or better b) CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz or AMD Athlon X2 6000+ or better c) RAM: 1,5Gb d) HDD space: 6Gb e) Soundcard: DirectX 8 compatible f) Input: Keyboard and mouse g) OS: Windows XP SP2 (x86) or Windows Vista SP1 (x86) Warning! For game start needed: 1) Videocard with Pixel Shader 3.0 support and 256Mb RAM onboard. 2) CPU with SSE instruction set support and cpu-clock 1.8GHz. 3) RAM 768Mb or 1Gb if Vista used.


RiDKiD: ## - Achtung Panzer: Operation Star - Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP ™ / Windows ® Vista ™ / Windows ® 7even ™ - Processor: Intel Pentium D 3.0 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 + - Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7) - Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 7800 / ATI ® Radeon ™ X1900 Pro or better) - Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c - Free hard drive space: 4 GB - Additional software: DirectX 9.0c - Controls: A keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: * Windows 2000/XP * Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 1500+ or higher (Pentium® 4 2.5 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 2500+ recommended) * 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended) * DirectX 8.1 compatible 64 MB video card (128 MB video card recommended) with full hardware support for vertex and pixel shaders (i.e. not GeForce 4 MX) * 2x DVD-ROM drive (6x recommended) * DirectX 9.0c * sound card, mouse, keyboard * 6 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: - Windows® 2000/XP - Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 1500+ or higher (Pentium® 4 2.5 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 2500+ recommended) - 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended) - DirectX 9.0c compatible ATi Radeon 8500 or nVidia GeForce FX 5700 video card or greater* - 2x DVD-ROM drive (6x recommended; not required for online distributed versions) Choe-Funk - DirectX® 9.0c - sound card, mouse, keyboard - 7 GB free hard drive space * Video cards that do not support shaders, such as GeForce 4 MX or Intel Extreme Graphics Family, ar enot supported.


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista™ * CPU: Intel® Pentium® 2.0 GHz or equivalent AMD® * RAM: 512 MB RAM (1 GB Recommended for Windows® Vista™) * Video: Nvidia 6200+ or ATI R520+ * * Hard Disk Space:600 MB * Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card * Other: Mouse, Keyboard, Sound Speakers


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Pentium D 2.66GHz AMD Processor - Athlon LE-1600 Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 7800 GTX ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X1800 Series 256MB RAM (Memory) - 1 GB Hard Disk Space - 500 MB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista™ * CPU: Intel® Pentium® 2.0 GHz or equivalent AMD® * RAM: 512 MB RAM (1 GB Recommended for Windows® Vista™) * Video: Nvidia 6200+ or ATI R520+ * * Hard Disk Space:600 MB * Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card * Other: Mouse, Keyboard, Sound Speakers


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 5.5 Gb free Choe-Funk Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: ATI Radeon 9000 / nVidia GeForce 4MX Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1


RiDKiD: ## Processor : 2 Ghz Operating System Windows : 2000 / Windows XP Memory : 512 MB Choe-Funk DVD-ROM Drive : X6 Hard/ Disk Space : 4 GB Video : 128 MB hardware T&L* Audio : DirectX Compatible Direct X 9.0c (included on DVD)


RiDKiD: ## System Requirements: Gamesize: 591.3 Mb OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 256 Mb DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 649 Mb


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP/VISTA, 1 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, 100 MB of Hard Disk Space, DirectX 9


RiDKiD: SUPPORTED OS: Windows XP (32/64 bits), Windows Vista (32/64 bits), Windows 7 (32/64 bits) Processor: Intel Core Duo 2GHz RAM: 1 GB Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 9.0 compliant video card (see supported list) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 –compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller * This product does not support Windows 98/ME/2000/NT


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP 2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 x2 2Ghz or better Video Card: 256 MB, DirectX 9.0c i Shader 3.0 (GeForce 8600GT / ATI equivalent or better) Memory: 2GB for Windows XP and 3GB for Windows Vista or Windows 7


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 90 or higher processor RAM: 16 MB RAM VGA: Local SVGA bus video display (with 1 MB VRAM) OS: Microsoft Windows 95 operating system or Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 3 Choe-Funk HDD: 80 MB of available hard disk space 50 MB free disk space for swap file Sound: Sound board plus speakers or headphones to hear audio ODD: Quad speed CD-ROM drive - for cinematics Double speed CD-ROM drive - for gameplay


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Multimedia PC with Pentium 166MHz or higher processor RAM: 32 MB of RAM VGA: Super VGA with 2 MB of video memory OS: Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/Me/XP/NT 4.0 with service pack 5 HDD: 200 MB of hard disk space; additional 100 MB of hard disk space for swap file Sound: Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio Resolution: Super VGA monitor supporting 800x600 resolution ODD: 4x speed or faster CD-ROM drive Network: 56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play Recommended peripheral: Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device


RiDKiD: AOE 2 Gold


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Multimedia PC with Pentium 166MHz or higher processor RAM: 32 MB of RAM VGA: Super VGA with 2 MB of video memory OS: Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/Me/XP/NT 4.0 with service pack 5 HDD: 200 MB of hard disk space; additional 100 MB of hard disk space for swap file Choe-Funk Sound: Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio Resolution: Super VGA monitor supporting 800x600 resolution ODD: 4x speed or faster CD-ROM drive Network: 56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play Recommended peripheral: Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device


RiDKiD: AOE 2 Conqueror


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Multimedia PC with Pentium 166MHz or higher processor RAM: 32 MB of Ram for Windows 95, 98, ME, 64 MB for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 VGA: Super VGA with 2 MB of video memory OS: Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/Me/XP/NT 4.0 with service pack 5 Choe-Funk HDD: 80 MB of available hard disk space (in addition to the original Age of Empires II required disk); additional 100 MB of hard disk space for swap file Sound: Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio Resolution: Super VGA monitor supporting 800x600 resolution ODD: 4x speed or faster CD-ROM drive




RiDKiD: ## CPU: A computer that has a 1.4 gigahertz (GHz) processor RAM: 256 megabytes (MB) of system RAM VGA: A 64 MB video card that supports Hardware Transform and Lighting DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP Choe-Funk HDD: A hard disk that has at least 2 gigabytes (GB) of available space Sound: An audio card and speakers or headphones


RiDKiD: AOE3 Asian Dynasties


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor RAM: 256 MB of system RAM VGA: 64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required DX: DirectX 9.0 or later Choe-Funk OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP or higher HDD: 2 GB available hard disk space Sound: Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio ODD: 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: AOE3 Warchief


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor RAM: 256 MB of system RAM VGA: 64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required DX: DirectX 9.0 or later OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP or higher HDD: 2 GB available hard disk space Sound: Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio ODD: 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: PC with 450 MHz equivalent or higher processor RAM: 128 MB of system RAM VGA: 16 MB video card required Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 8.1 OS: Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/XP/2000 HDD: 1.5 GB available hard disk space Sound: Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio ODD: 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: AOM The Titan


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/2000/XP 450MHz Processor 128MB RAM 450MB Hard Disk Space 16MB 3D Accelerated Video Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: GeForce 3 (not MX-series) class videocard with 128 MB RAM* DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP HDD: 4 GB uncompressed hard disk space Sound: DirectX-compatible soundcard ODD: DVD-ROM Drive: 6X speed or faster Note: *Video cards that do not have hardware shader support, such as GeForce 4 MX and Intel Integrated Graphics, are not supported.


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP / Vista 1.5GHz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent (3.0GHz or equivalent recommended) 256MB RAM for XP / 1GB for Vista (1GB recommended GB for XP / 2GB for Vista) Choe-Funk 8.5GB HDD Space nVidia GeForce 4 or equivalent DirectX 9 compatible Graphics Card (nVidia GeForce 6600 or equivalent recommended) DirectSound compatible Sound Card DirectX 9.0c DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: OS: Windows(R) 98/ME/2000/XP CPU: 300MHz RAM: 64 MB (128 Recommended) Free Hard Disk Space: 250 MB Video: DirectX8 Compatible 4MB 3D Video Card Sound: DirectX8 Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP/Vista MINIMUM Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP 1600+ 1600MHz Processor 512MB RAM 1GB Hard Disk Space DirectX 9.0c 64MB Nvidia GeForce 4/ATI Radeon 8500 Video Card


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 800 Mhz * RAM: 128 MB Choe-Funk * DirectX: 9.0 * Hard Drive: 621 MB


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 * Processor: 1.6Ghz CPU (2.4 Ghz recommended, Dual Core strongly recommended for Host) * Memory: 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended) * Hard disk space: 300MB * Video: Graphics card must support 1024x1024 textures (most 32MB and up graphics cards do), 1024x768 or greater desktop screen resolution (32 bit color recommended) * Sound: No special requirements. * DirectX®: 9.1c * Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and SlimDX are both required (and are installed during setup)


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.8GHz CPU or equivalent RAM: 1GB RAM RAM: 2GB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: NVIDIA® 5900 Ultra with 128MB RAM / ATI Radeon™ x700 with 128MB RAM or higher DX: DirectX® 9.0c (6/2008 update) OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 HDD: 15 GB hard disk space


RiDKiD: System Requirements: Pentium 4 @ 3.0GHz or Athlon 64 3000+ GeForce 6800 ChoeFunk / Radeon X1300 or above Memory 1GB RAM 2GB HDD Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, Windows 7


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 * Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.66GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 255 * Memory Ram: 3 GB * Hard Disk Space: 9 GB * Video: nVidia GeForce GTS 150 / ATI Radeon HD 5670 512MB * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: 3 GHz Intel Pentium D, AMD Athlon 64 3000+ * RAM: 1 GB * Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Pentium II 300MHz Processor 600MB Hard Disk Space 64MB RAM 16MB 3D Accelerated Video Card DirectX 8.0


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7 * CPU: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2600+ * RAM: 512 MB RAM * Hard Disk Space: 200 MB * Video Card: 256 MB RAM Open GL 1.5 compatible graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce 5 series or higher, ATI Radeon 9700 series or higher) * Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP2 Windows 7 Processor: Dual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible with 512MB RAM DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 8 GB HD space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5400+ GeForce 8600 GTS 512MB Radeon HD 5550 512MB DX9


RiDKiD: - Windows XP/Vista - DirectX 9.0c - CPU 2.4 GHz - 768 MB RAM (Windows XP), 1024 MB RAM (Windows Vista) - GeForce3 or Radeon 8500 Video card - Sound card - 2.5 GB of free hard drive space for installation


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 266 Mhz, Windows 95/98/ME, 32 MB RAM, 4MB Video RAM, DirectX 8, 8X CD-ROM, 400MB Hard-Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 1,5 GHz RAM 512 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 550 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## * Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, Linux or Mac OS X 10.4 * 1 GHz CPU * 256 MB of RAM * Video card with 96MB of memory * 40 MB of free hard disk space


RiDKiD: Windows® - Microsoft® Windows® Vista® SP2/ XP® SP3 - 2.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD Athlon™ or equivalent processor - 1 GB RAM (Windows Vista®) / 512 MB RAM (Windows XP®) - 7 GB uncompressed hard drive space Choe-Funk - 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® FX or better, ATI Radeon™ 9500 or better) - Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported - 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card - 8x DVD-ROM drive - DirectX® 9.0c (included)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (29)

Alice Madness Returns 2DVD AAHAlien Arena 2011 1CD FPSAlien Breed Impact 1DVD TPSAlien Breed 2: Assault 1DVD TPSAlien Breed 3: Descent 1DVD TPSAlien Hallway 1CD StrategyAlien Shooter 2 - Conscription ** 1CD ACTIONAlien Stars 1CD ACTIONAliens Versus Predator 4DVD FPSAliens Versus Predator 2 1DVD FPSAlimardans Mischiefs 1DVD AdventureAll Star Strip Poker - Girls At Work 1DVD MisAlone in The Dark 5 2DVD AAHAlpha Polaris 1CD ACTIONAlpha Protocol 3DVD RPGAlter Ego 1DVD AAHAlternativa 1DVD AdventureAmbulance Driver 1CD SimAmerican Conquest ** 1CD StrategyAmerican McGee's Alice 2CD AAHAmerican McGee Presents Bad Day LA 1DVD AAAmnesia - The Dark Descent 1DVD AAHAncient Mysteries 1CD MysteryAncients of Ooga 1CD ACTIONAngry Birds Rio 1CD ACTIONAngry Birds Seasons 1CD ACTIONAngry Birds Space 1CD ACTIONAngry Birds v2.0.2 1CD ACTIONAnkh - Heart of Osiris 1CD AdventureAnkh 3 - Battle Of The Gods 1DVD AdventureAnno 1404 1DVD StrategyAnno 1404 Venice (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyAnno 1701 1DVD StrategyAnno 1701 - The Sunken Dragon (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyAnno 2070 (+ Update 1.01-Reloaded) 2DVD StrategyAnomaly - Warzone Earth 1CD ACTIONAntikiller 1CD TPSApache Longbow Assault 1CD SIMArcaniA - Fall of Setarrif 1DVD RPGArcanum - Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura ** 2CD RPGArevan The Bitter Truth 1CD RPGAR-K Episode 1 1DVD AdventureARMA Armed Assault 1DVD FPSARMA II 2DVD FPSARMA II - Anniversary Edition 2DVD FPSARMA II - Operation Arrowhead 2DVD FPS


RiDKiD: ## Operating System Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista ® SP2 / XP ® SP3 Processor 2.0 GHz Intel ® Pentium ® 4 class or AMD Athlon ™ or equivalent processor Memory 1 GB RAM (Windows Vista ®) / 512 MB RAM (Windows XP ®) The remaining 7 GB or more hard disk space Graphics 128 MB DirectX ® 9.0c-compatible, 3D graphics, support Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIA ® GeForce ® FX or more, ATI Radeon ™ 9500 or more) Sound card 16-bit DirectX ® 9.0c-compatible sound card CD-ROM 8x DVD-ROM drive DirectX ® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP / Vista * Processor: Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1,5 GHz * Memory: 512 MB * Video: 64 MB * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor RAM: 1GB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: NVIDIA 6800+ or ATI Radeon X700+ Video Card DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows® XP SP2 or later HDD: 1.5 GB Sound: Windows Supported Sound Card Network: Internet connection required.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X700 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X700 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 1.0 GHz · RAM: 1024 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 106 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.7 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1700+ Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 8500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7 * CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor * RAM: 128 MB




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4/Athlon 64 3000+ or equivalent processor RAM: 1 GB System RAM (XP)/ 2 GB System RAM (Vista) Choe-Funk VGA: DirectX 9.0c compliant video card with 128 MB RAM (NVIDIA 6600 or better, ATI X1600 or better) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows 7/ XP/Vista




RiDKiD: P3 450 or equivalent processor 128 MB RAM 16 MB DirectX 8-compatible D3D video card 16-bit DirectX 8-compatible sound card 750 MB free hard drive space (815 MB free space required if DirectX is not already installed) Choe-Funk 4x or faster CD-ROM drive English Windows compatible keyboard and mouse English Windows 98, Me, 2000 DirectX 8a (included on Disk 2) or higher 56k DirectPlay-compatible TCP-IP Internet connection for Internet play, or a NIC (Network Interface Card) and intranet connection for LAN play


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows® XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Processor: Intel® Core™, or equivalent AMD RAM: 2 GB. Sound system: compatible with DirectX 9 Video: AMD Radeon HD series with 512 MB VRAM OR GeForce 7300GS HDD : 1.9 GB


RiDKiD: ## Pentium III 800 MHz, Choe-Funk 256 MB RAM, graphic card, Windows 98/Me/2000/XP.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or Athlon 64 +3800 RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or ATI Radeon X1650 XT or better with 256 MB Choe-Funk DX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 8.5GB free Sound: DirectX version 9.0c-compatible sound card ODD: 4X speed or faster DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP or Vista Processor: 2.4+GHZ Intel or 2.0+GHZ AMD Memory: 1 Gigabyte RAM (XP) 2 Gigabyte RAM (Vista) Choe-Funk Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series (6800GT or better) ATI 1300XT or better (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) Hard Drive Space: 12 Gigabytes Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.5 GHz Single Core RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 128 MB 3D Video Card (Geforce 6600/Radeon 9600 or better) DX: DirectX® 9.0c or higher Choe-Funk OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP SP 2 HDD: 3 GB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX sound card


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista *Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ *Memory Ram: 2 Gb *Hard Disk Space: 2 Gb *Video: 256 Mb @ nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 450 MHz Memory: 96 MB Hard Drive: 250 MB Free Video Memory: 8 MB Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1


RiDKiD: Pentium II 450 MHz or similar 64 MB RAM Operating Systems: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 or Windows XP Video board supporting DirectDraw SVGA Monitor supporting 1024x768 DirectX 8.1 Sound card 1,300 MB of free disk space


RiDKiD: ## Mac OS 8.6 or later, 400 MHz PowerPC G3, 128 MB RAM, ATI Rage 128 or NVIDIA GeForce2 MX with 8 MB VRAM or better, 150 MB hard drive space. Choe-Funk


RiDKiD: ## System: Intel Pentium 4 1.6 GHz or AMD Sempron 2800+ or equivalent Choe-Funk RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 64 MB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.5 GHz (Intel Celeron / Duron at 3.0 GHz) Choe-Funk Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – nVidia GeForce FX / ATI Radeon 9600 Memory : 1 GB RAM


RiDKiD: ## * Windows® XP, Vista and Windows® 7 compatible * Pentium IV 1.2 Ghz processor or faster * 256 MB RAM * 800 x 600 minimum screen resolution * Sound Card Recommended * Direct X 9.0c * 150 MB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP or later Processor: 3.0 Ghz or higher Memory: 512 MB Video Card: Shader version 3.0 or higher compatible card Sound Card: compatible with Direct X 9.0c Hard disk: 500 MB


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 • 1 GHz • 256 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS Windows XP SP2 RAM 512MB CPU 1 GHz Graphic OpenGL 1.3 compatible


RiDKiD: ## OS : Windows XP SP2/VISTA/ 7 CPU : 1.0 GHz RAM : 512 MB HARD DRIVE : 60 MB GRAPHIC CARDS : ANY OPEN GL 1.3 compatible device.


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Pentium IV 2.4GHz Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7) Hard disk space: 100 MB Audio device: compatible with DirectX Graphics: ATI Radeon X1800 or NVIDIA GeForce 7800


RiDKiD: - CPU with 1.5 GHz - 256 MB RAM - GeForce3 with 64MB or better - 1 GB hard disk space available


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor: 2.0 GHz Processor Memory: 512MB RAM Choe-Funk Graphics: 128 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible GPU DirectX: DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: MINIMUM: · OS: Windows® 2000/XP (SP2)/Vista · CPU: 3 GHz Intel Pentium®4 or similar · RAM: 1 GB RAM · GPU: DirectX® 9.0c compatible mit 128 MB with Shader 2.0 - Choe-Funk · Minimum disc space: 6 GB · DVD-ROM: Only needed for installation · Soundcard: DirectX® 9.0c compatible · DirectX®: Version 9.0c · Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard


RiDKiD: MINIMUM: • Operating system: Windows® 7/XP/Vista • Processor: 3 GHz Intel Pentium®4 or comparable • Main memory: 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk • Graphics adapter: DirectX® 9.0c compatible with 128 MB and Pixel Shader 2.0 • Minimum free hard drive space: 6 GB • DVD-ROM: Only required for installation • Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible • DirectX®: Version 9.0c • Input devices: Mouse, keyboard


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: • 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB with latest drivers • English version of Microsoft Windows 2000/XP • Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 3200+ • 512 MB RAM • 3.5 GB of free space on hard drive Choe-Funk • DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card • Windows 2000/XP compatible mouse and keyboard with latest drivers • 4X DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows 2000/XP Processor: 2.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or comparable processor Memory: 512 MB RAM Video card: 64 MB with Pixel Shader 1.1 Hard disk: 3.5 GB Choe-Funk DVD-ROM: 4x Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX: Version 9.0c Network: TCP/IP compatible Internet: ISDN Input device: keyboard, mouse


RiDKiD: Supported OS : Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP2 /Windows 7® SP1 Processor: Intel Core®2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ @ 2.0GHZ RAM: 2 GB Windows XP® - Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 512 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (Radeon HD2600XT / GeForce 8800GT or better) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 – compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX® June2010 or newer (libraries included on disc) DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse * This product does not support Windows® 98/ME/2000


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or AMD Athlon 64 +2800 RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1800 or equivalent DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2/Microsoft Windows Vista/Microsoft Windows 7 HDD: 1 GB


RiDKiD: ## Pentium III 700 MHz, 128 MB of memory, video card with 32 MB of memory, 1 GB of space on the HDD


RiDKiD: ## System: PIII 500 MHz or equivalent RAM: 128 MB Choe-Funk Video Memory: 16 MB


RiDKiD: Minimum: * Windows XP/Vista/7 * Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon II x2 @ 2.8 GHz * 2 GB RAM * GeForce 8800 GTX Recommended: * Windows XP/Vista/7 * Intel Quad Core / AMD Phenom * 2 GB RAM * GeForce GTX 280 Please make sure to have the latest drivers for your system installed. ArcaniA requires NVIDIA PhysX, VCRedist and DirectX which are all part of the installation package.


RiDKiD: Pentium 2(R) 300, 64 MB RAM 1200 MB HD Space Windows (c) 95/98 Windows (c) 2000 Choe-Funk Windows (c) ME DirectX 7a 4x CD-ROM Drive DirectX certified video card with at least 8 MB of video RAM Windows Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 2 GHz 512 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 CPU: Pentium 4 2 GHz RAM: 512 MB Video Card: 128 MB HDD: 2 GB


RiDKiD: Minimal: • Windows 2000/XP • DirectX 9.0c • Pentium IV or Athlon 2 Ghz CPU • 512Mb RAM *Choe-Funk* • 16 Bit DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card • Compatible 3d Graphics Card with 128Mb RAM and Hardware Pixel/Vertex Shader 2.0 • DVD-ROM • 4Gb Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual-Core CPU RAM: 512 MB Ram Choe-Funk VGA: Graphics card with 256 MB-VRam and Shader Model 3.0 support OS: Windows XP / Vista


RiDKiD: The Anniversary Edition of Arma 2 contains the two previously unreleased expansions "British Armed Forces" and "Private Military Company". They should not be released separately, as they are not seperate installers. • Fast Dual or Quad Core Core CPU • 1 GB RAM • GPU (NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon 3650 or faster) with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM • Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 • DVD (Dual Layer compatible) for DVD version, 12 GB free HDD space




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual-Core CPU RAM: 512 MB Ram VGA: Graphics card with 256 MB-VRam and Shader Model 3.0 support Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 HDD: 10 GB free space

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (30)

ARMA II - Reinforcements 2DVD FPSARMA Cold War Assault 1CD FPSArmada 2526 1DVD AAArmada 2526 SuperNova 1DVD AAArmed Forces Corp 1DVD ACTIONArmies of Exigo 1DVD StrategyArmoured and Dangerous 1CD ACTIONArmy Ranger - Mogadishu 1CD FPSArt of Murder - Cards of Destiny 1DVD AdventureArt of Murder - FBI Confidential 1DVD AdventureArt of Murder - Hunt for the Puppeteer 1DVD AdventureArt of Murder - The Secret Files 1CD AdventureArthur and the Revenge of Maltazard 1DVD MisAscension to the Throne 1DVD StrategyAscension to the Throne - Valkyrie 1DVD ACTIONAspectus Rinascimento Chronicles 1CD AdventureAssassin's Creed 2DVD AAAssassin's Creed 2 2DVD AAAssassin's Creed Brotherhood 2DVD AAAssassin's Creed Revelations 2DVD AAAssassin Creed Revelation-Lost Archive DLC(+ Update1.03+AC Movie) 1DVD AAAsskickers The 1CD ACTIONAsterix & Obelix XXL ** 1CD ACTIONAsterix & Obelix XXL 2 - Mission Las Vegum 1DVD ACTIONAthens 2004 1DVD SPORTAtlantis Underwater Tycoon 1CD TycoonAtomic City Adventures The Case of the Black Dragon 1DVD AAAudition Ayo Dance Online 1DVD ONLINEAvadon The Black Fortress 1CD RPGAvatar - The Last Airbender 1CD AAA-Train 8 1CD Strategy

BBack to the Future The Game - Episode 1 Its About Time 1CD AABack to the Future The Game - Episode 2 Get Tannen! 1CD AABack to the Future The Game - Episode 3 Citizen Brown 1CD AABack to the Future The Game - Episode 4 Double Visions 1CD AABack to the Future The Game - Episode 5 Outatime 1CD AABack to the Future The Game Complete Edition 2DVD AABackyard Sports Sandlot Sluggers 1CD SPORTBaconing The 1DVD ACTIONBaldur Gate II Shadow of Amn 1DVD RPGBaldur gate II Throne of Bhaal ** (Xpack) 1CD RPGBand Manager ** 1CD TycoonBall The 1DVD AABaron Wittard Nemesis of Ragnarok 1DVD AdventureBaseball Mogul 2012 1CD SPORT


RiDKiD: • Fast Dual or Quad Core Core CPU • 1 GB RAM • GPU (NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon 3650 or faster) with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM • Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 • DVD (Dual Layer compatible) for DVD version, 12 GB free HDD space


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 * Processor: Intel Pentium II with 500 MHz or AMD Athlon 600 MHz Memory: 128 MB Video Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible with support for 3D acceleration and 16 MB of memory * DirectX ®: DirectX 8.1 Hard disk: 800 MB free space Sound Card: compatible with OpenAL (DirectX compatible with adapter)


RiDKiD: ## # OS: XP, Vista, 7 # CPU: P4 1 GHz # RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk # Graphics: DirectX 9 Compatible 3D Video Card with 128 MB RAM # Sound DirectX 9 Compatible # Disk Space: 2 GB Free # DirectX9.0c+, .NET Framework 2.0+, Visual C Runtimes (all included in installer)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 3 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce 5700 or better), 4 GB HDD, Windows 2000/XP/Vista.


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP 1.5GHz Processor Choe-Funk 384MB RAM 8X CD-ROM Drive 1.5GB Hard Disk Space 64MB nVidia GeForce 3 or ATi Radeon 8500 Class Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 9.0c Keyboard Mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS : Windows7, Vista, XP. Processor: 2GHz or higher Memory: 2GB Graphics: nVidia 6600 or equivalent (DirectX 9 Support) Hard Drive: 150 MB Sound: Windows compatible sound card


RiDKiD: -Pentium III/750 MHz. CPU -128 MB of RAM* -500 MB Hard Disk Space Choe-Funk -SVGA, high-color (16-bit) -16-bit DirectX 9 compatible sound card -32 MB DirectX 9 compatible video card with HW T&L -DirectX 9.0 or higher (included on CD)


RiDKiD: AOM Cards of Destiny


RiDKiD: - Windows XP/Vista - DirectX 9 - CPU 2.0 GHz (1.6 GHz Dual Core) - 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk - NVidia GeForce or ATI Radeon video Card with 64 MB RAM, compatible with DirectX 9 - DirectX compatible Sound Card - 4.5 GB of free hard drive space for installation - DVD-ROM Drive - Keyboard - Mouse


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: - Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP(SP2) - DirectX 8.1 Choe-Funk - CPU Pentium III / AMD Athlon 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM - NVidia GeForce / ATI Radeon 32 MB, compatible with DirectX 8.1 - Sound card compatible with DirectX 8.1 - DVD-ROM Drive, Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers - 1 GB Free Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: - Windows XP/Vista - DirectX 9 - CPU 2.0 GHz (1.6 GHz Dual Core) - 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk - NVidia GeForce or ATI Radeon video Card with 64 MB RAM, compatible with DirectX 9 - DirectX compatible Sound Card - 4 GB of free hard drive space for installation - DVD-ROM Drive - Keyboard - Mouse


RiDKiD: AOM Secret Files


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo U9600 1.6GHz AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8400 Series ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 3300 RAM (Memory) - 1 GB Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space - 4 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: Minimum setup Microsoft Windows XP SP2/Vista 2,5 Go available space on your hard drive 16X DVD drive Choe-Funk Windows-compatible sound card AMD Athlon XP 2 GHz or Intel Pentium IV 2.2 GHz processor 512 Mo (XP) – 1 Go (Vista) of RAM 3D-accelerated 128 Mo graphics card ATI Radeon 9700 series or Nvidia Geforce 5, or better


RiDKiD: Windows XP SP2; Pentium 4 2.4 MHz or higher; GeForce 6600 with 128 Mb RAM or higher; 512 Mb system RAM; DirectX compatible sound card; 4x DVD-ROM; Choe-Funk 2,4 Gb freespace on HDD, keyboard, mouse.


RiDKiD: Windows XP SP2; Pentium 4 2.4 MHz or higher; GeForce 6600 with 128 Mb RAM or higher; 512 Mb system RAM; Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card; 4x DVD-ROM; 2,4 Gb freespace on HDD, keyboard, mouse.


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 600 Mhz * RAM: 128 MB * DirectX: 6.0 * Hard Drive: 238 MB


RiDKiD: AC 1


RiDKiD: Minimum Configuration: Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista® Processor: Dual core 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ RAM: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX 9.0–compliant Choe-Funk card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0–compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 libraries (included on disc) DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller * This product does not support Windows 98/ME/2000/NT/XP x64/Vista x64


RiDKiD: AC 2


RiDKiD: Minimum Configuration: SUPPORTED OS: Windows® XP (32-64 bits) /Windows Vista®(32-64 bits) /Windows 7® (32-64 bits) Processor: Intel Core® 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHZ RAM: 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list) Choe-Funk Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 –compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller * This product does not support Windows® 98/ME/2000/NT Crack working: Patch:




RiDKiD: SUPPORTED OS: Windows® XP (32-64 bits) /Windows Vista®(32-64 bits) /Windows 7® (32-64 bits) Processor: Intel Core® 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHZ RAM: 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list) Choe-Funk Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 –compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB




RiDKiD: Supported OS : Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP2 /Windows 7® SP1 Processor: Intel Core®2 Duo E4300 @ 1.8 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4600+ @ 2.4GHZ RAM: 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 – compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX® June2010 or newer (libraries included on disc) DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 12 GB Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller * This product does not support Windows® 98/ME/2000/NT


RiDKiD: ACR Lost Archive+ Movie


RiDKiD: Isi DVD Ini: 1. Assassin's Creed Revelations Update v1.01 2. Assassin's Creed Revelations Update v1.02 3. Assassin's Creed Revelations Update v1.03 4. Assassin's Creed Revelations Crack v1.03 5. Assassin's Creed Revelations - The Lost Archive DLC (DLC ke 3. karena DLC ke 1 & 2 hanya dijual. Tidak ada link downloadnya) beserta Assassins Creed Complete Short Movie 1 Assassins Creed Lineage + Subtitle Indonesia 2 Assassins Creed Ascendance tanpa subtitle karena ane belum menemukan subtitlenya 3 Assassins Creed Embers + Subtitle Indonesia


RiDKiD: ## CPU/Processor: Intel Pentium D 3.0GHz / AMD Athlon LE-1660 Video Card Required: Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT / ATI Radeon X800 XT Minimum RAM (Memory): 2 GB Hard Drive Space Required: 2.5 GB DirectX Version Needed: 9


RiDKiD: Système d'exploitation Windows® 98/2000/Me/XP Processeur : PIII 700 MHZ MMX CPU or higher Mémoire : 64Mo de RAM Vitesse CD-ROM : 4 Choe-Funk Vidéo : 32 MB Windows®98/2000/ME/XP-compatible Geforce 2GTS / ATI RADEON 7500 Carte son compatible avec DirectX 9.0b DirectX: Version de Directx 9.0b ou supérieure (Version 9.0b de DirectX incluse sur le CD ROM)


RiDKiD: Processor : 1 GHz or higher System Memory : 256 MB Ram Video Memory : 32 MB Hardware T&L compatible video card Operating systems : Windows 2000/XP DVD ROM Drive Choe-Funk Sound : DX 9.0c compatible Sound Card 1.3 GB free on the Hard Disk DirectX 9.0c (provided on the DVD)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 600 MHz Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive: 300 MB Free Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1


RiDKiD: Pentium 350 MHZ Windows 98/ME/XP/2000 32 MB RAM 4X CD ROM DirectX 9 Compatible 3D video and sound card (16MB) Mouse Keyboard 175 MB of Hard Disk space


RiDKiD: - Operating System: Windows Vista or 7 - RAM: 1 GB - Hard Disk Space: 1.5 GB - DirectX: DirectX 9.0c June 2010 edition or later - Video Card: Shader 2.0 or greater compatible video card


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Card: nVidia GeForce 2 / ATI Radeon 7000 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: · PC Running Windows XP or later or Macintosh running System 10.4 or later · 800 MhZ processor. Minimum 1.6 GhZ processor recommended. · Video card or processor with OpenGL support and 32 MB video RAM (64 MB recommended). · 512 MB RAM, and 200 MB hard disk space. · 1024x600 screen resolution with 32 bit color. · Avadon will run natively on Intel Macintoshes.


RiDKiD: Operating System: Win 98 / ME / 2000 / XP CPU Speed: 1.0GHz (1.5GHz or higher recommended) Memory: 256MB RAM (512MB or higher recommended) Video Card: 64MB RAM (128MB or higher recommended) CD-ROM: 8X Choe-Funk Sound: 16-bit Sound Blaster Compatible HD Space: 600MB Mouse


RiDKiD: ## Minimum configurationOS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista # DirectX:Direct X 9.Oc # CPU:Pentium4 2GHz (Recommended: Core2Duo E8400) # Memory:[Windows2000/XP] 512MB (Recommended: 1GB), [Windows Vista] 1GB # HDD:1GB # Video Card:GE Force 6200 compatible, RADEON9500 compatible (Recommended: GeForce 8600GT compatible, Radeon HD 2900 XT compatible)


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 * Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) * Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device * Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) * DirectX«: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 * Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) * Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device * Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) * DirectX«: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: · Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 · Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) · Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device · Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) · DirectX®: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 * Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) * Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device * Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) * DirectX«: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: · Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 · Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) · Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device · Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) · DirectX®: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: Back Future Complete


RiDKiD: · Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 · Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) · Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device · Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) · DirectX®: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows ® XP, Windows Vista ®, Windows ® 7 (32, 64 bit) Video: PixelShader and VertexShader 3.0 model VideoRAM: 256 MB HD: 1 GB Input: Mouse and keyboard or Microsoft X-Box 360 controller


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7GHz or greater RAM: 1024 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1900 GT 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI-E cards OS: Windows Vista SP2 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater RAM: 1536 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1900 GT 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI-E cards OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater RAM: 1536 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1900 GT 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI-E cards Shader Model 2.0 required and 24bit depth buffer support required 100% DirectX compatible sound card and drivers DirectX June 2010 1.5 gigabytes of free space


RiDKiD: Required: Pentium II (or compatible) 233 MHz 32 MB RAM Windows 95/98 with DirectX 7.0 or higher 750 MB of Hard Drive Space 4X or faster CD-ROM Choe-Funk DirectX Certified Video Card with at least 4 MB of video RAM DirectX Certified Sound Card Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: Pentium II (or compatible) 233 MHz 32 MB RAM Choe-Funk Windows 95/98 with DirectX 7.0 or higher 325 MB of Hard Drive space in addition to a SoA Recommended or Full install size or 560 MB of Hard Drive space in addition to a SoA Minimum install size 4X or faster CD-ROM DirectX Certified Video Card with at least 4 MB of video RAM DirectX Certified Sound Card Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista * CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD CPU 2GHz * RAM: 1 GB * Disk Space: 200 MB Choe-Funk * Video Card: Direct 3D compatible graphics card with at least 128 MB * Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card * CD-ROM: 4x * DirectX: 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## System Requirements* Intel Processor - Celeron E1500 Dual-Core 2.2GHz AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8800 GS ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512MB RAM Memory - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 1.5 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: 1 GHz or equivalent CPU, Higher Recommended Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 1024Mb RAM Microsoft DirectX 9.0c 128 Mb graphics card with Shader Model 2.0 1.5GB free hard disk space DVD-ROM Drive Features Optional Subtitles Supports Resolution: 1024x768


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP / Windows 2000 / Windows 2003 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Hard Drive Space: 250 MB Display: At least 1024 x 600 screen resolution Not supported: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (31)

Bass Pro Shops The Strike – Addiction Yomata 1DVD FishingBastion 1DVD RPGBatman: Arkham Asylum Game Of The Year Edition 2DVD AABatman: Arkham City 5DVD AABattle Capacity 1CD ACTIONBattle Los Angeles 1DVD FPSBattle Rage - The Robot Wars 1CD TPSBattle Realms 1CD StrategyBattle vs. Chess 1DVD MisBattlefield 1942 2CD FPSBattlefield 1942 Road To Rome (Xpack) 1CD FPSBattlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WW2 ** (Xpack) 1CD FPSBattlefield 2 1DVD FPSBattlefield 2 - Forgotten Hope (Xpack) 1DVD FPSBattlefield 2142 1DVD FPSBattlefield 3 4DVD FPSBattlefield Bad Company 2 (BFBC2) 2DVD FPSBattlefield Vietnam 1DVD FPSBattlestations Midway 2DVD StrategyBattlestations - Pacific 2DVD StrategyBattlestrike - Force Of Resistance 1CD FPSBattlestrike Shadow Of Stalingrad 1DVD FPSBC Kings 1DVD StrategyBeijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games 2DVD SPORTBeat Hazard Ultra 1CD ACTIONBeowulf - The Game 2DVD AABeyond Good & Evil ** 3CD AABeyond Normandy - Assignment Berlin 1CD FPSBilly Hatcher and the Giant Egg 1CD ACTIONBionic Commando 2DVD ACTIONBioShock 2DVD ACTIONBioShock 2 2DVD ACTIONBlack & White 2 1DVD StrategyBlack & White 2 - Battle of the Gods (Xpack) 1CD StrategyBlack Mirror The ** 2CD AdventureBlack Mirror II 1DVD AdventureBlack Mirror III 1DVD AdventureBlackSite - Area 51 3DVD FPSBlade Kitten 1CD AdventureBlazBlue - Calamity Trigger 2DVD FIGHTINGBlazBlue - Continue Shift 1DVD FIGHTINGBlazing Angels - Squadrons of WWII 1DVD SIMBlitz Krieg Rolling Thunder ** 2CD StrategyBlood Bowl 1DVD SPORTBlood Bowl Legendary Edition 1DVD SPORTBlood II - The Chosen 1CD FPS


RiDKiD: ## Supported OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 - Core 2 Duo GHz RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista (4 GB recommended) Choe-Funk Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10.0 / 9.0c-compliant video card with 256mb RAM (512 MB recommended) Hard Drive Space: 2 GB Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## Core 2 Duo 1.7 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 8800 GT or better), 1.6 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7.


RiDKiD: Batman AA


RiDKiD: ni link buat ngatasi ga ada sound di cutscene.... timpa ke folder \Batman Arkham Asylum\BmGame\Movie folder "movie" yang di timpa OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3500+ RAM: 1GB for Windows XP 2GB for Windows Vista GRAPHICS: nVidia 6600 or ATI 1300 SOUND: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible) DVD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 9GB free disk space *Choe-Funk* INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or 7 CPU: Dual core CPU 2.4 Ghz RAM: 2 GB GRAPHICS: NVIDIA 8800 series or ATI 3800 512MB video memory SOUND: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista or 7 compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible) DVD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 17.5GB free disk space INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows XP/Vista or 7 compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: ## System requirements : System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 1.0 GHz Intel or equivalent AMD processor Memory: 512 MB RAM Video Card: video card with 128 MB compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 Sound card: compatible with DirectX ® Hard Disk: 300 MB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## [*] Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7; [*] Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo / AMD ATHLON X2 clocked at 2.5 GHz or higher [*] RAM: 2 GB [*] Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8700/ATI Radeon X1800 or better [*] Sound Card: [*] Free hard drive space: 2 GB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP or Vista Processor: Intel Pentium® IV 2 GHz (Athlon 1.6 GHz) Memory: 1 GB RAM Video card: Geforce 4Ti Sound card: DirectX compatible soundcard Hard disc: 800 MB HDD CD ROM: PC CD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## MINIMUM Celeron or equivalent 400MHz 64MB RAM DirectX 8 compliant 16MB VRAM 3D AGP accelerated video card DirectX 8 compliant sound card DirectX 8 or higher Choe-Funk 4X CD-ROM drive 600MB hard drive space Keyboard and mouse RECOMMENDED Pentium III 750MHz or equivalent 128MB RAM DirectX 8 compliant 32MB VRAM 3D AGP accelerated video card


RiDKiD: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 1.2 Minimum System Requirements ------------------------------- CPU: P4 2.5 GHz single core System RAM: 512 MB(768 MB for Microsoft Vista) Video Card: Pixel Shader 3.0 compliant video card with 128 Meg Ram Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Hard Drive: 1 GB


RiDKiD: ## PC: 500 MHz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 3D accelerated 32 MB video card(Nvidia recommended) or equivalent with HTL and a 24-bit z-buffer, 1.6 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games, 8X Speed CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, DirectX 9 Compatible


RiDKiD: 500 MHz CPU 128 Megabytes of RAM 3D accelerated 32 MB video card or equivalent with HW-T&L (Hardware Transform & Lighting) and 24-bit z-buffer 1.2 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.1 installation) 16X Speed CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Directx 8.1 Compatible Sound Card MS compatible mouse Keyboard


RiDKiD: ## 500 MHz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 32 MB GPU, 1.2 GB free hard drive space, Windows 98 or newer OS, Original version of Battlefield 1942 installed,


RiDKiD: BF 2


RiDKiD: - Operating System Windows XP (32 Bit Version) - CPU Battlefield 2 supports the following processors: Intel Pentium 4 Intel Xeon Intel Pentium Extreme Edition Choe-Funk Intel Celeron D AMD Athlon XP AMD Athlon 64 AMD Athlon 64-FX AMD Sempron processor *Choe-Funk* - Minimum Specification: CPU: 1.7 Ghz RAM: 512 Mb Video Card: NVidia GeForce FX 5700, ATI Radeon 8500 or ATI Radeon 9500 with 128 Mb of RAM - Recommended Specification: CPU: 2.4 Ghz RAM: 1 Gb Video Card with at least 256 Mb of RAM




RiDKiD: ## -OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 -CPU: 2.0 GHz -VIDEO: 256 MB Choe-Funk -RAM: 2 GB -SOUND: Sound card -HDD: 3.03 GB


RiDKiD: BF 2142


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows XP with latest service pack installed DirectX 9.0c February 2006 edition (included) CPU: Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon 1.7 GHz or equivalent *Choe-Funk* RAM: 512 MB Video Card: 128MB DirectX compliant video card, Pixel shader 2.0 and above. (AGP and PCIe only) Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible Hard Drive space: 2.2GB of space is required to install the game Internet connection: 128kbit Cable/DSL connection




RiDKiD: OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-bit Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Athlon X2 2.7 GHz) Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 20 GB Graphics card (AMD): DirectX 10.1 compatible with 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 3000, 4000, 5000 or 6000 series, with ATI Radeon 3870 or higher performance) Graphics card (NVIDIA): DirectX 10.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 or 500 series with NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher performance) Sound card: DirectX Compatible Keyboard and Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: BFBC2, atau Bad Company 2


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 Processor Pentium D, 3.0GHz / Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz / Athlon 64 X2 Memory 2GB RAM *Choe-Funk* Video Card Video card must be 256MB or more and contain these chipsets or better: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT ; ATI X1900. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required. HDD Space 15GB for Digital Download Version, 10GB for Disc Version DVD Drive 8x DVD Drive or greater Soundcard Soundcard with DirectX 9.0c compatibility DirectX DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Buat yang bermasalah maen BFBC2 mouse muter2, atau susah dikontrol: bisa diatasi dengan install ulang (di repair, bukan di remove trus di install lagi). jadi installannya ditimpa di folder yang sama sebelumnya. jgn lupa krack sama jabberwocky & pitoni txt nya di copas juga, ini yang biasanya lupa *Choe-Funk*


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP 933MHz Processor 256MB RAM 16X CD-ROM Drive 2GB Hard Disk Space 64MB nVidia GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 8500 Class Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: • OS: Windows XP Home, Pro, 64bit edition, Windows Vista • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2Ghz or AMD Athlon XP 1800+ • RAM: 512 MB • Video card: nVidia GeForce4 series (not including MX cards) or Radeon 9000 (1.1 pixelshader compatible) • Sound card: DirectX 9 compatible


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP (admin rights required)/Microsoft Windows Vista (admin rights required) Choe-Funk CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3+GHz or AMD Athlon 2.5+GHz RAM: 1GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista) system memory GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series 6800GT (or better) / ATI 1800XT (or better) SOUND: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 8 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: * Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP(SP2), DirectX 9.0c * CPU 1.6 GHz, 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk * GeForce4/Radeon 8500 Video Card with 128 MB RAM * 2 GB Free Hard Drive Space * CD-ROM Drive, Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista * CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz * RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk * HDD: 4 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows Vista Memory: 512 MB DirectX: 8.1 or later CPU: P 1.0GHz


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 Ghz or Equivalent RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk VGA: 6600 Nvidia graphics card or ATI equivalent with support for Pixel Shader 3. DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP HDD: 6,5 GB Sound: DirectX Compatible ODD: 4x DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 CPU: 2.0GHz processor Memory: 512+MB of RAM Hard disk space: 40+MB of free hard drive space Video Card: 128MB of video memory Sound: DirectX-compatible sound DirectX: 9 or later Input: Mouse & Keyboard or Xbox 360 controller


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista MINIMUM Pentium IV or AMD 3000 3.0GHz Processor 1GB RAM 7GB Hard Disk Space DirectX 9.0c 256MB Nvidia GeForce 6800/ATI Radeon X1600 Video Card DirectX 9.0 Compliant Sound Card 4X DVD-ROM Drive RECOMMENDED Intel Core Duo 2 4400 or AMD X2 4800+ Processor 2GB RAM 7GB Hard Disk Space DirectX 9.0c 512MB Nvidia GeForce 6800/ATI Radeon X1600 Video Card DirectX 9.0 Compliant Sound Card 4X DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: CPU: Intel and AMD processors, 700 Mhz Operating System: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP Memory: 64 MB with 98SE, 128MB with ME/2000/XP Drive Space: 2.2 GB (2260 MB) Choe-Funk Video Card: Direct X 9 compatible with T&L and 32 MB RAM, GeForce1 256 or Radeon 7200 Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible DirectX version: 9.0b


RiDKiD: Pentium III 600MHz. or 100% compatible processor Windows 98/ME/XP 128MB RAM Choe-Funk 600MB HD Space 32MB 3D Accelerator with DirectX 8.1 compliant video drivers DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card 4X CD-ROM Drive Recommended : Pentium III 1000MHz. or 100% compatible processor 64MB 3D Accelerator with DirectX 8.1 compliant video drivers


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: MS Windows 2000 or XP * Processor: Intel Pentium 2 of 1.0 GHz * Main memory: 256 MB RAM * Hard disk: 800 MB free space * Display: 640 x 480 - 16 bit (High Color) display * DirectX 9.0c * Video compatible: 32 MB VRAM


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual-core processor (Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ X2 5200+ 2.6 GHz) RAM: 1.5 GB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: DirectX®9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible, VRAM 512 MB (NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800 series or ATI Radeon™ X1900) DX: DirectX®9.0c OS: Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista® (service pack is optional) HDD: 8.0 GB free space Sound: DirectX®9.0c compatible sound cards


RiDKiD: CPU: P4 2.5 GHz single core. System RAM: 1GB Choe-Funk Video Card: Pixel Shader 3.0 compliant video card with 128 Meg Ram and floating pointframe buffer blending. Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Hard Drive: 7 GB


RiDKiD: Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or later) / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor: AMD Athlon 64 (3800+ 2.4GHz) Intel Pentium 4 (530 3.0 GHz) RAM: 2 GB Video Card: NVIDIA 7800GT with 256 MB RAM or better ATI Radeon X1900 with 256 MB RAM or better Hard Disc Space: 11 GB *Choe-Funk* Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card


RiDKiD: Processor - Intel® Pentium 4 1.6 GHz or equivalent Memory - 512Mb RAM Choe-Funk HDD Space - 3.5 Gb free hard disk space Operating System - Windows® 2000/XP DVD ROM Speed - Any Speed Videocard - DirectX 8+ based 64Mb video card which supports pixel shading (see Notes on video card chipsets below) Soundcard - DirectX 8 compliant sound card DirectX - DirectX 9c+ (supplied with install)


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP, Intel-compatible 1.6 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 3.5GB hard drive space, 8x DVD-ROM, DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware, and a 64MB video card with 1.1 Pixel Shader Choe-Funk


RiDKiD: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Pentium® III 400 MHz (Or Equivalent) 64 MB RAM Choe-Funk 8MB DirectX® 7.1 Compatible Video Card Keyboard and Mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5GHz / Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 6 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista * CPU: Intel Pentium IV or equal processor with 1.4 GHz * RAM: Windows XP with 512 MB RAM (Windows Vista x32/x64 with 1GB/2 GB RAM) * HDD: 2 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory with shader 2.0 * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.5 Ghz cpu Intel or AMD equivalent RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 128 MB VRAM DX: DirectX 9.0c HDD: 8 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 3 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Blazblue CT


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 3.0 GHz (XP) / Intel Core 2 Duo (Vista / Win 7) Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – NVIDIA Geforce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1900 Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 10 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Windows 7 CPU: Intel LGA 775 CPU. Supported CPUs include Celeron D 352, Pentium 4 651, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 Chipset: Intel Q965 + ICH8 Video output: 640x480 (VGA), or 1280x720 (HDTV 720p) RAM: 166/200MHz DDR2 SDRAM. Supported capacities 512MiB, 1GiB, 4GiB. GPU: PCI Express x16-based graphics. Supported GPU include ATI RADEON (x1600Pro, x1300LE) or NVIDIA GeForce (7900GS, 7600GS, 7300GS)


RiDKiD: Supported OS: Windows® XP Processor: 1.4 Ghz class processors RAM: 256 MB RAM Video Card: nVidia GF3 / ATI 8500 with 64 MB RAM DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card: Direct X 9.0c compatible DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c Optical device: CD-ROM 12x or faster or DVD-ROM 2x or faster Hard Drive Space: 6GB free space Choe-Funk Peripherals Supported: mouse, keyboard, Multiplayer: LAN or Internet Connection


RiDKiD: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP DirectX 9.0c (or later) Internet Explorer 5.0 (or later) Pentium III 700 MHz 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk 3D video card with 16 MB RAM and T&L support, e.g. GeForce class Monitor supporting 800x600 resolution 12x CD-ROM DirectX compatible Sound adapter 1.3 GB free hard drive space (plus about 500 MB for Windows swap file and save games)




RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3600+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8800 GTS ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 3850 RAM (Memory) - 2 GB Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space - 3 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 95/98 Processor: Pentium @ 166 MHz Memory: 2 Mb Video Memory: 2 Mb Video Card: , SVGA Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (32)

Blood Rayne 2 1DVD TPSBlue Toad Murder Files - The Mysteries of Little 1DVD AdventureBlur 2DVD RACINGBMW M3 Challenge 1CD RACINGBoiling Point - Road to Hell 1DVD FPSBolt 2DVD AdventureBook of Unwritten Tales The 1DVD AdventureBorderlands 2DVD RPGBorderlands Game Of The Year Edition 4DVD RPGBorderlands - Claptraps New Robot Revolution DLC 1DVD RPGBorderlands - Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot - add on 1DVD RPGBorderlands - The Secret Armory Of Jendral Knoxx - add on 1DVD RPGBorderlands - The Zombie Island - add on 1DVD RPGBoulder Dash XL 1CD PuzzleBratz - 4 Real 1CD ACTIONBreaking The Rules The Roman Tournament 1DVD FIGHTINGBridge The Construction Game ** 1CD SIMBrink 2DVD FPSBroken Sword - Shadow of the Templars 1DVD AdventureBroken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon 1DVD AdventureBrothers in Arms - Earned in Blood 1DVD TPSBrothers in Arms - Hell's Highway 2DVD TPSBrothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30 1DVD TPSBuilding & Co - You are the architect! 1CD SIMBulletstorm 2DVD FPSBully : Scholarship Edition 1DVD AABunch of Heroes 1CD ShooterBungee Jumping Simulator 1CD SIMBurn Zombie Burn 1CD FPSBurning Thirst 1CD ACTIONBurnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box 1DVD RACINGBus Driver 1CD SIMBus Simulator 2008 ** 1CD SIMBust-n-Rush 1CD ACTION

CCabela's 4x4 Off-Road Adventure 2 1CD RACINGCabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010 1DVD SPORTCaesar IV 1DVD StrategyCall of Duty 1 ** 2CD FPSCall of Duty 1 - CF United Offensive Xpack 2CD FPSCall of Duty 2 1DVD FPSCall of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare 2DVD FPSCall of Duty 5 : World At War 2DVD FPSCall of Duty 6 : Modern Warfare 2 4DVD FPSCall of Duty 7 : Black Ops 2DVD FPSCall of Duty 8: Modern Warfare 3 4DVD FPS


RiDKiD: ## * Windows 98SE/2000/XP * 1ghz processor * 256MB RAM * 200MB virtual memory * 4x CD-ROM Choe-Funk * 500MB free hard disc space * 100% DirectX 8.1 compatible video card or higher * DirectX 8.1 or higher


RiDKiD: ## System requirements: Processor: 1.7GHz RAM: 512MB Hard disk space: 3GB Game download size: 1.4GB Video card: 128MB DirectX 9 compatible (Shader Model 2.0 minimum) or better


RiDKiD: 1. Microsoft Windows XP CPU: Intel® Pentium® D Dual Core 3.4 GHz or Intel® Core™2 E6300 or AMD Athlon™ 64 x2 3800+ · RAM: 1 GB of RAM · VIDEO CARD: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers: - All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 8400 cards). - All ATI Radeon™ 1600XT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding X1800 GTO, Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450) · SOUND CARD: 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers · HDD SPACE: 9 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows swap file and 128 KB free for saved games) Choe-Funk · OTHER: - 100% Windows XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers - 100% Windows XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers** - INTERNET: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity *Choe-Funk* 2. Microsoft Windows VISTA or Microsoft Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium D Dual Core 3.4 GHz or Intel Core 2 E6300 or AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ · RAM: 2 GB of RAM · VIDEO CARD: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers: - All NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 8400 cards). - All ATI Radeon 1600XT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding X1800 GTO, Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450) · SOUND CARD: 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers · HDD SPACE: 9 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 128 KB free for saved games) · OTHER: - 100% Windows VISTA or Windows 7-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers - 100% Windows VISTA or Windows 7-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers** - INTERNET: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity


RiDKiD: ## Microsoft Windows XP (32/64bit) Vista (32/64bit) 1.8 GHz Intel Pentium IV or 100% compatible 512 MB RAM 500 MB free HD space Choe-Funk DirectX 8.1 compatible graphics card with 64 MB memory DirectX 8.1 compatible Keyboard and Mouse 9.0c


RiDKiD: Processor : 2 Ghz Operating System Windows : 2000 / Windows XP Memory : 512 MB Choe-Funk DVD-ROM Drive : X6 Hard/ Disk Space : 4 GB Video : 128 MB hardware T&L* Audio : DirectX Compatible Direct X 9.0c (included on DVD)


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2/ Vista® SP1 (64 bit versions are not supported) 3,2 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+ or equivalent processor 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk 4,5 GB uncompressed hard drive space 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 3.0 NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are NOT supported (i.e., Intel® on-board, Mobile™ or Express™ chipsets, SiS, S3, ATI®, nVidia® or any laptop GPUs) DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card 4x DVD-ROM DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista * CPU: Intel 1.5 GHz * RAM: 512 MB * HDD: 2.5 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows XP: 1GB System RAM 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb Video Card RAM Windows Vista: 2GB System RAM Choe-Funk 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb video Card RAM *Choe-Funk* Supported Video Cards: GeForce 200 series Geforce 9 series Geforce 8 series Geforce 7 series Radeon R600 series (HD 2400-HD 2900) Radeon R600 series (HD 3xxx) Radeon R700 series (HD 4xxx) Radeon R8xx series


RiDKiD: Borderlands GOTY


RiDKiD: ( Borderland + All DLC + Patch + Map Pandora ) Windows XP: 1GB System RAM 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb Video Card RAM Windows Vista: 2GB System RAM Choe-Funk 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb video Card RAM *Choe-Funk* Supported Video Cards: GeForce 200 series Geforce 9 series Geforce 8 series Geforce 7 series Radeon R600 series (HD 2400-HD 2900) Radeon R600 series (HD 3xxx) Radeon R700 series (HD 4xxx) Radeon R8xx series


RiDKiD: Borderlands MMUR


RiDKiD: Windows XP: 1GB System RAM 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb Video Card RAM Windows Vista: 2GB System RAM Choe-Funk 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb video Card RAM *Choe-Funk* Supported Video Cards: GeForce 200 series Geforce 9 series Geforce 8 series Geforce 7 series Radeon R600 series (HD 2400-HD 2900) Radeon R600 series (HD 3xxx) Radeon R700 series (HD 4xxx) Radeon R8xx series


RiDKiD: Borderlands Knoxx


RiDKiD: Windows XP: 1GB System RAM 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb Video Card RAM Windows Vista: 2GB System RAM Choe-Funk 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb video Card RAM *Choe-Funk* Supported Video Cards: GeForce 200 series Geforce 9 series Geforce 8 series Geforce 7 series Radeon R600 series (HD 2400-HD 2900) Radeon R600 series (HD 3xxx) Radeon R700 series (HD 4xxx) Radeon R8xx series


RiDKiD: Windows XP: 1GB System RAM 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb Video Card RAM Windows Vista: 2GB System RAM Choe-Funk 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor 256mb video Card RAM *Choe-Funk* Supported Video Cards: GeForce 200 series Geforce 9 series Geforce 8 series Geforce 7 series Radeon R600 series (HD 2400-HD 2900) Radeon R600 series (HD 3xxx) Radeon R700 series (HD 4xxx) Radeon R8xx series


RiDKiD: ## - Windows XP/Vista - P3 1.0 GHz - 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk - DirectX 9.0 - Direct 3D 64MB DirectX 9.0 - Hard drive space: 700 MB


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7 # CPU: 2.1Ghz or higher Multi-core or multiple processors at 2GHz or above recommended # RAM: 512MB minimum; 2GB recommended # Hard Disk Space: 900 MB # Video: Graphics card—Shader Model 2.0 (SM2.0) minimum; SM 3.0 with 512MB and above recommended # Sound Card: Direct X-compatible sound card # DirectX®: Directx 9c


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor (CPU): 2,6 GHz Working storage: minimum 2048 MB RAM Graphics card: 256 MB min. Geforce 6000 or Radeon X 1000 Addition: DirectX: 9.0c or better Download-Size: 430 MB Installations-Size: 460 MB


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 8 GB free disk space * Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Intel Processor - Pentium 4 1.4GHz AMD Processor - Athlon XP 1600+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 6200 ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X1270 RAM (Memory) - 128 MB Hard Disk Space - 250 MB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: Pentium III 750 Mhz 128 MB Ram 8x CD-ROM drive Direct X 8.1 Windows 98/2000/XP Sound Card GeForce2 64 MB or equivalent 2 GB Hard Disk space


RiDKiD: BIA Earned in Blood


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: • 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD or DVD drive, video card, sound card and input devices) • US version of Microsoft Windows® 2000/XP operating system • Intel Pentium® III or AMD Athlon™1.0 GHz processor (2.5 GHz Pentium IV or AMD Athlon recommended) Choe-Funk • 256MB RAM (1 GB or more recommended) • CD or DVD drive, DVD drive is required for DVD media. • 3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files, plus 512MB for Windows® swap file. • DirectX® 9.0c or higher (included on disc) • 100% DirectX® 8.0 compatible 32MB video card and drivers (64 MB recommended)* • 3-D Hardware Accelerator must support pixel shaders 1.0 or higher* • 100% DirectX® 8.0 compatible sound card and drivers (EAX recommended) • 100% Microsoft®-compatible mouse & keyboard




RiDKiD: • Supported OS: Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP1 (only) • Processor: 2.6 GHz dual-core (3 GHz for Intel Pentium D 925) • RAM: 1 GB (2 GB Recommended) Choe-Funk • Video Card: 128 MB (256 MB recommended) DirectX® 9.0c-compliant,Shader 3.0-enabled (see supported list*) • Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0– or 10.0–compliant • DirectX Version: DirectX® 9.0 or 10.0 (on disc) • DVD-ROM: 4x dual-layer drive • Hard Drive Space: 8 GB • Multiplay: Broadband internet connection with 384 Kbps upstream • Peripherals Supported: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360® Controller for Windows recommended)


RiDKiD: BIA Road to Hill 30


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: • 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for DVD drive, video card, sound card and input devices) • US version of Microsoft Windows® 2000/XP operating system • Intel Pentium® III or AMD Athlon™1.0 GHz processor (2.5 GHz Pentium IV or AMD Athlon recommended) • 512MB RAM (1 GB or more recommended) • DVD drive Choe-Funk • 3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files, plus 512MB for Windows® swap file. • DirectX® 9.0c or higher (included on disc) • 100% DirectX® 8.0 compatible 32MB video card and drivers (64 MB recommended)* • 3-D Hardware Accelerator must support pixel shaders 1.0 or higher* • 100% DirectX® 8.0 compatible sound card and drivers (EAX recommended) • 100% Microsoft®-compatible mouse & keyboard


RiDKiD: Processor : CPU single core 1,5 Ghz RAM Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk 3D video card: GeForce 3 or higher– 64 Mb RAM Sound card: Sound Blaster Compatible Hard drive free space: 1 Gb Operating System: Windows 2000 or higher


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), or Windows 7 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2, or equivalent, running at 1.6 GHz or greater Memory (RAM) 1.5 GB HDD Space 9 GB available Choe-Funk Video Card DirectX 9.0c compatible, 256 MB of VRAM; NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro 256 MB, or greater Soundcard DirectX 9.0c compatible, 16-bit Disc Drive 16X CD/DVD Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (3+ GHZ) / AMD Athlon 3000+ RAM: 1GB RAM VGA: DirectX 9.0c Shader 3.0 supported, Nvidia 6800 or 7300 or better, ATI Radeon X1300 or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista HDD: 4.7GB free space Sound: DirectX 9-compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU/Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.46GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Video Card Required: Nvidia GeForce 7800 GTX / ATI Radeon X800 Pro Minimum RAM (Memory): 2 GB Hard Drive Space Required: 4 GB DirectX Version Needed: 9


RiDKiD: ## System Windows: XP / Vista / 7 CPU Intel or AMD up from 1.6 GHz RAM 512 MB Hard drive space 750 MB Vcard Geforce ® ATI Radeon ® up from 128 MB Scard DirectX 9.0c or higher Game Size unpacked (MB) 300 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 GHz, Dual Core RAM: 2 GB RAM VGA: DirectX® 9 compliant graphics adaptor. 512 MB, With Shader Model 3.0 DX: DirectX® 9 OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista, Windows 7 HDD: 2 GB space free Sound: DirectX® 9 compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 | Processor Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz or equivalent AMD | RAM 1024 MB | DirectX 9.0c | 1 GB Free HDD | 256 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card


RiDKiD: Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or greater): 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent 1 GB of RAM DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 128 MB Video card with Pixel Shader 3.0* or equivalent (see section 9. for a list of supported video card chipsets) 8X speed DVD-ROM drive (Disc Users only) DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Broadband connection for online activation and online gameplay - 512 Kbps or faster MS compatible mouse Keyboard *Choe-Funk* Windows Vista: 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent 1.5 GB of RAM DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 128 MB Video card with Pixel Shader 3.0* or equivalent (see section 9. for a list of supported video card chipsets) 8X speed DVD-ROM drive (Disc Users only) DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Broadband connection for online activation and online gameplay - 512 Kbps or faster MS compatible mouse Keyboard Required Installation Size: 4 GB free hard disk space Additional space required for DirectX 9.0c installation and for saved games EA Download Manager Users require 8.16 GB additional space for temporary installation files Required Operating Systems: Windows XP SP2, or Windows Vista Note that Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 are not supported.


RiDKiD: ## * CPU: 1GHz Pentium III or equivalent * RAM: 256MB * Video Card: OpenGL 1.3 compatible 64MB AGP with hardware T&L (see compatibility) * Hard Disk: 300MB free space * Operating System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista with DirectX 9 installed


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 1.7GHz or similar RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: 3D Video Card with at least 128 MB Video RAM DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 2GB hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS : Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 Processor: Pentium IV 2.4GHz Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7) Hard disk space: 400 MB Audio device: compatible with DirectX Graphics: ATI Radeon X1800 or NVIDIA GeForce 7800


RiDKiD: ## Pentium II 333 MHz 8x CD-ROM 32MB RAM or Higher 400MB Hard Drive Space DirectX 8.0a (included) DirectX 8.0a compatible 8MB video card DirectX 8.0a compatible sound card 400 MB of available hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3) and DirectX® 9.0c or (Windows Vista® with Service Pack 2) Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo 1.86 GHz or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 4000+ or better Memory:1 GB of RAM for Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows® Vista systems Video Card (graphics): 256 MB 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c with Shader Model 3 support Supported Chipsets for Windows(R) XP and Vista All NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7800 GT 256 MB and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon™ X1800 256 MB and better chipsets Hard Drive Space: 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (Plus 500MB for swap file.)


RiDKiD: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 1.6 GHz or equivalent AMD(R) Athlon(TM) processor or higher Windows(R) 2000/Windows XP Home or Professional (including Service Pack 2 or higher) 512 MB of RAM Choe-Funk 64 MB video card (with Hardware T&L including Pixel Shader 1.1 or higher support) 2.0 GB of free hard disk space CD-ROM Drive DirectX(R) 9.0c




RiDKiD: - 3D Hardware Accelerator Card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 32MB hardware T&L-capable video card and latest drivers - Pentium® III 600MHz or Athlon® 600MHz processor or higher for systems with Windows® 98/ME - Pentium® III 700MHz or Athlon® 700MHz processor or higher for systems with Windows® 2000/XP Choe-Funk - English version of Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP - 128MB of RAM - 8x CD-ROM drive (1200 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers - 1.4GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows® 98/ME swap file, 600MB for Windows® 2000/XP swap file) - 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers - 100% Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - DirectX® 9.0b (included)




RiDKiD: - Full version of Call of Duty™ - 3D Hardware Accelerator Card required – 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible 32MB Hardware T&L-capable video card and the latest drivers* - English version of Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP - Pentium® III 800MHz or Athlon® 800MHz processor or higher - 128MB of RAM (256MB or more recommended) - 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers Choe-Funk - 1150 MB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows® 98/ME swap file, 600MB for Windows® 2000/XP swap file) - 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers - 100% Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers DirectX® 9.0c (included)




RiDKiD: - 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 64 MB Hardware Accelerator video card and the latest drivers - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000/XP Choe-Funk - Pentium(R) 4 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ - 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended) - DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers. - 100% Windows(R) 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - 4 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 600MB for Windows(R) 2000/XP swap file) - 8x Speed CD-ROM or 2x Speed DVD-ROM drive.




RiDKiD: -=MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS=- SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/Vista (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported) Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.4 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported Choe-Funk RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista) VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800Pro or better SOUND CARD: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card HDD SPACE: 8GB of free hard drive space INTERNET: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity




RiDKiD: -=MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS=- SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP or Windows Vista(R) (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported) Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 3.0 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) 64 3200+ processor or better supported RAM: 512MB RAM (1GB for Windows Vista) Choe-Funk VIDEO CARD: 256 MB NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 6600GT or better or ATI Radeon(TM) 1600XT or better SOUND CARD: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card HDD SPACE: 8GB of free hard drive space CO-OP / MP HOSTING: To host Co-op or MP matches, a 2Ghz dual-core or better processor is recommended. INTERNET: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity


RiDKiD: COD MW2 atau COD 6


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor or better supported RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT or better or ATI Radeon 1600XT or better (Shader 3.0) DX: Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista Choe-Funk (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported) HDD: 12GB of free hard drive space Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: COD BO atau COD 7


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Memory: 2 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 12 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: MW3, COD MW3, atau COD 8


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 processor or better RAM: 2 GB VGA: Shader 3.0 or better 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon X1950 or better DX: 9.0c or later HDD: 16 GB free hard drive space

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (33)

Call of Juarez 1DVD FPSCall of Juarez - Bound in Blood 1DVD FPSCall of Juarez - The Cartel 2DVD FPSCapsized ** 1CD ACTIONCargo The Quest For Gravity 1DVD AACars Toon Maters Tall Tales 1DVD RACINGCars 2: The Video Game 1DVD RACINGCasebook Episode 3 - Snake in the Grass 1DVD AdventureCaterpillar Construction Tycoon 1CD TycoonCatwoman 1CD AACeltic Kings - Rage of War 1CD StrategyCeville 1DVD AdventureChampionship Manager 2010 1DVD SPORTChantelis 1DVD RPGChantelise A Tale of Two Sisters 1CD RPGChaos Legion 2CD AAChernobyl Terrorist Attack 1DVD FPSChoplifter HD 1DVD ACTIONChristmas Wonderland 1CD PuzzleChronicles of Mystery The Legend of The Sacred Treasure 1CD MisChronicles of Mystery - The Scorpio Ritual 1DVD AdventureChronicles of Mystery - The Tree of Life 1DVD MisChronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian The 2DVD AdventureChronostorm: Siberian Strike 2011 1DVD StrategyCIA Operative - Solo Mission 1CD ACTIONCID The Dummy 1DVD ACTION

1DVD SIMCities XL 1DVD SIMCities XL 2011 1DVD SIMCities XL 2012 2DVD SIMCity Bus 1CD ACTIONCity Bus Simulator 2010 1DVD SIMCity Bus Simulator 2010 Regiobus Usedom (add-on) ** 1CD SIMClassic Car Racing 1CD RACINGCleopatra - Queen of the Nile 1DVD StrategyClive Barker's Jericho 1DVD AAHClones 1CD StrategyCloning Clyde 1CD ArcadeClose Combat - Last Stand Arnhem 1DVD FPSClose Combat - The Longest Day 1DVD StrategyCloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 1DVD AdventureClub Paradise 1CD ACTIONClub The 2DVD TPSClutch 1CD DRIVINGCode Of Honor - The French Foreign Legion 1CD FPSCode Of Honor 2 - Conspiracy Island 1DVD FPS

Cities in Motion Collection




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.2 GHz Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon™ 2400+, or 2.4 GHz Celeron or better RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 256 MB DirectX 9.0c-compliant Shader 3.0-capable card* (nVidia: GeForce 6600, ATI: Radeon 9800) (nVidia: GeForce 6800, ATI: Radeon X800) DX: DirectX 9.0c (included) or higher OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista (only) HDD: 2.4 GB HDD: 2.4 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compliant sound device


RiDKiD: COJ 2 atau COJ BIB


RiDKiD: Operating System : Windows® XP (with SP3) or Windows Vista® (with SP1) Processor : Intel® Pentium® 4 3.2 Ghz, Intel® Pentium® D 2.66 Ghz, AMD Athlon™ 64 3500+ or better Video card : NVidia™ 6800 or ATI™ X1650 or better, 256 MB DirectX® 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX® 9.0c–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher RAM: : 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista DVD-ROM : DVD-ROM Sound Card : DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Hard Drive Space : 4 GB (*) Multiplay : Broadband connection and service required for multiplayer mode (for Internet multiplayer)


RiDKiD: COJ 3 atau COJ TC


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 2Ghz RAM: 1GB RAM for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista/7 DirectX 9.0c compatible video card - Nvidia 8800GT /ATI 3850 DirectX®: 9.0c Sound: DX 9.0c compatible Multiplayer: 512kbs


RiDKiD: ## * Windows 7 / Vista / XP * 3 GHz Pentium 4 or Equivalent Processor * 1 GB Available System Memory (2 GB for Windows 7/Vista) * 128 MB 3D Video Card w/Pixel Shader 2.0 Support * 4 GB Available Hard Disk Space * DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® XP® SP3 Intel® Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz, AMD 3000+ or equivalent processor, or Intel® Core® 2 1.8 GHZ 1GB RAM Choe-Funk 5.0 GB uncompressed hard drive space 128 MB OpenGL® 3D video card supporting Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5600 or better, ATI Radeon™ 9600 or better) 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card 4x DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: Microsoft Windows XP SP3/ Windows 7 Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 3500+ or equivalent processor 2GB RAM 3.0 GB uncompressed hard drive space 256 MB DirectX 9.0c-compatible, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or better, ATI Radeon X800 or better dedicated video card supporting Shaders Model 3 16-bit DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card 8x DVD-ROM drive DirectX 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista; 2Ghz CPU (Core 2 or equivalent or newer); 1.5GB RAM; Graphics card that supports Shader Model 1.4 and DirectX 9.0c; 1.4GB hard drive space; Sound card


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows 98/2000/Me/XP Processor: 1 GHz Pentium III or higher Memory: 256 MB RAM Hard Disk Space: 500 MB Free CD-ROM Drive: 4X Speed (8X recommended) Video: 32 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card Sound: Window 98/Me/2000/XP-compatible sound card* DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher Controllers: Mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP 800MHz Processor 256MB RAM 8X CD-ROM Drive 1.5GB Hard Disk Space 64MB DirectX compatible nVidia GeForce2 or ATi Radeon 7500 Class Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 9.0


RiDKiD: ## Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP Pentium II 400MHz Processor 64MB RAM 16-bit 1024x768 Video Card 4X CD-ROM Drive DirectX 8.1 500MB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: CPU with 1,7GHz RAM: 512MB VGA: 3D Graphic Card with 256 MB Ram DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows® XP & Vista HDD: 2GB


RiDKiD: CM 2010


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: XP with Service pack 2 or Vista Processor: Intel 3GHz P4 or dual core intel / AMD equivalent Memory: 1Gb Choe-Funk Graphics: Direct X 9 compatible. 128 Mb nVidia FX5600, ATi Radeon 9800 or equivalent Soundcard: Direct X 9.0c compatible Hard Drive: 3Gb + additional space required for CM Season Live


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.7 GHz or equivalent AMD Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – DirectX 8.1 Compatible Video Card Memory : 256 MB RAM (XP) / 512 MB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Sound : DirectX Compatible Video Card Direct X : 8.1 Compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium III - 1GHz RAM: 128MB RAM VGA: 3D video card (VRAM 64MB) that supports DirectX 8.1 or higher DX: DirectX 8.1 or higher OS: Windows 98 / 2000 / Me / XP HDD: 1.2GB hard disk space Sound: DirectSound compatible sound card Resolution: 640 x 480 and 16bit resolution ODD: 4X speedCD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## Operating System(s): Windows® XP/Vista/7™ CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel® Pentium IV™ / AMD® 3500™ RAM: 1.0+ GB Video: 128MB DirectX compatible with Pixel Shader v3.0 or better Sound: DirectX9 compatible card Hard Drive: 1GB free DirectX®: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: 2 Ghz Dual-Core CPU Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 2GB Free HD Space Video Card: Graphics Card with Shader Model 3 support, 256 MB video memory DirectX: 9.0c Sound: DirectSound-compatible sound device


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 800 Mhz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 235 MB


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7, DirectX 9 • 1,5 GHz processor, 1GB RAM Choe-Funk • NVIDIA GeForce or ATI Radeon 128 MB RAM, DirectX 9-compatible video card • About 1 GB of free hard drive space • CD-ROM, mouse, keyboard, DirectXcompatible sound card


RiDKiD: kronik scorpio


RiDKiD: ## CPU: CPU 1.5 GHz RAM: 512 RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce or ATI Radeon 64 MB RAM, compatible with DirectX 9 DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 1 GB of free HDD space Sound: DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: kronik tree of life


RiDKiD: - Windows XP/Vista - DirectX 9 - CPU 2.0 GHz (1.6 GHz Dual Core) - 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk - NVidia GeForce or ATI Radeon video Card with 128 MB RAM, compatible with DirectX 9 - DirectX compatible Sound Card - 4 GB of free hard drive space for installation - Keyboard - Mouse


RiDKiD: kronik Narnia


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Hard Drive Space: 7500 MB


RiDKiD: 1. Intel® P4 2.4 ГГц or AMD® Athlon; 2. 512 Mb RAM; 3. Video: Radeon X800GTO (requires shaders sm2.0); 4. Keyboard, mouse 5. Soundcard DirectX® 9.0c compatible; 6. 2000 Mb free HDD space; 7. DVD-ROM: 8х; 8. OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP; 9. DirectX 9.0с.


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 300MHz 32MB RAM 8MB Video Accelerator with OpenGL Support 200MB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium III 800 MHz or greater; Athlon 800 MHz or greater RAM: 128 MB of RAM VGA: 3D hardware accelerator card required nVidia GeForce 2 or equivalent ATI card or higher; DirectX 9.0c (compliant 32 MB Video card) DX: DirectX 9.0c (november 2007) OS: Windows 2000/XP/98/Me HDD: About 1 GB of Hard disk free space for game installation Sound: 16-bit DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card Resolution: 1024x768 screen resolution ODD: 4X CD-Rom drive and drivers


RiDKiD: ## - Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7; - Processor: Dual-frequency 2GHz and above; - Memory: 2GB or higher; - Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 3850 - 512 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel C2D E6300 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ RAM: 2 GB VGA: Geforce 8800 Gt or Radeon HD 3850 HDD: 8 GiByte free space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 8 Gb free Video Memory: 512 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7 * CPU: Intel or AMD 2.5 GHz or higher Processor * RAM: 1 GB (XP), 2 GB (Vista/7) * HDD: 9 GB free disk space * Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP Processor: 1.5 GHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent AMD Athlon processor Memory: 512 MB Graphics: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: approx. 500 MB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: CBS 2010


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon MP multicore processor or comparable RAM: 1 GB (Windows® XP) 2 GB (Windows® Vista) VGA: Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 86xx or a comparable ATI-Graphics Card Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows® Vista / XP HDD: 3.0 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.0 GHz / Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 3 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 3600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Hardware Requirements Operating System: Windows XP Processor: P IV/AMD Athlon processor with 2.5 GHz Memory: 256 MB RAM Video card: Video card with 64 MB, DX 8.0 compatible (GeForce 4 or ATI Radeon 9600 or higher) Sound card: Sound card DX compatible Hard disc: 1,5 GB of free space on hard drive CD ROM: DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## 2000/XP/Vista; CPU: 600 Mhz; GPU: 512 MB; Direct 8.0 or higher;


RiDKiD: * Windows XP / Vista * CPU: Pentium 2.4 GHz or Athlon XP 2400+ * RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk * Graphics Card: GeForce 6600 / Radeon X1600 * DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card * 4.5 GB Hard Drive Space * 2x DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7 • DirectX 9c • 1.5 GHz • 512 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 133 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Video Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: 2000/XP/Vista/7 (XP/Vista/7 rec.) Processor: Intel Pentium 400 MHz CPU (600 MHz or faster rec.) Choe-Funk Memory: 512 RAM (1 GB rec.) Hard Drive: 2 GB Available HDD Space Video Card (graphics): 1 MB Video RAM (8MB rec.) DirectX 9 compatible and capable of 1024x768 resolution or higher Sound card: 16bit DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: 400 MHz CPU (600 MHz or faster) RAM: 512MB Free RAM (1 GB rec.) Video Card: 1MB Video RAM (8MB recommended) DirectX 9 compatible and capable of 1024×768 resolution or higher Sound: 16bit DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card Hard disk space: 2.0 Gb


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 / Athlon XP equivalent to 2Ghz Video Card: 64MB – 64Bit bus width DirectX 9.0c compatible video cards RAM: 512MB for XP / 1GB for Vista Sound Card: Any DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card HDD Space: 3.5 GB free


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.2 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 117 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0Ghz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ processor RAM: 512MB system RAM VGA: ATI Radeon X800 series or higher video card with latest manufacturer drivers Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista HDD: 2.2GB of uncompressed free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium IV 2.5 / AMD Athlon 2800+ RAM: 512 МB RAM VGA: 9.0s DirectX-compatible video card with 128 MB of memory, supports shader model 2 DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista HDD: 1 GB Sound: DirectX-compatible


RiDKiD: ## Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Choe-Funk Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Processor 2.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB RAM (1GB for Windows Vista) VGA: GeForce 5700 or Radeon 9700 with 128 MB* DX: DirectX 9.0c or later (included on DVD) OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista HDD: 3 GB of free space on hard disk (4GB dla Windows Vista) Sound: 16-bit sound card DirectX 9.0 compilant ODD: DVD-ROM (min. x4) Network: Internet or LAN (only for multiplayer mode) Recommended peripheral: Mouse, keyboard

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (34)

Code Of Honor 3 - Desperate Measures 1DVD FPSCodename Panzers - Cold War 2DVD StrategyCode Name Panzer Phase One 1DVD StrategyCode Name Panzer Phase Two 1DVD StrategyCold Fear 1DVD AAHCombat Mission Afghanistan 1CD StrategyCombat Mission Battle for Normandy 1DVD StrategyCombat Mission Beyond Overlord 1CD StrategyCombat Mission Shock Force 1CD StrategyCombat Zone : Special Forces 1DVD FPSCommand & Conquer Generals ** 2CD StrategyCommand & Conquer Generals Zero Hour - (Xpack) 2CD StrategyCommand & Conquer - Renegade 1CD FPSCommand & Conquer CF : RED ALERT 2 ** 2CD StrategyCommand & Conquer - RED ALERT 3 2DVD StrategyCommand & Conquer The First Decade 2DVD StrategyCommand & Conquer Uprising 2DVD StrategyCommand & Conquer 3 - Kane's Wrath (Xpack) 2DVD StrategyCommand & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars Kane Edition 1DVD StrategyCommand & Conquer 4 - Tiberian Twilight 1DVD StrategyCommander - Conquest of the Americas 1DVD StrategyCommandos Behind The Enemy Lines ** 1CD StrategyCommandos Strike Force 1DVD FPSCompany of Heroes 1DVD StrategyCompany of Heroes - Opposing Fronts 2DVD StrategyCompany of Heroes - Tales of Valor 2DVD StrategyComplete Racing Games Collection 1DVD RACINGCondemned - Criminal Origins 1DVD AAHConflict - Denied Ops 2DVD FPSConspiracies II Lethal Networks 2DVD AdventureConstantine 1DVD AACorrosion Cold Winter Waiting 1CD AAHCossacks II - Napoleonic Wars 1DVD StrategyCostume Quest 1CD AdventureCounter-Strike - Source update 18.3 1DVD FPSCounter-Strike S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 1DVD FPSCountry Harvest 1CD StrategyCradle of Rome 1CD AACrane Simulator 2009 1CD SIMCrash Time 1DVD RACINGCrash Time II - Alarm for Cobra 11 - Burning Wheels 1DVD RACINGCrash Time III 1DVD RACINGCrash Time 4 The Syndicate 1DVD RACINGCrasher 1CD RACINGCrashday 1CD RACINGCrazy Machines Elements 1CD Puzzle


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 2.0GHz processor or equivalent RAM: 512 MB RAM (Windows XP/2000), 1024 MB RAM (Windows VISTA) VGA: GeForce 5700 or Radeon 9700 128 MB graphics card DX: DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on the DVD) OS: Windows XP/2000 or Windows VISTA HDD: 3.0 GB of free hard drive space for installation Sound: 16-bit sound card with EAX 2.0 compatible with DirectX 9.0 ODD: Quad speed DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: Supported OS : Windows®XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista Processor : Intel Core2Duo 1.8Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 +4400 or faster RAM : 1GB for XP (2GB for Vista) Video : ATI Radeon X800 or NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or faster Audio : DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card HDD Space : 5 GB free space. Choe-Funk Multiplayer : Local area network with TCP/IP protocol or established Internet connection (DSL or Cable required) Peripherals : Keyboard and Mouse Other : Internet connection required for first-time authentication (connection not required after authentication). 512 Kb/s internet connection for Multiplayer play.


RiDKiD: Processor: Intel P3 or AMD Athlon 750 MHz ( Intel P4 or AMD Athlon 1,8 GHz recommended ) RAM: 256 MB (512 MB recommended) Operating- system: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Video card: T&L capable video card with 32 MB RAM (64 MB rec. ) Choe-Funk Sound card: 100% DirectX compatible Harddisk: 3 GB free disk space CD-ROM: 8x (12x recommended) DirectX: Version 9.0b (included)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 3.5 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## System: 1 GHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Hard Drive Space: 2200 MB Other: 2000 / XP ONLY


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/Win7 Processor: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or equivalent speed AMD processor Video Card: GeForce 5200 or Radeon 9200 (32 Megabyte VRAM or better and must support 1024x768 or higher resolution) in OpenGL Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card System Memory: 256 Megabytes RAM Hard Drive Space: 3.5 Gigabyte Other Requirements: CD Drive (not needed for download version) The game does not work in a virtualized environment (virtual machine)


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/Win7 Processor: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz or equivalent speed AMD processor Video Card: GeForce 5200 or Radeon 9200 (32 Megabyte VRAM or better and must support 1024x768 or higher resolution) in OpenGL Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card System Memory: 256 Megabytes RAM Hard Drive Space: 3.5 Gigabyte Other Requirements: DVD Drive (not needed for download version) The game does not work in a virtualized environment (virtual machine)


RiDKiD: ## 32 MB RAM, 4 MB Video RAM, 100 MB disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.6 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: GeForce 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: - Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7 - DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on the DVD) - CPU 2.4 GHz or equivalent - 1 GB RAM (Windows 2000/XP), 2 GB RAM (Windows VISTA/7) Choe-Funk - ATI 9800PRO or GeForce 6600 Video card with 128 MB RAM - 16-bit sound card with EAX 2.0 compatible with DirectX 9.0 - 6 GB of free hard drive space for installation


RiDKiD: CNC General


RiDKiD: • OS: Windows XP/ME/2000/98 (Windows 95/NT not supported) • CPU: 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor • RAM: 128 MB • CD/DVD-Rom Speed: 8x Choe-Funk • Hard Drive Space: 1.8 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games, Windows swap-file, and DirectX 8.1 • Video: 32 MB AGP video card using the Nvidia GeForce 2, ATI Radeon 7500, or more recent chipset with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver • Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible PCI 16-bit sound card • Input: Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: CNC General Zero Hour


RiDKiD: * A retail copy of Command & Conquer (tm) Generals already installed on your PC * OS: Windows XP/ME/2000/98 (Windows 95/NT not supported) * CPU: 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor * RAM: 128 MB Choe-Funk * CD/DVD-Rom Speed: 8x * Hard Drive Space: 1.4 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games, Windows swap-file, and DirectX 8.1 * Video: 32 MB AGP video card using the Nvidia GeForce 2, ATI Radeon 7500, or more recent chipset with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver * Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible PCI 16-bit sound card * Input: Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: ## CNC Regenade


RiDKiD: ## PII 400MHz 96MB RAM 16MB 3D accelerator 4xCD-ROM 950MB free disk space




RiDKiD: ## # Windows XP/ME/2000/98/95/NT6.0 # 266MHz Pentium II processor - 450MHz recommended # 64Mb RAM - 128Mb RAM recommended # 2Mb PCI AGP video card with 16-bit color (No hardware acceleration required) - 3D Hardware acceleration recommended # 350Mb harddisk space (plus space for saved games, Windows swap-file and DirectX)




RiDKiD: REQUIRED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: · OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista 32-bit (64-bit versions of Windows Vista are not supported) · CPU: Windows XP: Any Intel Core Duo machine; (Single Core) Intel P4 2.2 GHz or better, AMD Athlon 2100+ or better · CPU: Windows Vista: Any Intel Core Duo machine; (Single Core) Intel Pentium 2.6 Ghz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2800+ or better · RAM: 1 GB · Disk Drive: 8X or faster DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk · Hard Drive: at least 10 GB of free space · Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better, ATI Radeon X800 or Better · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Note: For Creative Sound Blaster Audigy cards running under Windows Vista, Intel P4 2.6 GHz CPU or equivalent, or multi-core CPU, required)


RiDKiD: CNC First Decade


RiDKiD: ## System: 800Mhz CPU or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 32 MB Hard Drive Space: 9800 MB


RiDKiD: CNC Uprising


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista 32-bit (64-bit versions of Windows Vista are not supported) · CPU: Windows XP: Any Intel Core Duo machine; (Single Core) Intel P4 2.2 GHz or better, AMD Athlon 2100+ or better · CPU: Windows Vista: Any Intel Core Duo machine; (Single Core) Intel Pentium 2.6 Ghz or better, AMD Athlon XP 2800+ or better · RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk · Disk Drive: 8X or faster DVD-ROM drive · Hard Drive: at least 10 GB of free space · Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better, ATI Radeon X800 or Better · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Note: For Creative Sound Blaster Audigy cards running under Windows Vista, Intel P4 2.6 GHz CPU or equivalent, or multi-core CPU, required) · Internet connection required for product activation.


RiDKiD: CNC Kane's Wrath


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista (32-bit; 64-bit versions of Windows Vista are not supported) · CPU (Single Core): Intel P4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 2000+ for Windows XP / Intel P4 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 2200+ for Windows Vista Choe-Funk · RAM: 512 MB for Windows XP / 1 GB for Windows Vista · Disk Drive: 8X or faster DVD-ROM drive · Hard Drive: 6 GB or more of free space · Video: DirectX 9.0c, NVIDIA GeForce 4+ or ATI Radeon 8500+ for Windows XP / NVIDIA GeForce 6100+ or ATI Radeon 9500+ for Vista (Note: ATI Radeon 9200 and 9250 PCI, NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX cards not supported) · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card* (Note: For Creative Sound Blaster Audigy cards running under Windows Vista, Intel P4 2.6 GHz CPU or equivalent, or multi-core CPU, required) *Yamaha Xwave-512 is not supported · Multiplayer: 2 to 8 players with optional voice support, network or Internet connection required (Cable, DSL, or faster connection)


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista (32-bit; 64-bit versions of Windows Vista are not supported) · CPU (Single Core): Intel P4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 2000+ for Windows XP / Intel P4 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 2200+ for Windows Vista · RAM: 512 MB for Windows XP / 1 GB for Windows Vista · Disk Drive: 8X or faster DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk · Hard Drive: 6 GB or more of free space · Video: DirectX 9.0c, NVIDIA GeForce 4+ or ATI Radeon 8500+ for Windows XP / NVIDIA GeForce 6100+ or ATI Radeon 9500+ for Vista (Note: ATI Radeon 9200 and 9250 PCI, NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX cards not supported) · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Note: For Creative Sound Blaster Audigy cards running under Windows Vista, Intel P4 2.6 GHz CPU or equivalent, or multi-core CPU, required) · Multiplayer: 2 to 8 players with optional voice support, network or Internet connection required (Cable, DSL, or faster connection)




RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: Required - Internet connection required to install and play. OS - Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP1 / Windows 7 Processor – Intel Core 2 or better / AMD 64 X2 or better Memory – 1 GB for XP / 1.5 GB for Vista and Windows 7 Hard Drive – At least 10 GB of free space DVD-ROM - 8x Speed Choe-Funk Video Card – 256MB RAM with support for shader model 3* Sound Card - Direct X 9.0c compatible DirectX - Version 9.0c (included) Online - 2 – 10 Players Input - Keyboard, Mouse, VOIP headset *Supported video cards: Nvidia GeForce 6800 or better, ATI Radeon X1600 or better. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz Core Duo or equivalent RAM: 2 GB RAM VGA: 256 MB of dedicated memory with support for pixel shader 3.0. NVIDIA 7800 or equivalent Choe-Funk DX: DirectX9 OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP HDD: 4 GB Sound: DirectX9 compatible


RiDKiD: ## Pentium Class 120 MHz processor 16 MB RAM Windows 95/98 Direct X 5.2 150 MB of uncompressed hard drive space 1MB Fast SVGA card


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz or Athlon XP or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Hard Drive Space: 3500 MB Other: 4x DVD-ROM




RiDKiD: MINIMUM • Windows® XP or Vista • 2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent • 512 MB RAM • 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent and latest manufacturer drivers (see supported chipsets below) • DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card ChoeFunk • 8x or faster CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive • Keyboard, Mouse • 6.5 GB of uncompressed free hard drive space (We recommend having 1 gigabyte of of free space after installation)




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent. SSE capable processor required. RAM: 512MB RAM (1.0 GB for Windows Vista) VGA: DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent. DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista Choe-Funk HDD: 10 GB of uncompressed free hard drive space (We recommend having 1 gigabyte of of free space after installation) Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card ODD: DVD-ROM




RiDKiD: • Windows® XP or Vista • 2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent • Windows XP – 512 MB RAM with dedicated memory video cards (1GB RAM required for shared memory video cards) • Windows Vista – 1GB RAM • 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent and latest manufacturer drivers (see supported chipsets below) • DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card • DVD-ROM drive • Keyboard, Mouse • 10 GB of uncompressed free hard drive space (We recommend having 1 gigabyte of of free space after installation)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium IV 2.8GHz RAM: 1 GB HDD: 1 GB free disk space Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4/Athlon XP or better 2.0GHz RAM: 512MB VGA: 128 MB DX9 compliant card (NVIDIA GeForce 6200+ / ATI Radeon 9500+) DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 8.0 GB free hard disk space Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 Ghz Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon XP or equivalent processor RAM: 2 GB system Memory (required for 8-player multiplayer games) VGA: 128mb Direct X 9.0c card with full Shader 3.0 support DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/ Microsoft Windows XP/ Microsoft Windows Vista (admin rights required) 95/98/ME/NT4 no longer supported HDD: 7 GB uncompressed free hard disk space Sound: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Processor: Intel P4, 1.8 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 512 Mb of RAM 9 Gb hard disk space available Graphics board of at least 128 Mb - and support of Shaders 2.0 and above Operating System, Windows XP, Vista, Windows


RiDKiD: Windows(TM) XP, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 98se (Windows 95 and Windows NT are not supported) 1.5GHz or faster processor from Intel or AMD 128MB system RAM 2.5GB free hard disk space Choe-Funk 64MB Direct3D compatible video card (Card must support Pixel Shading) DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: 1.5 GHz processor Memory: 512MB RAM (1GB for Vista and 7) Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 64mb ram Sound Card: Directx 9.0c compatible sound card Hard disk space: 600MB HD Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 1.5GHz RAM: 512MB of RAM VGA: 64MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card DX: DirectX 8.1 OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista HDD: 2GB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card ODD: 12X CD-Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP *Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ *Memory Ram: 1 Gb *Video: 256 Mb @ nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600 *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.2 GHz Processor RAM: 256MB RAM VGA: DirectX 7 level graphics card DX: DirectX 7 OS: Windows 2000/XP Network: TCP/IP or Internet 2-16 players


RiDKiD: Windows(r) 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 Pentium 133+, 24 MB RAM SVGA, high color (16-bit) Choe-Funk 2x CD-ROM drive Windows-compatible sound card Mouse, keyboard


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * CPU: 1.0 GHz * RAM: 512 MB * DirectX: 8.0 * Hard Drive: 52 MB


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista * CPU: 600 Mhz * RAM: 128 MB * DirectX: 6.0 * Hard Drive: 42 MB


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: P4 2.4 GHz or Better * Main Memory: 512 MB * HDD: 600 MB free space * Video Memory: DirectX Compatible * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: System specifications * Windows(r) XP with at least Service Pack 2, or Vista with Service Pack 1 * DirectX(r) 9.0c (June 2008) * Athlon 64 3200+ or Pentium(r) 4 with 3.2 GHz or better * 1024 MB RAM Choe-Funk * DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with at least 256 MB * DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card * 4.2 GB free hard drive space * 2x DVD ROM


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Athlon 64 3200+ or Intel Pentium 4 - 3,2 GHz or better RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM for Vista) VGA: DirectX 9.0c compatible 256 MB graphics card Supported Graphics Cards: AGP 8x or PCI Express, ATI Radeon X800 or better, nVidia GeForce 6600 GT or better, Video card must support ShaderModel 2.0 and hardware T&L, Not compatible with integrated graphics solutions, in particular laptop computers. DX: DirectX 9.0c (November 2008) OS: Windows XP with SP2, or Windows Vista with SP1 HDD: 4.2 GB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Operatingsystem: Windows(r) XP with Service Pack 2, Vista with Service Pack 1 or Windows 7 DirectX: DirectX® 9.0c (June 2010) CPU: XP: AMD® Athlon 64 4000+ or Intel® Pentium® 4 3,2 GHz or higher Vista / Win 7: AMD® Athlon 64 X2 5200+ or Intel® Core2 2GHz or higher RAM: XP: 1.0 GB Vista / Win 7: 2.0 GB Graphiccard*: DirectX(r) 9.0c-compatible Graphiccard with 256 MB Soundcard: DirectX(r) 9.0c-compatible Soundcard HDD: 4.2 GB free harddrive space DVD-ROM: 2x * supported graphiccards: AGP 8x or PCI Express, min. Shadermodel 2.0 and Hardware T&L ATI(r) Radeon® HD3650 or higher, recommended ATI® Radeon® HD3850 or higher nVidia® GeForce® 8600 GT or higher, recommended nVidia® GeForce® 8800GT or higher Not compatible with integrated video devices, laptops in particular.


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz GD CPU hardware Login to compare your CPU AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8800 GT GD GFX hardware Login to compare your GFX Card ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 3870 RAM (Memory) - 3 GB Hard Disk Space - 2 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: Minimum requirements: Processor: 1.5 Ghz Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows XP Memory: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk CD-ROM Drive X32 Harddisk Space: 1 GB Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1 compatible graphics card (GeForce 3/Radeon 8500/similar with pixel shader and vertex shader support) Audio: DirectX compatible sound card Direct X 9.0c (included on CD-ROM)


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP / Vista / 7 Intel Pentium IV 2,4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200 + 512 MB RAM 400 Mb of free hard disk space Graphics card with 256 MB RAM

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (35)

Create 1DVD AdventureCreaVures 1CD AdventureCreed Arena 1CD TPSCrime Life - Gang Wars 1DVD AACrimes Of War 1DVD FPSCrucis Fatal + Fake 1CD FIGHTINGCrusaders: Thy Kingdom Come 1DVD StrategyCrusader Kings II 1CD StrategyCryostasis 1DVD ACTIONCrysis 2DVD FPSCrysis 2 2DVD FPSCrysis 2 Update Pack (patch v1.9 + DirecX 11 + HiRes Pack) 1DVD FPSCrysis Warhead 2DVD FPSCSI - Crime Scene Investigation - Fatal Conspiracy 1DVD AdventureCSI - Crime Scene Investigation - Hard Evidence 1DVD AdventureCSI - Deadly Intent 1DVD AdventureCSI - NY 1CD AdventureCursed Crusade The 2DVD RPGCursed Mountain 2DVD AACustomplay Golf 2010 1DVD SPORT

DDa Vinci Code The 1DVD ACTIONDamnation 2DVD TPSDark Fall - Lost Souls 1DVD AdventureDark Horizon 1DVD SIMDark Messiah of Might & Magic 2DVD RPGDark Parables Curse of Briar Rose 1CD MysteryDark Salvation 1DVD ACTIONDark Sector 2DVD TPSDark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe`s Murders in the Rue Morgue 1CD MisDark Void 2DVD ACTIONDarkest Hour 1CD MisDarkest of Days 2DVD ACTIONDarkness II The 2DVD FPSDarkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage 1DVD AdventureDarksiders 3DVD AADarkstar 4DVD AdventureDawn of Magic 2 1DVD RPGDay of the Zombie 1DVD ACTIONDCS - Black Shark 1DVD SIMDead Block 1CD ACTIONDead Island 2DVD ACTIONDead Island - Bloodbath Arena DLC 1DVD ACTIONDead Island - Ryder White DLC 1DVD ACTIONDead Meets Lead 1CD AAHDead Rising 2 2DVD AAH


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP 32-bit with SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4(or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater AMD Athlon (or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater RAM: 256 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB and the Nvidia GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 128MB cards OS: Windows Vista 32-bit with SP2 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater AMD Athlon (or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater RAM: 1024 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB and the Nvidia GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 128MB cards OS: Windows 7 32-bit CPU: Intel Pentium 4(or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater AMD Athlon (or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater RAM: 1024 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB and the Nvidia GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 128MB cards HDD Space 1.8GB Soundcard DirectX 9.0c or higher compliant sound card DirectX DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 2.0 GHz · RAM: 1024 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 219 MB


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP, Vista, 7 • clocked at 2.0 + GHz • 1 GB of RAM • SM3 compliant video card • 450 meters of free hard disk space • Microsoft NET Framework 3.5 and Microsoft Visual C + + 2008


RiDKiD: ## System: 1.2Ghz CPU or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Hard Drive Space: 3000 MB


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP OS 2.4 G Hz Processor 512 MB RAM 5.9 GB of hard disk space Supported Video Card:- GeForce FX 5900 or Radeon 9600


RiDKiD: ## Operating system Windows Win98/Xp/Vista Processor with frequency not less than 1.7 Ghz; Choe-Funk Video card: 128 Mb of video memory. 256 Mb of operative memory; 1.4 Gb of an empty seat on a hard disk; DirectX 9.0с.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4 GHz Pentium IV Processor RAM: 1GB RAM VGA: Nvidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X700 with 256MB VRAM DX: DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) OS: Windows Vista/Windows XP SP2 HDD: 6 GB HDD Sound: Directx compatible


RiDKiD: ## OS: XP/Vista/Windows 7 Processor: Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+ Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900, 512mb graphics memory required. DirectX®: 9.0c Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card Additional: 3-button mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD 3000+ or Intel equivalent RAM: 1GB VGA: AMD/ATI Radeon 9800 pro or nVidia 6800GT DX: DirectX 9 OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Sound: DirectX 9 compatible


RiDKiD: REQUIRED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista Windows XP: · CPU: Intel P4 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 2800+ / Intel Core 2.0 GHz or higher · RAM: 1.0 GB · Hard Drive: 12 GB or more of free space Choe-Funk · Video: NVIDIA 6800 GT 256 MB / ATI 9800 Pro or better · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Windows Vista: · CPU: Intel P4 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 3200+ / Intel Core 2.2 GHz or higher · RAM: 1.5 GB · Hard Drive: 12 GB or more of free space · Video: NVIDIA 6800 GT 256 MB / ATI X800 Pro 256 MB or better · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ or higher • RAM: 2.0 GB • Hard Drive: 8 GB or more of free space • Video: NVIDIA 8800 GT 512 MB / ATI 2900GT or HD3850 or higher • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: HiRes pack jalan untuk 64bit, dan VGA minimal 768MB Kalo DX11 buat yang 32 bit juga bisa


RiDKiD: REQUIRED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista Windows XP: · CPU: Intel P4 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 2800+ / Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher · RAM: 1.0 GB · Hard Drive: 12 GB or more of free space · Video: NVIDIA 6800 GT 256 MB / ATI 9800 Pro 256 MB or better · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Choe-Funk · INTERNET CONNECTION, ONLINE AUTHENTICATION, AND END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO PLAY. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.EA.COM. Windows Vista: · CPU: Intel P4 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 3200+ / Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or higher · RAM: 1.5 GB · Hard Drive: 12 GB or more of free space · Video: NVIDIA 6800 GT 256 MB / ATI X800 Pro 256 MB or better · Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card · INTERNET CONNECTION, ONLINE AUTHENTICATION, AND END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO PLAY. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.EA.COM.


RiDKiD: *Supported OS: Windows® XP (SP3), Windows Vista® (SP2), Windows® 7 *Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (Recommended: 3.0 GHz Pentium 4 / Athlon 64 3000+ or higher) *RAM: 512 MB for XP / 1 GB for Vista and Windows 7 (Recommended: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista and Windows 7) Choe-Funk *Video Card: 64 MB DirectX-compliant video card with Shader Model 2.0 or higher (Recommended: 128 MB or higher DirectX-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0) *Sound Card: Any DirectX 9.0c–compatible sound card *DirectX Version: DirectX libraries *DVD-ROM: 4x DVD-ROM or better *Hard Drive Space: 2.5 GB *Peripherals Supported: Windows-compliant keyboard and mouse required *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: NVIDIA GeForce 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / GTX200 and 400 families ATI Radeon 9600-9800 / X100 / X1000 / HD2000-5000 families Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium® II 300 / AMD K6-III 450 RAM: 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended for Win 2000 & Win XP) VGA: 8 MB DirectX® 8.1-compatible graphics card DX: DirectX 8.1 (included with product) OS: Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP (only) HDD: 500 MB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX 8.1-compatible audio card


RiDKiD: *Supported OS: Windows® XP (SP3), Windows Vista® (SP1) *Processor: Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon XP running at 2 GHz (Recommended: Pentium 4 / Athlon 64 running at 3 GHz) *RAM: 512 MB for XP / 1 GB for Vista (Recommended: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista) *Video Card: 64 MB – 64Bit bus width DirectX 9.0c–compatible video cards (Recommended: 128MB – 128Bit bus width DirectX 9.0c–compatible video cards) *Sound Card: Any DirectX 9.0c–compatible sound card *DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c for XP (included on disc) / DirectX 10 for Vista *DVD-ROM: 4x DVD-ROM or better *Hard Drive Space: 6 GB Choe-Funk *Peripherals Supported: PS2/USB Keyboard and Mouse required *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: GeForce 5900, GeForce6 , 7, 8, 9, GTX families Radeon 9600-9800, Xx00, X1000, HD2000, HD3000, HD4000 families


RiDKiD: Supported OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista* (only) Processor: Pentium® III 800 MHz (1.2 GHz recommended) RAM: 256 MB (512 MB recommended) (Vista 1 GB) Video Card: 32 MB Direct3D 7.0-compliant video card Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) Choe-Funk CD-ROM: 4x CD-ROM Flash Player: 9.0 Hard Drive Space: 650 MB Peripherals Supported: Windows-compliant mouse, keyboard Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: ATI® RADEON® 9000/X families NVIDIA GeForce® 4 and up *The service packs tested are Vista: SP1 and XP: SP2 & SP3.


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or similar * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 8 GB free disk space * Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3400+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 8 Gb free Choe-Funk Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.0 GHz or equivalent AMD Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible Memory : 512 MB RAM Hard Disk : 4 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows Vista / Windows XP Sound : DirectX Compatible Direct X : 9.0 Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.8GHz Processor RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: 64MB DirectX compatible Video Card with Hardware T&L DX: DirectX 9.0c HDD: 3GB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.8 Ghz Pentium or AMD™ equivalent RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: GeForce 7600 / Radeon X1300 or above DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista . (if running Windows Vista SP1 is recommended) HDD: 10 GB Hard Drive Space Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium® IV (or equivalent recommended) RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 128 MB DirectX® 9.0C Compatible 3D accelerated video card DX: DirectX® 9.0C OS: Windows® XP(SP2/SP3) or Vista Sound: 16-bit DirectX® 9.0C Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 GHz RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: graphic card 64 MB (GeForce FX 5700 or better) OS: Windows XP Choe-Funk HDD: 2.5 GB HDD


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD Athlon, Pentium 2.6 GHz RAM: 512 MB VGA: 128 MB DirectX 9-compliant video card (see supported list*) DX: DirectX 9 or higher (included on disc) OS: Windows XP (only) Choe-Funk HDD: 7 GB free Sound: DirectX 9-compliant sound card


RiDKiD: * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 800 Mhz * RAM: 1280 MB * DirectX: 9.0 * Hard Drive: 257 MB


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements: 3D graphics accelerator with full OpenGL support, Pentium II 233 MHz or AMD 350 MHz K6-2 processor or Athlon processor, 512 MB RAM, 128 MB video card, 1400 MB of free hard drive space, 100% DirectX 3.0 or higher compatible sound card, DVD-ROM drive (600 kB/s sustained transfer rate) Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7 compatible.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 4000+ RAM: XP 1 GB RAM, Vista 2 GB RAM VGA: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB Video Memory Video Card (ATI): Radeon X1600 Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 7600 Video Card (ATI): Radeon HD 2900 Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 8800 GT DX: DirectX® 9c OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 HDD: 6.1 GB + 1 GB Swap File Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.4 GHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 600 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: - Intel(R) Pentium(R) D processor or higher - AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 or higher (Intel 2.4Ghz or AMD 2.0Ghz) RAM: - Windows(R) XP : at least 512MB - Windows Vista(R) : at least 1GB VGA: DirectX(R)9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible with at least 256MB of video RAM Choe-Funk - NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7900 series or higher - ATI Radeon(TM) HD 3850 or higher DX: This game requires Microsoft(R) DirectX(R) 9.0c or higher OS: - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP - Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) *1 Please make sure the latest service pack is installed HDD: 10 GB free Sound: DirectX(R)9.0c compatible sound card Resolution: 800x600 (SVGA) or higher


RiDKiD: ## Minimum: CPU: 1.2 GHZ or Equivalent, 512 MB RAM, Video Card: 64 MB DX9 Compliant, 2 GB free hard drive space, DX 8.1 Compatible Audio, Windows 2000/XP


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 Ghz RAM: 768 MB RAM VGA: nVIDIA® GeForce™ 6600 or ATI Radeon® 9800 with at least 128 MB of video memory OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP (Service Pack 2) HDD: 5 GB available hard drive space


RiDKiD: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OS: Windows XP SP3 Software: Steam Client Processor: Intel Core 2 @ 2Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Memory: 1.5 GB Hard Drive: 8 Gb free Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible OS: Windows Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 @ 2Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 8 Gb free Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: 2.4 GHz Quad Core processor Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 10 Gb free Video Memory: 512+ MB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX Sound Card: DirectX Compatible OTHER REQUIREMENTS & SUPPORTS Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, Microsoft DirectX & Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 3 @ 1.0 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 1.1 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: Please note that Darksiders does not support Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/NT/2000, Beta/Release Candidate versions of Windows 7, or 64-bit versions of any operating system. 1.1 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7 - Processor: AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+ 2.4Ghz or better, Intel Pentium 4 530 3.0Ghz Processor or better - Memory: 1GB XP, 2GB Vista / Windows 7 - Graphics: NVIDIA (GeForce 8800/GeForce GT220) 256MB graphics card or better, ATI Radeon X1900 256MB graphics card or better ( must support pixel shader 3 ) - DirectX: DirectX 9.0c - Hard Drive: 12GB Choe-Funk - Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound - Online Steam account - DVD ROM (Physical Copy)


RiDKiD: ## IntelIntel /AMD 1.6 GHz * Windows XP (32Bit) * 512Mb RAM * DX9 Compatible 128 MB Graphics-card * Support for Pixel/Vertex shader 1.1 (GeForce 3 and above) * DirectX Compatible Sound Card * DVD-Drive * 6Gb HDD Space * DirectX 9 (included)


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 1.6 GHz or Athlon XP+ 1800 CPU (SSE support required) RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 64 MB Graphics Card with vertex and pixel shaders 1.1 support (for example, GeForce3 or Radeon 8500) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows 2000 / XP HDD: 1.5 GB Free Hard Drive Space (extra 0.5 GB for saved games) Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible ODD: 4x CD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium® 4 or AMD® Athlon™ 2.0 GHz processor or faster. Memory: 256 MB RAM. Hard Disk Space: 1.5 GB free. Choe-Funk Video: DirectX® 9.0c compatible video card (ATI® Radeon® 9600 or NVIDIA® GeForce® 4 Ti 4600 with 128 MB RAM) or higher. Sound: DirectX and Windows®-compatible sound card. DirectX®: DirectX® version 10 or higher. CD-ROM: 4x CD-ROM or faster. Input: Microsoft®-compatible mouse and keyboard.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: P4 2GHz RAM: 2 GB VGA: 256MB VRAM, compatible with DirectX9 OS: Windows XP, Vista HDD: 5GB of HDD space Sound: sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU/Processor: Intel Celeron E1500 Dual-Core 2.2GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+ Video Card Required: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GS / ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT 512MB Minimum RAM (Memory): 2 GB Hard Drive Space Required: 2 GB DirectX Version Needed: 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 Ghz Memory: 1 Gbs Hard Drive: 15 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 Ghz Dual Core Processor Operating System: Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 (32-64 bits) Videos card: 256 MB DirectX 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher Hard drive: 1 GB free space Memory: 2 GB Ram


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 8.5 Gb free Choe-Funk Video Memory: 512 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (36)

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record 2DVD AAHDead Space 2DVD TPSDead Space 2 3DVD TPSDeadly Dozen 1CD TPSDeadly Sin 2 Shining Faith 1CD RPGDeal or No Deal - Secret Vault Games 1CD MisDeath Road 1DVD DRIVINGDeathSpank 1DVD ACTIONDeathSpank Thongs of Virtue 1DVD ACTIONDeath to Spies - Moment of Truth 1DVD AADeath Track 1DVD RACINGDeep Black: Reloaded 1DVD TPSDefenders of Ardania 1DVD StrategyDefense Grid - The Awakening 1CD StrategyDelta Force - Black Hawk Down ** 1CD FPSDelta Force - Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre (Xpack) 1CD FPSDelta Force 2 1CD FPSDelta Force Extreme 2 1DVD FPSDelta Force - Task Force Dagger 1CD FPSDemigod 1DVD StrategyDepth Hunter 1CD HuntingDesperados 2 - Cooper's Revenge 1DVD StrategyDesperate Housewives - The Game 1DVD Virtual LifeDeus Ex ** 1CD AADeus Ex Human Revolution 2DVD AADeus Ex Human Revolution - The Missing Link (Stand Alone) 1DVD AADevil May Cry 3 - Special Edition 1DVD AdventureDevil May Cry 4 2DVD AdventureDexter The Game 1CD ACTIONDiablo II 3CD RPGDiablo II - Lord of Destruction (Xpack) 1CD RPGDiabolik - The Original Sin 1DVD AdventureDiamon Jones - Eye of the Dragon 1DVD ACTIONDimensity 1DVD RPGDin's Curse 1CD RPGDiner Dash 2 ** 1CD MisDino Crisis ** 1CD AAHDino Crisis 2 ** 1CD AADirect Hit Missile War 1CD StrategyDirt 2DVD RACINGDirt 2 2DVD RACINGDirt 3 Complete Edition 2DVD RACINGDIRT - Origin of the Species 1DVD TPS

1DVD StrategyDisciples III: Renaissance 1DVD StrategyDisciples III: Resurrection 2DVD Strategy

Disciples 2 Gold


RiDKiD: Dead Rising 2 OR


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows Vista®/XP, Windows 7 # Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD Athlon X2 2.2 Ghz or better # Memory: 2 GB RAM # Hard disk space: 8.5 GB free hard drive space # Video: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GTS or better, ATI RadeonTM HD 3850 or better # DirectX®: DirecX®9


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (SP2) or Vista * 2.8 GHz processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista) * NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are below minimum system requirements) Choe-Funk * ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) * 256MB Video Card and Shader Model 3.0 required * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 7.5GB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for saved games.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (SP3), Vista (SP1) or WINDOWS 7 * 2.8 GHz processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista or Windows 7) * NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are below minimum system requirements) Choe-Funk * ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) * 256MB Video Card and Shader Model 3.0 required * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 10GB Choe-Funk of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for saved games. * INTERNET CONNECTION, ONLINE AUTHENTICATION, AND END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT REQUIRED TO PLAY. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.EA.COM.


RiDKiD: ## System: PII 550 or equivalent RAM: 128 MB Video Memory: 32 MB Hard Drive Space: 550 MB


RiDKiD: ## * OS : Windows XP/Vista/7 * Processor : Pentium 1 GHz or Better * Memory : 256 MB * Hard Drive : 300 MB Free * Video Memory : DirectX Compatible * Sound Card : DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista MINIMUM 1.2 GHz Pentium Processor 512 MB RAM 500 MB Hard Disk Space DirectX 9.0c compatible 32 MB Video Card DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card 8x CD-ROM Drive RECOMMENDED 2 GHz Pentium Processor DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB Video Card


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 * CPU Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 3500+ * Memory: XP 1 GB RAM, Vista 2 GB RAM * Hard Disk Space: 6.5 GB + 1 GB Swap File * Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required 100% * DirectX 9.0c compatible 256 MB Video Memory * Video Card (ATI): Radeon X800 * Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 6800 * Media Required: 6X DVD-ROM drive * Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard with latest drivers


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7GHz or greater RAM: 1024 MB or greater Choe-Funk Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI-E cards OS: Windows Vista SP2 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater RAM: 1536 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI-E cards OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater RAM: 1536 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB PCI-E cards Shader Model 2.0 required and 24bit depth buffer support required 100% DirectX compatible sound card and drivers DirectX June 2010 1.5 gigabytes of free space


RiDKiD: Deathspank TOV


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Pentium 4 3.0GHz AMD Processor - Sempron 3600+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce GT 240 ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 3850 RAM (Memory) - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 2 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.7 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.8 GHz Processor RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 5200 / ATI Radeon 9500 128 MB RAM Video Card DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista HDD: 3 GB Hard Disk Space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatibile Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7 • Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or Athlon® X2 • 2 GB RAM • 256 MB, DirectX® 9.0c (GeForce 8600 GT, Radeon HD 3650) • 4.5 Gb free space


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.8 Ghz or higher * RAM: 1 GB * HDD: 6 GB free disk space * Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: • Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 • CPU Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 2800+ • Memory: 1 GB RAM • Hard Disk Space: 1 GB Choe-Funk • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card • Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB Video Memory • Video Card (ATI): Radeon 9600 • Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 6200 • Media Required: 32X CD-ROM drive • Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard with latest drivers




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium III 733 MHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB or greater required VGA: Any D3D card with 32 megs of ram. Compatible 3D cards: nVidia TNT-2, GeForce series, or ATI Radeon series. DX: DirextX 8.1 required (Review system required DX9 for game to function properly.) OS: Windows 98, ME, 2000, or XP HDD: 750 MB free space required


RiDKiD: DFBHD sabre


RiDKiD: ## System: PIII 733MHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 32 MB Hard Drive Space: 750 MB


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium II or equivalent RAM:64 MB RAM CD-ROM: 4X CD-ROM Video Memory: 2 MB VRAM Mouse: Yes DirectX: DirectX v6.1


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 Minimum CPU Required RAM: 1 GB or greater required VGA: Direct3D video card with 64 MB or greater required DX: DirectX 9.0c or greater required OS: Windows XP, VISTA (32 & 64) HDD: 2 GB available Sound: Windows compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## System: PII 400 or equivalent RAM: 64 MB RAM CD-ROM: 4X CD-ROM Video Memory: 16 MB VRAM Hard Drive Space: 200 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 GHz Processor RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 128 MB 3D Video Card (GeForce 6800/Radeon 9800 or Better) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Athlon X2 2.7 GHz RAM: 1 GB Graphics card: 256 MB, Nvidia GeForce 8800, Intel Sandy Bridge or AMD equivalent DirectX: 9.0c Sound card: DirectX compatible Hard Disk free space: 2 GB


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 2000/XP * CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.9 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1900+ or higher * RAM: 512 MB * Hard disk space: 4GB free * Video: 128 MB DirectX(tm)9-compatible * Sound: DirectX(tm) compatible sound device * Input: Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows XP SP2 Pentium™ 4 class or Athlon XP processor, 1.4 GHz or greater 256 MB RAM 2.5 GB Hard Drive Space 128 MB DirectX™ 9.0c-compatible video card, 32-bit color (NVIDIA GeForce 3 or equivalent) DirectX 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: Minimum Specifications: 300 Mhz Pentium II or equivalent Windows 95/98 64 MB RAM Choe-Funk DirectX 7.0a compliant 3D accelerated video card DirectX 7.0a compliant sound card DirectX 7.0a or higher (included) 4X CD-ROM Drive 150 MB uncompressed hard drive space Keyboard and Mouse


RiDKiD: ## - OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 with DirectX 9.0c - PROCESSOR: 2 GHz dual core - RAM: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7) - GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better - REQUIRED DISC SPACE: 8.5 GB


RiDKiD: ## - OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 with DirectX 9.0c - PROCESSOR: 2 GHz dual core - RAM: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7) - GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better - REQUIRED DISC SPACE: 3,3 GB




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium III Processor, 1.0 Ghz and above RAM: 256 MB RAM VGA: DirecX 9.0n and above video card, Shader 2.0, 128MB VRAM (256 or higher for High Graphics Detail support), VRAM 256 MB and above DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/2000* HDD: 2.0 GB free disk space




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz RAM: 1 GB (2GB for Vista) VGA: 256 MB (nVidia GeForce 7300GS) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 * CPU: 1.8 GHz or higher * RAM: 1 GB * Hard Disk Space: 600 MB * Video Card: Graphics card (128 MB+) * Sound Card: Direct X-compatible sound card * DirectX: DirectX 9c


RiDKiD: CPU: Diablo II requires a Pentium-compatible 233 MHz processor or better. Memory: 32 MB of RAM is required for Single Player mode. 64 MB of RAM is required for Multiplayer mode. Open game Creators and TCP/IP game Hosts: 128MB RAM recommended (256MB RAM in games with over 4 players). Hard Drive Space: The Single Player installation requires 650 MB free space on your hard drive. The Multiplayer installation requires 950 MB free space on your hard drive. The Full installation requires 1.55 GB free space on your hard drive. Video: Diablo II requires an SVGA video card and monitor capable of displaying 800 x 600 pixels at a color depth of at least 256 colors. Choe-Funk 3D accelerators compatible with Glide or Direct3D are supported. Diablo II requires 8MB of texture RAM. Sound: Diablo II requires a DirectX-compatible sound card. Diablo II supports sound cards with 3D positioning and environmental audio effects, like reverberation and occlusion. Be sure to configure your sound driver and position your speakers to get the optimum audio performance from your system. Operating System: Diablo II is a Windows 95/98/2000/NT game that utilizes Microsoft DirectX. Diablo II will run under DirectX 6.1 or higher, but we recommend updating to DirectX version 7.0a. You may install DirectX 7.0a using the Diablo II Installer. Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 do not require that you install Microsoft DirectX, as it is already part of the operating system.


RiDKiD: CPU: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction requires a Pentium-compatible 233 MHz processor or better. Memory: 32 MB of RAM is required for Single Player mode. 64 MB of RAM is required for Multiplayer mode. Open game Creators and TCP/IP game Hosts: 128MB RAM recommended (256MB RAM in games with over 4 players). Hard Drive Space: Installation of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction occupies a minimum of 1.5 GB of your hard drive space - 950 MB for the Multiplayer installation of Diablo II and another 550 MB for the Expansion Set, itself. Video: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction requires an SVGA video card and a monitor capable of displaying 800 x 600 pixels at a color depth of at least 256 colors. Choe-Funk 3D accelerators compatible with Glide or Direct3D are supported. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction requires 8MB of texture RAM. Sound: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction requires a DirectX-compatible sound card. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction supports sound cards with 3D positioning and environmental audio effects, like reverberation and occlusion. Be sure to configure your sound driver and position your speakers to get the optimum audio performance from your system. Operating System: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is a Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP game that utilizes Microsoft DirectX. Windows NT 4.0 must have service pack 5 or higher installed. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction will run under DirectX 6.1 or higher, but we recommend updating to DirectX version 7.0a. You may install DirectX 7.0a using the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Installer. Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 do not require that you install Microsoft DirectX, as it is already part of the operating system.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista * CPU: Pentium 4 at 2.4 GHz * RAM: 1 GB for XP or 2 GB for Vista * HDD: 3 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB card * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 2.5 GHz * RAM: 1024 MB Choe-Funk * DirectX: 9.0 * Hard Drive: 1421 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD with SSE2 RAM: 512 (1 GB for Windows Vista) VGA: Videocard with Pixel Shader 2.0 support ATI Radeon 9600/NVIDIA 5500 OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista * CPU: 1.5 GHz Pentium 4 * RAM: 256 MB Choe-Funk * HDD: 200 MB free disk space * Graphics: GeForce 2 (or other equivalent) * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista * CPU: 600 Mhz * RAM: 128 MB * DirectX: 6.0 * Hard Drive: 19 MB


RiDKiD: [Without 3D acceleration board] [With compatible 3D acceleration board] OS Windows95/98 Windows95/98 CPU Pentium 200MHz or better Pentium 166MHz or better (Pentium III or better recommended) (Pentium II or better recommended) Memory (Installed RAM) 32MB or more 32MB or more (64MB or more recommended) (64MB or more recommended) Choe-Funk VRAM ----------- 4MB or more(Won't run with 2MB) Display resolution 640 x 480 or higher 640 x 480 or higher High Color(16 bit) High Color(16 bit) CD-ROM drive 4X speed or faster 4X speed or faster Audio Direct Sound compatible board Direct Sound compatible board (DirectX 6.1 compatible) (DirectX 6.1 compatible) Video Board Direct Draw compatible board Direct Draw compatible board (Direct X 6.1 compatible) (Direct X 6.1 compatible) HDD capacity 1MB or more 1MB or more


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/XP Processor: Pentium @ 233 MHz Memory: 64 Mb Hard Drive: 250 Mb free Video Memory: 4 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 7.0


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Processor: 2 Ghz Memory: 1 GB Video Card: GeForce 6600 or higher Video Card Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Hard disk: 200 MB Available Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ---------------------------- Minimum Specifications ---------------------------- - Windows XP - DirectX 9.0c - Pentium 4 @ 3.0GHz or Athlon 64 3000+ - 1GB RAM. - Graphics Card: GeForce 6800 / Radeon X1300 or above - DirectX Compatible Sound Card Choe-Funk -Dual Layer CompatibleDVD-ROM Drive - 12.5 Gb Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: Minimum Specifications * Windows XP/Vista/7 * DirectX 9.0c * Intel Pentium D 3.0GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 * 1GB RAM (2GB for Vista) Choe-Funk * Graphics Card: GeForce 6800 / Radeon X1550 or above * DirectX Compatible Sound Card or motherboard audio * Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive * 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: Windows® XP, Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 2.8 GHz / Intel® Pentium® D 2.8 GHz 2 GB RAM 15 GB Hard Drive Space Graphics Card: AMD Radeon™ HD 2000 Series 256 MB / NVIDIA® GeForce® 8000 Series 256 MB DirectX Compatible Sound Card DirectX 9


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 3.0 1Ghz CPU or better. 512MB RAM. Choe-Funk 4.0 Gb Free hard disk space. DirectX 9.0C. DirectX 9.0c Compatible Graphics card with 64Meg of VRAM.


RiDKiD: Windows(R) 9x/2000/Me/XP Pentium II 233 Mhz / AMD Athlon 32MB RAM (Recommended: 64 MB) 1.1GB Free Hard Drive Space 8MB Video Card Choe-Funk DirectX Compatible Sound Card DirectX 7.0 or higher 56k Modem for Internet Play


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD 3000+ or Intel Pentium 2 Ghz RAM: 512 megabytes VGA: ATI Radeon 9600 or NVidia (DirectX compatible), 128 megabytes OS: Windows XP / Vista HDD: 4 gigabytes


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP 2 / Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 2 GHz Single Core Memory: 1 GB Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible, 128 MB (Shader Model 2.0 required) DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 8 GB Sound: DirectX compatible

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (37)

Disney Universe 2DVD AADisney's Brother Bear 1CD AdventureDistant Worlds ** 1CD StrategyDive to the Titanic 1DVD SIMDivine Divinity ** 3CD RPGDivinity 2 - Ego Draconis 1DVD RPGDivinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga 2DVD RPGDoctor Who - The Adventure Games - episodes 1 - 4 1DVD AdventureDomination 1DVD StrategyDoom 3 3CD FPSDoom 3 - Resurrection of Evil (Xpack) ** 1CD FPSDoom Rails 1CD DRIVINGDracula - Origin 1CD AdventureDragon Age Origins - Ultimate Edition (+Awakening + All dlc ) 3DVD RPG

2DVD RPGDragon Age II - Legacy DLC 1DVD RPGDragon Age II - Mark of the Assassin DLC 1DVD RPGDrains 1CD AdventureDrakensang - The Dark Eye 1DVD RPGDrakensang - The River Of Time 1DVD RPGDrakensang - Phileasson's Secret (Xpack of The River Of Time ) 1DVD RPGDream Mysteries Case of the Red Fox 1CD AdventureDreamcast Collection 1DVD CollectionDreamkiller 2DVD FPSDRIV3R Parallel Lines 1DVD ACTIONDriver San Francisco 2DVD DRIVINGDriving Simulator 2011 1DVD SIMDucati World Championship 1DVD RACINGDuke Nukem Forever 1DVD FPSDungeon Siege II 1DVD RPGDungeon Siege II - Broken Sword (Xpack) ** 1CD RPGDungeon Siege III 1DVD RPGDungeons Game Of The Year Edition 1DVD StrategyDungeons and Dragons Anthology The Master Collection 3DVD StrategyDungeons and Dragons Daggerdale 1DVD StrategyDungeon Defenders 1DVD StrategyDungeons of Dredmor 1CD RPGDungeons The Dark Lord 1DVD StrategyDUSK-12 1DVD FPSDwarfs 1CD ACTIONDynasty Warriors 4 Hyper 1DVD ACTIONDynasti Warrior 6 1DVD StrategyDynasty Warrior 7 (Shin-Sangoku Musou 6) 4DVD Hack and slash

EEarth 2160 1DVD StrategyEarth Defense Force Insect Armageddon 1DVD TPS

Dragon Age II


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® 7 / XP® SP3 3.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD Athlon™ 64 3500+ or equivalent processor 2 GB RAM 5.82 GB uncompressed hard drive space 256 MB 3D video card supporting Shaders 4.0 (NVIDIA® Geforce 8400 or higher, ATI Radeon™ 2900 or higher) NOTE Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card 8X speed DVD-ROM drive DirectX 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## * Windows 98/Me/XP * Pentium II class processor, 350 MHz * 64MB RAM * 250MB free hard disk space * 8X speed CD-ROM drive Choe-Funk * 16-bit DirectX 9-compatible sound card * 8MB video card, 16-bit color depth, DirectX 9-compatible * DirectX 9.0b Included


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.5 GHz Video Card : 32 MB VRAM – 32-bit video card with 1024 x 768 resolution support Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 500 MB Sound : DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound Card Direct X : 9.0c or later


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 2 GB free disk space * Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: System requirements for Divine Divinity are the following: CPU:Pentium II 450 MHz or higher RAM:at least 64 MB RAM, recommended 128 MB RAM Hard disc:at least 1,7 GB (minimum installation), recommended 2,6 GB (maximum installation) Choe-Funk Graphic card:at least SVGA 640x480 Pixels, 16 bit Color depth, 8 MB Video RAM. 3D accelerator cards compatibel with Glide or DirectX 8.1 are supported. Sound card:100% DirectX compliant sound card Operating system: Windows 98/2000 Service Pack 2/ME/XP; DirectX 8.1 or better.


RiDKiD: Divinity 2 Ego


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Dual Core at 1.8 Ghz or better Video Card : 256 MB DirectX 9.0c With Shader Model 3.0 support (Nvidia 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600) Memory : 1 GB for Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 9 GB of free hard disk space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Vista Sound Card : DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c / 10.0 (Vista) Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: Divinity II DKS


RiDKiD: Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2, Microsoft® Windows Vista®, Microsoft® Windows 7 Choe-Funk Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo 1.8 Ghz or equivalent RAM: 1024 MB for Windows® XP, 2048 MB for Windows Vista® and Windows 7 Graphics card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 7600 series with 256 MB RAM or equivalent Optical Drive: DVD-ROM Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c ® Minimum required hard disc space: 13 GB


RiDKiD: ## System: Microsoft ® Windows XP ® / Vista ® / Windows ® 7 Processor: Pentium IV 1.6 GHz or equivalent Athlon XP Memory: 512 MB Video Card: 128 MB Sound card: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP MINIMUM 750MHz Processor 256MB RAM Choe-Funk 4X CD-ROM Drive 570MB Hard Disk Space 32MB GeForce 2 Class Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 8.1


RiDKiD: * English version of Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000/XP * Pentium(r) 4 1.5 GHz or Athlon(tm) XP 1500+ processor · 384MB RAM · 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers * 2.2GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows(r) swap file) * 100% DirectX(r) 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers Choe-Funk * 100% Windows(r) 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers * DirectX(r) 9.0b (included) · 3D hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX(r) 9.0b compatible 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card and the latest drivers. o ATI(r) Radeon 8500 o ATI(r) Radeon 9000 o ATI(r) Radeon 9200 o ATI(r) Radeon 9500 o ATI(r) Radeon 9600 o ATI(r) Radeon 9700 o ATI(r) Radeon 9800 o All Nvidia(r) GeForce 3/Ti series o All Nvidia(r) GeForce 4MX series o All Nvidia(r) GeForce 4/Ti series o All Nvidia(r) GeForce FX series o Nvidia(r) GeForce 6800 series


RiDKiD: - Full version of DOOM 3(TM) - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000/XP - Pentium(R) 4 1.5 GHz or Athlon(tm) XP 1500+ processor - 384MB RAM Choe-Funk - 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers - 630MB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows(R) swap file) - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers - 100% Windows(R) 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) - 3D hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card and the latest drivers. - ATI(R) Radeon(R) 8500 - ATI Radeon 9000 or above - ATI Radeon X700 - ATI Radeon X800 - All Nvidia(R) GeForce(TM) 3/Ti series - All Nvidia GeForce 4MX series - All Nvidia GeForce 4/Ti series - All Nvidia GeForce FX series - All Nvidia GeForce 6 series


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows ME/XP/VISTA/7 Processor: Intel 1 GHZ Memory: 1 GB or more Hard Drive: 600 MB HD space Video Card (graphics): (Shader 3), NVIDIA 6150 or ATI R520 Direct X 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## 512 MB RAM, 0 MB Video RAM, 2500 MB disk space


RiDKiD: Windows XP ---------- OS: Windows XP with SP3 CPU: Intel Core 2 (or equivalent) running at 1.6Ghz or greater AMD 64 (or equivalent) running at 2.2Ghz or greater RAM: 1 GB or more Video: ATI Radeon X850 128MB or greater; NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB or greater. Windows Vista ------------- OS: Windows Vista with SP1 Choe-Funk CPU: Intel Core 2 (or equivalent) running at 1.8Ghz or greater AMD 64 (or equivalent) running at 2.6Ghz or greater RAM: 1.5 GB or more Video: ATI Radeon X1550 256MB or greater; NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256MB or greater.


RiDKiD: OS: Windows 7 Windows Vista with SP2 CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) or greater 1.8 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 (or equivalent) or greater RAM: 1.5 GB or greater HD: 7 GB of hard drive space required Video: ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS 256MB WEI: 4.5 (Windows Experience Index) Windows XP ---------- OS: Windows XP with SP3 CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) or greater 1.8 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 (or equivalent) or greater RAM: 1 GB or greater HD: 7 GB of hard drive space required Video: ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS 256MB NOTES: For best results, make sure the latest drivers for both your video and audio cards are installed. Laptop or mobile versions of the above supported video cards have not had extensive testing and may have driver or other performance issues. As such, they are not officially supported in Dragon Age II.


RiDKiD: DLCs included: * The Exiled Prince * The Black Emporium * Signature Edition Rewards * Mage Item Pack * Rogue Item Pack * Warrior Item Pack * Antivan Garrote * Ring of Whispers * Legacy


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP or Windows 7 CPU: 2.5 Ghz Duo Core or equivalent RAM: 1.5 GB or greater Video Card: ATI HD 4700, GT 240 or equivalent Hard Drive Space: 1.5 GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 with 2.4 GHz or an equal CPU RAM: 1 GB (XP) 1,5 GB (Vista) 32 bit 2 GB (Vista) 64 bit VGA: Geforce 6600 GT with 256 Megabyte video memory OS: Windows XP / Vista HDD: 6 GB


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements Pentium ® 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent CPU RAM: 1 GB for Windows ® XP, 2 GB for Vista / Windows ® 7 NVIDIA 6800GT with 256 MB RAM or equivalent video card Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista ® 7 DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk DirectX ® 9c compatible sound card 7 GB of free disk space Recommended System Requirements Intel ® Core ™ 2 Duo E6750 2.66 GHz or equivalent CPU RAM: 3 GB NVIDIA 8800GT with 512 MB RAM or equivalent video card Windows XP with Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista ® 7 DVD-ROM drive DirectX ® 9c compatible sound card 7 GB of free disk space


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Pentium D 3.4GHz AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 7800 GT ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 4650 RAM (Memory) - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 3 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 1 GHz Pentium 3 or equivalent 512MB RAM DirectX 7.0


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP (SP 3) / Vista (SP 2) / 7 Processor: Dual Core 2,6 GHz Memory: 1 GB / 2 GB (Vista & Windows 7) Video Card: 512 MB with Shader Model 3.0 support Sound Card: DirectX compatible


RiDKiD: ## Processor : 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor Video Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible 256 MB Video Memory with Shader 3.0 support – Nvidia Geforce 7600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Choe-Funk Memory : 1 GB RAM (XP) / 2 GB RAM (VISTA) Hard Disk: 11 GB of free hard disk space Operating System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Direct X: DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Supported OS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Windows® XP (Service Pack 1 required) • Windows® Vista Minimum Hardware Requirements: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Processor: INTEL Pentium® 4 or AMD AthlonTM 2 GHz with SSE instructions (3.4 Ghz recommended) • RAM: 256 MB (512 recommended) Choe-Funk • Video Card*: 64 MB DirectX® 9.0c compatible supporting Shader Model 1.1 (256 MB and SM 2.0 recommended) • Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible (EAX support recommended) • DirectX Version: DirectX® 9.0c or later supporting XInput controllers • Hard Disk Space: 4.8 GB free * Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: NVIDIA® GeForce™ 3/4/5/FX/6/7 families (excluding GeForce 4 MX) ATI® Radeon™ 9/X families


RiDKiD: Supported Operating Systems*: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3)/Windows Vista® (with Service Pack 2)/ Windows 7® (with Service pack 1), both 32 bit & 64 bit versions PROCESSOR: Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ 2.2Ghz RAM: 1GB Windows XP / 2GB Windows Vista or Windows 7 VIDEO CARD: 256 MB DirectX–compliant, Shader 4.0–enabled video card** DIRECT X®: DirectX 9.0c DVD-ROM DRIVE: DVD-ROM speed 4x, dual-layer drive SOUND CARD: DirectX 9.0c – compliant sound card HDD space : 11 GB


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz Memory: 512 MB Video Card: 128 MB, DirectX 9.0 Sound: Covmestimaya with DirectX 9.0


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000 / XP / Vista Pentium 4 1.6GHz Processor 512MB RAM Choe-Funk 128MB Direct3D compatible AGP Video Card DirectX 9.0 4GB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 @ 2.0 Ghz Memory: 1 GB Hard Drive: 10 Gb free Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *Does not support Windows XP 64 OS: Windows Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 @ 2.0 Ghz Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 10 Gb free Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible


RiDKiD: • Windows® XP Service Pack 1 • PC with 1.0 Ghz equivalent or higher processor • 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk • 4 GB of available hard disk space • Quad-speed or higher CD-ROM drive • Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio • Microsoft® Mouse or compatible pointing device • LAN or Internet connection for online/multiplayer • Direct X 9.0c (included on game disc) • Supported video card (listed below)


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP SP1 or higher, 1.8GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, 1.4 GB Free HD Space, 4x CD-ROM, ATI Radeon 7500 or better/nVidia GeForce PCX 5750/Intel 82845, 82865, 82915 Graphics Controllers, Dungeon Siege II installed


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7 CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1.5 GB HDD: 4 GB free disk space Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory


RiDKiD: Dungeons GOTY


RiDKiD: ## - Operating system: Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 - Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 / Intel Core 2 Quad - Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista) - Video: AMD Radeon HD 5850 (Dx11) with support for Shader 3.0 /256 MB - Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 - Free hard drive space: 4 GB


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 Intel Pentium II 700MHz Processor 128MB RAM 30GB HDD 6x DVD-ROM 32MB Video Card with Hardware T&L Support Windows XP/Vista/7 Compatible Sound Card DirectX Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## O.S.: Windows® XP Processor: P4 1.6 GHz or AMD equivalent with SSE Memory: 512 MB RAM GraphicsCard: 64 MB Hardware T&L -compatible video card DirectX: DirectX 9.0c DiscSpace: 3GB, 5GB for high resolution


RiDKiD: ## OS: WinXP/Vista/7 Processor: 1.5 GHz single-core Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: 128 MB DirectX9 Shader Model 2 compatible graphics card or better DirectX®: DirectX9 Hard Drive: 1 GB free space Sound: Windows compatible sound hardware


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: Core 2 Duo/Athlon 64 or above recommended Memory: 1 GB of RAM minimum; 2 GB recommended Hard Disk Space: 400+ megabytes Video Card: Any DirectX-compatible video device with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 600 or 1024 x 768 DirectX: 9 Sound: Any DirectX-compatible audio device


RiDKiD: ## . Operating System: - Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7 . Processor: - 2.0 GHz Dual Core . Memory: - 3 GB . Video: - 256 MB DirectX 9.0c Graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 . Audio device: - Windows-compatible Soundcard . Hard disk space: - 2 GB free HDD


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP 2 GHz RAM: 512 MB Video Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card with 128 MB of video memory-class GeForce 5700 and ATI Radeon 9600 or higher Free disk space: 4 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card CD-ROM: 8x-speed DVD-ROM Additional software: DirectX 9.0c Controls: Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 250 Mb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: DW 4


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4, 1.6GHz or higher RAM: 256MB or more of installed memory VGA: 64MB or more of VRAM DirectX 8.0 or higher compliant 3D accelerator card supporting hardware shader functionality DX: DirectX 9.0 or higher compatible OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 2.4GB or more of free hard disk space




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium® 4 1.6GHz RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading supporting 128MB or more of VRAM DX: DirectX 9.0c+ OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 5 GB


RiDKiD: DW 7


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium4 2.0GHz or above System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Memory: 512MB or more Hard Disk: 13GB free space Drive: DVD drive Display: 640 * 480 or above resolution Graphics: more than 128MB memory and supports DirectX 9.0c 3.0 3D graphics processor for more than support the function of the hardware shader (Hardware Shader) Sound: DirectX 9.0c above


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium(R) 4 1.5 GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Hard Drive Space: 1500 MB Other: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card and video card with Pixel Shader 1.3 support


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7 Processor: 2.0Ghz Dual core CPU (any Core 2 Duo or AMD X2 or better) Memory: 1GB (XP), 2GB (Vista), 2GB (Windows 7) Graphics: 512MB Video Card using Shader Model 3 or higher (Performance equivalent to an AMD Radeon 4350 or NVIDIA GeForce 7900) DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 6 GB space free Online Steam account

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (38)

East India Company 1DVD StrategyEast India Company - Battle of Trafalgar (Xpack) 1CD StrategyEdna and Harvey The Breakout 1DVD AdventureEl Matador 1DVD TPSElder Scrolls IV - Knights of the Nine The - add on 1DVD RPGElder Scrolls IV - Oblivion The 1DVD RPGElder Scrolls V Skyrim The 2DVD RPGElder Scrolls V Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack The DLC 1DVD RPGElemental - War of Magic 1DVD StrategyElements of War 1DVD StrategyElven Legacy 1DVD StrategyElven Legacy - Ranger (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyElven Legacy - Siege (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyElven Legacy - Magic (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyEmpire - Total War 3DVD StrategyEmpire Earth 3 2DVD StrategyEnclave 1DVD ACTIONEnemy Territory - Quake Wars 2DVD FPSEragon 1DVD AAEschalon Book II 1CD AAEternal Sunrise 1CD StrategyEuro Truck Simulator 1CD DRIVINGEuropa Universalis III Divine Wind 1CD strategyEuropa Universalis Rome Gold ** 1CD MisEverest 1CD StrategyEvil Islands - Curse of the Lost Soul ** 1CD RPGEvochron Mercenary 1CD SIMExcruciating Guitar Voyage 1CD ArcadeExodus from the Earth 1DVD FPSExplodemon! ** 1CD ArcadeE Y E: Divine Cybermancy 1DVD FPS


F1 2010 Deluxe 2CD RACINGF1 2011 2DVD RACINGF1 2007 ** 1CD RACINGF1 Game GrandPrix 4 2009 1DVD RACINGF1 IndyCar Series 1CD RACINGFA-18 Operation Desert Storm 1CD SIMFable - The Lost Chapters 4CD ACTIONFable 3 2DVD RPGFaces of War 1DVD StrategyFaery Legends of Avalon 1DVD RPGFallout 2 ** 1CD RPGFallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition 2DVD RPGFallout New Vegas 2DVD RPG

F1 2010


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD® Athlon® 64 2.2 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1024 MB RAM VGA: Nvidia® Geforce® 7600 256 MB or equivalent, ATI® 2400 worked just as well Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista HDD: 300 MB Available HDD Space


RiDKiD: East India Xpack


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 at 2.13GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3600+ Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – (Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX / ATI Radeon X1800 Series ) Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 6 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows Xp / Windows Vista Sound Card : DirectX compatible Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## WINDOWS XP /VISTA / 7 Pentium III / Athlon 1.4 GHz, 512 MB of memory, video card with 64 MB memory, 5 GB of space on the HDD Choe-Funk Recommended system requirements: WINDOWS XP /VISTA / 7 Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1.7 GHz, 512 MB of memory, video card with 128 MB memory, 5 GB of space on the HDD


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.5 GHz Pentium 3 \ AMD Athlon class processor RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 128 MB DirectX 9 compatible AGP graphics card with HW pixel & vertex shaders support (nVidia GeForce 4, ATI Radeon 8500,...) DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows XP HDD: 2.5 GB hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 4600 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor RAM: 512MB System RAM VGA: 128MB Direct3D compatible video card and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows XP 64-bit HDD: 4.6 GB free hard disk space Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: TES V Skyrim


RiDKiD: ## Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit) Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor 2GB System RAM 6GB free HDD Space Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: TES V Skyrim Texture Pack


RiDKiD: ## Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit) Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor 2GB System RAM 6GB free HDD Space Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4 GHz Processor RAM: 1 GB Available RAM VGA: 128 MB 3D Video Card (GeForce 6800/Radeon x1600 or Better) OS: Windows 7/Vista, SP2/XP SP3


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® Pentium® IV 1.5 GHz or AMD® 2000+ (single core) RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX 5700 or ATI™ Radeon® 9600 and above Video Card DX: DirectX® Version 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista HDD: 3 GB Available HDD Space


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 6600 GT ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X850 Series RAM Memory - 1 GB Hard Disk Space - 2 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP * Processor: 1.5 GHz Pentium IV; AMD 2000+ 1.5Ghz (Single Core) * Memory: 512 MB * Hard disk space: 3 GB of free space * Video: nVidia GF FX 5700 or ATI Radeon 9600 128 MB; * Sound: DirectX-compatible * DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.4 GHz / AMD 3500+ Video Card : Nvidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X850XT or better Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 3 GB of free Hard Drive space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Sound Card : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel® Pentium® or greater or AMD® Athlon® equivalent CPU RAM: 1 GB RAM (XP,) 2 GB RAM (Vista™) VGA: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware accelerated video card with shader version 2.0 support, 256 MB video memory DX: Directx9.0c OS: Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista™ HDD: 15 GB free hard disk space Sound: Directx9.0c compatible sound card Resolution: Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels


RiDKiD: - 1.7 GHz Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4, AMD(R) Athlon(TM) XP processor or equivalent - NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 6000 series graphics card or equivalent DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 128 MB 3D video card supporting hardware T&L and Shader Model 2.0 or higher - 512 MB RAM - 1.5 GB Virtual Memory paging file recommended as well - 6.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 32-BIT XP or Windows Vista(TM) operating system - DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) - DirectX(R)-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones - DVD-ROM drive - Microsoft(R)-compatible mouse and keyboard - Internet Connection: Cable/DSL or faster for online play


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.8 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) XP 2800+processor (Pentium 4 3.0GHz or equivalent for Windows Vista) RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista) VGA: 128MB NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 5700 or ATI(TM) Radeon(TM) 9700 (full list of supported chipsets below) DX: Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/Vista (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported) HDD: 5GB of free hard drive space, plus 700MB for Windows swap file Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows® 2000/XP (Windows x64 NOT supported) DirectX®: 9.0c, or higher CPU: 1.4 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 or equivalent AMD® Athlon™ or faster processor RAM: 512 MB RAM or more Hard drive: 4 GB of free drive space, or more Optical drive: CD-ROM Choe-Funk Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce®, ATI® Radeon®, or equivalent DirectX® 9.0c-compliant, 128 MB 3D video card with Hardware Transform and Lighting capability and pixel shader support Audio card: DirectX 9-compatible audio card Mouse: Windows compatible mouse Keyboard: Windows compatible keyboard Gamepad: Windows-compatible USB gamepad with eleven buttons and dual analog sticks (Recommended)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 300 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## * Windows Vista(Required Update) /XP/2000/Me * Processor: 800 MHz * 128 MB RAM * Video adapter 1024Ч768 or better video resolution in High Color mode * DirectSound-compatible sound card * 100 MB free disc space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System Windows XP or Windows Vista CPU 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent Choe-Funk Memory 512 Mb (Windows XP) 1 GB (Windows Vista) Hard Drive Space 600 MB of free space Graphics Hardware 128 MB video card: GeForce 4 (not MX!) or better, ATI Radeon 8500 or better


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Pentium D 3.6GHz GD cpu hardware score: 3 Login to compare your CPU AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3600+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 7900 GS GD gfx hardware score: 5 Login to compare your GFX Card ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X1900 Series RAM (Memory) - 1 GB Check out our NEW Can I Run It System Requirement Tool Hard Disk Space - 1 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.9 GHz Processor RAM: 512 MB VGA: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card & support for pixelshader 2.0 OS: Microsoft Windows XP/2000/Vista


RiDKiD: Minimum configuration: Windows 95/98/ME/2000 DirectX 7.0 Pentium II 300 MHz 64 MB RAM Choe-Funk AGP 3D graphic accelerator 8 MB video RAM Sound card 550 MB free hard drive space is required. Additionally, 300 MB of uncompressed hard drive space is highly recommended.


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: AMD or Intel @ 2 GHz *Memory Ram: 1.5 Gb *Hard Disk Space: 750 MB *Video: 128 MB DirectX Compatible 3D Video Card w/Shader 2.0 Support


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows ® XP / Vista / Windows ® 7 Processor: 1 GHz Processor Memory: 1 GB Video: 128 MB Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Hard disk: 250 MB Available Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: Minimum Requirements • Windows® XP or Windows® Vista • Intel® Pentium™ 1,8 GHz or AMD Athlon™ XP 1.8 • 512 Mb RAM Choe-Funk • 6 GB free space for the game + additional space for saved games • 3D Video card with 128 Mb memory supporting DirectX® 9.0c, PS 2.0 (starting from NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or ATI RADEON 9600) with the latest driver installed • DirectX® 9.0 (included in the game DVD) • 16-bit sound card, fully compatible with DirectX® 9.0c • 4xDVD • Mouse, Keyboard


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: 1.7 GHz Memory: 512 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Sound card: DirectX Compatible Hard disc: 800 MB Other: Keyboard and Mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 7 32/64-bit / Vista 32/64 / XP • Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz, Athlon 64 3000+ or better • Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista • Hard Disk Space: At least 6 GB of free space • Video Card: : DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better • DirectX: 9.0c • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: * Windows XP/Vista/7 * DirectX 9.0c * Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4GHz or Athlon X2 * 1GB RAM (2GB for Vista) * Graphics Card: GeForce 7800 / Radeon X1800 or above * DirectX Compatible Sound Card or motherboard audio * Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive * 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: Operating System Microsoft Windows 98,ME,2000 or XP Pro/Home Processor 450 MHZ or better Intel Pentium II or 100% Compatible Memory 128 MB or better Hard Drive 1 Gigabyte free space. Choe-Funk CD/DVD Drive 4x or better 3D Accelerator 16 MB or better DirectX 8.1 compliant. Sound Card Direct X 8.1 compliant. Game Controllers Direct X 8.1 compliant.


RiDKiD: · Windows XP/Vista/7 · DirectX 9.0c · Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 5400+ · 2GB Ram · Graphics Card: GeForce 7800/Radeon X1800 or higher · DirectX Compatible Soundcard or onboard audio · Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive · 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 700 Mhz Ram: 256 Mb VGA: 64 Mb (3D)


RiDKiD: ## * Processor: Intel Celeron-Pentium 4 2.8GHz HT – 800 MHz FSB * Celeron 440 Choe-Funk * RAM: 1024 MB 666MHz-800MHz * Videocard: 256-512 MB (ATI 3450; nVidia GeForce 8500) * Sound Card: 2 channel


RiDKiD: ## Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP; P-II 500 MHz; 64 Mb RAM; 32 Mb 3D Video; HDD 700 Mb; from 4 to 32 CD-ROM; Sound Card; DirectX 8.1


RiDKiD: ## # Windows 98, XP, 2000 # Pentium III or Higher # 256 MB RAM # 2 GB Hard Disk Space Choe-Funk # Direct X Compatible Sound Card # Keyboard & Mouse # 16 Bit Color # 800 by 600 Pixels Display # CD or DVD ROM Drive # Direct X 9.0 # 3D Accelerator Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.4 GHz RAM: 256 MB VGA: 64 MB shader capable video card required Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0.c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP HDD: 3 GB Sound: DirectX 9 compatible


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 # Processor: AMD® Athlon™ 64 Processor X2 4000+ Intel® Pentium Core™2 Duo 2 GHz # Memory: 2 GB # Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® 7600 GT graphics card ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 Pro graphics card # DirectX: DirectX® 9.0c # Hard Drive: 12.5 GB of free space # Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant sound hardware


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2.5 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Os: Windows Xp Sp3/Windows Vista Sp1/Windows 7, Processor: Amd/Intel Dual-Core 2 Ghz, Ram Memory: 2048 Mb, Graphics Card: 256 Mb 100% Directx 9 And Shaders 3.0 Compatible, Ati Radeon Hd 3850/Nvidia Geforce 8800 Or Higher*, Hard Disk Space: 1 Gb,


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium (TM) 90 (MHz) or faster RAM: 16 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 1 MB SVGA, Direct X certified SCGA card OS: Windows (R) 95/98/NT SP3 Only* HDD: 30 MB available hard drive space


RiDKiD: -Minimum System Requirements: * Windows XP/Vista * 1GB System RAM (XP)/ 2GB System RAM (Vista) * 2.4 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor * Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 256MB RAM (NVIDIA 6800 or better/ATI X850 or better) -Recommended System Requirements: * Intel Core 2 Duo processor Choe-Funk * 2 GB System RAM * Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512MB RAM -Supported Video Card Chipsets: ATI HD 4800 series ATI HD 4600 series ATI HD 3800 series ATI HD 3600 series ATI HD 3400 series ATI HD 2900 series ATI HD 2600 series ATI HD 2400 series ATI X1900 series ATI X1800 series ATI X1600 series ATI X1300 series ATI X850 series NVIDIA GeForce 200 series NVIDIA Geforce 9800 series NVIDIA Geforce 9600 series NVIDIA Geforce 8800 series NVIDIA Geforce 8600 series NVIDIA Geforce 8500 series NVIDIA Geforce 8400 series NVIDIA Geforce 7900 series NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series NVIDIA Geforce 7600 series NVIDIA Geforce 7300 series NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series


RiDKiD: * Windows 7/Vista/XP * Dual Core 2.0GHZ * 2GB Ram Choe-Funk * 10GB HDD Space * GeForce 6 Series or ATI 1300 Series Video Card -Supported Video Card Chipsets: ATI HD 5800 series ATI HD 5700 series ATI HD 4800 series ATI HD 4600 series ATI HD 3800 series ATI HD 3600 series ATI HD 3400 series ATI HD 2900 series ATI HD 2600 series ATI HD 2400 series ATI X1900 series ATI X1800 series ATI X1600 series ATI X1300 series ATI X850 series NVIDIA GeForce 400 series NVIDIA GeForce 200 series NVIDIA Geforce 9800 series NVIDIA Geforce 9600 series NVIDIA Geforce 8800 series NVIDIA Geforce 8600 series NVIDIA Geforce 8500 series NVIDIA Geforce 8400 series NVIDIA Geforce 7900 series NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series NVIDIA Geforce 7600 series NVIDIA Geforce 7300 series NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series VIDEO -Regardless of your video card, make sure to download the latest drivers from your manufacturer. INPUT -ALT+TAB may cause some game instability with some hardware configurations and is not advised.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (39)

Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts DLC 1DVD RPGFallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road - DLC 1DVD RPGFallout New Vegas: Old World Blues DLC 1DVD RPGFallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition 3DVD RPGFantasy Wars 1DVD StrategyFar Cry 1DVD FPSFar Cry 2 1DVD FPSFar Cry Delta Sector 1DVD FPSFarming Simulator 2011 ** 1CD SIMFastBlack 1DVD RACINGFate - The Cursed King 1CD ACTIONFate - The Traitor Soul 1CD AdventureFate of the World 1CD StrategyF.E.A.R. 1DVD FPSF.E.A.R. 2 - Project Origin 3DVD FPSF.E.A.R. 2 - Reborn (Xpack) 1DVD FPSF.E.A.R. 3 1DVD FPSF.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate 1DVD FPSFenimore Fillmore's Revenge ** 1CD AdventureFerrari Virtual Academy 2010 1CD SIMFIBA Basketball Manager 2008 1CD SPORTFIFA Manager 2009 1DVD SPORTFIFA Manager 2010 2DVD SPORTFIFA Manager 11 2DVD SPORTFIFA Manager 12 2DVD SPORTFIFA Soccer 2009 (FIFA 09) 1DVD SPORTFIFA Soccer 2010 (FIFA 10) 2DVD SPORTFIFA Soccer 2011 (FIFA 11) 2DVD SPORTFIFA Soccer 2012 (FIFA 12) 2DVD SPORT

1DVD SPORTFill Up 2 1CD MisFIM Speedway Grand Prix 4 1DVD RACINGFinal Fantasy VIII 1DVD RPGFinding Nemo ** 1CD AdventureFirst Templar The 1DVD AdventureFishing Simulator 2011 1CD FishingFlat Out 2 1DVD RACINGFlat Out 3 Chaos And Destruction 3DVD RACINGFloorball League 1DVD SPORTFootBall Manager 09 (FM 09) 1DVD SPORTFootball Manager 10 (FM 10) 1DVD SPORTFootball Manager 2011 (FM11) 1DVD SPORTFootball Manager 2012 (FM12) 1DVD SPORTForgotten Realms - Demon Stone 1DVD ACTIONFortix 2 1CD AdventureForty BigFish Games Collectors Edition 2012 3DVD Puzzle

FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.5 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 10 Gb free Video Memory: 512 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 2900 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Intel CPU - Pentium Dual Core E5200 2.5GHz AMD CPU - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5800+ Nvidia GFX Card - GeForce GT 140 GD GFX hardware ATI GFX Card - Radeon HD 3870 RAM : (Memory) - 3 GB Hard Disk : Space - 1 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: * Windows 7/Vista/XP * Dual Core 2.0GHZ * 2GB Ram Choe-Funk * 10GB HDD Space * GeForce 6 Series or ATI 1300 Series Video Card -Supported Video Card Chipsets: ATI HD 5800 series ATI HD 5700 series ATI HD 4800 series ATI HD 4600 series ATI HD 3800 series ATI HD 3600 series ATI HD 3400 series ATI HD 2900 series ATI HD 2600 series ATI HD 2400 series ATI X1900 series ATI X1800 series ATI X1600 series ATI X1300 series ATI X850 series NVIDIA GeForce 400 series NVIDIA GeForce 200 series NVIDIA Geforce 9800 series NVIDIA Geforce 9600 series NVIDIA Geforce 8800 series NVIDIA Geforce 8600 series NVIDIA Geforce 8500 series NVIDIA Geforce 8400 series NVIDIA Geforce 7900 series NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series NVIDIA Geforce 7600 series NVIDIA Geforce 7300 series NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series VIDEO -Regardless of your video card, make sure to download the latest drivers from your manufacturer. INPUT -ALT+TAB may cause some game instability with some hardware configurations and is not advised.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz / AMD 2000+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 3 Gb free Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD Athlon or Pentium III 1 GHz processor RAM: 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 64 MB DirectX 9.0b compatible graphics card DX: DirectX 9.0b or higher OS: Windows 98SE/2000/XP (Only) HDD: 4 GB


RiDKiD: Minimum Configuration: Operating System: Windows® XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista® (with SP1) Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 3.2 Ghz, Intel® Pentium® D 2.66 Ghz, AMD Athlon™ 64 3500+ or better ChoeFunk RAM: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista Video card: NVidia™ 6800 or ATI™ X1650 or better 256 MB DirectX® 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX® 9.0c–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher See Supported List 1.1.3 for more information. DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM Hard Drive Space: 6 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers Internet: Broadband connection and service required for multiplayer mode Windows-compatible mouse required


RiDKiD: - Computer: AMD Athlon 1 GHz or Pentium III 1 GHz (AMD Athlon XP 2000 / Pentium 4 2 GHz recommended). Choe-Funk - Operating System: FarCry™ is supported on the following operating systems: Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. - Memory: The game requires 256 MB of RAM. - Controls: A keyboard and mouse are required. - Drives: 4 Gb of free hard disc space are required to install and play the game. 4x DVD or 16x CDROM is required to install the game. - Video: A 3D accelerator video card with support for DirectX® 9.0b and at least 64 MB of video memory are required. - Sound: A DirectX®-compatible 16-bit PCI sound card is recommended.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X850 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: ## System Requirements Minimum System Requirement OS: Windows XP or Vista 32 CPU: 2000 MHz, (AMD: 2000) Memory: 512MB Video: DX8 compatible


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Pentium 3 – 800MHz or better * RAM: 256 MB for XP, 512 MB for Vista * HDD: GB free disk space * Graphics: 32 MB Graphics Memory * DirectX: Version 8.1


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor : Intel Pentium III at 800 Mhz or better Video Card : 32MB VRAM – 3D hardware acceleration required Memory : 256 MB RAM (XP) / 512 MB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk : 500 MB of free Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIRED • Windows(R) XP, x64 or 2000 with latest service pack installed • DirectX(R) 9.0c August Edition (Included) or higher • Pentium(R) 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent processor • 512MB RAM or more Choe-Funk • 64MB GeForce(TM) 4 Ti or Radeon(R) 9000 video card • Monitor that can display in 4:3 aspect ratio • 5.0 GB free hard drive space for installation • Additional hard drive space for a swap file and saved game files • DVD-ROM drive • 16-bit DirectX(R) 9.0 compliant sound card with support for EAX(TM) 2.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU: P4 2.8GHz (3.2GHz Vista)/Athlon 64 3000+ (3200+ Vista) RAM: 1GB (1.5GB Vista) VGA: Fully DX9-compliant graphics card with 256MB (SM 2.0b). NVidia 6800 or ATI X700 DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista SP1 HDD: 12GB Sound: DX9.0c compliant


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista SP1 * CPU: P4 2.8GHz (3.2GHz Vista)/Athlon 64 3000+ (3200+ Vista) * RAM: 1 GB (1.5GB Vista) Choe-Funk * HDD: 12 GB free disk space * Graphics: 256MB MB Graphics Card with (SM 2.0) * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+ *Memory Ram: 2 GB *Hard Disk Space: 8 GB *Video: nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS / ATI Radeon HD 3800 series *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium® 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent processor (2.2 GHz for Windows Vista™) RAM: 512 MB of RAM or more (1GB for Windows Vista™) VGA: 64 MB GeForce(R) 4 Ti or Radeon(R) 9000 video card (GeForce(R) 6600 or Radeon(R) 9800 video card or equivalent for Windows Vista(TM)) DX: DirectX® 9.0c (August 2005 Edition) or higher OS: Windows® XP, x64 or 2000 with latest service pack installed or Windows Vista™ HDD: 16 GB free Hard Drive Space for installation of all 3 games +Additional hard drive space needed for a swap file and saved game files


RiDKiD: Minimum system requirements: Processor: Pentium® IV or equivalent RAM: 1 GB Graphic card: DirectX® 9 compatible graphic card with at least 128 MB Sound card: DirectX compatible soundcard CD: CD-Rom drive Peripherals: keyboard and mouse Choe-Funk Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® XP Hard disk: 2 GB free disk space DirectX®: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium [emailprotected] GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500 Memory: 1 GB Choe-Funk Video: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 128 MB Soundcard: DirectX Compatible Soundcard


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP/Vista Pentium III 800 MHz or comparable 512 MB RAM ca. 3 GB free HD space 12x CD/DVD-ROM drive DirectX9 compatible video card with 128 MB RAM Sound card


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or equivalent (2.8 GHz in Windows Vista),


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista™ SP2 Note that Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows NT 4.0 are not supported. DirectX 9.0c (included) Windows XP SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1 GB Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB or greater, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB or greater, Pixel shader 2.0 and above. Choe-Funk Windows Vista™ SP2 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1.5 GB Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB or greater, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB or greater, Pixel shader 2.0 and above. Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible Hard Drive space: For Disc Users: 6.9 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista™ SP2 or Windows 7 Note that Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows NT 4.0 are not supported. DirectX 9.0c (included) Windows XP SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk Video Card: ATI 9600 Pro 128MB or greater, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128MB or greater, Pixel shader 2.0 and above. Windows Vista™ SP2/Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1.5 GB Video Card: ATI 9600 Pro 128MB or greater, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128MB or greater, Pixel shader 2.0 and above. Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible Hard Drive space: For Disc Users: 7 GB free hard disk space For EA Store Users: 14 GB free hard disk space Note that in both cases additional space is required for saved games and DirectX® 9.0c installation. DVD-ROM Drive: 8x or faster DVD-ROM drive Internet connection: 128kbit Cable/DSL connection


RiDKiD: * CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent * 1.5GB RAM Graphic card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB or higher, must support Shader Model 2.0 or higher. * 8 GB of free disk space * 8 x DVD-ROM drive * DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Fifa 09


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz or Equivalent Memory: 512 Mb Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: Shader Model 2.0 Required Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: Fifa 2010


RiDKiD: CPU with 2.4 GHz (single-core) 512 Megabytes of RAM (1 GB required for Windows Vista) DirectX® 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 128 MB video card or equivalent (must support Shader Model 2.0 or above - see supported chipsets in section 11) DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Choe-Funk 512Kbps or greater broadband connection for online gameplay MS compatible mouse Keyboard Please note that 16 bit colour is not supported




RiDKiD: CPU with Dual core processor (Core duo 2 or better) Intel Core2Duo @ 1.8Ghz on Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 1 Gigabyte of RAM (2 GB required for Windows Vista / Windows 7) DirectX® 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 256 MB video card or equivalent (must support Shader Model 3.0 or above - see supported chipsets in section 11) DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Sound Card 512Kbps or greater broadband connection for online gameplay MS compatible mouse Keyboard Please note that 16 bit colour is not supported And additional space required for saved games and DirectX® 9.0c installation Required Operating Systems: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Note that Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Windows NT 4.0 are not supported. Required Software: DirectX® 9.0c




RiDKiD: CPU with Dual core processor (Core duo 2 or better) Intel Core2Duo @ 1.8Ghz on Windows® XP / Windows® Vista / Windows® 7 1 Gigabyte of RAM (2 GB required for Windows® Vista / Windows® 7) ATI Radeon™ HD 3600, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT, Intel’s Sandy Bridge (HD Graphics 2000) and Ivy Bridge (HD Graphics 3000) DirectX® 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 256 MB video card or equivalent (must support Shader Model 3.0 or above - see supported chipsets in section 11) DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Sound Card 512Kbps or greater broadband connection for online gameplay Approximately 8 GB hard drive space (Depending on the language chosen) MS compatible mouse Keyboard Please note that 16 bit color is not supported Required Operating Systems: Windows® XP SP2, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 Note that Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® 2000, Windows® ME, and Windows® NT 4.0 are not supported. Required Software: DirectX® 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * • CPU: 2.4 GHz single-core * • RAM: 512 MB (XP) or 1 GB (Vista) * • Graphics card: Geforce 6600 or better, Ati Radeon 9800 Pro or better, Support for Shader Model 2.0 or better, DirectX 9.0c * • VRAM: 128 MB Choe-Funk * • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound device * • Input: Keyboard or Dual Analog Gamepad * • HDD: 4.4 GB or more, free disc space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## - Windows XP / Vista / 7 - Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz or AMD Athlon 2400+ - Graphics Card: GeForce 7600 or ATI Radeon 9800 - DirectX 9.0c - Sound Card compatible with DirectX 9 - 1 GB RAM (2 GB Vista / Windows 7) - 4 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: FF 8


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 95/98 Processor: Pentium @ 200 MHz Memory: 32 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 400 Mb free Video Memory: 8 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 6.1 Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Pentium II 266 MHz, 64 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4600+ RAM: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista and Win7) HDD: 4 GB free disk space Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * CPU 800 MHz, Intel Pentium 3 * 256 MB RAM * 100 MB free HDD * DirectX 9.0c * 3D graphiccard


RiDKiD: DVD-ROM Drive 2.0 GHz Pentium® 4 or AMD® 2000+ 256 MB RAM 64 MB Graphics Card* Choe-Funk DirectX® Compatible Sound Card 3.5 GB of free Hard Drive Space Windows® XP SP2 or Windows® 2000 SP4 DirectX®9.0c (Included on the disc)


RiDKiD: ## Operating system:Windows® XP Processor: Intel® 2 GHz dual core CPU Memory: 2 GB Video: Nvidia GeForce 8600+ / AMD Radeon HD X2600+ Internet:Broadband Internet Connection DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c Hard disk space: 16 GB Sound: DirectX® compatible Onboard Soundcard Supported Input Devices: Keyboard, Joystick, XBox Controller, Gamepad, Microsoft Controller for Windows Additional Notes: Also supports Razer Hydra.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Processor: 2.4 GHz Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 4.4 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 or better Sound Card: DirectX compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: FM 09 atau Fotman 09


RiDKiD: ## * Windows XP / Vista * 1.4GHz processor for XP or 2.0 GHz for Vista * 512MB RAM for XP or 1GB RAM for Vista * Graphic Card - 128MB Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra, ATI Radeon 9800, Intel 82915G/82910GL or better.


RiDKiD: FM 2010 atau Fotman 2010


RiDKiD: Synopsis of PC Hardware requirements OS * Windows XP/Vista/W7 Processor * XP : 1.4GHz or Faster * Vista/W7 : 2.0GHz or Faster *Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon Memory * XP : 512MB RAM * Vista/W7 : 1.0GB RAM Hard Drive Space * 2GB Choe-Funk DVD-Drive * 4x Speed Video Card * 128MB** **Supported Chipsets : (see below) Sound Card * DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: FM 11


RiDKiD: Synopsis of PC Hardware requirements OS * Windows XP/Vista/W7 Processor * XP : 1.4GHz or Faster * Vista/W7 : 2.0GHz or Faster *Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon Memory * XP : 512MB RAM * Vista/W7 : 1.0GB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Drive Space * 2GB DVD-Drive * 4x Speed Video Card * 128MB** **Supported Chipsets : (see below) Sound Card * DirectX 9.0c compatible Directx * Version 9.0c (included) LAN * TCP/IP compliant Input * Keyboard, Mouse **Supported Chipsets - Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater. Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported. Earlier cards may require the DirectX 9.0 SDK is installed to run the game. This can be downloaded from the following url: Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.


RiDKiD: FM12


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/W7 Processor: XP - 1.4GHz or Faster, Vista/W7 - 2.0GHz or Faster. Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon. Memory: XP - 512MB RAM, Vista/W7 - 1.0GB RAM Graphics: 128MB Supported Chipsets - Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater. Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported. Earlier cards may require the DirectX 9.0 SDK is installed to run the game. This can be downloaded from the following url: DirectX Software Development Kit Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 2GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium III 1 GHz or AMD Athlon 1 GHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Hard Drive Space: 2800 MB Other: Windows 2000/XP


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 300 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: List games 01. Big City Adventure: Vancouver 02. Cooking Dash 3: Thrills and Spills 03. Dark Parables: Curse of Briar Ross 04. Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poes Murders in the Rue Morgue 05. Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poes The Black Cat 06. Death at Fairing Point: A Dana Knightstone Novel 07. Diner Dash 5: Boom 08. Drawn: Dark Flighter 09. Dream Chronicles: Book of Air 10. Echoes of the Past: The Castle of Shadows 11. Enlightenus II: The Timeless Tower 12. Escape The Lost Kingdom 13. Farmscapes 14. Fear for Sale: The Mystery of McInroy Manor 15. Flux Family Secrets: The Rabbit Hole 16. Haunted Halls: Green Hills Sanitarium 17. Haunted Legends: The Queen of Spades 18. Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors 19. Jewel Quest Sleepless Star 20. Love Chronicles: The Spell 21. Mishap 2 Intentional Haunting 22. Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera 23. Mystery Trackers: The Void 24. Nightmare Pacific 25. Penny Dreadfuls: Sweeney Todd 26. Phantasmat 27. PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent 28. Ranch Rush 2 29. Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven 30. Reincarnations: Uncover the Past 31. Royal Envoy 32. Sallys Studio 33. Samantha Swift and the Fountains of Fate 34. Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of the Full Moon 35. Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles 36. Strange Cases: The Lighthouse Mystery 37. Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story 38. Treasure Seekers: Follow the Ghosts 39. Treasure Seekers: The Time Has Come 40. Twisted Lands: Shadow Town

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (40)

Free Running 1CD SPORTFreedom Force ** 1CD RPGFreedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich 1DVD RPGFreight Tycoon Inc 1CD TycoonFritz 12 1DVD MisFrutti Freak for Newbies 2 1CD ArcadeFrom Dust 1DVD StrategyFront Mission Evolved 2DVD TPSFrontlines - Fuel of War 3DVD FPSFuel 1DVD DRIVINGFull Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers 1DVD StrategyFuture Wars 1CD Strategy

GG-Force 1DVD ACTIONG.B.R Special Commando Unit 1DVD FPSGame Stock Car 1DVD FPSGarden Simulator 2010 1CD SIMGarfield - A Tale of Two Kitties ** 1CD ACTIONGarry's Mod 1CD ACTIONGarshasp The Monster Slayer 1DVD AAGatling Gears 1DVD ACTIONGear Grinder 1DVD RACINGGear of War 2DVD TPSGemini Rue 1CD QuestGenesis Rising: The Universal Crusade 3CD StrategyGeoff Crammond's Grand Prix 4 (F1) 1DVD RACINGGerman Truck Simulator 1CD DRIVINGGhajini - The Game 1CD ACTIONGhost Buster 2DVD ACTIONGhostbusters Sanctum of Slime 1CD ACTIONGhost Pirates of Voojoo Island 1DVD AdventureGladiator - Sword of Vengeance 2CD ACTIONGlobal Operations 1CD FPSGlobal Ops Commando Libya 2DVD FPSGM Rally ** 1CD RACINGGo West! A Lucky Luke Adventure 1DVD ACTIONGobliiins 4 1CD AdventureGod Father The 1DVD AdventureGod Father II The 2DVD AdventureGodswars 1CD RPG - OLGoin' Downtown 1DVD AdventureGolden Compass The 1DVD AAGolem Crusades 1CD StrategyGooseGogs 1CD ACTIONGore - Ultimate Soldier 1CD FPSGothic 3 1DVD RPG


RiDKiD: Computer - Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz and above or AMD Athlon 2000+ and above Operating System - Windows XP/Vista Memory - 512 MB RAM under XP or 1 GB RAM with Vista Hard Disc Space - 1.2 GB Choe-Funk CD-ROM Drive Video - Hardware accelerated (DirectX compatible) Nvidia GeForce Series 7, 8 and 9 video cards or ATI Radeon video card with 128 MB of RAM (and above) Sound - 16 bit sound card (DirectX compatible) Control - Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad DirectX Version - DirectX 9(c) for XP/DirectX 10 for Vista (and above)


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 300 MHz Intel Pentium II or AMD K6-2 processor RAM: 96 MB RAM VGA: 16 MB Direct3D capable video card using the NVIDIA GeForce3, NVIDIA GeForce2, NVIDIA GeForce 256, NVIDIA Riva TNT2, NVIDIA Riva TNT, ATI Radeon 8500, ATI Radeon, ATI Rage 128 Pro, ATI Rage 128, PowerVR3 Kyro II, PowerVR Kyro, Matrox MGA-G450, or Matrox MGA-G400 chipset with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver VGA: 32 MB or greater supported Direct3D capable video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver OS: Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows 98 (Windows 95 and Windows NT not supported) HDD: 31 MB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (with additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.1 installation) Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card ODD: 4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 733 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Hard Drive: 700 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0 Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon 1,5 GHz Memory: RAM 512 MB Video card: nVidia GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 8500 Sound card: DirectX compatible sound card Hard disc: 2,5 GB of free disc space CD ROM: DVD-ROM drive 4x


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium III at 1 GHz Video Card : 256 MB – DirectX9 compatible graphics card. Memory : 512 MB RAM Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 / Windows Vista Sound Card : DirectX9 compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0 / 10.0 Gameplay : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: · Windows 2000, 98, ME, Vista, XP, Windows 7 · Pentium-III processor speed · 64 MB RAM · 26 Mb HD Space · 32 MB VRAM 16 or 32-bit Video Card · 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card · DirectX 1.0


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz / AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+ 2.3 Ghz RAM: 1 GB (XP) / 2GB (Vista/Windows7) GFX: GeForce 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 3000+ GFX RAM: 256 mb / shader 3.0 Audio: DirectX 9.0 –compliant sound card DX: DirectX 9.0 c HDD: 4 GB Hard drive space Other: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 11 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1900 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: • Intel Pentium 2.8HT or AMD Athlon 2800+ • 768MB / 1GB RAM for Windows Vista • nVidia 6800GT (SM3) or ATI X800XT (SM2) w/ latest applicable video drivers • 15GB HDD Space Choe-Funk • Broadband connection w/ min upload 768K (for hosting games, not playing) • AC ’97 or equivalent DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card • DVD-ROM • Windows XP (32/64) or Windows Vista (32/64) • The latest version of DirectX 9.0 • .Net Framework 1.1 or greater


RiDKiD: # Windows XP/Vista. (if running Windows Vista SP1 is recommended) # DirectX 9.0c # Pentium D @ 3.0GHz or equivalent Athlon 64 X2 CPU # 1GB RAM Choe-Funk # Graphics Card: GeForce 7800 / Radeon X1800 with 256 MB of VRAM # DirectX Compatible Sound Card # Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive # 6 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: 1.5 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 2.6 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium D 3.0 GHZ or capable processors RAM: 1GB (2GB for multiplayer) VGA: ATI Radeon X1600XT or capable graphics adapter supporting PixelShader 2.0 or nVidia Geforce 8800GTS or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows® XP / Vista™ / Windows® 7 HDD: 500MB space free


RiDKiD: ## Processor : 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 2400+ AMD Athlon or equivalent processor (XP) // 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4, 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 3000+ AMD Athlon or equivalent processor (Vista) Video Card: 128MB DirectX 9.0c compatible, 3D video card supporting hardware T&L. (nVidia GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X1300 or better). Choe-Funk Memory : 512MB RAM (XP) / 1GB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk: 3 GB Free Operating System: Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP1 Sound Card: 16-bit DirectX 9-compatible Direct X: 9.0c Installation: 4X speed DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 2GHz or equivalent Athlon RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista VGA: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB of memory, compatible with DirectX9.0c (ATI X800, NVidia 6600) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 HDD: 2,7 GB Sound: Sound device compatible with DirectX9.0


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP or newer CPU: 1.4 GhzpProcessor. Memory: 1 GB of RAM Directx: 9.0c Graphics: 128 MB of VRAM HDD: 4 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 500 Mb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows® Vista/XP/2000 * Processor: 1.7 GHz Processor * Memory: 512MB RAM * Graphics: DirectX® 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE) * Hard Drive: 150 MB * Other Requirements: Internet Connection


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: *Memory Ram: 2 GB *Hard Disk Space: 3 GB *Video: nVidia GeForce 6600 GTX / ATI Radeon x 1300 *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista with SP2, Windows XP with SP3 CPU: Intel Core2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 1.80GHz or greater AMD Athlon X2 (or equivalent) running at 2GHz or greater RAM: 2048MB or greater Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 256MB or ATI Radeon X1800 256MB or greater Hard Drive: 1.5 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible An Internet Connection is required for software activation. (Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 8400, 9400; ATI Radeon HD 2400, as well as integrated versions of supported chipsets are below minimum system requirements.) NOTES: For best results, make sure the latest drivers for both your video and audio cards are installed. Laptop or mobile versions of the above supported video cards have not had extensive testing and may have driver or other performance issues. As such, they are not officially supported in Gatling Gears.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Vista CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 3000 + RAM: 512 MB Video Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card ATI Radeon 9600 class or higher Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card CD-ROM: 8x-speed DVD-ROM Additional software: DirectX9.0c


RiDKiD: CPU: 2.4+ GHz Intel; 2.0+ Ghz AMD RAM: 1 GB VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6600+, ATI X700+ OS: Windows Vista or Windows XP HDD: 12 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: Setelah install & copy crack, ubah tahun di Control Panel jadi tahun 2008 *Choe-Funk*


RiDKiD: ## • Pentium or higher processor • 500 Mhz system minimum • 64 Mb RAM • Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP/Vista/7 with DirectX 5 or above •


RiDKiD: Operating System: 2000/Windows XP/XP 64bit/Vista Processor: Intel P4 or AMD Athlon 2.5 GHz Memory: 1GB Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space: 2.5 GB CD or DVD-ROM Drive Video: NVIDIA GeForceFX 6600 256 MB (or higher) or ATI Radeon X1600 256MB (or higher) DirectX version: 9 or higher Sound: DirectX Direct X compatible sound card with 5.1 speaker output


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Pentium II 400MHz Processor 64MB RAM 500MB Hard Disk Space 4X CD-ROM Drive 16MB DirectX compatible Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 8.1


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2400+ Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Memory : 1 GB RAM (XP) / 2 GB RAM (Vista & Win 7) Hard Disk : 1 GB of free Hard Drive Space Sound : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : CD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: Intel* Core 2 Duo * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 1 GB free disk space * Graphics: 256 MB Video Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum Required System Configuration Operating System: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit Processor: Intel E4300 Core2Duo or AMD Athlon X2 +3800 * Memory: 2 GB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space: 9 GB free hard disk space DVD-ROM Drive: Dual layer, 6X speed or faster Video: ATI Radeon X1800-series 512MB, Intel GMA 4-Series, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 512MB, Shader 3.0 Required ** Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher Input: Keyboard and Mouse or Xbox 360 Controller


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce GT 330 ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X800 XL RAM (Memory) - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 500 MB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: - AMD oder Intel Single-Core Prozessor @ 1800 MHz - 1024MB RAM - Grafikkarte: DirectX9-kompatibel / mind. 256 MB VRAM (ATI Radeon 9500 oder NVidia GeForce FX Generation) - DirectX 9c-kompatible Soundkarte Choe-Funk - Microsoft Windows XP x32/x64 oder Microsoft Windows Vista x32/x64 - DVD-ROM, Maus, Tastatur - ca. 4GB Festplattenplatz


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1.3 Gb free Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0a Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Driv


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 500 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 800 Mb free Video Memory: 16 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.0a


RiDKiD: ## Processor: AMD / Intel Dual Core (2.2 GHz) Memory: 1536 MB RAM (Windows XP) or 2048 MB (Windows 7 / Vista) Hard Drive: 6 GB of free hard disk space 3D graphics card: ATI / NVIDIA graphics card with 256 MB of video memory and Direct X 9.0c and Shader Model 3.0 (ATI Radeon X1600 XT / NVidia GeForce 8400) Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 Peripherals: Keyboard / mouse / Support Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows 2000 or above; CPU: clock frequency 1.5 GHz or above; RAM: 512 Mb; Video adapter: GeForce 2, 64 Mb; Sound card: DirectX-compatible; 1.5 Gb free HDD space Choe-Funk DirectX 9.0c. CD/DVD-drive Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz or Athlon Equivalent Memory: 512 MB Choe-Funk Video Memory: nVidia 5900/ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard & Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 1.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce FX 5700 or better), 1.5 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista.


RiDKiD: MINIMUM CONFIGURATION OS: Windows XP or 2000 CPU: 1.4 GHz or faster Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor Choe-Funk RAM: 256 MB or more DVD Drive: Requires a 2x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: At least 5 GB of free space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (see below*)


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (SP2) or Vista * 2.8 GHz processor or equivalent (any Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or better, AMD Athlon64 3000+ or better, any Athlon64 X2 or Core Duo processor) * 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista) Choe-Funk * NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (6800 XT, 6800 LE, 7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are below minimum system requirements) * ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) * 256MB Video Card and Shader Model 3.0 required * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 7.8 - 8 GB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for saved games.


RiDKiD: ## OS Win98/2000/XP/VISTA CPU P3 800mhz MEM 256MB GFX Geforce4 MX440/64M HDD 1.5GB


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 with 2,0 GHz or greater, 512 MB RAM, at least 2 GB free hard disk space, a 64 MB video card.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.2 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia FX 5200 / ATI Radeon 8500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows ® XP (with Service Pack 3), Windows Vista ® Window 7 ® * CPU: 1.6 Hz Dual Core recommended. * RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk * HDD: 500 MB * Video: 256MB NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 6600 GT or better or ATI Radeon ™ 1600XT or better. * Sound: 100% DirectX ® 9.0c compliant sound card * DirectX: Microsoft DirectX ® 9.0c (shader model 3)


RiDKiD: ## MINIMUM Windows 95/98/2000/NT4/ME/XP Pentium II 350MHz 64MB RAM 700MB Hard Disk Space 4X CD-ROM Drive 100% OpenGL Compatible Video Card Windows Compatible Sound Card RECOMMENDED AMD or Intel Pentium 600MHz 128MB RAM 32MB OpenGL Compatible Video Card


RiDKiD: • Windows® XP, Windows® 2000 SP4 Rollup 1, Windows® XP 64-bit, Windows® 2003 Server • 1024MB System RAM Choe-Funk • 2 GHz Intel Pentium® 4, Athlon XP or equivalent processor • 128MB Direct3D compatible video cardand a DirectX 9.0c April 2006 compatible video card driver • 8x DVD-ROM drive • 4.6 GB free hard disk space • DirectX 9.0c April 2006 (included) • DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card • Keyboard, mouse We recommend the following system configuration: • 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor • 1,5 GB system RAM• ATI X1600, NVIDIA Geforce 6800 series or better video card

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (41)

Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods 1DVD RPGGothic 4 - Arcania 2DVD RPGGrand Age Rome 1DVD StrategyGrand Age Room 'Reign of Agustus (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyGrand Fantasia 1DVD MMORPG-OLGrand Theft Auto III 1CD AAGrand Theft Auto IV 4DVD AAGrand Theft Auto IV - Episodes From Liberty City (Stand Alone) 2DVD AAGrand Theft Auto : San Andreas 1DVD AAGrand Theft Auto : Vise City CF ** 2CD AAGray Matter 2DVD ACTIONGreat Adventures Xmas Edition 1CD AdventureGreat Little Wargame 1CD StrategyGreed Corp 1CD StrategyGREED Black Border ** 1CD RPGGrey's Anatomy - The Video Game 1DVD AdventureGRID - Race Driver 2DVD RACINGGrom - Terror in Tibet 2CD AAGrotesque Tactics - Evil Heroes ** 1CD StrategyGrotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons & Donuts 1DVD RPGGTR 2 1DVD RACINGGTR Evolution 2DVD RACINGGuardians of Graxia 1CD StrategyGuild 2 - Renaissance The 1DVD StrategyGuitar Hero III Legends of Rock 1DVD MisGuitar Hero Aerosmith 2DVD MisGuitar Hero World Tour 2DVD MisGunners Heart 1CD ACTIONGyromancer 1CD Mis

HHalf-Life 2 3CD FPSHalo 2 1DVD FPSHalo - Combat Evolved ** 1CD FPSHandball Simulator European Tournament (2010) ** 1CD SPORTHannah Montana - The Movie 1DVD ACTIONHank Haney World Golf 1DVD SPORTHarbinger 1CD RPGHard Reset Extended Edition 1DVD FPSHard to be a God 1DVD RPGHardy Boys - The Hidden Theft 2CD AdventureHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 1CD AAHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 2DVD AAHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 2DVD AAHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 1DVD AAHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 1DVD AAHarry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix 1DVD AA


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 3 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 6800 or better), 4.6 GB HDD, Windows 2000/XP.


RiDKiD: Minimum: * Windows XP/Vista/7 * Intel Core 2 Duo-Processor * 1 GB RAM (XP)/2 GB RAM (Vista) * GeForce 8800 GTX Recommended: * Windows XP/Vista/7 * Intel Quad Core * 2 GB RAM * GeForce GTX 295 Please make sure to have the latest drivers for your system installed. Choe-Funk ArcaniA - Gothic 4 requires NVIDIA PhysX, VCRedist and DirectX which are all part of the installation package.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 / Athlon processor or better RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: DirectX 9 compatible 3D graphics card with 128MB Ram Choe-Funk GeForce 6600 (ATI 9600) or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP or Vista HDD: 1.5 Gb free hard disk space ODD: 8 x DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP or Vista 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 / Athlon processor or better DirectX 9 compatible 3D graphics card with 128MB Ram GeForce 6600 (ATI 9600) or better 1 Gb RAM 8 x DVD-ROM Drive 1.5 Gb free hard disk space DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Vista / 2000 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz RAM: 512 MB HDD: 2.0 GB Free Graphics Card: Any nVidia GeForce FX 5200 or ATI Radeon 9600




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium III 450 MHz CPU RAM: 96 MB RAM VGA: 16 MB Direct3D Video Card DX: Direct X 8.1 OS: Win 98/ME/2000/XP HDD: 500MB free hard disk space




RiDKiD: Supported Operating Systems are: Windows Vista (plus Service Pack 1) Windows XP (plus Service Pack 3) plus DirectX 9 plus Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Minimum Hardware Requirements: Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz Memory: 1.5GB Choe-Funk Free Hard Drive Space: 16GB Video Card: 256MB NVidia 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900 DirectX 9 compatible Stereo Sound Card Keyboard Mouse Recommended Hardware Requirements: Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz Memory: 2GB (Windows XP) 2.5GB (Windows Vista) Free Hard Drive Space: 18GB Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512MB ATI 3870 DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card Keyboard Mouse




RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP (with Service Pack 3) / Windows Vista (with Service Pack 1) Choe-Funk Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo at 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 at 2.4 GHz Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – nVidia GeForce 7900 GT / ATI Radeon X1900 Memory : 1 GB RAM (XP) / 1.5 GB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk : 16 GB of free Coe-Funk Hard Drive Space Sound : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboad & Mouse / Gamepad Installation : DVD-ROM Drive / Digital Download




RiDKiD: Supported Operating Systems are: Windows 2000 Professional (Workstation) (plus Service Pack 1 or higher) plus DirectX 9 Windows XP (Home and Professional) (plus Service Pack 1 or higher) plus DirectX 9 Minimum Hardware Requirements: 1GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon Processor 256 MB of RAM 8 speed DVD-ROM Drive 3.6 GB of free Hard Disk space for a minimal install 64 MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce3" or better) DirectX 9 compatible Stereo Sound Card Keyboard Mouse Recommended Hardware Requirements: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor (or better) 384(+) MB of RAM Choe-Funk 16 speed DVD-ROM drive 4.7 GB of free Hard Disk space for a full install 128(+) MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce4" or better) DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card Game pad with twin axis analogue controls (USB or Joystick Port) Keyboard Mouse


RiDKiD: Supported Operating Systems are: Windows 98 Windows 98 Second Edition Windows Millennium Windows 2000 Professional (Workstation) plus Service Pack 3 Windows XP (Home and Professional) plus Service Pack 1 The following operating systems are NOT supported: Windows 95 (any version) Choe-Funk Windows NT (any version) Minimum Hardware Requirements 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or 800 MHz AMD Athlon or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2 GHz AMD Duron processor 128 MB of RAM 8 speed CD / DVD drive 915 MB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression) 32 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce" or better) Sound Card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers Keyboard Mouse


RiDKiD: Windows® XP/Vista/7 with .Net Framework 2.0 1.4 GHz Pentium® 4 or comparable processor 512 MB RAM (XP) / 1 GB RAM (Vista/7) 128 MB DirectX® 9 compatible graphics card (Shader 2.0) Choe-Funk - at least ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, Nvidia Geforce 6200TC and Intel GMA X3200 16 bit DirectX® 9 compatible sound card 6.5 GB Hard disk space DVD-ROM drive Mouse, keyboard


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 1.0 GHz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 188 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6100 / ATI Radeon X700 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 GHz Pentium® or equivalent. Windows Vista – 2.0 GHz or Pentium or equivalent. (4.0 GHz recommended) RAM: 512MB RAM: 1GB Windows XP, 2GB Windows Vista VGA: 64MB OpenGL 1.4 Compliant (128MB recommended) DirectX® 9.1 DX: DirectX 9.1 (included on disc) HDD: 4.7GB free space required Sound: DX 9.1 compatible


RiDKiD: Minimum Specifications * Windows XP/Vista. (if running Windows Vista SP1 is recommended) * DirectX 9.0c * Pentium 4 @ 3.0GHz or Athlon 64 CPU * 1GB RAM. Choe-Funk * Graphics Card: GeForce 6800 / Radeon X1300 or above * DirectX Compatible Sound Card * Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive * 12.5 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: Pentium II 350 MHz or better 128 MB RAM MS DirectX compatible graphics card with 32 MB and latest drivers Choe-Funk 12 x CD-ROM drive MS DirectX compatible soundcard MS Windows compatible mouse and keyboard MS Windows 95B/98/ME/2000/XP 800 MB free hard drive space MS DirectX 7 or higher


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating system:Windows® XP / Vista™ / Windows® 7 Processor: Dual-Core 2.2 GHz CPU Memory: 2GB Hard disk space: 1GB Video:Direct X 9.0c compatible with shader model 2.0 (nVidia GeForce 5/FX/ATI Radeon 9500 Series/ATI X700 or better) Sound:Sound card with DirectX 9.0c support DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 2000, XP Home/Pro, x64 Processor 1.3 GHz Intel Pentium III or 100% compatible Memory 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Drive 2.5 GB free space 3D Accelerator DirectX 8.1 compatible graphics card with 64 MB memory Sound Card DirectX 8.1 compatible Input Keyboard and Mouse DirectX Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating Systems Microsoft Windows XP Home/Pro, Windows Vista* Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or 100% compatible Memory 1GB RAM Hard Drive 3.7 GB free space Choe-Funk 3D Accelerator DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with 256 MB memory Sound Card DirectX 9 compatible Input Keyboard and Mouse DirectX Version 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 600 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Video Memory: 32 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0 c


RiDKiD: GH 3 Legend


RiDKiD: PC Minimum System Requirements Operating System: Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Windows Vista CPU: Intel Pentium D (Dual-core) 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Memory: XP - 1 GB RAM, Vista – 2 GB RAM Hard Drive: 5.1 GB free hard drive space + 1 GB Swap File Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB Video Memory (see supported list) Video Card (ATI): Radeon X800 Choe-Funk Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 7600 Disc Drive: 6x DVD-ROM drive required to install and play Internet: Online multiplayer (Internet TCP/IP) requires a broadband connection Peripherals: Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard with the latest drivers, Guitar Hero III Official PC Guitar Controller Notice: This product does NOT support Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT or XP x64/Vista x64.


RiDKiD: GH Aero


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Windows Vista CPU: Intel Pentium D (Dual Core) 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Memory: XP - 1 GB RAM, Vista – 2 GB RAM Hard Drive: 7.1 GB free hard drive space + 1 GB Swap File Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB Video Memory (see supported list) Choe-Funk Video Card (ATI): Radeon X800 Video Card (Nvidia): Geforce 7600 Disc Drive: 6x DVD-ROM drive required to install and play Internet: Online multiplayer (Internet TCP/IP) requires a broadband connection Peripherals: Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard with the latest drivers, Official Guitar Hero X-Plorer Guitar Controller Notice: This product does NOT support Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT or XP x64/Vista x64.




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements Operating System: Windows XP® (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista® SP1 CPU: Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 4400+ Memory: XP® - 1 GB RAM, Vista® – 2 GB RAM Hard Drive: 8.1 GB free hard drive space + 1 GB Swap File Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Choe-Funk Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 256 MB Video Memory with Shader 3.0 support (see supported list) Video Card (ATI): Radeon™ X1600 Video Card (Nvidia): GeForce® 7600 Disc Drive: 8x DVD-ROM drive required to install and play Internet: Online multiplayer (Internet TCP/IP) requires a broadband connection Peripherals: Windows XP®/Vista® compatible mouse and keyboard with the latest drivers, Official Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar Controller, PLAYSTATION®3 Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar Controller, PLAYSTATION®3 Guitar Hero World Tour Drum Controller, PLAYSTATION®3 Guitar Hero World Tour USB Microphone Notice: This product does NOT support Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT or XP® x64/Vista® x64.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 800 Mhz RAM: 256 MB DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows Vista, XP Processor: 2.4 GHz Memory: 512MB Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 2.0 Capability DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 170MB Sound: 9.0c Compatible


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS • Microsoft Windows XP/ME/2000 • CPU: AMD 1000 MHz or Intel 7000 MHz • 64 MB RAM • 16 mb DirectX 6 compatible graphics card • 16 bit sound card Choe-Funk • 3.2 GB free disk space • Compatible Keyboard & Mouse • CD/DVD ROM Drive


RiDKiD: • 2 GHz or faster processor • 1 Gigabyte (GB) of RAM • 7 GB of available hard disk space (the Dedicated Server and Map Editor require additional hard drive space) Choe-Funk • DVD-ROM drive • ATI x700 or nVidia 6100 or better display adapter • Keyboard and mouse or compatible pointing device • Sound card and speakers or headphones for audio • DirectX® 9.0c or later (included on the DVD) • Network adapter for LAN multiplayer gameplay • Broadband Internet access for Windows LIVE™ multiplayer gameplay


RiDKiD: • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows Second Edition, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows XP/also tested VISTA (online need a patch windows tell you about it) • Computer/Processor: 733 megahertz (MHz) processor. • DirectX: DirectX® 9.0 or later. (DirectX 9.0b is installed by Halo.) • Memory: 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM. Choe-Funk • Hard Disk: 1.2 gigabytes (GB) of free hard disk space. • Video card: 32 MB with 3D Transform and Lighting capable. • CD: 8X. • Sound: Sound card, speakers, or headphones with multiplayer play.


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – NVIDIA GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X850 Memory : 512 MB RAM (XP) / 1 GB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk : 1 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating system Microsoft ® Windows ® XP SP3 / Vista SP1 Processor Pentium ® 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent Athlon ® XP ? 1 GB of RAM 4 GB of free hard disk space 3D-graphics adapter with 128 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0s (NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 6600 or ATI Radeon ? X1300) The sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0s DirectX ® 9.0s (available on disk with game) The device for reading DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz Memory: 512 MB (XP) / 1 GB (Vista) Video Card: 128 MB Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible Hard disk: 1 GB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows (c) 2000/XP/Server2003 Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 Min. RAM: 512 Mb Processor: 1.0 GHz


RiDKiD: ## Four new creature types. Five new campaign levels with a total of about two additional hours playing time. 2 new survival maps: 'Coliseum' and 'Factory'. Improved graphics engine. new boss monster. new achievements. * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64 * RAM: 2 GB * Graphics card: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800GS / ATI Radeon HD 3870 or better * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: DirectX 9.0c * Hard Drive: 4 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: Processor: Pentium @ 1,6 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1024 MB (1,5 GB for Vista) Graphic card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible 128 MB video card (GeForce 6600 or higher) Choe-Funk Sound card: Compatible DirectX 9 DVD Peripherals: keyboard and mouse Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® XP o Vista Hard disk: 2 GB free disk space DirectX®: Version 9.0c (Nov.)


RiDKiD: ## # OS: Windows® 2000/XP # CPU: 1.4 GHz Pentium® 3 Processor # RAM: 256 MB # Disk Space: 1.5 GB # CD/DVD-ROM: 16x # Video Card: 64 MB DirectX® 9 Compatible Video Card # Sound: 16-bit DirectX® Compatible


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows(r) 95/98/2000/ME/XP (Windows NT 3.x, 4.0 are not supported) Processor 350 MHz Intel Pentium II processor or comparable Memory 64 MB RAM (128MB for Windows 2000 & XP) Videocard 4 MB (Software rendering), 16MB (Hardware rendering) DirectX 8.0a or higher compatible video card HDD Space 600 MB free hard disk space (additional space required for Windows swap-file) CD ROM Speed 4 Speed Soundcard DirectX 8.0a or higher compatible DirectX DirectX 8.0a or higher


RiDKiD: Harpot 7


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 Processor Single Core 2.4GHz or Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent Memory 1.5GB RAM Choe-Funk Video card 256MB DX9c compatible graphics card. Geforce 6800, Ati X1600 or better. Laptop chipsets may work but are not supported. HDD Space 5.0GB Soundcard DirectX 9.0c or higher compliant sound card DirectX DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Harpot 8


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows XP SP3/Windows Vista SP2 /Windows 7 SP1 Processor Single Core 2.4GHz or Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent Memory 1.5GB RAM Video card 256MB DX9c compatible graphics card. Geforce 6800, Ati X1600 or better. Laptop chipset may work but are not supported. HDD Space 9.0GB Soundcard DirectX 9.0c or higher compliant sound card DirectX DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows 2000/XP Processor 1.2GHz Pentium 3 or comparable Memory 256MB Video card 32MB HDD Space 1.7GB Choe-Funk Soundcard DirectX 9.0c or higher compliant sound card DirectX DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows XP/Vista Processor 1.8GHz Pentium 4 or comparable Memory 256MB Video card 64MB HDD Space 5.0GB Choe-Funk Soundcard DirectX 9.0c or higher compliant sound card DirectX DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows XP/Vista Processor 1.6GHz Pentium 4 or comparable Memory 256MB Choe-Funk Video card 32MB HDD Space 5GB Soundcard DirectX 9.0c or higher compliant sound card DirectX DirectX 9.0c

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (42)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ** 1CD AAHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 1CD AAHarry Potter QuidditchWorld Cup ** 1CD AAHasbro Family Game Night 1CD MisHaunted Hells Rich The 1DVD TPSHaunted Legends The Queen of Spades 1CD MysteryHazen - The Dark Whispers 1DVD RPGHdO Adventure a Girl in the City 1CD Mystery

1CD SIMHearts of Iron III ** 1CD StrategyHearts of Iron III - Semper Fi (Xpack) 1CD StrategyHeavy Fire Afghanistan 1DVD FPSHeavy Freight Simulator 1CD SIMHector - Badge of Carnage - Episode 1 1CD RPGHector Badge of Carnage Episode 2 Senseless Acts of Justice ** 1CD RPGHector - Badge of Carnage - Episode 3 Beyond Reasonable Doom 1DVD RPGHegemony Gold Wars Of Ancient Greece 1CD StrategyHegemony Philip of Macedon 1CD StrategyHell In Vietnam The 1CD FPSHelldorado 1DVD StrategyHellgate - London 2DVD RPGHeroes of Might and Magic I: A Strategic Quest 1CD StrategyHeroes of Might and Magic IV 2CD StrategyHeroes of Might and Magic IV The Gathering Storm (Xpack) 1CD StrategyHeroes of Might and Magic IV The Wind of War (Xpack) 1CD StrategyHeroes of Might and Magic V 1DVD StrategyHeroes of Might and Magic V - Hammers of Fate (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyHeroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyMight and Magic Heroes VI 2DVD StrategyHeroes Over Europe 2DVD SIMHexus Premium Edition 1CD Match 3Hired Guns 1DVD ACTIONHistory Channel - Great Battles - Medieval The 1DVD StrategyHitman - Blood Money 1DVD AAHitman - Codename 47 1CD AAHitman - Contracts 1DVD TPsh*tman 2 Silent Assasin ** 1CD AAHoard 1CD StrategyHome Sheep Home 1CD PuzleHomefront 2DVD FPSHorrible Histories Ruthless Romans 1DVD AdventureHospital Tycoon 1DVD TycoonHour of Victory 2DVD FPSHotel Giant 2 1DVD TycoonHoyle Casino 2010 1DVD MisHoyle Casino Games 2011 1DVD Mis

Heart's Medicine: Season


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows 98/2000*/ME/XP* Processor 600 MHz Intel Pentium III processor or comparable Memory 256MB Videocard 32MB GeForce 2 class Direct 3D-compatible video card** HDD Space 820MB plus additional hard drive space for Windows swap file and saved game files. CD ROM Speed x8 Soundcard DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers DirectX Version 9.0 (included) * With the most recent Service Pack. Choe-Funk ** Supported video cards: nVidia GeForce 2 or greater, ATI Radeon or greater or Matrox Parhelia.


RiDKiD: PII 266 MHz CPU 32 MB of RAM 4 MB video card 500 MB of free hard drive space


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows(r)98/2000/ME/XP Processor 500 MHz Intel Pentium III processor or 100% Compatible Memory 64MB (128MB for Windows XP/2K) Videocard 16 MB Direct3D video card with DirectX(TM) 8.1 compatible driver HDD Space 550MB + space needed for save games and Windows swap file. CD ROM Speed x8 speed CD ROM/DVD drive Soundcard DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers DirectX DirextX 8.1 or higher


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP (Home & Pro) SP3, Windows Vista® SP1, Windows® 7¹, Pentium® III processor 800MHz or faster, 512MB of RAM (1GB of RAM recommended), 250MB of free hard drive space, DirectX® compatible video card with at least 64MB of VRAM, DirectX® compatible sound card, DirectX® 9.0c or later, Adobe® Flash® Player 9.0 or later,


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 Processor: Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.8GHz Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: Shader Model 3.0 graphics card with 256MB of memory (NVIDIA GeForce 7900GS, ATI Radeon


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 1.4 GHz · RAM: 1024 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 482 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon with SSE2 instruction support RAM: 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB for Vista) VGA: 128 MB with hardware PS 2.0 support DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows Vista or Windows XP SP2 HDD: 3 GB free space


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 1.2 GHz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 104 MB


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: · Windows XP (Service Pack 2)/Vista/7 · 1.2 GHz Pentium 3 or equivalent · 512MB RAM · DirectX 9.0c · Download Size: 213 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+ (quad core) RAM: 2 GB of RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon X1900 videocard DX: Direct X 9.0 OS: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP/Vista HDD: 2 GB Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium 4 at 2.4 GHz / AMD 3500+ Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – NVIDIA Geforce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Choe-Funk Memory : 1 GB RAM (2 GB Recommended) Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Processor: Intel Pentium D 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400 + Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT with 256 MB Memory: 1.5 GB OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 HDD Space: 7 GB


RiDKiD: ## Windows 7, Vista or XP Processor: 2.0GHz RAM: 1.0GB Hard Drive: 750MB Video Card: 128MB


RiDKiD: · Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 · Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) · Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device · Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) · DirectX®: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows Vista/XP/7 * Processor: 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent * Memory: 2 GB * Video Card: ATI or NVidia card w/ 256 MB RAM * DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP or newer CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium Processor or greater or AMD Athlon equivalent CPU Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista) Video Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware accelerated video card with shader version 2.0 support, 256 MB video memory Display: Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels Sound: Directx9.0c compatible sound card Hard Drive: 1 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: · Supported OS: Windows XP or newer · Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium or greater or AMD Athlon equivalent CPU · Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista) · Graphics: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware accelerated video card with shader version 2.0 support, 256 MB video memory · Display: Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels · Sound: Directx9.0c compatible sound card · Hard Drive: 1 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: GeForce 4 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP/Vista Processor: 2.0 GHz Processor RAM: 512 MB Choe-Funk DVD-ROM Hard drive space: 4 GB available Video: 128 MB RAM and DirectX(tm)9 compatible Sound: DirectX(tm)-compatible sound card Input: Keyboard, mouse


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon with SSE2 instruction support RAM: 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB for Vista) VGA: 128 MB with hardware PS 2.0 support DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows Vista or Windows XP SP2 HDD: 3 GB free space




RiDKiD: ## System Requirements: DOS: 486 (DX/SX) 33 MHZ 8MB RAM 25MB HD Space Choe-Funk 2x CD ROM Recommended: 486 (DX/SX) 66 MHZ 16MB RAM 25MB HD Space 4x CD ROM




RiDKiD: Computer System: IBM PC and 100% compatibles Operating System: Windows® 95*/98/ME/XP/2000** CPU: Pentium®II 300MHz (or equivalent) or faster recommended Memory: 128MB RAM or higher CD-ROM Drive: 4X CD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk Free Hard Disk Space: 100MB Sound Card: All major DirectX 8.0 compatible sound cards Video Card: DirectX 8.0 compatible 4MB 3D video card. Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: HOMMV 4 Gathering


RiDKiD: ## Windows, Pentium-II 300, 128MB RAM, 800MB HDD,




RiDKiD: Computer System: IBM PC and 100% compatibles Operating System: Windows® 95*/98/ME/XP/2000** CPU: Pentium®II 300MHz (or equivalent) or faster recommended Memory: 128MB RAM or higher CD-ROM Drive: 4X CD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk Free Hard Disk Space: 160MB (in addition to original Heroes IV install) Sound Card: All major DirectX 8.0 compatible sound cards Video Card: DirectX 8.0 compatible 4MB 3D video card. Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse




RiDKiD: - OS: Windows 2000/XP, SP2, DirectX 9.0C - CPU: Pentium 4 / Athlon 1.5 GHz or higher - RAM: 512 MB or higher Choe-Funk - Video: 128 MB AGP GeForce4 Ti4200 / RADEON 8500 or higher video card - CD/DVD-ROM speed: 32x - Sound: DirectX compatible PCI 16-bit sound card


RiDKiD: HOMMV 5 Hammer


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or equivalent Choe-Funk RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 2000 MB


RiDKiD: HOMMV 5 Tribes


RiDKiD: - OS: Windows 2000/XP SP2/XP64 Pro, DirectX 9.0C - CPU: Pentium 4 / Athlon 1.5 GHz or higher - RAM: 1024 MB or higher Choe-Funk - Video: 128 MB AGP GeForce4 Ti4200 / RADEON 8500 or higher video card - CD/DVD-ROM speed: 32x - Sound: DirectX compatible PCI 16-bit sound card - 3Gb of available hard-disk space


RiDKiD: Heroes VI


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP or Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 (all 32/64bit) Processor: 2 Ghz Intel® Pentium® Core 2 Duo E4400 or higher 2.6 Ghz AMD Athlon™ X2 5000+ or higher RAM: 1 GB for Windows® XP / 1.5 GB for Windows® Vista®, Windows® 7 Video card: NVidia™ GeForce® 8600GTS (512 VRAM) ATI™ Radeon 2600XT (512VRAM) or better 512 MB DirectX® 9.0c–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher See Supported List 1.1.3 for more information DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM (8x) Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers


RiDKiD: - Windows XP/Vista 32-bit and 64-bit - DirectX 9.0c - Intel Pentium 4 2.66 or AMD Athlon X2 3800+ dual-core - 1GB RAM (XP), 2GB RAM (Vista) Choe-Funk - ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 6800 supporting Shader model 3.0+ - DirectX version 9.0c-compatible sound card - DVD-ROM - 9 GB Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: ## - OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 - CPU: 800 Mhz - RAM: 512 MB - DirectX: 8.0 - Hard Drive: 152 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP2 / Vista Processor: Intel Pentium IV 1800 MHz or similar RAM: 512 Мb DVD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk HD Space: 3500 Мb free Sound: DirectX Compatible Video: 128 Мb 3D, NVidia GeForce 5600 / ATi Radeon 9600Pro or higher DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Genre: Strategy (Real-time) / 3D Developer: Slitherine Software Publisher: Koch Media Choe-Funk Platform: PC Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Processor: Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz RAM: 512 MB (XP) / 1 GB (Vista / 7) Video card: 128 MB HDD: 2 GB


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 2000/ Microsoft Windows XP (admin rights required) 95/98/ME/NT not supported. CPU: Pentium 4 1.5GHz or Athlon XP equivalent RAM: 512MB system Memory Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: Direct3D 9 compliant cards supporting pixel shader 2.0 (nVidia GeForce FX or ATi Radeon 9500) SOUND: Direct X compatible sound card DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 5GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: COMPUTER: IBM PC or 100% compatible OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME CPU: Pentium II 300 MHz RAM: 64Mb Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: 100% DirectX 7.0a-compatible 3d Accelerated Card with 12Mb VRAM SOUND: Windows 95/98-compatible sound card (100% DirectX 7.0a- compatible) CD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) CD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 400Mb free uncompressed disk space INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows 95/98 compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: COMPUTER: IBM PC or 100% compatible OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 98SE/2000/XP(admin rights required) CPU: Pentium III 800 or Athlon equivalent RAM: 128 Mb Windows 98SE 256 Mb Windows 2000/XP GRAPHICS: 100% DirectX 8-compatible 32Mb 3D Accelerated Card SOUND: Windows -compatible sound card (100% DirectX 8-compatible) CD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) CD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 2Gb free disk space INPUT DEVICES: 100% DirectX 8 -compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: OS: Windows 98/ME/XP CPU: PIII 450mhz or equivalent RAM: 128MB Ram Choe-Funk Video: 16MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible video card Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible sound card CD: 16x CD ROM Drive Input: Keyboard/Mouse Hard drive: 800MB of free HD space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 625 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X800 XL Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU Cores: Single Core 1.6 GHz Minimum RAM: 512MB DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 Graphics Card RAM: 128MB Graphics Card: DirectX 9.0 Graphics Card Shader Model: Not Required Sound Card: Required Operating System(s): Windows XP 32 bit, 64 bit Windows Vista, 32 bit, 64 bit Windows 7, 32 bit, 64 bit


RiDKiD: # · Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 # · Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.8GHz # · 2 GB RAM # · Shader Model 3.0 graphics card with 256MB of memory # · NVIDIA GeForce 7900GS or ATI Radeon 1900XT # · 10GB of free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Pentium ® Core 2 Duo 1.4 GHz * RAM: 256 MB (512 MB recommended) * HDD: 2 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: - Windows XP - DirectX 9.0c - Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz or Athlon 1600+ - 512 MB RAM - Graphics Card: GeForce 3 / Radeon 8500 or above - DirectX Compatable Sound Card Choe-Funk - 2x DVD-ROM Drive - 750 MB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Video Memory: 256 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.5 GHz CPU RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 5 series or above, ATI Radeon 9 series or above, with at least 256MB video memory OS: Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP or Vista (Windows 95 and NT not supported) HDD: 2 GB of free space Sound: DirectX 9 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP (Home & Pro) SP3/Windows Vista® SP1¹, Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz processor or faster, 512 MB (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista), 1024x768 16 bit color display, 64MB VRAM (Intel GMA chipsets supported), 3 GB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP (Home & Pro) SP3, Windows Vista® SP1, Windows® 7¹, Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz processor or faster, 512 MB (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista® & Windows® 7), 1024x768 16 bit color display, 64MB VRAM (Intel® GMA chipsets supported), 3 GB Hard Disk Space, DVD-ROM drive,

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (43)

Hoyle Casino Games 2012 1DVD MisHoyle Card Games 2012 1DVD MisHoyle Puzzle and Board Games 2011 1DVD MisHoyle Puzzle and Board Games 2012 1DVD MisHoyle Slots 2011 1CD MisHulk 1DVD ACTIONHunted The Demons Forge 3DVD AAHunter 2012 The 1DVD HuntingHunting Unlimited 2011 1CD SPORTHydrophobia Prophecy 1DVD ACTION

II of the Dragon ** 2CD RPGI'm not Alone ** 1CD AAHIce Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs 2DVD ACTIONIGI 2 - Covert Strike 2CD AAIgnite 1CD RACINGIgor the Game 1DVD ACTIONIHF Handball Challenge 12 1DVD SPORTIL-2 Sturmovik - 1946 1DVD SIMIL-2 Sturmovic Cliffs of Dover 1DVD SIMImmortal Souls John Turner 1CD StrategyImperium Romanum 1DVD StrategyIncognito 1DVD ACTIONIndiana Jones 1CD AAIndy Car Series 1CD RACINGInfernal 1DVD TPSInfernal Veil I v1.62 1CD RPGinMomentum 1CD ACTION1nsane ** 1CD RACINGInsane 2 1DVD RACINGInstinct 1DVD FPSInternational Basketball Manager 1DVD SPORTIREM Arcades Hits 1CD ArcadeIron Man 1DVD ACTIONIron Warriors - T-72 Tank Command 1DVD SIMIronclads - High Seas 1CD ACTIONIrukandji 1CD ACTIONIsland Tribe 1CD SIM

JJ.U.L.I.A. 1DVD AdventureJack Keane 1DVD AdventureJade Empire - Special Edition 2DVD RPGJagged Alliance Back in Action 1DVD RPGJames Bond 007 - Blood Stone 2DVD TPSJames Bond 007 - Quantum Of Solace 2DVD ACTIONJames Cameron's Avatar - The Game 1DVD ACTION


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP (Home & Pro) SP3, Windows Vista® SP2, Windows® 7¹, Pentium® IV 2.4GHz processor or faster, 512MB RAM (1GB RAM for Windows Vista® & Windows® 7), 1024x768 16-bit color display, 64MB VRAM (Intel® GMA chipsets supported), 3GB free hard drive space, DVD-ROM drive, keyboard, mouse. 33.6 Kbps modem or faster and internet service provider account required for internet access. Broadband internet service recommended.² Macintosh® OS X 10.4.11-10.6¹ Intel® Core™ Solo processor 1.5GHz or faster, 512MB RAM, 64MB VRAM (Intel® GMA chipsets supported), 3GB free hard drive space, DVD-ROM drive, keyboard


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP (SP2) / Vista (SP1) / Windows 7 Processor: 1.5 GHz Memory: 512 MB Video Card: 64 MB Free hard drive space: 2 GB


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP (Home & Pro) SP3, Windows Vista® SP1, Windows® 7 ¹, Pentium® III 450MHz (800 MHz processor for Windows Vista®), 128MB RAM (512 MB RAM for Windows Vista® & Windows® 7) DVD-ROM drive, 1 GB Hard Disk space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: Pentium® III processor 450MHz or faster (800MHz processor for Windows Vista® or Windows® 7) Memory: 512 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Sound card: DirectX Compatible Hard disc: 1 GB Other: Keyboard and Mouse


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP (Home & Pro) SP3/Windows Vista® SP1/Windows® 7 ¹, Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz processor or faster, 512 MB (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista® & Windows® 7), 1024x768 16 bit color display, 64MB VRAM (Intel® GMA chipsets supported), 3 GB Hard Disk Space, DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4+GHz Intel or 2.0+GHz AMD RAM: 1 Gigabyte RAM (XP) 2 Gigabyte RAM (Vista) VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series(6800GT or better) ATI 1300XT or better (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) ATI X1800 XL series or higher DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP or Vista HDD: 12 Gigabytes


RiDKiD: -OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 -Processor: 2.0 GHz dual core or better -Memory: 2 GB system RAM Choe-Funk -Graphics: 512 MB video RAM or better (GeForce 9800 GTX or better/Radeon HD 4330 or better) -Hard Drive: 12 GB -Sound: Windows compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows ® XP/Vista/7 CPU:: Pentium IV 3 GHz Memory: 1 GB Video card: compatible with DirectX, Memory 256 MB Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 Free hard drive space: 2 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: 1.0 GHz * RAM: 256 MB * HDD: 1 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2 RAM: 2 GB VGA: NVidia 8600GT with 512MB RAM or Radeon HD 3650 with 512MB RAM DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 with latest Service Pack HDD: 8 GB


RiDKiD: ## 600 MHz Intel, AMD or equivalent, RAM: 128 MB, Video Memory: 16 MB, Hard Drive Space: 1500 MB, Direct3D-compatible video card(GeForce-level or higher)1 GHz or equivalent RAM: 256 MB, Video Memory: 32 MB, Direct3D-compatible video card(GeForce2-level or higher)


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.0 GHz or Equivalent AMD Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – OpenGL 2.0 Compatible (nVidia Geforce 6600/6800 or ATI Radeon X1600/X1800) Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 1.5 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows 2000/ Windows XP/ Windows Vista Sound : OpenAL compatible sound card


RiDKiD: # 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* # Microsoft® Windows® XP # Pentium® 4 1.8GHz or Athlon XP™ 2200+ or higher processor # 512 MB of RAM Choe-Funk # 3.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 252 KB free for saved games) # A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: # DirectX® 9.0c (Included) # 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers # 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers # 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 700 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1.9 Gb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 Processor: Intel Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz Memory: 256 MB RAM (Recommended: 512 MB RAM) Hard disk space: 950MB Video: DirectX 9.0c Compatible video card with minimum 512MB memory Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible sound card DirectX: DirectX 9.0c or above


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.2GHz Processor 512MB RAM 256 MBGeForce 5200 FX/ATI 9500 Pro Video Card


RiDKiD: * OS: Windows XP with SP3 * CPU: Dual Core CPU with 2GHz * RAM: 1 GB RAM * GPU: Graphic card with ShaderModel 3.0 and 512 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz / Athlon Equivalent Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 1.1 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium® Dual-Core 2.0GHz or Athlon™ X2 3800+ RAM: 2GB VGA: DirectX® 9.0c compliant, 512Mb Video Card (ATI 4850 / NVidia 8800) DX: DirectX® 9.0c or DirectX® 10 (included on disc) OS: Windows® 7 / Vista SP2 / Windows XP SP3 HDD: 10GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible ODD: 8X


RiDKiD: ## Windows 7 / Vista / XP * 1 GHz Processor * 512 MB Available System Memory * 50 MB Available Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.7 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 9550 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Processor: Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista), Core 2.0 GHz (2.2 GHz for Vista), Athlon 2800+ (3200+ for Vista) RAM 1GB (1.5GB on Windows Vista) Video Card: GeForce 6800 GT, Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) Diskspace: 3GB Choe-Funk Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista DirectX: DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10


RiDKiD: Operating Systems: Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP required. Computer: 100% DirectX compatible computer required. CPU: Pentium III 733 MHz or faster CPU required. Pentium III 1GHz or faster CPU recommended. Memory: 128 MB RAM required. 256 MB RAM recommended. Graphics Card: 32 MB Transform and Lighting (T&L) capable graphics card required. 64 MB Vertex and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) capable card recommended Sound Card: PCI, USB, or Onboard Audio Device required. CD-ROM: Quad Speed CD-ROM drive required. Choe-Funk Input Device: Keyboard and mouse required. 8+ Button Gamepad supported. DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 8.1b is included on this CD. You will be prompted to install DirectX during installation of this game if a more recent version isn’t already properly installed on your system.


RiDKiD: ## 128 MB RAM, 32 MB Video RAM, 1000 MB disk space


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 2000/ Microsoft Windows XP/Microsoft Vista (admin rights required). CPU: Pentium 4 1.7 GHz or Athlon XP equivalent RAM: 512 MB system Memory Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: ATI 9600/Nvidia 5950 or better (pixelshader 2.0 or higher) SOUND: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 2 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## Microsoft® Windows® 2000 / XP / Vista PC with 1.0GHz Intel® Pentium® III equivalent or higher processor At least 256MB of system RAM 1024x768 or better video resolution 100MB available hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.5 GHz, AMD Athlon XP 2600+ Memory: 1 GB Video Memory: 256 MB Sound card: DirectX Compatible Hard disc: 1 GB Other: Keyboard and Mouse


RiDKiD: Windows 95 (not A), 98 Pentium II 233 CPU 64MB RAM 16 bit DirectX compatible Soundcard DirectX 7.0 compatible 3D graphics card with 8Mb RAM 4x CD-ROM 100Mb Hard Drive space (after installation)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP (SP2) / Vista (SP1) / Windows 7 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2 RAM: 1 GB RAM (1,5 GB for Vista Windows 7) Hard Disk: 1,2 GB HDD space, GPU: GeForce 7900GTX/ATI RADEON X1900 XT or higher DX: DirectX 9.0c Soundcard: DirectX-compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 8000 MB


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements: Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Win7 Processor: 1,2 GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM Hard drive space: 3.5 GB of free hard disk space Sound device: compatible with DirectX Video: 256 MB


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * Processor: Pentium 800 MHz or Better * Memory: 256 MB * Hard Drive: 300 MB Free * Video Memory: DirectX Compatible * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9.0c * Keyboard & Mouse * CD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: 2.8 GHz processor 1 GB of system RAM Choe-Funk Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista 256 MB DirectX 9.0c video card 3 GB of hard disc space DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum system requirements: CPU - 1 GHz Athlon or Pentium III Memory - 256 Mb RAM Sound card - DirectX 9.0 compatible Video card - GeForce 2/4MX, Radeon 7500 Hard drive - 2 Gb free space Operating system - Windows XP/2000 DirectX - 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows (32bit) XP/Vista/7 * CPU: Processor 1.1 GHz or better * RAM: 512 MB * DirectX: DirectX 9.0C * Video Card: 128 MB GeForce 6600 / RADEON 9600 or better * Sound Card: compatible with DirectX 16-bit


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/2000/Vista/Win7 Processor: 1Ghz Intel Pentium 3 or similar AMD Memory: 256MB RAM Graphics: 128MB DirectX : DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium IV 2 GHz / Athlon 2.4 GHz RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: DirectX 9.0c-compatible graphic card with 128 MB RAM (MX series and XGI Volari are not supported) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista HDD: 1.5 GB hard-disk capacity


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: 1.8 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 8 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: ATI 9500 / GeForce 6200+ Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP (SP2), Vista or Windows 7 Processor: Core 2 Duo Processor (1,8 GHz or better) or similar AMD Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 3GB HDD Space Video Card: Shader 3.0 compatible graphics card (Ati 2600, Geforce 8800 or similar) with 512 MB RAM Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: # Please note that James Bond 007(TM) - Blood Stone does not support Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000. * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers * NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7600 GT and better chipsets, ATI Radeon(TM) X1650 and better chipsets * Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo E4300 1.80 GHz or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 x2 4000+ 2.0 GHz or better * 12 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 2 MB free for saved games) * DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included) * Either a 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible computer system including: o Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP o 1 GB of RAM (Windows(R) XP) o 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers o 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers o 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers (*) * Or a 100% Windows Vista(R) or Windows(R) 7-compatible computer system including: o Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) or Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 o 2 GB of RAM (Windows Vista(R), Windows(R) 7) o 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers o 100% Windows Vista(R) or Windows(R) 7-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers o 100% Windows Vista(R) or Windows(R) 7-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers (*) * Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Pentium® 4 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+ or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better * 512 MB of RAM * 7800 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ 9800Pro 128 MB RAM and better chipsets Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported. Choe-Funk Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows Vista® * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows Vista® * Pentium® 4 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+ or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better * 1024 MB of RAM * 7800 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows Vista®-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows Vista®-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows Vista®-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows Vista® All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ 9800Pro 128 MB RAM and better chipsets Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported.


RiDKiD: avatar kracknya itu yg avatar 1.01 americas europe. beres install agan diminta masukin activation key. agan liat hardware idnya apa, copi hardware id buka keygen di folder krack. paste disitu, klik generate. ntar muncul activation key, Minimum Configuration: Operating System: Windows® XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista® (with SP1) Processor: 3 Ghz Intel® Pentium® D 830 AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ or better RAM: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista, Windows 7 Video card: NVidia™ 6800 or ATI™ X1650 or better 256 MB DirectX® 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX® 9.0c–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher See Supported List 1.1.3 for more information. Choe-Funk DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM Hard Drive Space: 4 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers Internet: Broadband connection and service required for multiplayer mode

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (44)

Jamestown Legend of the Lost Colony 1CD ACTIONJane's Advanced Strike Fighters 1DVD ACTIONJaws Unleashed 1DVD ACTIONJekyll & Hyde 1DVD ACTIONJodie Drake and the World in Peril 1CD MisJohn Dalys ProStroke Golf 1DVD SPORTJolly Rover ** 1CD AdventureJonathan Kane - The Protector 1DVD TPSJuiced 2: Hot Import Nights 1DVD RACINGJungle Racers 1CD RACINGJurassic Park The Game 1DVD AdventureJust Cause 2DVD AAJust Cause 2 1DVD AA

KKane & Lynch - Dead Men 2DVD TPSKane & Lynch 2 - Dog Days 2DVD TPSKaptain Brawe A Brawe New World Episode 1 1CD ACTIONKate Arrow - Deserted Wood 1CD MisKeepsake 1DVD AdventureKilling Floor 1DVD FPSKing Arthur Fallen Champions 1DVD StrategyKing Arthur The Roleplaying Wargame 2DVD StrategyKing Arthur The Roleplaying Wargame The Druids (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyKing Arthur II The Roleplaying Wargame 4DVD StrategyKing Arthur 2 Dead Legions (Stand Alone) 2DVD StrategyKings Smith 2 1CD StrategyKing's Bounty - Armored Princess 1DVD RPGKing's Bounty - Armored Princess : Crossworlds (Xpack) 1DVD RPGKing’s Bounty Crossworlds Game of The Year Edition 1DVD RPGKing's Bounty - The Legend 1DVD RPGKing of the Fighter 1DVD FIGHTINGKings Legacy 1CD RPGKingdoms of Amalur Reckoning 2DVD RPGKingdoms of Amalur Reckoning - Legend of Dead Kel DLC 1DVD RPGKnights of the Temple II 1DVD AAKonung II 1CD RPGKonung III 1DVD RPGKult - Heretic Kingdoms 1CD RPGKungFu Panda 2DVD ACTION

LL.A. Noire + DLC + Update v1.3.2613 + Walkthrouh 4DVD TPSLand of the Dead - Road to Fiddler's Green 1DVD FPSLara Croft and the Guardian of Light 1DVD AdventureLast Half of Darkness - Society of the Serpent Moon 1DVD AdventureLast Half of Darkness - Tomb of Zojir 1DVD ACTIONLast Remnant 3DVD RPG


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 DirectX 9c 2.4 GHz 512 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz Memory: 1 GB Video Memory: 128 MB Sound card: DirectX Compatible Hard disc: 1,5 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: GeForce 3 / Radeon 8500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0 Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium [emailprotected] GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500 RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk VGA: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 128 MB OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 HDD: 8 GB Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 800 Mhz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 8.0 · Hard Drive: 411 MB


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows®XP™ SP3 or later, Windows®Vista™ or Windows®7 Minimum Specifications: Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium® Dual-Core or equivalent AMD Athlon® processor Display Adapter: 256 MB (Support for DirectX 9.0 Pixel Shader 3.0) video card Hard Drive Space: 3 GB free space Choe-Funk RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB required for Windows Vista®/Windows® 7 users) Media Drive: DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 Processor: Intel Pentium IV 1.2 GHz RAM: 512 MB Hard Disk Drive: 500 MB free disk space Graphics: 64 MB DirectX 9 compatible sound card DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.4 Ghz or better Video Card : 256 MB – DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with support for Pixel Shader Model 3.0 Memory : 1 GB RAM (768 MB for Windows XP) Hard Disk : — Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista ( Windows 95/98/Me/2000 Not Supported ) Sound Card : DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz / AMD XP X2 4200+ RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0 compatible card / nVIDIA® GeForce™ 7600 / ATI Radeon® X1600 DX: DirectX® 9.0 OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP (Service Pack 2) / Microsoft® Windows® Vista HDD: 6 GB available hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## System Requirements: MS Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; CPU Pentium 1000 MHz or higher, 256MB RAM, Video 64MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent RAM: 2 GB HDD: 2 GB free disk space Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium IV 1.4Ghz (or AthlonXP 1700+) RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB 3D Accelerated Card with Shader Model 1.1 (GeForce 4ti 4200 / Radeon 9500) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows® 2000/XP HDD: 5.8 GB Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card 16-bit and latest drivers ODD: 4x Dvd-Rom Drive


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows XP is unsupported) DIRECTX: Microsoft DirectX 10 CPU: Dual-core CPU with SSE3 (Athlon 64 X2 4200 / Pentium D 3GHz) RAM: 2GB system Memory Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: DX10 compatible graphics card with 256 MB of memory (Nvidia GeForce 8800 series/ ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro) SOUND: 100% DirectX 10 compatible sound card DVD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 10GB of free drive space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and Mouse.


RiDKiD: Minimum Specification OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista CPU: Pentium 3 2Ghz or Athlon XP 2000+ RAM: 1GB (for Windows XP/Vista) Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB 3D Accelerated Card with Vertex Shader 3.0 and Pixel Shader 3. SOUND: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible) DVD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 8GB free disk space INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 2000/Microsoft Windows XP/Windows 7 (admin rights required) 95/98/ME/NT4 no longer supported. CPU: Pentium 3GHz or Athlon XP equivalent RAM: 1GB (Windows XP)/2GB (Vista or Windows 7) system Memory GRAPHICS: nVidia 7800 or ATI x1800 or better (Shader Model 3.0, 512 MB Video Memory) SOUND: Choe-Funk Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 9 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: 1 GHz Memory: 256 MB Hard disk space: 350 MB Video Card: DirectX-compatible Sound Card: DirectX-compatible


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 1.0 GHz * RAM: 512 MB * DirectX: 9.0 * Hard Drive: 151 MB


RiDKiD: ## System: 1GHz Intel Pentium 3 or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 32 MB Hard Drive Space: 1500 MB Other: Direct X compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.2 GHZ or Equivalen RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 64 MB DX9 Compliant DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista HDD: 2 GB free hard drive space Sound: DX 8.1 Compatible Audio


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP SP2 or Vista or Windows7 * Processor: AMD Athlon 4000+ or equivalent Intel CPU * Memory: WinXP - 1Gbyte RAM, WinVista, Win7 – 1,5Gbyte RAM * Hard disk space: 8 Gbyte * Video: Nvidia 8600 GT (256Mbyte) / ATI Radeon HD3650 (256Mbyte) * Sound: DirectX 9-compliant sound card * DirectX®: 9.0c or higher * Controller support: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers


RiDKiD: King Arthur


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD Athlon 3500+ or Intel Pentium IV 3.4 Ghz RAM: 1GB RAM: 1,5GB VGA: Nvidia 6600 256MB or Ati X700 256MB DX: DirectX® 9.0c or higher OS: Windows XP SP2/Vista/7 HDD: 8 Gb of free space Sound: DirectX 9-compliant sound card


RiDKiD: King Arthur Druids


RiDKiD: ## King Arthur The Roleplaying Wargame the ORIGINAL Operating system:... Windows XP SP2 or Vista or Windows7 Processor:.......... AMD Athlon 3500+ or Intel Pentium IV 3.4 Ghz Memory:............. WinXP - 1Gbyte RAM WinVista, Win7 – 1,5Gbyte RAM Hard disk space:.... 8 Gbyte Video:.............. Nvidia 6600 (256Mbyte) / ATI Radeon X700 (256Mbyte) Sound:.............. DirectX 9-compliant sound card DirectX®:........... 9.0c or higher (included in the installer) Additional:......... Nvidia (AGEIA) PhysX (included in the installer)


RiDKiD: King Arthur 2


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP with SP3, Windows Vista with SP2, Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 2 GHz or greater, AMD Athlon 64 X2 (or equivalent) running at 2 GHz or greater Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP) or 1.5 GB RAM (Vista, Win7) Hard Disk Space: 12 GB Video Card: ATI 3850 512MB or greater, Nvidia 8800GTS 512MB or greater DirectX®: DirectX®: 9.0c or higher Sound: DirectX 9c compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## STAND-ALONE, not required the master/the first version. OS: Windows XP with SP3, Windows Vista with SP2, Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 2 GHz or greater, AMD Athlon 64 X2 (or equivalent) running at 2 GHz or greater Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP) or 1.5 GB RAM (Vista, Win7) Hard Disk Space: 12 GB Video Card: ATI 3850 512MB or greater, Nvidia 8800GTS 512MB or greater DirectX®: DirectX®: 9.0c or higher Sound: DirectX 9c compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.8 GHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 8.0 Hard Drive: 210 MB


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.6 GHz Video Card : 128 MB – Nvidia GeForce 6600GT or ATI equivalent Memory : 1 GB Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 5.5 GB of free Hard Disk Space. Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Vista Sound Card : DirectX compatible soundcard Gameplay : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.6 GHz Video Card : 128 MB – Nvidia GeForce 6600GT or ATI equivalent Memory : 1 GB Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 5.5 GB of free Hard Disk Space. Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Vista Sound Card : DirectX compatible soundcard Gameplay : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Game of the Year Edition includes King’s Bounty: Armored Princess and its expansion Crossworlds, which includes following three campaigns: the “Orcs on the March,” “Champion of the Arena” and “Defender of the Crown” plus a convenient editor with help system. This editor will allow you to create additional content for the game and alter it in any way you wish. King’s Bounty: Armored Princess is a sequel to the critically acclaimed King’s Bounty: The Legend. Players will take on the role of Princess Amelie who travels around the world of Teana and searches for the renowned knight, and her mentor, Bill Gilbert. This new world of King’s Bounty: Armored Princess is full of mysteries and dangers. The new character, the Princess, will encounter horrible creatures, huge monstrous bosses and a new race, the bloodthirsty Lizards. As in the multi-award winning game on which this sequel is based, the player has many options to resist these new enemies. Various new skills and characteristics of Amelie as well as her chance to fly will help her overcome the hordes attacking the kingdom. Features: * 2 brand new campaigns (Champion of the Arena with boss battles in a gladiatorial tournament and Defender of the Crown with battles in unique tactical arenas with a random selection of enemies and allies). * Includes King’s Bounty: Armored Princess plus the massive Crossworlds expansion – featuring Orcs on the March, new units, spells and quests. * New creatures to slay or use in combat. * 70 new items, 8 new item sets, including one for the pet dragon and 3 component artifacts. * 7 new quests allow players to continue their journey. * 50 new abilities and skills. * 13 new spells. * Game Editor for King’s Bounty: Armored Princess. ## Operating system: Windows ® XP / Windows Vista Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core 5200 Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 1 GB (Windows Vista) Hard drive space: 6 GB Sound device: compatible with DirectX Video card: compatible with Direct X 9.0c, 256 MB


RiDKiD: OS (Operating System): Windows XP / Vista 32-bit CPU (Processor): Intel Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or Athlon 64 +2800 (Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or Athlon 64 +3200 recommended) Choe-Funk GPU (Video Cards): NVIDIA GeForce 6800 256MB or ATI Radeon X800 256MB or better (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 512MB or ATI Radeon X1900 512MB or better recommended) SPU (Sound Cards): DirectX version 9.0c-compatible sound card System Memory (RAM): 1 GB RAM under XP and 2 GB RAM under Vista (2GB recommended) HDD free space (Hard Disk): 5.5 GB DVD drive: 4X speed or faster (read double layer) DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher Input: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## To edit controls run 'typex_config.exe' Alt+Enter for Fullscreen/Windoed 2/3 for coin 1 for start F10 for pause 7 for system menu To change ingame dialogue to ENG open system menu>configuration>system settings>language ENGLISH Hold S and press Start on title screen for training mode. Minimum System Requirements: * OS: Windows XP SP2 (3) * CPU: Intel DualCore 2.0Ghz * Monitor: 640x480 (VGA), or 1280x720 (HDTV 720p) * RAM: DDR2 1GB * GPU: ATI Radeon (x1600Pro, x1300LE) or NVIDIA GeForce (7900GS, 7600GS, 7300GS)


RiDKiD: ## Windows Xp/Vista/7 1 GHZ CPU 256 MB RAM 200 MB Hard disc space 32 MB 3D video card DirectX 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or 2.6GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Memory: 1 GB RAM for Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7 Hard Disk Space: 10.5 GB Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / 512MB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD3850 / 512MB RAM (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support), 1280x720 minimum supported resolution Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c




RiDKiD: ## Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning ORIGINAL VERSION/MASTER OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or 2.6GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Memory: 1 GB RAM for Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7 Hard Disk Space: 10.5 GB Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / 512MB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD3850 / 512MB RAM (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support), 1280x720 minimum supported resolution Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 2.2 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: ATI Radeon 8500 / GeForce 3 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows 95/98/ME/XP DirectX 8.1 Intel Indeo 4.0 or better MS Media Player 6.04 or better Pentium II 400 MHz Choe-Funk RAM 64Mb HDD 650 Mb 8xCD-ROM Video card supporting 1024õ768õ16 bit mode; DirectX-compatible sound card Mouse


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1600+ Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti4200 / ATI Radeon 7900 Memory : 512 MB RAM Hard Disk : 1 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.2 G Hz Ram: 256 MB(512 MB on XP), V. Card: Direct X 8.1 compatible 3D-Graphic card with 32 MB RAM, OS: Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP (Not sure if it will run on Vista & 7) Direct X: 9.0a or higher


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Pentium® 4 2.4GHz or Athlon XP™ 2400+ MHz or higher processor * 512 MB of RAM * 5700 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon® 9500 128 MB RAM and better chipsets Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported ChoeFunk Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows VISTA™: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows VISTA™ * Pentium® 4 2.4GHz or Athlon XP™ 2400+ MHz or higher processor * 1024 MB of RAM * 5700 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows VISTA™ All NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon® 9500 128 MB RAM and better chipsets Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported


RiDKiD: System Specifications: Operating System: Windows 7 / Windows Vista Service Pack 1 / Windows XP Service Pack 3 Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.2GHz to Quad Core 3.2GHz / AMD Dual Core 2.4Ghz to Quad Core 3.2Ghz RAM: 2GB to 8GB Hard drive space: 16GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512MB to NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 1536MB ATI Radeon HD 3000 512MB to AMD Radeon HD 6850 1024MB Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9 Compatible DVD Drive (Retail version) Other Requirements: Initial game and DLC activation requires an internet connection. L.A. Noire PC requires the installation of software and components including GameShield IronWrap & Patcher;DirectX, and Microsoft’s Windows .NET Framework, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).


RiDKiD: Minimum: -Pentium III/1 GHz CPU -256 MB of RAM -2 GB Hard Disk Space -SVGA, high-color (16-bit) -16-bit DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card -64 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card (minimum nVidia Choe-Funk GeForce or ATI Radeon class card) -DirectX 9.0 or higher (included on CD) -Keyboard -Mouse -56 Kbps modem or faster for Internet play


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 7 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia Geforce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 1.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce 6600 or better), 3 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7.


RiDKiD: ## Pentium IV 800 MHz Processor Windows XP \ Vista 128 MB RAM 32 MB Video Card DirectX Compatible Sound Card 3 GB of Free Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® Core™2 Duo (2GHz) / AMD Athlon™ X2 (2GHz) RAM: 1.5GB RAM VGA: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600 VRAM 256MB or better *3 DX: DirectX® 9.0c (DirectX® 9.0c) OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2/Vista® SP1 *1 *2 (XP SP2) HDD: 15GB Available HDD Space Sound: 100% DirectSound® compatible sound card (DirectX®9.0c or higher)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (45)

Law and Order Legacies Episode 4 to 7 1DVD AdventureLeft 4 Dead 1DVD FPSLeft 4 Dead 2 1DVD FPSLeft 4 Dead 2: The Passing add-on 1DVD FPSLeft Behind 3: Rise of the Antichrist 1DVD StrategyLegacy of Kain - Blood Omen 1CD RPGLegacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 1DVD AAHLegacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 1CD AAHLegacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 1CD AAHLegend - Hand of God 1DVD RPGLegend of Grimrock 1CD RPGLegendary 2DVD FPSLegio 1CD StrategyLEGO Batman 1DVD AALEGO Harry Potter: Years 1 - 4 2DVD AdventureLEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 2DVD AdventureLEGO Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures 1DVD AdventureLEGO Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues 1DVD AALEGO Pirates of Carribean 2DVD ACTIONLEGO Star Wars 1CD AALEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga 1DVD ACTIONLEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy ** 1CD AALEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars 2DVD AALeisure Suit Larry - Box Office Bust 1DVD AdventureLeisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude 1DVD AdventureLionheart - Kings' Crusade 1DVD StrategyLionheart Kings Crusade - New Allies - add on 1CD StrategyLock-on - Flaming Cliffs 2 1DVD SIMLoki - Heroes of Mythology 1DVD RPGLongest Journey The 4CD ACTIONLord of the Rings - The Battle for Middle-earth (LOTR BME) 1DVD StrategyLord of the Rings - The Battle for Middle-earth II (LOTR BME II) 1DVD StrategyLord of the Rings - BME II - The Rise of the Witch-King (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyLord of the Ring : Conquest 2DVD AALord of the Rings: The Return of the King ** 3CD ACTIONLord of the Rings: War in the North 1DVD RPGLord of the Rings: War of the Ring 1DVD StrategyLost Chronicles Salem 1CD MisLost Crown - A Ghost-hunting Adventure The 1DVD AAHLost Horizon 1DVD AdventureLost Planet Extreme Condition 2DVD TPSLost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition 2DVD TPSLost Planet 2 3DVD TPSLost Secrets - Vatican Mysteries 1CD MisLuxus Hotel Imperium ** 1CD SIMLylian Episode One Paranoid Friendship 1CD Adventure


RiDKiD: ## OS: XP Service Pack 3 / Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Free Space Video Card: ATI or NVidia card w / 256 MB RAM DirectX ®: Direct X 9.0c Sound: Direct X 8.1 sound device




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3.0GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 or AMD64X2 (or higher) RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista VGA: DirectX 9 compatible video card (Video card must be 256 MB or more and should be a DirectX 9 compatible with support for pixel shader 2.0) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000 Choe-Funk HDD: At least 7.5 GB of free space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card ODD: DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: L4D2


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 3.0GHz RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista VGA: DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP HDD: At least 7.5 GB of free space


RiDKiD: Windows® XP SP2 or higher¹, Pentium® IV 2.0GHz processor or faster, 512MB RAM, Minimum 4GB hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive, 64MB AGP DirectX9.0c compatible GeForce MX440 or ATI Radeon 8500 video card or higher, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, TCP/IP for LAN or 56 Kbps modem (2 player games) or Cable/DSL modem (3-8 player games) and an Internet service provider account required for Internet multiplayer², Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse. This may require minor adjustments to the configuration of your system and/or updates to the hardware component drivers.


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 100MHz 16MB RAM 198MB Hard Disk Space for Full Install, 12MB for Minimum 1MB RAM VESA Local Bus or PCI Video Card 16-bit High Color 4X CD-ROM Drive 100% SoundBlaster Compatible Sound Card 100% Microsoft Compatible Mouse and Driver RECOMMENDED Pentium 166MHz


RiDKiD: Pentium III 450 MHz or equivalent processor Windows 98/ME/XP 128MB RAM DirectX 8.1 or higher DirectX 8.1 compliant sound card DirectX 8.1 compliant 3D accelerator card w/16MB VRAM 1.8 GB uncompressed hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## Minimum CPU Type: Pentium Minimum CPU Speed: 200 MHz Minimum RAM Required: 16 MB Minimum Hard Disk Space: 320 MB Graphics Type: SVGA Graphics Resolution: Multiple Resolutions Color Depth: 256 Colors


RiDKiD: Pentium III 450 MHz or equivalent processor Windows 98/ME 128MB RAM DirectX 8.0 or higher DirectX 8.0 compliant sound card DirectX 8.0 compliant 3D accelerator card w/16MB VRAM 850 MB uncompressed hard drive space


RiDKiD: ##CPU: Intel Pentium® IV 2.0 GHz RAM: 1024 MB VGA: GeForce 6600 / Radeon X1650 with 256 MB RAM or higher OS: Windows® XP/Vista HDD: 5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Dual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 1 GB free disk space * Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory with Shader Model 3.0 * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9 Supported Graphics Cards: Minimum ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or better Recommended ATI Radeon HD 2900 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or better


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium D 2.6 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 3800+ RAM: 2 GB RAM: 4 GB VGA: Geforce 7600 GT or better / Radeon X1600 or better OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista HDD: 9,5 GB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or equal AMD Memory: 512 MB RAM Hard Drive:200 MB Choe-Funk Video Card graphics: AMD/ATi 9600 or Nvidia Geforce FX. or above Sound Card: Stereo sound card and DirectX®-compatible sound driver Language Format: English & Japanese DirectX: DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz or Equivalent Memory: 256 MB (512 MB for Vista) Video Memory: 64 MB Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard & Mouse Choe-Funk DVD Rom Drive (8X)


RiDKiD: Lego Harpot Y1-4


RiDKiD: Computer Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer Operating System Required: Windows XP or Windows Vista CPU Required: Intel P4 1.8Ghz or AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64, 2.8 GHz Memory Required: 512 MB RAM Recommended: 2 GB RAM Choe-Funk Graphics Card Required: ATI X1300 or NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 with 256 Mb RAM Recommended: ATI HD 2900 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Sound Card Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device Hard disk space Installation requires 5.9 GB of free hard disk space. DVD-ROM Required: DVD-ROM drive Recommended: 8X Speed DVD-ROM drive Input Device Required: Keyboard and mouse Recommended: Six Button Dual Analog Gamepad DirectX Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (August 2007) is installed together with the game unless this or a more up to date version is already installed.


RiDKiD: Lego Harpot Y5-7


RiDKiD: Computer Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer Operating System Required: Windows XP or Windows Vista CPU Required: Intel P4 1.8Ghz or AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64, 2.8 GHz Memory Required: 512 MB RAM Recommended: 2 GB RAM Graphics Card Required: ATI X1300 or NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 with 256 Mb RAM Recommended: ATI HD 2900 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Sound Card Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device Hard disk space Installation requires 5.9 GB of free hard disk space. DVD-ROM Required: DVD-ROM drive Recommended: 8X Speed DVD-ROM drive Input Device Required: Keyboard and mouse Recommended: Six Button Dual Analog Gamepad DirectX Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (August 2007) is installed together with the game unless this or a more up to date version is already installed.


RiDKiD: --------------------------- Minimum System Requirements --------------------------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer --- CPU --- Required: Intel P3 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP Recommended: Intel P4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 ------ Memory ------ Required: 256 MB RAM. 512 MB RAM required for Windows Vista Recommended: 512 MB RAM. 1 GB RAM recommended for Windows Vista ------------- Graphics Card ------------- Required: 128 MB Graphics card with Shader Model 2.0 Capability Recommended: 512 MB Graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 Capability ---------- Sound Card ---------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device ------- Choe-Funk DVD-ROM ------- Required: DVD-ROM drive Recommended: 8X Speed DVD-ROM drive ------------ Input Device ------------ Required: Keyboard and mouse. Gamepad and joysticks supported Recommended: Six Button Dual Analog Gamepad ------- DirectX ------- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (August 2007) is included on this disc and will be installed during the installation of this game if this or a more recent version isn't already properly installed on your computer.


RiDKiD: Operating System Required: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista®, or Windows 7 Computer Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer CPU Required: Intel® P4 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Recommended: Intel® P4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 Memory Required: 256 MB RAM. 512 MB RAM required for Windows Vista® Recommended: 512 MB RAM. 1 GB RAM recommended for Windows Vista® Graphics Card Required: ATI Radeon® X1300* / NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5800* / Intel® GMA 3-Series* *w/ 256MB Memory or more Recommended: ATI Radeon® HD2900 /NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GT Sound Card Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device DVD-ROM Required: DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk Recommended: 8X Speed DL DVD-ROM drive Input Device Required: Keyboard Recommended: Six Button Dual Analog Gamepad DirectX Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (March 2009) is included on this disc. You will be prompted to install DirectX during the installation of this game if this or a more recent version is not already properly installed on your computer.


RiDKiD: · Microsoft® Windows® 7/Vista/XP® SP3 · 1.8 Ghz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD Athlon™ or equivalent processor · 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk · 7 GB uncompressed hard drive space · 128 MB NVIDIA® or ATI® dedicated video card supporting Shaders Model 2 · 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card · DirectX® 9.0c (included) · 8X DVD-ROM drive · NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported


RiDKiD: IBM PC or 100% compatible OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 2000/Windows XP (admin rights required) (Windows® 95/98/ME/NT not supported) CPU: Pentium III 1GHz (or Athlon equivalent) RAM: 256 MB System Memory GRAPHICS: 100% DirectX 9 compatible 32meg Direct3D Card with Vertex and Pixel Shader v1.1 Support SOUND: 100% DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card OPTICAL DRIVE:CD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 2.2GB free disk space


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements --------------------------- -------- Computer -------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer --- CPU --- Required: Intel P3 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP Recommended: Intel P4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 ------ Memory ------ Required: 256 MB RAM. 512 MB RAM required for Windows Vista Recommended: 512 MB RAM. 1 GB RAM recommended for Windows Vista Choe-Funk ------------- Graphics Card ------------- Required: 128 MB Graphics card with Shader Model 2.0 Capability Recommended: 512 MB RAM Graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 Capability ---------- Sound Card ---------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card required. ------- DVD-ROM ------- Required: DVD-ROM drive Recommended: 8X Speed DVD-ROM drive ------------ Input Device ------------ Required: Keyboard and mouse Recommended: Six Button Dual Analog Gamepad ------- DirectX ------- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (March 2009) is included on this disc and will be installed during the installation of this game if this or a more recent version isn't already properly installed on your computer.


RiDKiD: Computer -------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer --- CPU --- Required: Intel Pentium III 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1000 MHz Recommended: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2400+ ------ Memory ------ Required: 256 MB RAM Recommended: 512 MB RAM ------------- Graphics Card ------------- Required: 64 MB 3D Graphics card with Vertex and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability Recommended: 128 MB 3D Graphics card with Vertex and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability ---------- Sound Card ---------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device ------- DVD-ROM ------- Required: 8X Speed CD-ROM drive Recommended: 16X Speed CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive ------------


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz GD CPU hardware score: 3 Login to compare your CPU AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce GT 240 GD GFX hardware score: 5 Login to compare your GFX Card ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 4670 512MB RAM (Memory) - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 6 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: Larry Box Office


RiDKiD: -Windows XP/Vista. (if running Windows Vista SP1 is recommended) -DirectX 9.0c -Pentium 4 @ 3.2GHz or equivalent Athlon 64 CPU -1 GB RAM Choe-Funk -Graphics Card: Geforce 6600 / Radeon X1800 or above -DirectX Compatible Sound Card -DVD-ROM Drive -6 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: Larry Cum Laude


RiDKiD: * Intel(R) Pentium (R) III processor or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) processor * Processor Speed: 800 MHz * Windows(R) XP / 2000 / Me / 98 Second Edition (SE) * 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk * DirectX(R) 9.0b or higher * 32 MB AGP(R) video card supporting Hardware Transform and Lighting capability using NVIDIA(R) GeForce2(TM), ATI(R) Radeon(TM) 7500, or a more recent chipset with a DirectX(R) 9-compatible driver * DirectX(R) 9-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones * Minimum 3 GB hard drive space * Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 7 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X700 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer (Steamworks System) DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 7 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X700 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer (Steamworks System) DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## - Pentium III 800/AMD Athlon 700 or better - 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended) - 3D video card (DirectX 8.1 compatible)w/32MB RAM (128MB recommended) - Sound Card (Direct 8.1 compatible) - DirectX 8.1 or higher (included on disc) - 4X CD-ROM or better (Not recommended for use with CD-RWs) - Internet connection (56 kbps or better) or LAN for multiplayer - Hard Drive Space 1.1 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 7 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: GeForce 4 Ti / Radeon 9000 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows(r) 95 or Windows(r) 98 Pentium(r) 166 MMX 32MB RAM 4X CD-ROM drive Choe-Funk Mouse and keyboard 640x480 SVGA high color (16-bit) DirectX compatible video card with 2MB RAM Windows-compatible sound device 200MB free hard drive space




RiDKiD: - Windows XP or Windows 2000 - 1.3 GHz Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon processor - 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk - Nvidia GeForce2 or equivalent video card with 32 MB RAM - DirectX 9.0b compatible sound card - 4 GB available hard disk space




RiDKiD: · Microsoft® Windows® XP · PC with 1.6 Ghz equivalent or higher processor · 256 MB of system RAM · 512 MB of system RAM for online play with 3 or more players · 6 GB available hard disk space · 8x speed or faster CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive (for the Collector's Edition) Choe-Funk · 64 MB GeForce3-class video card. The game only officially supports cards with ATI (Radeon 8500 or greater) and Nvidia chipsets, and the Intel GMA 900 and GMA 950 products. The GeForce 4 MX is not supported. · Sound card with speakers or headphones · Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device · DirectX 9.0c or above


RiDKiD: LOTR BME 2 Xpack


RiDKiD: · Microsoft® Windows® XP · PC with 1.6 Ghz equivalent or higher processor · 512 MB of system RAM · 3 GB available hard disk space · 8x speed or faster DVD-ROM drive · 64 MB GeForce3-class video card. The game only officially supports cards with ATI (Radeon 8500 or greater) and NVIDIA chipsets, and the Intel GMA 900 and GMA 950 products. Radeon 9200 PCI, Radeon 9250 PCI Choe-Funk and the GeForce 4 MX are not supported. · Sound card with speakers or headphones · Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device · 56.6 Kbps or better modem for 1v1 online play · Broadband connection for online play with 3 or more players · DirectX 9.0c or above


RiDKiD: LOTR Conquest


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP SP2 or Windows Vista * 2.4 GHz Core Duo processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 256 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 3.0 - NVIDIA 7800 or equivalent * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * A DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card * At least 6.5 GB of hard drive space for installation.


RiDKiD: LOTR Return of King


RiDKiD: Windows XP, ME, 2000, or 98. Windows 95 and NT are not supported. 700 MHz or faster Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor 128 MB RAM (256 MB if using Windows XP) Supported DirectX 8.1 compatible video card* DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card 2.0 GB free hard disk space (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.1 installation)


RiDKiD: LOTR War in the North


RiDKiD: Operating System Required: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 CPU Required: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD 64 X2 4400 Recommended: Intel Core2 Duo 3 GHz or AMD X2 5000 or AMD Phenom X4 9600 Memory Required: 2 GB RAM Recommended: 4 GB RAM Graphics Card Required: 2006 or later GeForce 8600 or Radeon HD 2600 Recommended: GeForce 2xx Series or Radeon HD 6xxx series or greater. Sound Card Required: 100% DirectX 9 compatible Audio Device Hard disk space Installation requires 10 GB of free hard disk space DVD-ROM Required: DVD-ROM drive Recommended: 8X Speed DVD-ROM drive Input Device Required: Keyboard and mouse, or Xbox 360 wired controller DirectX Microsoft DirectX 9 is installed together with the game unless this or a more up to date version is already installed.


RiDKiD: LOTR War of Ring


RiDKiD: * Intel(R) Pentium III processor or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) processor * Processor Speed: 800 MHz * Windows(R) 98/2000/ME/XP * 256 MB RAM * DirectX(R) 9 or higher * 32 MB AGP(R) video card supporting Hardware Transform and Lighting capability using NVIDIA(R) GeForce(TM), ATI(R) Radeon(TM), or a more recent chipset with a DirectX(R) 9-compatible driver * DirectX(R) 9-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones * Up to 2 GB hard drive space * Minimum 56K modem for online play * Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 8.0 HD: 172 MB


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP(SP2) or Vista Pentium 2 or equivalent (Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended) 128 MB DirectX® 9 Compatible 3D accelerated video card, supporting 32bit (true color) color depth at 1024x768 16x CD/DVD-ROM Choe-Funk 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended.) 1.2 gigabytes hard drive space 16-bit DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 4.5 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 supporting HT technology or AMD Athlon™ 64 3500+ or greater RAM: 512 MB RAM (Windows XP) / 1 GB RAM (Windows Vista) VGA: DirectX®9.0c / Shader3.0*, NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 or greater** DX: DirectX®9.0c OS: Windows® XP, Vista Choe-Funk HDD: 8.0 GB free disk space Sound: DirectSound compatible Resolution: 640x480 minimum resolution


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 processor supporting HT Technology or higher, or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 or higher RAM: Windows(R) XP : at least 512MB Windows Vista(TM) : at least 1GB Windows Vista(TM) : at least 2GB VGA: DirectX(R)9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible, VRAM256MB, NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 6600 series or higher, or ATI Radeon(TM) X1600 or higher *excluding NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7300 series DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista HDD: 8GB HDD: 8GB Choe-Funk Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound cards Resolution: Monitor: 800x600 (SVGA) or higher ODD: DVD-ROM Drive: DVD9 compatible drive


RiDKiD: CPU: - Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo processor or higher - AMD Athlon(TM) X2 Dual-Core Processor or higher System RAM: - Windows(R) XP : 1GB or higher - Windows Vista(R) : 2GB or higher - Windows(R) 7 : 2GB or higher Choe-Funk Video Card: DirectX(R)9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible with at least 256MB of video RAM - NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7800 series or higher - ATI Radeon(TM) Choe-Funk HD 2400 Pro or higher Sound Card: DirectX(R)9.0c compatible sound card DVD-ROM Drive: DVD9 compatible Drive Monitor: 640 x 480(SVGA) or higher


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP , VISTA , 7 Pentium Iv 800 MHz, 1GB RAM graphic card 128MB (GeForce 2 or better). HARD DRIVE 400 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7 • DirectX 9 • 2 GHz • 1 GB RAM

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (46)

MM.I.A. Mission In Asia 1DVD FPSM.U.D. TV ** 1CD StrategyMachinarium 1CD AdventureMadagascar - Escape 2 Africa 2DVD ACTIONMadballs in Babo - Invasion 1CD ACTIONMaden NFL 08 1DVD SPORTMafia 3CD AAMafia II + 5DLC 2DVD AAMafia II - Jimmys Vendetta ( DLC ) 1CD AAMafia II - Joes Adventures (DLC) 1DVD AAMage Knight Apocalypse 1DVD RPGMagic - The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 1CD SIMMagic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 1DVD SIMMagicka + Patch v1.3.5.2 1DVD RPGMagicka - Vietnam - add on 1CD AAMahJong Suite 1CD Card GameMajesty 2 - The Fantasy Kingdom Sim 1DVD StrategyMajesty 2 - Battles Of Arcania (Xpack) 1DVD strategyMajesty 2 - Kingmaker (Xpack) 1CD StrategyMajesty 2: Monster Kingdom 1DVD StrategyMajesty Anthology 1DVD StrategyMajor League Baseball 2K9 2DVD SPORTMajor League Baseball 2K10 2DVD SPORTMajor League Baseball 2K11 2DVD SPORTMajor League Baseball 2K12 1DVD SPORTMaking History II - The War of the World 1CD StrategyMan Of Prey 1DVD StrategyManhunt2 1DVD AAMarine Sharpshooter - Locked and Loaded 1DVD FPSMark Leung: Revenge of the Bitch 1DVD RPGMarvel - Ultimate Alliance 1DVD ACTIONMass Effect 2DVD RPGMass Effect DLC - Bring Down the Sky + Pinnacle Station ** 1CD RPGMass Effect 2 4DVD RPGMass Effect 2 DLC Pack ** 1CD RPGMass Effect 2 : Overlord - add on 1DVD RPGMass Effect 2 : Arrival DLC 1DVD RPGMass Effect 3 4DVD RPGMassive Assault 1CD StrategyMata Hari - Betrayal is only a Kiss Away 1DVD AdventureMatrix - Path of Neo The 1DVD AAMax Payne 1DVD TPSMax Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne 1DVD TPSMDK2 HD 1CD ShooterMecho Wars 1CD Strategy


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP (SP1/Vista) * Pentium 4 2.8 Gb/Athlon XP 2800+ * RAM 1 Gb * 256 Mb Video card * DirectX 9.0C+ * HD 6Gb


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz Single-Core RAM: 1 GB VGA: 128MB DirectX9c-compatible, Shader Model 3.0 required (supported by Geforce 6 series, ATI X1600 or later models) DX: DirectX 9.0c Note: Microsoft .net Framework 3.5


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 Ghz Processor RAM: 512MB Ram OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7 HDD: 250MB Free space


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Pentium® 4 1.7GHz or Athlon AMD™ 2100 or higher processor * 512 MB of RAM * 8000 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon® X1300 128 MB RAM and better chipsets Choe-Funk Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows VISTA™: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows VISTA™ * Pentium® 4 1.7GHz or Athlon AMD™ 2100 or higher processor * 1024MB RAM * 8000 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows VISTA™ All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon® X1300 128 MB RAM and better chipsets


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 500 Mb free Choe-Funk Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows XP, 2k, or Vista CPU: PIII or AMD Athlon 800MHz (1.8 GHz for Vista) RAM: 256MB (1.0 GB for Vista) Choe-Funk Video: 64MB supported Direct3D capable video card with DirectX 9.0c (NVIDIA GeForce 6100+/ATI Radeon 9500+ video card for Vista) Hard Drive: 2.1 GB or more free space Input: Keyboard, mouse, or gamepad DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 500MHz PENTIUM III or AMD Athlon processor RAM: 96 MB of RAM VGA: 16 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 8.1 OS: Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP HDD: 1.8 GB of free hard drive space Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card ODD: 16x CD / DVD ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium D 3Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ (Dual core) or higher RAM: 1.5 GB VGA: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI HD2600 Pro or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or later) / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Choe-Funk HDD: 8 GB Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS 128MB Video Card (Geforce 6800 GT, ATI Radeon 8500LE or better) 512MB system RAM Choe-Funk 1.8 GHZ processor (Pentium 4 or AMD equivalent) Windows 2k or XP Direct X 9.0c Direct X compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2GHz CPU (Pentium 4 or equivalent) RAM: 1GB RAM (2GB for Vista) VGA: 256MB VRAM GPU capable of Pixel Shader 2.0c or better DX: DirectX 9.0c or later OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 3 HDD: 700MB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2GHz CPU (Pentium 4 or equivalent) RAM: 1GB RAM (2GB for Vista) VGA: 256MB VRAM GPU capable of Pixel Shader 2.0c or better DX: DirectX 9.0c or later OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 3 HDD: 700MB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon X1950 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon X1950 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: · Windows 2000/XP/Vista · 2 GHz processor · 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk · GeForce 6800 GT video card, 256 Mb RAM with PS 2.0 support · DirectX-compatible sound card · 4 GB of free hard disk space · Latest version of DirectX 9.0 · DVD drive


RiDKiD: • Windows 2000/XP/Vista • 2 GHz processor • 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk • GeForce 6800 GT video card, 256 Mb RAM with PS 2.0 support • DirectX-compatible sound card • 4 GB of free hard disk space • Latest version of DirectX 9.0 • DVD drive


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo at 2.0 Ghz Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – nVidia GeForce 6800GT Memory : 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 4 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows 2000 /Windows XP /Windows Vista Sound Card : DirectX Compatible Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Core 2 DUO @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Isi: Majesty: Sovereign of Ardania Majesty: The Northern Expansion (addon) Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim Majesty 2: Kingmaker (addon) Majesty 2: Battles of Ardania (addon) Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom (addon) ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: DualCore 2.0 GHz Choe-Funk *Memory Ram: 1.0 GB RAM (2.0 GB for Vista/7) *Hard Disk Space: 4.5 GB hard disk space *Video: 512 MB Video Card (ATI Radeon X1600 or NVidia GeForce 6800) *DirectX: 9




RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista) RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista) Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 9.5 GB or more free space Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below) Choe-Funk Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad Video card with 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets is required: ATI x1300 or better; NVIDIA 6600 or better; DirectX 9.0c compatible card with Shader Model 3.0 support.


RiDKiD: MLB 2K10


RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista) RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista) Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 9.5 GB or more free space Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below) Choe-Funk Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad Video card with 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets is required: ATI x1300 or better; NVIDIA 6600 or better; DirectX 9.0c compatible card with Shader Model 3.0 support.


RiDKiD: MLB 2K11


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows XP / Vista Processor: Intel Pentium IV with clock frequency of 2.4 GHz or equivalent (with a frequency of 2.8 GHz for Windows Vista) Memory: 512 MB or more RAM (1 GB for Windows Vista) Video card: 128 MB or more VRAM: ATI x1300, NVIDIA 6600 is compatible with DirectX 9.0c, with support for Shader Model 3.0 Sound card: compatible with DirectX 9.0c Free space on hard drive: 10 GB


RiDKiD: MLB 2K12


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista) RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista) HDD: 8.5 GB free disk space Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows XP/Vista, DirectX 9.0 CPU: 2 GHz 1 Gb RAM DirectX 9.0 compatible graphic card with 256+ Mb memory, NVIDIA GeForce 5200/ATI Radeon 9600 or better DVD driver DirectX compatible soundcard Mouse 5 Gb free on a harddrive


RiDKiD: ## System: 1GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent RAM: 192 MB Video Memory: 32 MB Hard Drive Space: 2300 MB Other: 32 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers (


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Driv


RiDKiD: ## - System: Windows XP/Vista/7 - Processor: Intel Pentium [emailprotected] GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500 - Memory: 1 GB - Video: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 128 MB - Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard - Hard disk: 1 GB


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 8000 MB


RiDKiD: ME 1


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4+GHZ Intel or 2.0+GHZ AMD RAM: 1 Gigabyte Ram (XP) 2 Gigabyte Ram (Vista) VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series(6800GT or better) ATI 1300XT or better (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) ATI X1800 XL series or higher Choe-Funk OS: Windows XP or Vista HDD: 12 Gigabytes Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4+GHZ Intel or 2.0+GHZ AMD RAM: 1 Gigabyte Ram (XP) 2 Gigabyte Ram (Vista) VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series(6800GT or better) ATI 1300XT or better (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements) ATI X1800 XL series or higher Choe-Funk OS: Windows XP or Vista HDD: 12 Gigabytes Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements * Windows XP, Vista, or 7 * 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo Intel or equivalent AMD CPU * 1 GB RAM (XP) or 2 GB RAM (Vista, Windows 7) * NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better with 256 MB of video memory (7300, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, and 9300 are below minimum system requirements) Choe-Funk * ATI X1600 Pro or better with 256 MB of video memory (HD3200, and HD4350 are below minimum system requirements) * Shader Model 3.0 required * 100% DirectX compatible sound card and drivers * DirectX August 2008




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements * Windows XP, Vista, or 7 * 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo Intel or equivalent AMD CPU * 1 GB RAM (XP) or 2 GB RAM (Vista, Windows 7) * NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better with 256 MB of video memory (7300, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, and 9300 are below minimum system requirements) Choe-Funk * ATI X1600 Pro or better with 256 MB of video memory (HD3200, and HD4350 are below minimum system requirements) * Shader Model 3.0 required * 100% DirectX compatible sound card and drivers * DirectX August 2008


RiDKiD: ME 2 Overlord


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 15 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive




RiDKiD: ## •OS - Windows XP SP3/Vista SP1, Win 7. Supported chipsets: NVIDIA 7900 or better; ATI X1800 or better. Please note that NVIDIA GeForce 9300, 8500, 8400, and 8300 are below minimum system requirements, as are AMD/ATI Radeon HD3200, HD3300, and HD4350. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required. CPU - 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (equivalent AMD CPU.) RAM - 1GB for XP / 2GB RAM for Vista/Win 7. Disc Drive - 1x speed. Hard Drive - 15 GB of free space. Video - 256 MB* (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support.) Sound - DirectX 9.0c compatible. DirectX - DirectX 9.0c August 2009 (included.)


RiDKiD: ## Minimal requirements: Pentium III - 600, 256Mb RAM, 32Mb 3D Card Recommended: P 4/Athlon - 1.0 and better, 512Mb RAM, 64Mb 3D Card with PixelShaders 1.3 technology support


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.6 GHz RAM: 512 MB VGA: 128 MB of DirectX compatible graphics card DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista, XP, 2000 HDD: 2 GB


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows® 2000 / XP Processor Pentium® 4 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 1.8 GHz or higher Memory 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space 6 GB free DVD-ROM Drive 6X speed or faster Video NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX 5200 or ATI Radeon® 8500 or greater* Sound DirectX® version 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX® DirectX® version 9.0c (included) or higher *Hardware T&L video cards that do not support shaders, such as the GeForce™ 4 MX or Intel Extreme Graphics® family, are not supported.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 450 MHz AMD / Intel Processor (or compatible) RAM: 96 MB RAM VGA: 16 MB Direct3D Compatible Graphics Card DX: DirectX 8.0 or newer OS: Windows 95 (OSR2 or later), Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000


RiDKiD: ## System: 1 GHz Pentium III / Athlon or 1.2GHz Celeron or Duron processor or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 32 MB


RiDKiD: ## Intel CPU - Pentium D 3.0GHz AMD CPU - Athlon LE-1660 Nvidia GFX Card - GeForce GT 120 ATI GFX Card - Radeon HD 2600 XT RAM (Memory) - 1 GB Hard disk space - 1 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: *Memory Ram: *Hard Disk Space: *Video: *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (47)

Medal of Honor : Airborne 2DVD FPSMedal of Honor : Allied Assault 1DVD FPSMedal of Honor : Allied Assault - CF Breakthrough (Xpack) ** 1CD FPSMedal of Honor : Allied Assault - CF Spearhead (Xpack) ** 1CD FPSMedal of Honor : Limited Edition (2010) 2DVD FPSMedal of Honor : Pacific Assault 1DVD FPSMedieval II - Total War 2DVD StrategyMedieval II - Total War Kingdom (Xpack) 2DVD StrategyMedieval Battlefields 1CD StrategyMemento Mori 1DVD AdventureMen of War 2DVD StrategyMen of War - Assault Squad 1DVD StrategyMen of War - Condemned Heroes 1DVD StrategyMen of War - Red Tide 1DVD StrategyMen of War: Vietnam 1DVD StrategyMercenaries 2 - World in Flames 2DVD AAMerchant Of Brooklyn 1DVD FPSMetal Drift 1CD DRIVINGMetal Gear Solid 2 - Substance 1DVD AAMetal Slug Collection 1DVD ACTIONMetro 2033 2DVD FPSMiasma Citizens of Free Thought 1CD StrategyMickey Saves The Day 3D Adventure 1CD AdventureMicro Machines V4 1DVD RACINGMicrosoft Flight Simulator X 2DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : 737 Pilot In Command (Xpack) 1DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : Acceleration (Xpack) 1DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : F16 Fighting Falcon (Xpack) 1DVD SIM

1DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : Just Flight A340 (Xpack) 1DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : Just Flight C-130 Hercules (Xpack) 1DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : Space Shuttle (Xpack) 1DVD SIMMicrosoft Flight Simulator X : Traffic (Xpack) 1DVD SIMMight and Magic Clash of Heroes 1DVD AdventureMilitary Life Tank Simulator 1CD SIMMini Desktop Racing 1CD RACINGMini Ninjas 2DVD AdventureMirror's Edge 2DVD ACTIONMob Enforcer-FL 1CD FPSMob Ties Tokyo 1DVD FPSMonday Night Combat 1DVD FPSMonkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge 1DVD AdventureMonkey Island Special Edition Collection 1DVD AdventureMonsters Vs Aliens 2DVD AAMortal Kombat Apocalypse (R) 1DVD FIGHTINGMortal Kombat Arcade Kollection 1CD FIGHTING

Microsoft Flight Simulator X : Fokker 70/100 (Xpack)




RiDKiD: • OS: Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista (32-bit; 64-bit versions of Windows Vista are not supported) • CPU (Single Core): Intel P4 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 2800+ for Windows XP / Intel P4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 3800+ for Windows Vista • RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP / 1 GB for Windows Vista • Disk Drive*: 8X or faster DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk • Hard Drive: 9 GB or more of free space • Note: 64 bit versions of Windows are not supported • Video: DirectX 9.0c, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT, ATI Radeon X1300 Pro, or better with Shader 3.0 support for Windows XP or Vista (Note: NVIDIA 6800XT, 6800LE, 7100GS, 7200GS, 7200LE, 7300GS, 7300GT cards not supported). NOTE: NVIDIA SLI and ATI Crossfire modes are not supported in Medal of Honor Airborne. • Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Note: For Creative Sound Blaster Audigy cards running under Windows Vista you should expect lower performance) • Multiplayer: 2 to 12 players, Internet connection required (Cable, DSL, or faster connection)




RiDKiD: Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98, or Windows 95 (Windows NT is not supported) 450 MHz Intel Pentium II or 500 MHz AMD Athlon processor 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk 8x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive 1.2 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.0 installation) 16 MB OpenGL capable video card using an NVIDIA GeForce3, NVIDIA GeForce2, NVIDIA GeForce 256, NVIDIA Riva TNT2, NVIDIA Riva TNT, ATI Radeon, ATI Rage 128 Pro, ATI Rage 128, PowerVR3 Kyro II, or PowerVR Kyro chipset with OpenGL and DirectX 8.0 compatible driver DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card Keyboard Mouse




RiDKiD: Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98, or Windows 95 (Windows NT is not supported) Previous installation of Medal of Honor Allied Assault(tm) 733 MHz Intel Pentium III or 700 MHz AMD Athlon processor 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk 8x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive 800 MB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.0 installation) 16 MB OpenGL capable video card using an NVIDIA GeForce, ATI Radeon, NVIDIA Riva TNT2, ATI Rage 128 or PowerVR3 Kyro II chipset with OpenGL and DirectX 8.0 compatible driver DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card Keyboard Mouse




RiDKiD: Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98, or Windows 95 (Windows NT is not supported) Previous installation of Medal of Honor Allied Assault(tm) 450 MHz Intel Pentium II or 500 MHz AMD Athlon processor 128 MB RAM 8x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive 800 MB free hard disk space plus space for saved games (additional space required for Windows swap-file and DirectX 8.0 installation) 16 MB OpenGL capable video card using an NVIDIA GeForce3, NVIDIA GeForce2, NVIDIA GeForce 256, NVIDIA Riva TNT2, NVIDIA Riva TNT, ATI Radeon, ATI Rage 128 Pro, ATI Rage 128, PowerVR3 Kyro II, or PowerVR Kyro chipset with OpenGL and DirectX 8.0 compatible driver DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card Keyboard Mouse


RiDKiD: MOH 2010


RiDKiD: Medal of Honor requires at the following minimum configuration: Operating System Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 Processor Pentium D, 3.2GHz / Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz / Athlon 64 X2 Memory 2GB RAM Choe-Funk Video Card Video card must be 256MB or more and contain these chipsets or better: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT ; ATI X1900. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required. HDD Space 9GB Soundcard Soundcard with DirectX 9.0c compatibility DirectX DirectX 9.0c Disc Drive 8x or faster CD/DVD Drive The following configuration is recommended to run Medal of Honor: Operating System Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 Processor QuadCore 2.0Ghz Memory 2GB RAM+ Video Card A video card with 512MB of VRAM and one of the following chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce GTX260; ATI Raedeon 4870 HDD Space 9GB Soundcard Soundcard with DirectX 10 compatibility DirectX DirectX 10 Disc Drive 16X CD/DVD Drive




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.5 Ghz Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon processor RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 3D video card with 64+ MB video memory which fully supports DirectX 8.1 DX: DirectX 8.1 OS: Windows XP or Windows 2000 HDD: At least 3.0 GB free space on your hard drive for Standard Edition, and 4.5 GB free space for Director's Edition.


RiDKiD: - English version of Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP - Celeron 1.5GHz Pentium 4® (1500MHz) or equivalent AMD® Athlon 64 - 512MB RAM - DVD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk - 9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space - 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers - 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - DirectX® 9.0c - 128MB Hardware Accelerated video card with Shader 1 support and the latest drivers. Must be 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible*. The Nvidia® GeForce 4 Ti 4400 or the ATI Radeon® 9600 SE is the recommended minimum video card. - Monitor must be able to display 1024x768 resolution or above


RiDKiD: - English version of Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP - Celeron 1.5GHz Pentium 4® (1500MHz) or equivalent AMD® Athlon 64 - 512MB RAM - DVD-ROM Drive capable of reading dual-layer DVDs - 9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space - 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers Choe-Funk - 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - DirectX® 9.0c - 128MB Hardware Accelerated video card with Shader 1 support and the latest drivers. Must be 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible*. The Nvidia® GeForce 4 Ti 4400 or the ATI Radeon® 9600 SE is the recommended minimum video card. - Monitor must be able to display 1024x768 resolution or above


RiDKiD: Intel Processor - Pentium 4 2.4GHz AMD Processor - Sempron 2500+ Choe-Funk Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce G 100 ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 3300 RAM Memory - 0.256 GB Hard Disk Space - 0.25 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 3 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: Shader 2.0 Compatible Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: P4 2.6GHz (Athlon 3000+) RAM: 1Gb RAM: 2Gb VGA: GeForce 6200 (Radeon 9600) 128Mb DX: DirectX 9.0c DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP(SP1) or Windows Vista HDD: 5Gb free hard disk space Sound: DirectX 9.0b compatible sound card


RiDKiD: • Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7 • CPU Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3000+ • Memory: XP – 1 GB RAM, Vista/Windows 7 – 2 GB RAM • Hard Disk Space: 6.5 GB + 1 GB Swap File • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card • Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB Video Memory and Shader 3.0 • Media Required: 6X DVD-ROM drive • Windows XP/Vista/7 compatible mouse and keyboard with latest drivers


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP(SP1) or Windows Vista DirectX 9.0c CPU: P4 2.6GHz (Athlon 3000+) RAM: 1Gb Video: GeForce 6600 (Radeon 1950) 128Mb 3 Gb free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2,6 GHz (Athlon 3000+) RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6200 or ATI Radeon 9600 (128 MB RAM) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP (service pack 1) HDD: 5 GB of free hard disc space Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimal: OS: Windows XP(SP1) or Windows Vista DirectX 9.0c CPU: P4 2.6GHz (Athlon 3000+) RAM: 1Gb Video: GeForce 6600 (Radeon 1950) 128Mb 3 Gb free hard disk space


RiDKiD: REQUIRED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista Network: Internet connection Minimum Configuration (Windows Vista): Service Pack: Windows Vista - SP1 Processor: Pentium 4 with hyperthreading / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Memory : 2 gigs GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT / ATI Radeon X1600 VRAM: 256MB Choe-Funk Shader model: 3.0 Media: 8x Dual layer DVD-Rom Hard Drive: 10 gigs install + save data Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Minimum Configuration (Windows XP): Service Pack: Windows XP - SP3 Processor: Pentium 4 with hyperthreading / AMD Athlon X2 Memory : 1 gig GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT / ATI Radeon X1600 VRAM: 256MB Shader model: 3.0 Media: 8x Dual layer DVD-Rom Hard Drive: 10 gigs install + save data Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Core Duo RAM: 2 GB RAM VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) or better DX: Direct X 9 OS: XP/Vista Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 GHz RAM: 1 GB VGA: DirectX 9 128MB Video Ram DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows HDD: 250 MB Sound: DirectX 9 Compatible


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Hard Drive: 3.9 Gb free Choe-Funk Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1 Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP or above Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.2 GHz or equivalent AMD Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible Video Card Choe-Funk Memory : 512 MB RAM (XP) / 1 GB RAM (Vista / 7) Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space Sound : Direct X 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual core CPU (any Core 2 Duo or better will do) RAM: 1GB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: DirectX 9, Shader Model 3 compliant graphics cards (GeForce 8800, GeForce GT220 and above) DX: DirectX 9 Note: Optimum System Requirements: - Core i7 CPU - NVIDIA DirectX 11 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 480 and 470) - As much RAM as possible (8GB+) - Fast HDD or SSD # Enabling Nvidia 3D Vision: Metro 2033 utilizes NVIDIA 3D Vision with compatible cards and hardware. To play in 3D you will require: - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 and above recommended - A 120Hz (or above) monitor - NVIDIA 3D Vision kit - Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 * Processor: 2GHz * Memory: 500 Mb * Graphics: 256 Mb, supporting pixel shader and vertex shader model 3.0 * Hard Drive: 200 Mb * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows 98/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 166 MHz Memory: 128 MB RAM Video Card: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX compatible Hard disk: 600 Mb


RiDKiD: ## # - Processor: 800MHz # - RAM: 128Mb Choe-Funk # - Video Memory: 32Mb # - Operating System: Windows 2000/XP # - DirectX Version: 9.0c




RiDKiD: ## * Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 / Vista * PC with 1 GHz equivalent or higher processor * 256 MB of system RAM for Windows XP SP2 / 512 MB Vista * 14 GB available hard disk space * DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk * 32 MB DirectX 9 compatible video card required * Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device * 56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play


RiDKiD: ## * Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2 * Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista * Intel Core 2 Duo Prozessor, Core 2 Quad CPU recommended * 2 GB RAM * DX9 video card with min. 512 MB RAM * 1,5 GMB free space on your hard disk


RiDKiD: FSX Accel


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista 2.0GHz Single Core Processor 1GB RAM Choe-Funk 4GB Hard Disk Space DirectX 9.0c 128MB DirectX 9.0c Compliant Video Card DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP 2 or Acceleration) Windows XP/Vista with the latest Service Packs (XP recommended) Intel Core 2 Duo CPU (2x 2666Mhz) or equivalent (Core 2 Quad CPU recommended) 2 GB RAM Choe-Funk DX9 Graphic Card with at least 256 MB (512 MB strongly recommended) Joystick/Throttle with programmable buttons highly recommended Installations-Size: 2.8 GB


RiDKiD: ## MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 or FSX Windows – Windows XP or Vista Processor – 2.8 GHz Video Card – 256 Mb Choe-Funk Memory – 1 Gb RAM Hard Drive – 1.5 Gb


RiDKiD: ## * Flight Simulator X or 2004 NB: An update for Acceleration/SP2 compatibility is available here for this boxed version of A340-500/600 * PC with 1.7GHz or higher (2.5GHz for FSX) * 512Mb RAM (1Gb for FSX) * 64Mb 3D graphics card (128Mb for FSX) * Windows XP/Vista/7 * 1.6Gb hard drive space Choe-Funk * DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## * Just Flight's FS2004 version of C-130 Hercules * Flight Simulator X (C-130 Hercules is SP2 and Acceleration compatible) * 3.0GHz PC (1.8 GHz dual-core) * 1.0Gb RAM Choe-Funk * 128Mb 3D graphics card * Windows XP/Vista/7 * 5.0Gb hard drive space * DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## * Flight Simulator X (Acceleration/SP2 compatible) * 2.5GHz+ * 1Gb RAM Choe-Funk * 128Mb+ 3D graphics card * Windows XP * 1Gb hard disk space * DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: FSX Traffic


RiDKiD: ## Flight Simulator FSX or 2004 Pentium IV 1.7 GHz PC (2.5GHz for FSX) 512Mb RAM (1GHz for FSX) 64Mb 3D graphics card (128Mb for FSX) Windows Vista/XP 1.5 GB hard drive space Choe-Funk DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 1.6 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300


RiDKiD: ## RAM: 512MB # Video Card RAM: 128 MB, 3D hardware acceleration # Processor: 1.5 GHZ or better # Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, and XP # Download Size: 380 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: PIV/Athlon 3.2ghz or higher processor RAM: 512MB system RAM (1GB Vista) ) VGA: ATI Radeon X1300 or higher / Nvidia Geforce 6600 or higher (shader model 3 required) graphics card OS: Windows XP and Vista HDD: 5.85GB free space


RiDKiD: Operating System Microsoft Windows XP SP2/Vista Processor Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz or 100% compatible equivalent Memory 1GB RAM Video Card 256MB memory with Shader Model 3.0* HDD Space 8GB Choe-Funk DVD Drive 1x DVD Drive Soundcard Soundcard with DirectX 9.0c compatibility DirectX DirectX 9.0c Network: An online connection is required for SecuROM** authorisation and access to Leaderboards


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/XP Pentium III 500MHz Processor 256MB RAM 700MB Hard Disk Space DirectX 9.0 32MB DirectX compatible Video Card 16-bit DirectX compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## System requirements: System: Windows XP or higher Processor: Intel Pentium 2.4 GHz or higher Memory: 1 GB Video Card: 256 MB Audio-card: compatible with DirectX 9.0c Hard disk: 2 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1900 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor : Intel Pentium 4 at 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – with Shader Model 2.0 support (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600) Choe-Funk Memory : 256 MB RAM (XP) / 512 MB (Vista) Hard Disk : 2.5 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : DirectX 9.0c compliant sound card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Mouse / Xbox 360 controller Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: CPU Required: Intel P4 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Memory Required: 512 MB RAM Graphics Card Required: 128 MB w/ Shader Model 2.0 capability Sound Card Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device DVD-ROM Required: DVD-ROM drive Input Device Required: Keyboard & Mouse, XBOX 360 Controller supported.


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Pentium® 4 1.8GHz or Athlon XP™ 2400+ or higher processor * 512 MB of RAM Choe-Funk * 7.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ x800 128 MB RAM and better chipsets Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows Vista®: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows Vista® Choe-Funk with Service Pack 1 * Pentium® 4 1.8GHz or Athlon XP™ 2400+ or higher processor * 1 GB of RAM * 7.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows Vista®-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows Vista®-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows Vista®-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows Vista® All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6600 128 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ x800 128 MB RAM and better chipsets


RiDKiD: MK Apocalypse


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows 95/98/ME/NE/2000/XP/Vista/Win7 Processor: Pentium II 500 MHz Memory: 128 MB Video: 32 MB Soundcard: DirectX compatible Free space on HDD: 1.0 GB CD / DVD-drive: 8x





Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (48)

Mosby's Confederacy 1CD StrategyMoto GP 2 ** 1CD RACINGMoto GP 3 Ultimate Racing technology ** 1CD RACINGMoto GP 2007 1DVD RACINGMoto GP 2008 1DVD RACINGMount & Blade 1CD RPGMount & Blade - Warband (Xpack) 1CD RPGMount and Blade - With Fire and Sword (Stand Alone) 1DVD RPGMovies The 1DVD TycoonMovies - Stunts & Effects The (Xpack) ** 1CD TycoonMurder in the Abbey 1DVD AdventureMX vs ATV Reflex 2DVD RACINGMy little Baby 1CD SIMMystery of Cleopatra 1CD MysteryMystery of Mortlake Mansion 1CD Mystery

NNail'd 1DVD RACINGNancy Drew - Alibi in Ashes 1DVD ACTIONNancy Drew - Ghost Dog of Moon Lake 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Message in a Haunted Mantion 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Phantom of Venice 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Secrets Can Kill Remastered ** 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Secret of the Old Clock ** 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Secret of The Sscarlet Hand 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Shadow at the Water's Edge 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - The Captive Curse 1DVD ACTIONNancy Drew - The Creature of Capu Cave 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - The Final Scene 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - The Haunted Carausel 1CD ACTIONNancy Drew - The Haunting of Castle Malloy 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - The Ransom of the Seven Ships ** 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - The White Wolf of Icicle Creek 2CD ACTIONNancy Drew - Trail of the Twister 2CD ACTIONNapoleon - Total War 3DVD StrategyNaruto Ultimate Battles 1DVD FIGHTINGNasty Neighbors No Picnic for Celebrity 1CD ACTIONNation Red 1CD FPSNational Geographic Challenge 1DVD MisNaval Warfare 1CD StrategyNBA 2K9 2DVD SPORTNBA 2K10 2DVD SPORTNBA 2K11 2DVD SPORTNBA 2K12 2DVD SPORTNBA Live 2008 1DVD SPORTNCIS The Game 1DVD ACTION


RiDKiD: ## * Windows® XP or Vista * 1.8 GHz processor or higher * 512 MB RAM Windows XP® (1 GB for Windows® Vista) * 64 MB DirectX 8.1 compatible card * 350 MB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 2 @ 450 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 615 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: MotoGP 3 URT


RiDKiD: 1Ghz Processor Win98 / ME / Windows 2000 / XP 128Mb Ram Choe-Funk GeForce 3 or above DirectX compatible graphics card DirectX Compatible Sound Card 950Mb Free Hard Drive Space (installed) DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz RAM: 512 MB VGA: ATI Radeon 9800 or better, GeForce 6600 or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 5 GB Free Sound: DirectX Compatible


RiDKiD: System Requirements ---------------------------------------- -Operating System: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP *1 Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(TM) *1 -CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 processor supporting HT Technology or higher, or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 or higher (Recommended: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad processor or higher, or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 or higher) Choe-Funk -Main Memory: Windows(R) XP : at least 512MB (Recommended: at least 1GB) Windows Vista(TM) : at least 1GB (Recommended: at least 2GB) -Video Card: DirectX(R)9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible, VRAM256MB, NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 6600 series or higher, or ATI Radeon(TM) X1600 or higher *excluding NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7300 series (Recommended: NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 8600 series or higher, or ATI Radeon(TM) HD 2600 or higher) -Sound Card: DirectX(R)9.0c compatible sound cards -DVD-ROM Drive: DVD9 compatible drive -Monitor: 800x600 (SVGA) or higher (Recommended: 1280x720 or higher)


RiDKiD: ## * 512 MB of RAM * Graphics card with at least 64 MB memory * Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.1 GHz or higher RAM: 1 GB VGA: Graphics card (128 MB+) DX: DirectX 9c OS: Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista/7 HDD: 900 MB of free space Sound: DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 900 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: - English version of Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 98SE/ME/2000/XP - Pentium(R) III 800 MHz or Athlon(TM) 800MHz processor or higher - 256MB RAM - 2x Speed DVD-ROM drive and latest drivers - 2.4 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows(R) swap file) Choe-Funk - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers - 100% Windows(R) 98SE/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) - Updated Windows Media(R) Player 9 Codecs (included) - 800 x 600 Monitor Resolution - 3D Hardware Accelerator Card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 32MB Hardware T&L-capable video card and latest drivers*


RiDKiD: - Full installation of The Movies(TM) 1.0 or 1.1 - English version of Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 98SE/ME/2000/XP - Pentium(R) III 800 MHz or Athlon(TM) 800MHz processor or higher - 256MB RAM Choe-Funk - 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers - 650 MB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows® swap file) - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers - 100% Windows(R) 98SE/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers - DirectX(R) 9.0c (included) - Updated Windows Media(R) Player 9 Codecs (included on the original The Movies(TM) 1.0 disc) - 800 x 600 Monitor Resolution - 3D Hardware Accelerator Card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 32MB Hardware T&L-capable video card and latest drivers*


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista, 1.4 GHz or equivalent Processor, 512 MB RAM, 3 GB HD Space, 64 MB Graphics Card, GeForce4 Ti generation or ATI Radeon 9500 (DirectX 9.0c compatible), DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card, 4x CD-ROM.


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 * Processor: Athlon 64 Processor 3800 2.4Ghz atau lebih baik, Intel Pentium 4 530 3.0 Ghz Processor atau lebih baik * Memory: 1GB XP, Vista 2GB / Windows 7 Choe-Funk * Graphics: NVIDIA 7800GT 256MB kartu grafis atau lebih baik, ATI Radeon X1900 256MB kartu grafis atau lebih baik * DirectX: 9.0c terbaru atau lebih baik? * Hard Drive: 8GB * Sound: Windows kartu suara yang kompatibel


RiDKiD: ## Pentium ? 4 2.2 GHz or equivalent Athlon ? XP 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows ? Vista) 300 MB free hard disk space 3D-graphics adapter with 128 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ? 9.0c (GeForce 7600 GT or Radeon 1650 Pro) Sound device compatible with DirectX ? 9.0 DirectX ? 9.0


RiDKiD: ## AMD / Intel Pentium IV 1GHz or higher; 1GB RAM Operating System:Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) with Administrative Rights 3D Video Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c or OpenGL 2.0 compatible (64MB or higher) Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible; DVD-Rom drive 4GB free Hard Disk space, Mouse, Keyboard; DirectX 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 2.0 GHz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 192 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7 1.5GHz Pentium 4 or Memory: 512 Mb 2Gb of free hard disk space but Video card 64Mb, compatible with DirectX 9.0 Sound 16bit, compatible with DirectX 9.0 4x DVD drive


RiDKiD: * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows 2000 * 200 MHz Pentium Processor * 16 MB of RAM * 160 MB Hard Drive Space Choe-Funk * 16-bit color graphics video card * 16-bit Windows-compatible stereo sound card * 8x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: * Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 200 or Windows XP * 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU * 128 MB of RAM * 650 MB Hard Drive Space * 32MB DirectX compatible video card Choe-Funk * 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card * 24x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows 2000 * 166 MHz Pentium Processor (200 MHz recommended) * 16 MB of RAM * 16-bit color graphics video card Choe-Funk * 16-bit Windows-compatible stereo sound card * 8x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU RAM: 128 MB of RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 32 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows® XP/Vista HDD: 1 GB or more of hard drive space Sound: 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## * 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU, * 256 MB of RAM, Choe-Funk * 1 GB or more of hard drive space, * 32 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card, * 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card, * 24X CD-ROM drive, mouse, and speakers


RiDKiD: * Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP or Windows 2000 * 400 MHz or greater Pentium II or equivalent class CPU * 64 MB of RAM * 300 MB Hard Drive Space Choe-Funk * 16MB DirectX compatible video card * 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card * 12x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows 2000 * 200 MHz Pentium Processor * 16 MB of RAM * 160 MB Hard Drive Space * 16-bit color graphics video card Choe-Funk * 16-bit Windows-compatible stereo sound card * 8x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/Win 7, 1 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, 1 GB hard-drive space, 32 MB Direct X 9.0-compatible graphics card, 16-bit sound card


RiDKiD: ## Windows® XP/Vista/7 Minimum System Requirements: 1.5 GHZ or greater Pentium 4 or equivalent class CPU, 512 MB of RAM, 2 GB or more hard drive space, 64 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card, 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card, 4x DVD drive, mouse and speakers.


RiDKiD: * Windows XP or Windows Vista * 1 GB or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU * 128 MB of RAM * 1 GB Hard Drive Space Choe-Funk * 32MB DirectX compatible video card * 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card * 24x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows 2000 * 166 MHz Pentium Processor (200 MHz recommended) * 16 MB of RAM Choe-Funk * 16-bit color graphics video card * 16-bit Windows-compatible stereo sound card * 8x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: * Microsoft Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows 2000 * 200 MHz Pentium Processor * 16 MB of RAM Choe-Funk * 160 MB Hard Drive Space * 16-bit DirectX compatible graphics video card * 16-bit Windows-compatible stereo sound card * 8x CD-ROM Drive * Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista, 1Ghz CPU, 128MB RAM, 1GB hard drive, 32MB Direct x9.0


RiDKiD: ## o OS: Windows® XP/Vista o Processor: 1GHz CPU o Memory: 256MB RAM o Graphics: 32-bit DirectX 9.0 compatible video card o DirectX®: 9.0 or Higher o Hard Drive: 1GB hard drive space o Sound: 16-bit DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## 128 MB RAM, 32 MB Video RAM, 1000 MB disk space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 Choe-Funk Processor : Intel Pentium III at 1.0 GHz or better Video Card : 32 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card Memory : 256 MB RAM (XP) / 512 MB RAM (Vista / Win 7) Hard Disk : 1.1 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : 16-bit DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0 Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : 24 x CD-ROM


RiDKiD: Napoleon TW


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.3 GHz CPU with SSE2 RAM: 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista®/Windows® 7) VGA: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0c shader model 2b compatible GPU Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows Vista®/XP®/Windows® 7 HDD: 15 GB free space


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz Memory: 512 MB Choe-Funk Video: 64 MB Soundcard: DirectX 9.0c compatible Free Railway: 3.73 GB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System(s): Windows® XP/Vista/7 CPU: 2.5GHz Pentium® IV / Athlon® 2500+ RAM: 512MB(XP) / 1GB(Vista/7) Video: 256MB DirectX compatible (SM2.0) Sound: DirectX compatible with EAX support Hard Drive: 1GB free DirectX®: 9.0c Other: WARNING: stability is not guaranteed when run on notebooks/integrated video! DRM: SecuROM


RiDKiD: ## • Windows® XP, Vista® or Windows 7® • Intel / AMD 2.0 GHz or higher CPU • 512MB RAM Choe-Funk • 3D NVidia or ATI-based graphics card with shader 2 support. NVidia GeForce 6100 or newer (6100-6800, 7100-7950, 8300-8800, GTS/GTX series), ATI Radeon 9600 or newer (9600-9800, X300-X1950, HD 2400 or newer) • DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card • 1GB of uncompressed Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## - System: Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista (SP1 or later), Windows 7 - Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core - Memory: 1 GB for Win XP, 2 GB for Vista / Windows 7 - Video card: 256 MB compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c and supports pixel shader 2.0 or better - Sound card: compatible with Direct X 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free Video Memory: 1 Gb Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTS250 / ATI Radeon HD4800 or better Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP/VistaProcessor: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz (2.8 GHz for Vista)Memory: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)Hard Drive: 10.5 GB FreeVideo Memory: 128 MB (nVidia GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon x1300)Sound Card: DirectX CompatibleDirectX: 9.0cKeyboard & MouseDVD Rom


RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista) RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista) Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 10.5 GB or more free space Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below) Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad Video card with 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets is required: ATI x1300 or greater; NVIDIA 6600 or greater; DirectX 9.0c compatible card with Shader Model 3.0 support.


RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista) RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista) Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 10.5 GB or more free space Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below) Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Choe-Funk Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad Video card with 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets is required: ATI x1300 or greater; NVIDIA 6600 or greater; DirectX 9.0c compatible card with Shader Model 3.0 support.


RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista) RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista) Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive Hard Drive: 10.5 GB or more free space Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below) Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM - Windows XP SP2, Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows Vista (Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows ME and Windows XP 64bit are not supported) Choe-Funk CPU - 1.3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or higher MEMORY - 256 MB RAM HARD DRIVE SPACE - 3.8 GB free hard drive space GRAPHICS - DirectX 9.0c Compatible Video card (see supported video cards in section 1.c) **(if running Windows Vista, recommended min specs for optimal performance are a 2.4GHz Intel Pentium 4 or higher with 512MB RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce FX5500)


RiDKiD: *Supported OS: Windows?XP(SP3), Windows Vista?(SP2), Windows?7(SP1) *Processor: 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon64 3000+ (Recommended: 3.0 GHz Pentium D / Athlon64 X2 4000+ or higher) *RAM: 512 MB for XP / 1 GB for Vista and Windows 7 (Recommended: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista and Windows 7) *Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card (Recommended: 512 MB or higher DirectX 9.0c-compatible card) *Sound Card: Any DirectX 9.0c–compatible sound card *DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c *DVD-ROM: 4x DVD-ROM or better *Hard Drive Space: 4 GB *Peripherals Supported: Windows-compliant keyboard and mouse required *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or higher / 7 / 8 / 9 / GT200, GT400, GT500 families ATI Radeon X1650 or higher / HD2000-6000 families Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (49)

NecroVision 2DVD FPSNecroVisioN Lost Company 1DVD FPSNeverEnd 1DVD RPGNeed For Speed - Carbon 1DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Hot Pursuit 2DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Most Wanted 1DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Most Wanted Black Edition 1DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Pro Street 2DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Shift 2DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Shift 2 Unleashed 2DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - The Run (Reloaded) 4DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Undercover 1DVD RACINGNeed For Speed - Underground ** 2CD RACINGNeed For Speed - Underground 2 ** 2CD RACINGNeverwinter Nights 2 2DVD RPGNeverwinter Nights 2 - Mask of the Betrayer (Xpack) 1DVD RPGNext Big Thing The 1DVD AdventureNight at the Museum - Battle of the Smithsonian 1DVD RPGNight Club Imperium 1CD SIMNightmare on the Pacific Collectors Edition 1CD MysteryNinja Blade 1DVD AANo One Lives Forever 2 - A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way ** 2CD FPSNumen Contest of Heroes 1DVD RPG

OObscure 1DVD AAHObscure II 1DVD AAHOddworld The Oddboxx 2DVD AAOff-Road Drive 1DVD Vehicle SIMOfficers 1DVD StrategyOil Rush 1DVD StrategyOMSI The Bus Simulator 1DVD DRIVINGOnce Upon a Farm 1CD MysteryOngaku 1DVD MisOnimusha 3 - Demon Siege 1DVD AAOperation FlashPoint 1CD ACTIONOperation FlashPoint : Dragon Rising 2DVD ACTIONOperation Flashpoint Red River 1DVD ACTIONOperation Thunderstorm 1DVD ACTIONOrange Box The 3DVD FPSOrcs Must Die 1DVD ACTIONOrder of War 2DVD StrategyOutrcy ** 2CD AdventureOut of the Park Baseball 10 1CD SPORTOut of the Park Baseball 11 1DVD SPORTOverlord 1DVD RPGOverlord 2 2DVD RPG


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or AMD Athlon 64 +2800 RAM: 1 GB RAM (Microsoft Windows XP) / 1.5GB (Microsoft Windows Vista) VGA: 256 MB Video RAM or greater with DirectX9 Pixel Shader 3.0 support, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or better ATI Radeon X1600 or better NVIDIA GeForce 8800 series or better ATI Radeon HD 38xx series or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Vista (Operating System must be up to date with the latest patches) HDD: 8.0 GB available hard drive space


RiDKiD: NecroVisioN LC


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or AMD Athlon 64 +2800 RAM: 1 GB RAM (Microsoft® Windows® XP) / 1.5GB (Microsoft® Windows® Vista) VGA: 256 MB Video RAM or greater with DirectX9 Pixel Shader 3.0 support (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X1600 or better) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2, Vista (Operating System must be up to date with the latest patches)


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP 700MHz Pentium 3/AMD Athlon Processor 128MB RAM 32MB GeForce 2/Radeon 7500 Video Card 1.8GB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: Windows XP Service Pack 2 (32Bit Edition only), Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 operating system Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) CPU running at 1.7GHz or higher 64MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (NVIDIA Geforce4 Ti/ATI Radeon 8500 or higher) using a supported chipset (see below) 512MB RAM Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card 5.3 GB of HD space 8X or faster DVD Drive




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: Intel Core® 2 Duo 2.0 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHZ 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® DirectX® 9.0c Compatible 3D-accelerated 256 MB video card with Shader Model 3.0* or higher (see section 9. for a list of supported video card chipsets) 8X speed DVD-ROM drive (Disc Users only) DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Choe-Funk Broadband connection for online activation and online gameplay - 512 Kbps or faster Keyboard Required Installation Size: 8 GB free hard disk space Additional space required for DirectX 9.0c installation and for saved games EA Download Manager Users require 8.16 GB additional space for temporary installation files Required Operating Systems: Windows XP SP3, Windows XP 64-bit SP2, Windows Vista SP2 (32- or 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit). Note that Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 are not supported.




RiDKiD: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, or Windows XP Home operating system Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) CPU running at 1.4GHz or higher 32MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (Geforce2 MX or higher) using a supported chipset (see below) 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card 3 GB of HD space DVD-ROM Drive




RiDKiD: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, or Windows XP Home operating system Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) CPU running at 1.4GHz or higher 32MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (Geforce2 MX or higher) using a supported chipset (see below) 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card 3 GB of HD space 8X CD-ROM


RiDKiD: NFS Prostreet


RiDKiD: Windows XP and VISTA with latest service pack installed Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) CPU running at 2.8GHz or higher (3.0GHz if running Windows Vista) 128Mb DirectX compliant video card with Pixel shader 2.0 or above (AGP and PCIe only) using a supported chipset (see below) 512MB RAM (1GB if running Windows Vista) Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card 7.6 GB of HD space required to install game 8X or faster DVD Drive DirectX 9.0c June 2007 edition (included)




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: Required – Internet Connection OS - Windows XP (SP3) / Vista (SP2)/ Windows 7 Processor – Intel Core™2 Duo 1.6 GHz or faster/ AMD X2 3800+ or faster Memory – 1.0 GB or more (1.5 GB for Vista/Windows 7) Hard Drive – 6 GB Choe-Funk DVD Drive - 8 SPEED Video Card – 256 MB, with support for Pixel Shader 3.0 Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX - Version 9.0c Online Multiplayer – 512 Kbps or faster; 2-8 Players Input - Keyboard, Mouse, Supported Game Controllers (See section “9. Controller Information” for complete list.) Optional – USB Steering Wheel / Dual Analogue Gamepad *Supported chipsets: ATI Radeon X1800 XT 512MB or greater; NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT 256MB or greater Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.


RiDKiD: SHIFT 2 atau NFS Shift 2


RiDKiD: Required – Internet Connection OS - Windows XP (SP3) / Vista (SP2)/ Windows 7 Processor – Intel Core™2 Duo 2.0 GHz / AMD X2 64 2.4GHz Memory – 2.0 GB Hard Drive – 7 GB DVD Drive - 8X SPEED Video Card – DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D-accelerated 512 MB video card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX - Version 9.0c Online Multiplayer – 512 Kbps or faster; 2-12 Players Input - Keyboard, Mouse, Supported Game Controllers (See section “9. Controller Information” for complete list.) Optional – USB Steering Wheel / Dual Analogue Gamepad *Supported chipsets: ATI HD3 Series or greater; NVIDIA GeForce 8 Series or greater Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.




RiDKiD: OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-bit Processor: 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Equivalent Memory: 3 GB Hard Drive: 18 GB Graphics card (AMD): 512 MB RAM ATI Radeon 4870 or higher performance Graphics card (NVIDIA): 512 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher performance Sound card: DirectX Compatible Keyboard DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: NFS Undercover


RiDKiD: Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or greater): 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent 512 MB of RAM DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 128 MB Video card or equivalent (see section 8. for a list of supported video card chipsets) 8X speed DVD-ROM drive (Disc Users only) DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Broadband connection for online activation and online gameplay MS compatible mouse Keyboard Windows Vista: 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent 1 GB of RAM Choe-Funk DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated 128 MB Video card or equivalent (see section 8. for a list of supported video card chipsets) 8X speed DVD-ROM drive (Disc Users only) DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Broadband connection for online activation and online gameplay MS compatible mouse Keyboard Required Installation Size: North America: 5.68 GB free hard disk space Europe: 6.26 GB free hard disk space Additional space required for DirectX 9.0c installation and for saved games




RiDKiD: Windows 98, 98 Second Edition, ME, 2000 Professional, XP Professional, or XP Home operating system Intel Pentium III (or compatible) CPU running at 700Mhz or higher 32MB DirectX 9 compatible video card (Geforce2 or higher) using a supported chipset (see below) 128MB of RAM (256 MB using Windows 2000 or XP) Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card 2 GB of HD space 8X CD-ROM




RiDKiD: Windows 98, 98 Second Edition, ME, 2000 Professional, XP Professional, or XP Home operating system Intel Pentium III (or equivalent) CPU running at 933MHz or higher 32MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (Geforce2 or higher) using a supported chipset (see below) 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk DirectX compatible sound card 2 GB of HD space 8X CD-ROM


RiDKiD: Neverwinter 2


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows XP , also tested VISTA (32-bit and 64-bit) Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Pentium 4® or AMD Athlon® equivalent Memory: 512MB RAM Hard Disk Space: 6.5 GB free Choe-Funk Video: ATI Radeon 9800 or NVIDIA GeForce 600 or higher Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound card or higher DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c (included) or higher


RiDKiD: Neverwinter 2 Xpack


RiDKiD: Minimum Required System Configuration Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor Memory: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space: 6.5 GB free hard disk space DVD-ROM Drive: 6X speed or faster Video: ATI Radeon 9800 or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or higher Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher Multiplayer: Broadband connection for multiplayer online play Input: Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel/AMD 2.0GHZ equivalent, or higher RAM: 1GB (XP)/2GB (Vista/7) VGA: 256 MB 100% DirectX 9 compatible, ATI Radeon X800/Intel GMA 3000/Nvidia GeForce 6800 or Higher* DX: DirectX® 9.0 OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Vista SP1 or 7 HDD: 8GB Choe-Funk Sound: DirectX 9 compatible


RiDKiD: This game is designed to run under either Windows XP or Windows Vista. For Windows XP, service pack 2 (SP2) is required. For Windows Vista, service pack 1 (SP1) is required. A 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) processor, or better, is required. A dual-core processor is recommended. Choe-Funk For Windows XP, at least 1 GB of system RAM is required. 2GB is recommended. For Windows Vista, at least 2 GB of system RAM is required. 4GB is recommended. Processor information for your computer can usually be found by doing this: 1) From the Start menu, select Settings->Control Panel 2) From Control Panel, find and open System 3) On the General tab, information about your processor and main memory can be found. Supported video chipsets: NVidia GeForce Series 200, 9800, 9600, 8800, 8600, 8500, 8400, 7900, 7600, 7300, 6800. ATI HD Series 4800, 4600, 3800, 3600, 3400, 2900, 2600, 2400 ATI Series X1900, X1800, X1600, X1300 At least 256MB on the video card is required. 512MB is recommended.


RiDKiD: · Operating System: Windows XP or better. · Processor Speed: 1.5GHz or better. · System RAM: 128 MB or more. · Hard Drive: 250 MB free hard drive space or more. · Resolution: 1024x768 or higher.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium® 4 3,2 GHz or similar Athlon® 64 RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 3D Video card with 256 MB VRAM, DirectX® 9.0c compatible (GeForce 8600GTS/Radeon HD2600XT or higher) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista HDD: 5 GB free disk space Sound: DirectX® 9.0с compatible sound card Recommended peripheral: Keyboard, mouse, gamepad (Microsoft X-Box 360 Controller Compatible)


RiDKiD: 500 MHz Pentium® III or equivalent US version of Windows® 98 / 98SE / ME / 2000 (with latest service pack)/ XP 128 MB RAM (256MB for Windows XP) 32MB Direct3D compatible video card with HARDWARE T&L, 32-bit color support, and DirectX 8.1 compatible driver Choe-Funk DirectSound® compatible 16-bit sound card with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver Windows® compatible keyboard and Mouse DirectX® 8.1 (included) or higher 1.4GB free Hard Drive Space for installation + additional hard drive space for a Windows swap file and saved game files. 100% Windows 98 compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM, video card, sound card and input devices) 56k Modem or LAN for multiplayer games*


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Core 2 Single 1.6 GHz Processor (or equivalent) or AMD 64 2.0 GHz Processor (or equivalent) RAM: 1 GB (1.5 GB Vista and Windows 7) VGA: ATI Radeon X850 256MB or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB or greater (Windows Vista: Radeon X1550 256MB or NVidia GeForce 7600GT 256MB) DX: DirectX (August 2009) OS: Windows XP(SP3)/Windows Vista(SP1)/Windows 7 HDD: 3GB HD space Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP MINIMUM Pentium III 1GHz Processor 256MB RAM 8X CD-ROM Drive 32MB nVidia GeForce 2 Class Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 8.1b


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista (admin rights required) or Windows 2000; Windows 95/98/ME/NT4 are no longer supported. Choe-Funk CPU: Intel Pentium III 700 MHz or Athlon XP equivalent RAM: 256 MB system Memory 512MB(Vista) GRAPHICS: GeForce 3, Radeon Series| 64MB SOUND: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 3 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and3 button mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP or higher Processor: Intel Core2 + Memory: 1GB Graphics: nVidia Geforce 6600 128MB DirectX ®: DX9 Hard Drive: 7 GB + Sound: DirectX ® 9


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000+ *Memory Ram: 1.5 GB *Hard Disk Space: 3 GB *Video: nVidia GeForce 7800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 5570 512MB *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP or Vista * Processor: AMD™ or Intel® Pentium® processor 2.6 GHz * Memory: 512 MB RAM * Hard Disk Space: 3 GB Available * Video Card: DirectX-compatible video card (128 Mb Video RAM) supporting shaders 2.0 * Sound Card: DirectX-compatible sound card * DirectX® Version: DirectX® 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 GHz Memory: 1 GB GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 ATI Radeon HD2600 HD3000 Intel (Windows or Mac only) Video memory: 256 Mb Sound card: any OpenAL support Disk space: 3 GB


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor (CPU): 2,6 GHz Working storage: minimum 2 GB RAM Graphics card: Geforce® ATI Radeon® 256MB Addition: DirectX: 9.0c or better Installations-Size: 2 GB


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 1.2 GHz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 172 MB


RiDKiD: - OS: Windows XP (SP3) or later, Windows Vista (SP1) or later, Windows 7 (SP1) or later - RAM: 1GB - 2.4GHz Processor - 1.5 GB Hard Disk Space Choe-Funk - DirectX 9c, shader 2.0 and 256MB Graphics Memory - Windows Media Player 9 or later - DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer* - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)** *The DirectX Redistributable installation includes all the latest and previous released DirectX runtime. This includes D3DX, XInput, and Managed DirectX components. This installation is provided by Microsoft and any troubleshooting problems with this installation can be addressed by Microsoft at the following web link ( **The Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2008 installed. This installation is provided by Microsoft and any troubleshooting problems with this installation can be addressed by Microsoft at the following web link ( Before installing please check: - Update you graphics card and sound card drivers to their latest versions. - Install Ongaku under a Full Administrator account. - Close all other applications before running the installation.


RiDKiD: ## System: 1 GHz Pentium III or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 2000 MB


RiDKiD: Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 Pentium II 400 CPU 64MB RAM 16 bit DirectX compatible Soundcard DirectX 8.0 compatible 3D graphics card with 16Mb RAM (or 8mb VooDoo2) 4x CD-ROM 300Mb Hard Drive space (after installation)




RiDKiD: Windows XP SP2 NVIDIA 7600GT 256mb or ATI X1800XL 256mb 2.4GHz Dual Core Processor DirectX Compatible Sound Device 1 GB Ram Choe-Funk 8 GB Hard Disk Space Dual Layer DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: OFRR atau OF Red River


RiDKiD: Windows XP SP2 NVIDIA 7800 256mb or ATI X1800 256mb ChoeFunk 2.4GHz Dual Core Processor DirectX Compatible Sound Device 1 GB Ram 6 GB Hard Disk Space Dual Layer DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB of RAM (1GB for Windows Vista) VGA: GeForce FX5700 or Radeon 9700 with 128 MB of RAM DX: DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD) OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista HDD: 3 GB of free space on hard drive (4GB for Windows Vista) Sound: 16-bit sound card compatabile with DirectX 9.0 ODD: DVD-ROM drive


X-Treme Gamer: *Half life 2 - Episode 1 *Half life 2 - Episode 2 *Portal *Team Fortless


RiDKiD: ## OS:Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 Processor:2GHz Dual Core Memory:2 GB RAM Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon x1950 or better with 256MB VRAM DirectX®:dx90c Hard Drive:5 GB HD space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Single-core with 3.0 GHz or dual-core with 2.0 GHz RAM: 2GB of RAM VGA: Geforce 7600 with 256 MiByte Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 8.1 OS: Windows XP SP2 HDD: 10 GiByte


RiDKiD: OS: Windows® XP / VISTA CPU: Pentium® IV 1.5GHz or similar Athlon®XP RAM: 256 MB Video Card: 3D-videocard with 128 ?b onboard, DirectX® 9.0c compatible, with 2.0 shaders support(GeForceFX 5200 or Radeon 9600) Hard Drive: 1,5 GB SOUND: DirectX® 9.0c compatible Choe-Funk DVD-ROM Other: Mouse, Speakers, Keyboard




RiDKiD: ## Windows Vista or XP, 1024x768 display, 1GHz processor, 256 MB RAM




RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Any Single Core Processor at 1.0 Ghz Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – with support for 1024×768 resolution Memory : 256 MB RAM Hard Disk : 1 GB of free Hard Drive Space Sound : - Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Windows compatible Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: - Windows XP - DirectX 9.0c - CPU: Pentium 2.4 GHz or Athlon XP 2400+ - 512 mb RAM Choe-Funk - Graphics Card: GeForce FX5900 / Radeon 9500 or above - DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card - 4.9 Gb Hard Drive Space - 2x DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: - Windows XP SP2 / Vista SP 1 - DirectX 9.0c - CPU: Pentium D 3.4GHz or AMD Equivalent - 1GB RAM - Graphics Card: GeForce 6800+ / Radeon X1800XT - DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card - 5 Gb Hard Drive Space Choe-Funk - 2x DVD-ROM Drive

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (50)

Overspeed High - Performance Street Racing 1CD RACINGP

Painkiller - Overdose 1DVD FPSPainkiller - Pandemonium 3DVD FPSPainkiller - Recurring Evil 1DVD FPSPainkiller - Redemption 1DVD FPSPainkiller - Resurrection 2DVD FPSPanzer General 3D Assault 1CD StrategyPatch ISL - Pes 2010 (Patch only, game not include) ** 1CD SPORTPath The 1CD ACTIONPatrician IV 1DVD StrategyPatrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyPayday The Heist 1DVD FPSPenumbra - Black Plague 1CD AAHPenumbra - Black Plague - Requiem (Xpack) 1CD AAHPenumbra Overture - Episode One 1CD AAHPerfect Ace 1CD SPORTPerfect World 1DVD OL - RPGPerimeter II - New Earth 1DVD StrategyPeter Jackson: Kingkong 1DVD AAPirate Of Caribean Legend of Jack Sparrow 1DVD AAPirates of Black Cove 1DVD 5trategi - RPGPirates of Black Cove: Origins DLC 1DVD 5trategi - RPGPlain Sight 1CD ACTIONPlanet Alcatraz 1DVD RPGPlayboy - The Mansion 1DVD TycoonPlayboy the Mansion - Private Party (Xpack) 1CD TycoonPoint Blank 1CD OL - FPSPoker Simulator - No Limit Texas Hold'Em 1DVD MisPole Position 2010 1CD RACINGPolice Destruction Street 1CD DRIVINGPolice Simulator 1CD SIMPony Friends 2 1DVD MisPool Hall Pro 1DVD BilliardsPopulous 3 The Beginning and Undiscovered Worlds 1CD StrategyPortal 2 2DVD FPSPost Apocalyptic Mayhem 1CD RACINGPostal 3 3DVD TPSPower Rangers Super Legends 1DVD ACTIONPound Of Ground 1DVD ACTIONPrecursors The 2DVD FPSPremier Manager 10 1CD SPORTPrey 1DVD FPSPrice Is Right 2010 Edition The 1DVD MisPride Of Nations 1DVD StrategyPrince of Persia 2DVD AA


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/ 2000 * CPU: Intel Pentium III or an AMD Athlon * RAM: RAM: 256 MB Choe-Funk * HDD: 1 GB Hard Drive Space * Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB hardware accelerated video card * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.5 GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: 128 MB DirectX(R) 9 Compatible Video Card (NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) FX 5600, ATI(TM) Radeon(TM) 9600 or Better) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX(R) 9 OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/Vista HDD: 2.5 GB available Sound: DirectX 9 or better compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Painkiller Black Edition Minimum: OS: Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP with DirectX 9.0c or greater CPU: 1.5 GHz processor RAM: 384 MB DVD-ROM Hard Drive Space: 2.6 GB available Video: 64 MB DirectX 8.1 card with hardware Transform & Lighting support (NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS or better)* Sound: DirectX 8.1b or better compatible Input: Keyboard and mouse ===================================================== Painkiller: Overdose OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista Processor: 1.5 GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor Memory: 512 MB RAM Hard Disk Space: 2.5 GB available DVD-ROM Drive: 4X or Higher Video: 128 MB DirectX® 9 Compatible Video Card (NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5600, ATI™ Radeon™ 9600 or Better) Sound: DirectX 9 or better compatible sound card Input: keyboard and mouse ======================================================= Painkiller: Resurrection OS: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/ Windows 7 Processor: Single-Core CPU with 2.8GHZ or MultiCore CPU with 2.4GHZ each Memory: 1.5 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 6 GB available DVD-ROM Drive: 4X or Higher Video: 256 MB DirectX® 9 Compatible Video Card (NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600, ATI™ Radeon™ 2600 or Better) Sound: DirectX 9 or better compatible sound card Input: keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Pentium IV 3.2Ghz RAM: 512GB Graphics Card: AMD Radeon/Nvidia GeForce with 256MB RAM, and Shader Model 3.0 HDD: 3GB DirectX: 9.0c Sound Card: Required


RiDKiD: # OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 6 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon HD 3800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4GHZ+ (per core) RAM: 2GB or better VGA: Radeon 3800 / Geforce 7800 or better DX: DirectX® 9.0c (included) OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 HDD: 6GB Sound: Required


RiDKiD: Pentium2 233 or greater Windows 95B/95C/98 8MB 3D Acceleration Video Card Choe-Funk DirectX 6.1a or greater 64 MB of RAM 8x CDROM 28.8 Modem or faster For the directX 6.1a Update see




RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU AMD Processor - Athlon XP 3000+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 7600 GT 256MB ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X1600 RAM Memory - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 2 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 5 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Patrician ROD


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0c compatible PCIe (NVIDIA Geforce 6 Series/ATI Radeon X1000 Series) Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 5 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 CPU: P4 3 GHz or Athlon FX-53 RAM: 1 GB Ram GFX: NVIDIA 8800 or ATI x1900


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1 GHz RAM: 256MB VGA: Radeon 8500/GeForce 3 (GeForce4MX not supported) DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 1,2 GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1 GHz RAM: 256MB VGA: Radeon 8500/GeForce 3 (GeForce4MX not supported) DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 1,2 GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1 GHz RAM: 256MB VGA: Radeon 8500/GeForce 3 (GeForce4MX not supported) DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 1,2 GB Sound: Sound device 16-bit compatible with DirectX ®


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Celeron 800Mhz and above RAM: 256MB or higher VGA: 32Mb Video memory, supports 3D graphic acceleration Choe-Funk DX: DirectX–9.0c OS: Windows ME/2000/XP/Vista* HDD: 2.6G disk space Sound: Support DirecX8.1 or Higher


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or Athlon XP 2500+ RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: GeForce 6600 128MB Graphics card DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP HDD: 8 GB Hard Drive Space Sound: DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.0 GHz AMD Athlon™ or Intel® Pentium® III RAM: 256 MB VGA: 64 MB DirectX® 8.1 compliant (see supported list*) DX: Direct X 8.1 OS: Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP (only) HDD: 1.5 GB Sound: DirectX 8.1 compliant


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 800 MHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 3.5 Gb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU/Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz / AMD Athlon 4450e Dual Core * Video Card Required: Nvidia GeForce GT 240 / ATI Radeon HD 3850 * Minimum RAM (Memory): 2 GB * Hard Drive Space Required: 4.5 GB * DirectX Version Needed: 9


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: 2.0 GHz Core Duo or equivalent processor Memory: 2GB RAM (256 MB of dedicated memory with support for pixel shader 3.0) Hard disk space: 4 GB hard disk space Video: GeForce 8600 or equivalent Video Card Sound: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound Card DirectX®: DirectX 9.0 Additional: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 ghz or better RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: Shader model 2 supported graphics card DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows XP HDD: 300 MB of free space Sound: Sound card required


RiDKiD: OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/Vista DirectX: DirectX 9.0ñ CPU: Intel Pentium IV 3 GHz or AMD Athlon 1,4GHz+ RAM: 1 GB or higher DVD-ROM: 4X Free disc space: 5 GB Choe-Funk Sound: any DirectX 9-compatible sound card Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon X800, 128 MB or higher DVD-ROM Keyboard Mouse


RiDKiD: - Windows(r) 98SE/ME/2000/XP - Pentium(r) III 800 or 100% compatible - 256MB RAM - 1.5 Gb HD Space (allows for swap file) - 32 MB DirectX(r)/Direct3D and T&L compatible video accelerator card (ATI Radeon 7500 or greater; Nvidia Geforce 2 or greater) - DirectX 9 or later - DirectX compatible sound card - Mouse Choe-Funk - CD-Rom drive - Windows Media 9 Player or later


RiDKiD: - Windows(r) 98SE/ME/2000/XP - Pentium(r) III 800 or 100% compatible - 256MB RAM - 1.5 Gb HD Space (allows for swap file) - 32 MB DirectX(r)/Direct3D and T&L compatible video accelerator card (ATI Radeon 7500 or greater; Nvidia Geforce 2 or greater) - DirectX 9 or later - DirectX compatible sound card Choe-Funk - Mouse - CD-Rom drive - Windows Media 9 Player or later


RiDKiD: ## * CPU : P4 2.4G / Athlon 2500+ * Ram : 512 MB * VGA : 128 on board/off board


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP,Vista CPU: 2 GHz RAM: 512 MB Graphics card: Pixel Shader 1.2 compatible (GeForce 4, Radeon 8500 or newer)


RiDKiD: ## - Athlon ® - / Pentium ® - or equivalent processor with 1.4 GHz, - Windows ® XP/Vista/7 - 1 GB RAM - 500 MB free Hard Drive Space - 128 MB 3D graphics card - 16-bit sound card - DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.6 Ghz Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0c compatible card with support for pixel shader 2.0 Memory : 256 MB for Windows XP / 1 GB for Windows Vista & 7 Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 4 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Sound Card : DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.5 GHz Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – nVidia GeForce 3 Ti200 or better Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space Sound : - Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or AMD64X2 (or higher) RAM: 1GB XP / 2GB Vista VGA: Video card must be 128 MB -ChoeFunk- or more and should be a DirectX 9-compatible with support for Pixel Shader 2.0b (ATI Radeon X800 or higher / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or higher / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or higher). DX: DirectX 9.0c compatible OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP HDD: At least 7.6 GB of Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 1 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Supported OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better Hard Drive: At least 7.5 GB of free space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 Pentium™ 4 class, 1.4GHZ or AMD XP 2200+ Sempron processor, 1.2 GHz 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk 3.0 GB uncompressed hard drive space 64 MB - DirectX® 9.0c-compiant 3D video card (NVIDIA® GeForce3®, ATI® Radeon® 8500 or equivalent that supports Hardware Transform and Lighting) NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported: Intel on-board 8xx/9xx series chipsets, SiS and S3 series cards, ATI Radeon 7500 & X1300. DirectX™ 9.0c-compatible sound card 16X DVD-ROM drive DirectX® 9.0c (included) Optional: Analog 10-button Windows-compatible gamepad controller.


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista *Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ *Memory Ram: 1 Gb *Hard Disk Space: 6 Gb *Video: 256 Mb @ nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9 *Keyboard / Mouse *Media: DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7 • DirectX 9c • 3 GHz • 1 GB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000 Processor: 1 GHz Processor Memory: 256MB Graphics: 64MB video card DirectX: DirectX 9.0c compatible Hard Drive: 250MB HD space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU Speed: Intel Pentium 4 2.0Ghz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ processor RAM: 512MB system RAM Video Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB video card with latest manufacturer drivers (see supported chipsets below) Drive: 8X CD-ROM (standard edition), DVD-ROM (Limited Collector�s Edition) Hard Drive: 2.2GB of uncompressed free hard drive space Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP with latest service pack installed DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (included on disc)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP (with SP3) or Windows Vista (with SP1) CPU: 1 GHz Intel Pentium 3 or AMD Athlon (1.6 GHz or faster recommended) RAM: 256 MB Windows XP (512 MB recommended) / 1 GB Windows Vista (2 GB recommended) Video card: 128 MB DirectX 8-compliant video card (256 MB recommended) Sound Card: DirectX 8-compatible Sound Card DVD-ROM: 1x DVD-ROM drive Hard Drive Space: 2.3 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: XP Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory Ram: 1 GB Hard Drive Space: 3 GB Video: Nvidia GeForce 8600 GTS 512MB / ATI Radeon HD 5450 512MB Sound Card: DirectX: 9




RiDKiD: Minimum configuration: Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 2)/Windows Vista ® (only) Processor: 2,6 GHz Intel® Pentium ® D dual-core processor or AMD Athlon ™ 64 X2 3800+ RAM: 1 Go for Windows XP / 2 Go for Windows Vista Video Card: 256 Mo compatible DirectX ® 10.0 video card or DirectX 9.0 compatible video card supporting Shader Model 3.0 or higher. (See list of supported cards.)* Choe-Funk Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card DirectX version: DirectX 9.0 (included on game disk) DVD-Rom: double layer DVD-Rom player Hard Drive Space: 9 Go Supported Peripherals: Keyboard, mouse, and optional game controller * This game does not support Windows 98/ME/2000/NT.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (51)

Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands 2DVD AAPrince of Persia - The Sands of Time 1DVD AAPrince of Persia - The Two Throne 1DVD AAPrince of Persia - Warrior Within 3CD AAPrincess and the Frog The 1DVD ACTIONPrincess Waltz 1DVD AdventurePrison Break - The Conspiracy 1DVD ACTIONPrison Tycoon 3 ** 1CD TycoonPrison Tycoon - Alcatraz 1CD StrategyPro Cycling Manager Season 2009 1DVD SPORTPro Cycling Manager Season 2010: Le Tour de France 1DVD SPORTPro Evolution Soccer 2008 (PES 08) 1DVD SPORTPro Evolution Soccer 2009 (PES 09) 2DVD SPORTPro Evolution Soccer 2010 + GISL (PES10) 2DVD SPORTPro Evolution Soccer 2011 + G1SL (PES11) 2DVD SPORTPro Evolution Soccer (Reloaded + Full English) 2DVD SPORTPESedit 2012 Patch 3.1 + 3.1.1 FIX 1DVD SPORTProject Aftermath (Demo) 1CD StrategyProject Runway 1DVD MisPrototype 2DVD AAPT Boats - Knights of the Sea 1DVD AdventurePT Boats - South Gambit 1DVD SIMPuzzle Bots 1CD MisPuzzle Dimension 1CD MisPyroblazer 1DVD RACING

QQuake 4 1DVD FPS

RR.U.S.E. 2DVD StrategyRace Injection 2DVD RACINGRACE On 3DVD RACINGRage (+ Update 1 Skidrow) 6DVD FPSRagnarok Offline Athena ** 2CD RPGRailWorks 1DVD SIMRailWorks 2: Train Simulator 1DVD SIMRailWorks 3: Train Simulator 2012 Deluxe 1DVD SIMRaven Squad - Operation Hidden Dagger 1DVD FPSRayman Origins 1DVD 2D PlatformerRazor 2 - Hidden Skies 1CD ACTIONReel Deal Slots Adventure III World Tour 1DVD CasinoReel Deal Slot Quest Vampire Lord 1CD AdventureReal Madrid the Game 1DVD SPORTReal Myst 1CD AdventureReal Warfare 1242 1DVD StrategyReal Warfare 2 Northern Crusades 1DVD StrategyReally Big Sky 1CD ACTION




RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7 (only) Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D dual core processor or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ RAM: 1 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0–compliant sound card Choe-Funk DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c or higher libraries (included on disc) DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Peripherals: Keyboard, Windows-compliant mouse, optional controller Internet Connection: A permanent internet connection is required to play the game




RiDKiD: Win 98 SE/ME/2000/XP Only DirectX 9.0b 800 MHz Pentium III, AMD Athlon or equivalent 256 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 3 or higher (excluding NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX), ATI Radeon 8500 or higher, Matrox Parhelia Choe-Funk DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device 1.4 GB hard drive space Windows-compatible mouse required




RiDKiD: -Minimum Configuration: Windows 2000/XP Only DirectX 9.0c 1000 MHz Pentium III, AMD Athlon or equivalent 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk DVD ROM 4x or greater NVIDIA GeForce 3 or higher, ATI Radeon 7500 or higher DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device 1.0 GB hard drive space for minimum installation Windows-compatible mouse required




RiDKiD: -Minimum Configuration: Win 98 SE/2000/XP Only DirectX 9.0c 1000 MHz Pentium III, AMD Athlon or equivalent 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk NVIDIA GeForce 3 or higher, ATI Radeon 7500 or higher, Intel 915G DirectX 8.0 compatible sound device 1.5 GB hard drive space for minimum installation Windows-compatible mouse required


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® Vista® SP1/ XP® SP2 (For Russian: Windows XP SP2/Vista SP1) 1.5 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD Athlon™ or equivalent processor 512 MB RAM 3.5 GB uncompressed hard drive space Choe-Funk 64 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® FX or better, ATI Radeon™ 9500 or better) NOTE: 2.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or better processor is required for onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets (e.g., Intel® on-board 9xx series chipsets, NVIDIA® Go® series, ATI Mobility Radeon™ and Express™) 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card 8x DVD-ROM drive DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## - OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista - Frequency of the processor: PentiumIII 800 MHz Choe-Funk - Volume of operative memory: 128 MB or it is more - Size of game after installation: 2.7 GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium IV at 2.0 GHz or Equivalent AMD RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 256 MB VRAM – nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1800 DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Choe-Funk HDD: 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## # Windows ® XP/Vista # Pentium ® III 1.4GHz or greater # 512 MB of RAM # 800 MB hard drive space # 64 MB video card Direct ® X 9 compliant video card # ATI Radeon 8500, Geforce 5200 or Intel GMA 900 series # Direct X 9 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Pentium® 4 – 2.0 GHz or faster * RAM: 512 MB * HDD: 800 MB free disk space * Graphics: 64 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: PCM 09


RiDKiD: ## CPU: PENTIUM4 2.2GHZ/ATHLONXP 2200+ Processor RAM: 1 GB of RAM Memory VGA: Graphics card 128 MB 100% DIRECTX 9 compatible and shaders 2.0 support (NVIDIA GEFORCE FX 5900/ATI RADEON 9600/INTEL GMA X3100 or above)* DX: DIRECTX 9 OS: Windows XP SP2/VISTA HDD: 6 GB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: PCM 2010


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP2 / Vista SP1 / Windows 7 Processor: Pentium 4 2.2GHz / AthlonXP 2800+ RAM: 1024 MB (Windows XP) / 2048 MB (Vista, Windows 7) Hard Drive: 6 GB Video Card: 128 MB 100% directx 9 and shaders 2.0 compatible (nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon x700 or higher). Intel graphics controllers lower than GMA x4500 non supported


RiDKiD: PES 08


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.4GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 64MB Pixel Shader 1.1 (NVIDIA GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 8500 video card) DX: DirectX 9.0c or higher Choe-Funk OS: Windows XP (Windows Vista is not officially supported.) HDD: 6.5GB


RiDKiD: PES 09


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.4GHz or equivalent processor RAM: 1GB RAM VGA: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce FX or ATI Radeon 9700 video card) DX: DirectX 9.0c compatible OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista HDD: 6GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: PES 2010 ISL


RiDKiD: System Requirements MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor 1GB RAM 8GB free hard disk space 4x DVD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce FX or AMD/ATI Radeon 9700 video card) DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc) Multiplayer: TCP/IP 192 kbps or higher Windows compatible keyboard 800 x 600 monitor resolution


RiDKiD: PES 11


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7 Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor 1GB RAM Choe-Funk 8GB free hard disk space 4x DVD-ROM Drive DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or AMD/ATI Radeon x1300 video card) DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc) Multiplayer: TCP/IP 192 kbps or higher Windows compatible keyboard 800 x 600 monitor resolution


RiDKiD: PES 2012


RiDKiD: ## Minimum system requirements: - Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7 - Processor Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent - 1 GB RAM - DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. Pixel shader 3.0 with 128 MB of RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon x1300) Recommended system requirements: - Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7 - Processor Intel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz or equivalent - 2 GB RAM or better - DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with Pixel shader 3.0 512MB RAM (AMD ATI Radeon HD2600 or NVidia GeForce 7900 or better


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 GHz CPU RAM: 512MB VGA: GeForce 6 series, RADEON 9600, Intel GMA 950 or above DX: DirectX 9.0c or higher OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista HDD: 400MB available space Sound: DirectX 9.0 compliant sound device Resolution: 1280x768 resolution or better


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium® 4 2 GHz+ RAM: 1 GB VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6600, ATI Radeon X300 or Intel GMA 4-Series DX: DirectX® 9.0c August Redistributable OS: Windows® XP SP2, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7 (32, 64 bit) HDD: 2.5 GB Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements - Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3) and DirectX® 9.0c - Video Card: 256 MB 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c with Shader Model 3 support* - Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.86 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4000+ or better - RAM: 1 GB of RAM for Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® systems - Hard Drive Space: 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (Plus 500MB for swap file.) Choe-Funk - Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compliant sound card - DVD-ROM: 100% Windows® XP/Windows Vista® - compatible 4X DVD-ROM drive or better (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers - Peripheral: 100% Windows® XP/Windows Vista® - compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP and Windows Vista® All NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7800 GT 256 MB and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ X1800 256 MB and better chipsets


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce 5700 or better), Windows XP.


RiDKiD: Microsoft Windows XP SP2, 32-bit 2.5 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or an equivalent 1.5 GB free RAM GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300 video card with 256 Mb RAM and DirectX 9.0c-compatible drivers 8x DVD-ROM Drive 2 GB free hard disk space DirectX 9.0c (included on disk) DirectX 8.1-compatible audio card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.7 GHz Processor RAM: 1 GB VGA: DirectX® 9.0c (Shader Model 3) compatible graphics card DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows® 7/Vista/XP SP3 HDD: 500 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Single Core 3.0GHz CPU RAM: 1GB RAM VGA: 128MB DirectX 9 GPU DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows® XP or Vista HDD: 4GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel®Pentium® 4 2 Ghz or AMD® XP 2000+ processor or higher RAM: 512 MB VGA: 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatable 64MB 3D Hardware Accelerator video card required (and the latest drivers)* Choe-Funk DX: 100% DirectX® 9.0c inlcuded OS: English Version of Microsoft®Windows® 2000/XP HDD: 2.8GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for for Windows® swap file) Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatable 16-bit sound card and latest drivers


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP (with SP3) or Windows Vista® (with SP2) or Windows® 7 Processor: 2.8 Ghz Intel® Pentium® 4 or higher AMD Athlon™ 64 3000+ or higher Choe-Funk RAM: 1 GB for Windows® XP / 2 GB for Windows® Vista®, Windows® 7 Video card: NVidia™ GeForce® 6 Series or ATI™ Radeon X1000 or better 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher See Supported List 1.1.3 for more information. DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM (4x), Dual Layer Hard Drive Space: 6 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ * Memory: 512 Mb * Hard Drive: 2.5 Gb free * Video Memory: 128 Mb * Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600 * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz RAM: 1 GB VGA: 256 MB (3D Accelerator DirectX 9 compatible graphics card) DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows XP Pro/Vista


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or Equivalent AMD * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 25 GB free disk space * Graphics: 265 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.7 GHz or faster RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 64 MB with Pixel Shader 2.0** (AGP PCIe only) DX: DirectX® 9.0c (Included) OS: Windows XP / Vista HDD: 6 GB of free space Sound: Direct X 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: RailWorks 2


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.7 GHz / AMD Athlon64 3000 Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 6 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5700 / ATI Radeon 9800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: RailWorks 3


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Vista/ Windows 7 Processor: 2.8 GHz or faster Memory: 2.0 GB RAM Graphics: Video 256 MB with Pixel Shader 3.0* DirectX®: Version 9.0c (Included) Hard Drive: 6 GB of free space + 3 GB for DLC Sound: Direct X 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: P IV 3Ghz / Athlon XP 3000+ RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: DirectX9 compatible graphics card with Pixel Shader 2.0 support and 128 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 9500 or better, NVidia GeForce 6 series or better) DX: DirectX 9.0C OS: Windows 2000, XP HDD: 2.1 GB available


RiDKiD: o OS: Windows® XP SP3 / Windows Vista® SP2 / Windows® 7 SP1 o Processor: Intel Pentium IV 3.00 Ghz or AMD Athlon64 3000+ @ 1.8 Ghz o Memory: 1 GB Windows XP / 1.5 GB Windows Vista – Windows 7 o Graphics: 128 MB DirectX®9 / Radeon X600XT or GeForce 6800GT o Hard Drive: Minimum of 2.5 GB free space o Disc Drive: 4x DVD-ROM o DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c or higher o Sound: DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 512 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 300 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * Processor: Pentium IV 1.7 GHz or Better * Memory: 512 MB * Hard Drive: 1.5 GB Free * Video Memory: 128 MB DirectX Compatible * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows XP or better. * Processor Speed: 1.5GHz or better. * System RAM: 512 MB or more. * Hard Drive: 700 MB free hard drive space or more. * Resolution: 800x600 or higher.


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/VISTA * Processor: Pentium IV 1.0 GHz or better * Memory: 256 MB * Hard Drive: 1.25 GB Free * Video Memory: DirectX Compatible * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 9.0c * Keyboard & Mouse * CD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: Required: Pentium II (or compatible) 450 mhz 64 MB Ram Win 95 with DirectX 7.0 or later 16 MB Video Card with 3D acceleration 6x CD-ROM Drive 75 MB of Hard Drive Space Recommended: Pentium II (or compatible) 450 mhz 128 MB Ram Win 95 with DirectX 7.0 or later 16 MB Video Card with 3D acceleration 6x CD-ROM Drive 700 MB of Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium ® IV 2.0 GHz or AMD ® 2000+ RAM: 512 MB VGA: GeForce MX400 or Radeon 8500 or higher OS: Windows ® XP Service Pack 2, Windows ® Vista HDD: 3 GB of free HD space


RiDKiD: - System: Windows® XP SP2 or Windows® Vista - Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium® 4 or AMD® 2000+ - RAM: 512 MB (1 GB for Windows® Vista) - Graphics: integrated Intel cards or GeForce MX400 or Radeon 8500 class card and updated drivers - 3 GB free hard drive space - DVD-ROM drive - Sound card, keyboard, mouse - Internet connection required to play via the internet (high speed 128 kbit/sec or faster connection)


RiDKiD: ## Intel CPU - Celeron E1200 Dual-Core 1.6GHz AMD CPU - Athlon 64 FX-62 Dual Core Nvidia GFX Card - GeForce 6200 ATI GFX Card - Radeon Xpress 1200 Series RAM (Memory) - 512 MB Hard Disk Space - 256 MB

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (52)

Rebel Raiders - Operation Nighthawk ** 1CD SIMRed Faction 2 1DVD TPSRed Faction Armageddon (Skidrow) 3DVD TPSRed Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC 1DVD TPSRed Faction Guerrilla 2DVD TPSRed Faction Guerrilla 2DVD FPSReel Deal Card Games 2011 1DVD MisRenegade Ops 1DVD ACTIONRenegade X Black Dawn 1DVD FPSReign Conflict of Nations ** 1CD StrategyRemington Super Slam Hunting Africa 1CD HuntingRequital 1DVD RPGReservoir Dogs 1DVD AAResident Evil Remake 1DVD AAHResident Evil 2 Platinum 2CD AAHResident Evil 3 - Nemesis 1CD AAHResident Evil 4 Biohazard 1DVD AAHResident Evil 5 2DVD AAHRestaurant Empire II 1DVD TycoonRetro Records 1CD MusicReturn to Mysterious Island 2 1DVD AdventureRevenge of the Titans 1CD ARCADERhem 2 - The Cave 2CD AdventureRhem 3 - The Secret Library ** 1CD AdventureRhem 4 ** 1CD AdventureRhythm Zone 1CD MisRiddick : Assault on Dark Athena + Escape from Buthcer Bay 2DVD FPSRidge Racer Unbounded 1DVD RACINGRig 'n' Roll 1DVD SIMRise of Nations 1CD StrategyRise of Nations - Rise of Legends ** 4CD StrategyRise of Nations - Thrones & Patriots (Xpack) ** 1CD StrategyRise of Prussia 1DVD StrategyRise of the Argonauts 2DVD RPGRisen 1DVD RPGRising Kingdoms 1DVD StrategyRisk Factions 1DVD StrategyRoads of Rome 2 1CD StrategyRobin Hood's Quest 1CD AARochard 1DVD ACTIONRock of Ages 1CD ACTIONRock University Presents - The Naked Brothers Band The Game 1CD MisRock Your Tycoon 1CD TycoonRocking Dead the 1DVD AdventureRocket Knight ** 1CD ACTIONRoller Coaster Tycoon 3 1CD Tycoon


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP Processor: 800 Mhz RAM: 256MB Video Card: 32MB DirectX 9 compatible


RiDKiD: ## Pentium III 500MHz or equivalent RAM: 128 MB Video Memory: 16 MB Hard Drive Space: 1100 MB


RiDKiD: RF Armagedon


RiDKiD: OS: Windows® XP Processor: 2GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2) or higher Memory: 2GB System RAM or more Graphics: 320MB Video RAM GPU w/ Shader Model 3.0 support NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 series or better ATI Radeon™ HD3000 series or better DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c Hard Drive: 7.5 GB Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound


RiDKiD: OS: Windows® XP Processor: 2GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2) or higher Memory: 2GB System RAM or more Graphics: 320MB Video RAM GPU w/ Shader Model 3.0 support NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 series or better ATI Radeon™ HD3000 series or better DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c Hard Drive: 7.5 GB Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound


RiDKiD: RF Guerilla


RiDKiD: • Windows(R) XP SP2 or Vista(R) SP1 • 2.0GHz Dual-Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2) or higher CPU • 1GB RAM • Shader Model 3 video card (NVIDIA 7600GT 128MB / ATI Radeon X1300 128MB) Choe-Funk with latest manufacturer drivers. • DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible sound card • 15GB of uncompressed Hard Drive Space • Games For Windows(R) LIVE Local Profile


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 # Processor: Dual Core 2.3 GHz or better # RAM: 2 GB # Graphics card: 256 MB SM 3.0 DX9 Compliant NVIDIAr GeForce 7800 GTX or better ATIr Radeonr HD 2900 GT or better # Sound: Windows Supported Sound Card # DirectX: DirectX 9.0c # Hard Drive: 8 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP or newer with Administrative Rights Processor: AMD, Celeron or Pentium IV 1.0GHz or higher Memory: 512 MB Ram / 1GB Ram Recommended Video Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c Compatible Audio-card: DirectX9.0c Compatible Hard Drive: 1.5 GB Free Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows XP not supported) * CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 2.4GHz or similar * RAM: 2 GB * HDD: 10 GB free disk space * Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 10 Compatible * DirectX: Version 10


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium D 3,0 GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 2.2 GHz Memory: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista / 7 Video: 256 MB Sound Card: compatible with DirectX 9.0 Free HDD: 4,5 GB


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements Operating System: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 2.4 GHz or similar Memory: 512 MB (768 Mb for Windows Vista) Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X650 with 128 MB, DirectX 9.0 compatible Sound card: DirectX 9.0 compatible Choe-Funk Hard disc: 2 GB free HD space CD ROM: PC DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® Vista / XP Processor: Pentium® 4 or AMD® Athlon(tm) 1.5 GHz or faster Memory: 256 MB (512MB for Vista) Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space: 300 MB free Video: NVIDIA® GeForce® 2 or ATI® Radeon® or Intel® integrated graphics with 64 MB of video memory or higher Sound: Windows® compatible sound card DirectX®: DirectX® version 9.0c or higher (included on disc) CD-ROM: 4x or faster Input: Microsoft® compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: CPU: AMD/Intel 1000 MHz or Better Processor Video: videocard with Direct3D support (GeForce 2 or better) Choe-Funk RAM: 256 MB RAM Sound: DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card Hard disk: 1 GB of free hard disk space DirectX 9.0c (available on the game CD) Swap file: at least 768 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Video Card: with Transform and Lighting Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: RE remake


RiDKiD: - Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 / Vista / 7; - Intel P4 1000 ÌÃö èëè AMD Athlon XP 2500+ - RAM 256 MB - 1 GB - Geforce 6600 - Space: 4,55 GB


RiDKiD: RE 2


RiDKiD: Windows 95/98 Pentium 166 MHz 4X CD ROM 24 Mb RAM 2 Mb DirectX 6 compatible graphics card DirectX 6 compatible sound card 1Mb free harddisk space for game data plus 100Mb for swap file


RiDKiD: RE 3


RiDKiD: ## CPU: CPU( without 3D card* ): Pentium200MHz RAM: 48MB RAM: 64M or higher VGA: DirectDraw supporting board (need to support DirectX6.1,X7 ) Choe-Funk DX: Please use Direct X6.1 or higher OS: Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 HDD: 20MB


RiDKiD: RE 4


RiDKiD: Supported OS: Microsoft(R)Windows(R)2000/XP *1 Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Processor 1.4GHz (Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Processor 2.4GHz or higher recommended) Memory: 256MB (512MB or more recommended) Video Card: 128MB VRAM card with DirectX(R) 9.0c or higher /Shader 2.0 or higher support Choe-Funk (256MB VRAM or higher recommended) *2 *5 Sound Card: DirectX(R) 9.0c or higher compatible sound card *3 DVD Drive: 4x DVD-ROM or higher Monitor: 800 x 600 resolution(SVGA), High-Color (16-bit color) or better Supported Controllers: mouse and keyboard (required), PC compatible gamepad (4-axis dual analog sticks and 12 or more buttons required) *4 Hard Drive Space: 7.0GB of free space required A PC capable of connecting to the internet


RiDKiD: RE 5


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium D Processor AMD Athlon64 X2 RAM: Windows Vista (1 GB) Windows XP (512 MB) VGA: VRAM (256 MB) DirectX 9.0c / Shader 3.0 NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000: Not Supported Windows XP: Required Windows Vista: Recommended HDD: 8.0 GB or more


RiDKiD: Operating system Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP or Vista (Windows 95 and NT not supported) CPU type and speed 1.5 GHz CPU Memory 512 MB RAM DVD-ROM Speed DVD-ROM drive Hard drive space 2 GB Choe-Funk Video card NVIDIA GeForce 5 series or above, ATI Radeon 9 series or above, with 256MB video memory Other needs DirectX 9 compatible sound card; Keyboard; Mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 3.5 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 120 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP PC with 500 MHz or faster Pentium, 64 MB of free RAM Choe-Funk 100 MB free hard disk space (minimal) or 800 MB (full installation) 12x CD-ROM drive or faster 800x600 display, 32-bit (millions of colors) QuickTime 6 for Windows or higher Windows compliant sound card Videocard (DirectX)


RiDKiD: OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor : 500 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon RAM : 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk Video Card : 16 MB Video Card Sound Card : Standard Drive : (depends on version) CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Peripherals : mouse, keyboard Display : 800x600 32 bit Hard Drive Space: 700 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 705 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5200 / ATI Radeon 9200 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP 32 Bit * Processor: Pentium IV / Athlon XP 2.0ghz or higher * Memory: 1GB system ram * Graphics: Geforce 5 / ATI Radeon X100 / Intel 965 onboard graphics or higher Choe-Funk * DirectX®: DirectX 9.0 or later * Hard Drive: 550MB space free * Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista Processor: Intel Pentium D 805 or AMD Athlon X2 +3800 Memory: 1GB (2GB Vista) Choe-Funk Video: ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT or NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card Hard Disk Space: 11 GB free hard disk space DVD-ROM Drive: 6X speed or faster DirectX: DirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher Multiplayer: Broadband connection for multiplayer online play Input: Keyboard, Mouse, or dual-analog gamepad


RiDKiD: ## OS:Windows XP, Vista SP2 32-bit, 7. [Windows up to date and latest service pack installed] Processor: Dual Core Athlon x2 2.6 GHz or Intel Equivalent Memory:2 GB RAM Graphics:512 MB RAM, ATI Radeon 4850 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher DirectX®:90c Hard Drive:3 GB HD space Sound: DirectX Compatible


RiDKiD: System Requirements In order to play the game, your PC should meet the following requirements. Minimum: OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz RAM: 1 GB Graphics card: DirectX 9.0-compatible, nVidia GeForce 5700 or ATI RADEON X800, 128MB of video RAM Sound card: DirectX 9.0-compatible Hard drive: 10GB of free space DirectX 9.0с DVD drive Choe-Funk Keyboard, mouse Recommended: OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz RAM: 2 GB Graphics card: DirectX 9.0-compatible, nVidia GeForce 8800 or ATI RADEON HD 3870 with 256MB of video RAM Sound card: DirectX 9.0-compatible Hard drive: 10GB of free space DirectX 9.0с DVD drive Keyboard, mouse Wheel and pedals set NOTE! Game requires DirectX9.0c installed NOTE! The game is not guaranteed to run with integrated graphics and on notebook PCs.


RiDKiD: ## * Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/XP/2000 * PC with 500 MHz equivalent or higher processor * 128 MB of system RAM * 800 MB available hard disk space * 8x speed or faster CD-ROM drive Choe-Funk * 16 MB video card required * Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device * 56 Kbps modem or LAN for online/multiplayer


RiDKiD: RON Rise of Legends


RiDKiD: ## * Microsoft® Windows® XP * PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor * 256 MB of system RAM * 4.5 GB available hard disk space * 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive * 64 MB video card with hardware transform and lighting required * Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device * 56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play


RiDKiD: RON Thrones & Patriots


RiDKiD: ## * Retail version of Rise of Nations * Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/XP/2000 * PC with 500 MHz equivalent or higher processor * 128 MB of system RAM * 750 MB available hard disk space * 8x speed or faster CD-ROM drive * 16 MB video card required * Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device * 56 Kbps modem or LAN for online/multiplayer


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 1.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP at 1.5 GHz Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – nVidia Geforce 6600 / ATI Radeon X800 Memory : 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista Sound : 16-bit, DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card Direct X : 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum Specifications: -Windows XP/Vista. (if running Windows Vista SP1 is recommended) -DirectX 9.0c -Pentium 4 @ 3.4GHz or equivalent Athlon 64 CPU -XP - 1GB RAM / Vista – 1.5GB RAM Choe-Funk -Graphics Card: GeForce 7600 / Radeon X1800 or above -DirectX Compatible Sound Card -Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive - 12 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz RAM: 1 GB VGA: Direct X 9.1; Pixel Shader 3.0; 256 MB (GeForce 7900 - ATI 1800) DX: Direct X 9.1 OS: Win XP Choe-Funk HDD: ~2.5 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 850 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 * Processor: 2 GHz (Pentium 4 or equivalent) * Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista) * Video card: Shader 3.0 or better * Video Memory: 256 MB * DirectX ®: 9.0c or later


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP , Vista, 7 Processor speed 1,2 Ghz Celeron RAM 512 MB RAM Disk space (uncompressed): 104 MB Graphics Card: 64 Mb 3D video card Sound Card: onboard soundcard or soundblaster DirectX 9.0c or later


RiDKiD: ## OS : Win 98/ME/2000/Xp CPU: 750 MHz Memory: 128 MB Video Memory: 32 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP2 Processor: 2.6 GHz single core Memory: 1 GB Hard Disk Space: 3 GB Video Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card DirectX®: 9.0c Sound: Integrated audio interface Additional: Notice that the game does not run on most of the integrated video cards such as Intel GMA. It also requires at least 256 MB of video memory to run smoothly.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.6 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ Memory: 1.5 Gb Hard Drive: 1.2 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements Windows XP / Vista 1.5 GHz Processor 256 MB RAM 175 MB of free hard disk space Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000 / ME / 98 * Processor: Pentium 4.2 GHz * Memory: 1 GB RAM * Hard Drive: 4.5 GB free hard drive space * Video Card: 4 MB DirectX compatible graphics card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 800 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia Geforce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows® 98SE/Me/2000/XP (Windows® XP recommended) Processor Pentium® III 733 MHz or compatible (Pentium® 4 1.3 GHz or compatible recommended) Memory 128 MB RAM; 256 MB for XP (256 MB; 384 MB for XP recommended) Hard Disk Space Choe-Funk 600 MB Free CD–ROM Drive 4X Speed or faster (8X Speed or faster recommended) Video ATI Radeon™ or 32 MB GeForce™ 2 or higher. (64 MB ATI Radeon recommended)* Sound Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP-compatible 16-bit sound card* (PC audio solution containing Dolby Digital Live required for Dolby Digital audio) DirectX® DirectX® version 9.0 (included) or higher *Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX® version 9.0 or higher. Windows Media CODEC version 9 is installed with the game. This technology is also installed when updating to Windows Media Player 10.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (53)

Rogue Warrior 2DVD FPSRomance of the Three Kingdoms XI 1DVD StrategyRome - Total War 1DVD StrategyRoyal Marines Commando 1DVD FPSRugby Challenge 1DVD SPORTRunaway - A Twist of Fate 2DVD AdventureRunespell Overture 1CD StrategyRush 1CD Puzzle

SS.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat 1DVD FPSS.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky 1DVD FPSS.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl 1DVD FPSSaboteur The 2DVD AASacred 2 - Fallen Angel (Release Fix, easy installer, no trial resetter) 4DVD RPGSacred 2 - Fallen Angel : Ice and Blood (Xpack) 1DVD RPGSail Simulator 2010 1CD SIMSamurai II Vengeance 1CD ACTIONSamurai Shodown II 1DVD ACTIONSaints Row 2 2DVD AASaints Row The Third 2DVD AASam & Max - Season Two 1DVD AdventureSam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1 - The Penal Zone 1CD AdventureSam and Max Season 3 The Devils Playhouse 2DVD ACTIONSanctum 1DVD ACTIONSAS - Secure Tomorrow 1DVD FPSSaw 1DVD AAHSBK 01 - World Superbike Championship 2001 1CD RACINGSBK 08 - World Superbike Championship 2008 1DVD RACINGSBK 09 - World Superbike Championship 2009 1DVD RACINGSBK X - World Superbike Championship 2010 1DVD RACINGSBK 2011 - Superbike World Championship 2011 1DVD RACINGScarface - The World Is Yours 1DVD AAScarygirl 1DVD AdventureScooby-Doo First Frights 1DVD ACTIONSCORE International Baja 1000 1CD RACINGScourge Project The I and II The 2DVD FPSScorpion - Disfigured 1DVD FPSScrapland 1CD ACTIONSearch & Rescue - Coastal Heroes 1CD SIMSea Dogs 1CD SIMSecond Sight ** 1CD AASecret of the Magic Crystals 1CD MisSection 8 1DVD ACTIONSection 8 Prejudice 1DVD ACTIONSecret Files 2 - Puritas Cordis 1DVD AdventureSecret of Monkey Island - Special Edition The 1DVD Adventure


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3.4 GHz Memory: 1 Gb Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1800 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 9200 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: • English version of Microsoft® Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP • Pentium® III 1.0GHz (1000MHz) or Athlon™ 1.0GHz (1000MHz) processor or higher • 256MB RAM • 8x Speed CD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers • 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows® swap file) • 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers • 100% Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers • DirectX® 9.0b (included) Choe-Funk • 1024 x 768 Monitor Resolution • 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card and the latest drivers*. ATI® Radeon® 8500 ATI® Radeon 9000 ATI® Radeon 9500 ATI® Radeon 9600 ATI® Radeon 9700 ATI® Radeon 9800 All Nvidia® GeForce® 3 and higher


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4, 2 GHz RAM: 512 MB of RAM (1GB for Windows Vista) VGA: GeForce FX5700 or Radeon 9700 with 128 MB of RAM DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP / Vista HDD: 3 GB of free space on hard drive (4GB for Windows Vista) Sound: 16-bit sound card compatabile with DirectX 9.0 ODD: 2x DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel 2.2 GHz Dual-Core or AMD 2.5 GHz Dual-Core Memory: 1.5 GB (Win XP), 2GB (Win Vista/Win 7) Graphics: GeForce 8800 (512 MB) or Radeon HD3850 (512 MB) DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 6 GB HD space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible


RiDKiD: ## Processor :Intel Pentium IV at 1.7 GHz Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX9.0 compatible graphics card ( which can support 1024×768 and 16/24 bits colours) Memory : 1 GB Hard Disk : 8 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft XP /Windows Vista / Windows 7 Sound Card : DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card. Direct X : 9.0 Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## * Windows XP/Vista/7 * DirectX 9c * 2 GHz * 1 GB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2600+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 400 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8400 GS / ATI Radeon HD 4300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz / AMD XP 2200+ RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 128 MB DirectX 8.0 compatible card / nVIDIA GeForce 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600 DX: DirectX 8.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz / AMD XP 2200+ RAM: 512 MB Ram VGA: 128 MB DirectX® 8.0 compatible card / nVIDIA® GeForceTM 5700 / ATI Radeon® 9600 DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® 2000(SP4)/XP/Vista (SP1) HDD: 10 GB free hard disc space


RiDKiD: MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft® Windows® XP (Service Pack 2) / Microsoft® Windows® 2000 SP4 Processor type : Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz / AMD XP 2200+ 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk 10 GB available hard drive space 128 MB DirectX® 8.0 compatible card / nVIDIA® GeForce™ 5700 / ATI Radeon® 9600 DirectX® 9.0 compatible sound card LAN/Internet connection with low latency Cable/DSL speeds for multiplayer Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: REQUIRED SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS: OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7 CPU: Core 2 Dual Core 2.4GHz or AMD equivalent RAM: 2GB or more DISC DRIVE: Dual Layer 1x or faster DVD Drive Hard Drive: At least 7GB of free space Choe-Funk Video: Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX with 256MB of VRAM or ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro with 256MB of VRAM Sound: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Sacred 2


RiDKiD: * 2.4 GHz processor * 1 GB RAM * Graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DirectX® 9.0d compatible, with Pixel Shader 2.0 support: (nVidia® GeForceTM 6800 or ATI® RadeonTM X800 or higher) * DirectX compatible sound card * DVD-ROM drive * 20 GB free Hard Drive (HDD) space * Microsoft® Windows® XP (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 3 / Vista® (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 1 * DirectX 9.0d (included with game)


RiDKiD: Sacred 2 Xpack


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista 2.4 GHz processor 1 GB RAM 256 MB Graphics Card , from nVidia® GeForce™ 6800 or ATI® Radeon™ DirectX compatible sound card 20 GB free Hard Drive (HDD) space DirectX 9.0d


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 3000+ Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible with Shader Model 3.0 support Memory : 512 MB RAM Hard Disk : 1 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Sound : DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0 Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## Processor: Pentium 3 - 800MHz or better DirectX Version: 9.0c or above RAM: 512MB Video Card RAM: 64MB Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, and XP


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 95/98/ME Processor: Pentium @ 100 MHz Memory: 16 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 15 Mb free Video Card: VGA, 256 Colors, 320x240 Resolution Sound Card: DirectX Compatible


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP or Vista. CPU: 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2 or equivalent. Memory: 1 GB system RAM Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card Video Card: 128MB 3D graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 support (i.e. 7600 NVidia card or better, ATI X1300 card or better) Display: DirectX® compatible display capable of 640x480 in 16-bit color Hard Drive Space: 15 GB of Hard Drive Space Disc Drive: 8x DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: OS: Windows® XP Processor: 2GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2) or higher Memory: 2GB System RAM or more Graphics: 320MB Video RAM GPU w/ Shader Model 3.0 support NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 series or better ATI Radeon™ HD3800 series or better DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c Hard Drive: 10 GB Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound Steam: Online Steam Account DVD ROM: (for physical copy only)


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP or Vista • 1.5GHz processor • 256MB RAM (512MB recommended) • 32MB 3D-accelerated video card • DVD-ROM drive (for Collector's DVD)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 2 GHz clock speed Memory: 1 GB Video Card: 128 MB Video RAM Sound Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible Hard disk: 600 MB


RiDKiD: ## -System: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium [emailprotected] GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500 Memory: 1 GB -Video card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 128 MB -Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Hard disk: 624 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: CPU 2.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB RAM (1GB for Windows Vista) VGA: GeForce FX5700 or Radeon 9700 with memory 128 MB DX: DirectX 9.0c (it is applied on DVD) or later version OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista HDD: 3 GB (4,5) empty seats on a hard disk (4GB for Windows Vista) Sound: 16-bit the sound map compatible with DirectX 9.0


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz/AMD Athlon 2.0+ GHz Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon X1300 Memory : 1 GB Choe-Funk Hard Disk: 12 GB Free Operating System: OS: Windows XP/Vista Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Direct X: 9.0c


RiDKiD: SBK 01


RiDKiD: ## AMD K6 or Pentium 266MHz 32MB RAM 4X CD-ROM with 32-bit Windows 95/98 driver 400MB hard disk space 2MB 16-bit PCI or AGP video card 4MB Direct3D video card with for 3D accelerated mode DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: SBK 08


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz or Athlon 2800+ RAM: 1 GB VGA: GeForce 6600/Radeon X1300 DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 7 GB Free Sound: DirectX Compatible ODD: DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: SBK 09


RiDKiD: ## OS : Windows® XP SP2 / Vista CPU : Pentium® 4 2.4Ghz Memory : 1 GB RAM VGA : NVIDIA Geforce 6600 or ATI X1600 (support Pixel Shader 3.0) Hard Drive : 7 GB free DirectX : 9.0c




RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2600+ Memory: 2 Gb RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk: 4 Gb free Video Card: 128 Mb vram – nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum requirements: Operating System: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows 7; Processor: Intel 2.4Ghz or similar; Hard disk space: 3 GB; RAM: 1GB; Choe-Funk Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce 7600 or ATI X1600 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) with at least 512MB of display memory; Online Gaming: Broadband internet connection;


RiDKiD: * Windows(R) 2000/XP * Pentium(R) 4 1.8 GHz or AMD(R) equivalent * 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk * DirectX(R) 9.0c-compatible video card (ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9200 or NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) FX 5500 with 128 MB RAM) or higher * DirectX(R) 9.0c-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones * Microsoft(R)-compatible mouse and keyboard * 16x DVD-ROM * 2.9 GB of uncompressed hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7 • DirectX 9c ,graphic card dedicated RAM 256 MB • 1 GHz • 1 GB RAM


RiDKiD: ## Windows Vista/XP/7 Pentium 4 2.0MHz processor or faster. 512MB RAM 4GB free hard disk space 8X CD-ROM drive DirectX version 9.0 and compatible video card 256MB


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce FX 5700 or better), 1.5 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo at 1.8 GHz or Equivalent AMD RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista & Windows 7 VGA: 256 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible with Pixel Shader 3.0 Support (nVidia GeForce 6800 GT or better / ATI Radeon X1600 Pro or better) nVidia GeForce 7300, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, and 9300; ATI Radeon HD3200, and HD4350 are below minimum system requirements. DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP 1 / Windows 7 HDD: 5.4 GB of free Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium or above or equivalent AMD Athlon RAM: 1 GB RAM (XP,) 2 GB RAM (Vista) VGA: 100% compatible with DirectX 9.0c support shader 2.0, 256 MB DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Windows Vista Sound: compatible with Directx9.0c Resolution: with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium III 800 MHZ or better or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Hard Drive Space: 1500 MB


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/XP MINIMUM Pentium III 800MHz Processor 1GB Hard Disk Space 64MB RAM Choe-Funk 32MB 3D Accelerated Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card RECOMMENDED Pentium III 1GHz Processor 1GB Hard Disk Space 256MB RAM 64MB GeForce 3D Accelerated Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: Minimum Specifications. Windows 95/98/98SE/Millenium Edition/2000 Pentium II 233Mhz 64MB RAM Choe-Funk Eight-speed CD-ROM drive Direct 3D compliant Video Card with 8MB Video RAM Sound Card (100% Windows Compatible) Mouse Desktop Resolution of 640X480 @ 16-bit color depth minimum 800MB hard-drive space for installation.


RiDKiD: ## - Windows XP/2000 - DirectX 9.0c - Pentium III or Athlon at 1GHz - 256mb RAM Choe-Funk - Supported Graphics card - DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card - 8x CD-ROM Drive - 1Gb Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2) or Vista or Windows 7 Processor: Pentium 4, 1.4 GHz or equivalent Memory: 512 MB System Memory Graphics: DirectX 9 Compliant Video Card with support for Shaders Version 1.1, 64 MB VRAM DirectX®: DirectX 9 Hard Drive: 300 MB Free Harddrive Space Sound: Direct Sound Compliant Audio Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, or any Dual Core processor AMD Athlon 64 3000+ RAM: 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista) VGA: DirectX 9.0c (Shader Model 3.0) 256 MB RAM Video Card Choe-Funk NVIDIA GeForce 7800 series, ATI X1800, or equivalent OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 1), XP (Service Pack 3), Windows 7 HDD: 6 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## HDD: 5.5 GB free disk space Operating System: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: ProcessorIntel 3.0GHz, 2.0GHz (dual core), or AMD AthlonXP3200+ RAM: 2 GB Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium III 800MHz or compatible CPU RAM: 256 MByte VGA: 32MB AGP or PCI Express, DirectX 9 compatible DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista HDD: 2 GByte


RiDKiD: ## # OS: Windows XP® or Windows Vista® # Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3000+ # Memory: 256 MB RAM, 512 MB for Vista # Graphics: 128 MB with Shader Model 2.0 capability # DirectX®: 9.0c (March 2009) # Hard Drive: 2.5GB free hard drive space # Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compliant sound card

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (54)

Secrets of the Ark - A Broken Sword Game 1DVD AdventureSEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection Gold Edition 1CD ACTIONSega Rally Revo 1DVD RACINGSengoku 1CD StrategySerious Sam II 1DVD FPSSerious Sam - The First Encounter HD 1DVD FPSSerious Sam HD: The Second Encounter 1DVD FPSSettlers - Rise of an Empire The 1DVD StrategySettlers - Rise of an Empire - The Eastern Realm The 1DVD StrategySettlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom The 2DVD StrategyShadow Harvest Phantom Ops 1DVD TPSShank 1DVD ACTIONShank 2 1DVD ACTIONShattered Origins - Guardians of Unity 1CD StrategyShaun White Skateboarding 2DVD SPORTShellShock 2 - Blood Trails 1DVD TPSSherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles 1CD AdventureSherlock Holmes Nemesis 2CD AdventureSherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper 1DVD AdventureShield The 1DVD TPSShip Simulator Extremes 2010 1DVD SIMShira Oka Second Chances 1DVD AdventureShogun 2: Total War 3DVD StrategyShoot Many Robots 1DVD ShooterShrek Forever After 1DVD AdventureShrek the Third 1DVD AdventureSid Meier's Civilization IV 1DVD StrategySid Meier's Civilization IV Compete Edition 1DVD StrategySid Meier's Civilization IV - Colonization ** 1CD StrategySid Meier's Civilization V 1DVD StrategySid Meier's Civilization V DLC Pack - add on 1DVD StrategySID Meier Pirate 1DVD StrategySideway - New York 1CD AdventureSilas 1DVD RACINGSilent Hill 1 1CD AAHSilent Hill 2 3CD AAHSilent Hill 3 1DVD AAHSilent Hill 4 - The Room 1DVD AAHSilent Hill Home Coming 2DVD AAHSilent Hunter 3 1DVD SIMSilent Hunter 4 - Wolves of the Pacific 1DVD SIMSilent Hunter 5 - Battle of the Atlantic 1DVD SIMSim City 4 Deluxe Edition ** 2CD TycoonSimCity Societies 1DVD TycoonSimon the Sorcerer 5 1DVD RPGSiN Episodes - Emergence 1DVD FPS


RiDKiD: ## 256 MB RAM, 128 MB Video RAM, 2600 MB disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS Windows XP/Vista(SP2)/7. Processor Pentium 4 1.6GHz. Memory 2GB. Hard drive 50MB. Video Card DirectX 9.0c compliant video card 32MB. Sound card DirectX 9.0c Compatible. The collection includes: Volume 1 ~~~~~~~~ Golden Axe Altered Beast Comix Zone Ecco The Dolphin Gain Ground Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master Vectorman Sonic The Hedghog Crack Down Space Harrier II Volume 2 ~~~~~~~~ Ecco Jr. Fatal Labyrinth Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Bonanza Bros. Super Thunder Blade ESWAT: City Under Siege Kid Chameleon Ristar Golden Axe 2 Galaxy Force II Columns Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Volume 3 ~~~~~~~~ Bio-Hazard Battle Columns III: Revenge of Columns Sword of Vermilion Virtua Fighter 2 Ecco: The Tides of Time Alien Storm Decap Attack Flicky Sonic 3 & Knuckles Sonic Spinball Volume 4 ~~~~~~~~ LandStalker Shining Force Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Streets of Rage Streets of Rage 2 Alien Soldier Light Crusader Sonic 3D Blast Gunstar Heroes Shining Force II Shining in the Darkness ToeJam & Earl ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4® or equivalent AMD® Athlon 64 RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 128 MB Graphics Card supporting Shader Model 2.0 - 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP2) or Vista™ HDD: 5.0 GB of free Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## Ram: 1024MB Graphic card: 256MB Operating system(s): xp/Vista/7 Hard disk space: 2000MB Recommended system requirements: Ram: 2048MB Graphic card: 512MB


RiDKiD: Not supported: - Windows 95, 98 and ME - DirectX 7.0 or lower 3D accelerator, or one without DirectX 9.0 compatible driver (Matrox Parhelia, nVidia TNT and GeForce1,2,4MX series, ATI Radeon 7000 series, Intel integrated graphics prior to 915G chipset, ...) Choe-Funk Minimum supported (low-end system): CPU: ~1.5 GHz Athlon XP or Pentium M, or ~2 GHz Pentium 4 RAM: 256 MB Sound: any DirectSound compatible sound board Graphics: DirectX 8.0/8.1 compliant or low-end DirectX 9 3D accelerator (nVidia GeForce3 and 4 series (not MX!), GeForceFX 5200 through 5700 series, ATI Radeon 8500 through 9200 and X300 series, S3 DeltaChrome or XGI Volari ... )


RiDKiD: ## System: PII 300 or equivalent RAM: 64 MB Hard Drive Space: 150 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 2 @ 300 MHz Memory: 64 Mb Hard Drive: 150 Mb free Video Memory: 8 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible


RiDKiD: • Windows XP SP2, Windows XP (64-bit), Windows Vista, Windows Vista (64-bit) • DirectX 9.0c (June 2007 release) • Pentium 4 2.0 GHz, Athlon XP 2000+ processor • 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk • 128 MB DirectX 9.0c- compliant video card with vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.3 support:: o NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 o ATI RADEON 9500 • DirectX 9.0c-compliant sound card • 2 GB free hard drive space • DVD ROM drive


RiDKiD: • Windows XP SP2, Windows XP (64-bit), Windows Vista, Windows Vista (64-bit) • DirectX 9.0c (June 2007 release) • Pentium 4 2.0 GHz, Athlon XP 2000+ processor • 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk • 128 MB DirectX 9.0c- compliant video card with vertex shader 1.1 and pixel shader 1.3 support:: o NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 o ATI RADEON 9500 • DirectX 9.0c-compliant sound card • 2 GB free hard drive space • DVD ROM drive


RiDKiD: General: • Windows XP (32bit/64bit) • Windows Vista (32bit/64bit) • Windows 7 (32bit/64bit) • Sound card, DirectX 9c compatible • DVD drive, only needed for installation • Hard drive space: 8GB Choe-Funk • Permanent Internet connection -Singleplayer: 56K (33.6 kBit/s upstream) -Multiplayer: ISDN / DSL (128kBit/s upstream) Minimum: • Single Core Processor • Shader Model 3 • 256 MB Video RAM • DirectX 9 • 2 GB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP Processor: 3.2 GHz or better Memory: 2.0 GB of RAM Graphics: 256 MB RAM DirectX®: DirectX® 10 Hard Drive: 8 GB Space Free Sound: DirectX 10.0 compatible


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7GHz or greater RAM: 1024 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB cards OS: Windows Vista SP2 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater RAM: 1536 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB cards OS: Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 (or equivalent) running at 1.7 GHz or greater RAM: 1536 MB or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO 256MB and the Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB cards Shader Model 3.0 required 100% DirectX compatible sound card and drivers DirectX June 2010 2.5 gigabytes of free space


RiDKiD: ## System requirements: OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Pentium 4 at 1.6GHz or Athlon XP 1600 + RAM: 1 GB HDD: 4 GB free disk space Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 DirectX 9c 2 GHz 1 GB RAM


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7 (only) Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D dual core processor or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ RAM: 1 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0–compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c or higher libraries (included on disc) DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Peripherals: Keyboard, Windows-compliant mouse, optional controller


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows XP and Vista only. Windows 2000, Windows 9x, Windows ME or Mac OS not supported. CPU: Pentium 4 3GHz or Athlon XP equivalent RAM: 1GB system Memory (XP) Choe-Funk 2GB system Memory (Vista) GRAPHICS: DirectX 9c (pixel and vertex shader 3.0) compliant graphics card with 256MB memory SOUND: DirectX 9c compatible sound card DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 6.5 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: Microsoft Windows®: 2000/XP/Vista™ CPU: Pentium® III 1.3 GHz or higher RAM: 512 Mo RAM Video Card: 128 MB Microsoft DirectX 9.0c® compatible Sound Card: Microsoft DirectX 9.0c® DirectX® Version: DirectX 9.0c® or higher (included on disc) CD-Rom: 4x Hard Drive Space: 3 GB free Peripherals: Windows® compatible keyboard, mouse and speakers


RiDKiD: WINDOWS®: XP SP2/Vista™ CPU: AMD Athlon® XP 1900+ / Intel Celeron® 2.0 or higher RAM: 512 MB or higher Choe-Funk VIDEO CARD: 128 MB DirectX® 9 compatible SOUND CARD: DirectX® 9 compatible sound card DIRECTX®: DirectX® 9 or higher (included on disc) DVD-ROM: 4x DVD-ROM DISK SPACE: 3 GB Available INPUT: Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: 1.6 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 2.5 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3 Ghz P4 Intel or AMD equivalent processor RAM: 2GB (Windows XP) or 3GB (Vista or Windows 7) VGA: Geforce 8800GT or ATI Radeon 4850 with 256MB ram (At least Shader model 3.0) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP (Min. service pack 2), Windows Vista or Windows 7. Choe-Funk 32 and 64 bits OS supported HDD: 3,5GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible ODD: 4x PC DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Processor: 2 Ghz Processor Memory: 1 GB Video: 128 MB Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Hard drive: 1.5 GB Available Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.6 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 20 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6800 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor: 3.0 GHz Pentium IV or 2.0 GHz AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ Memory: 2GB Hard Disk Space: 1GB Graphics: 256 MB DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card Sound: DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card DirectX®: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ XP 2500+ or higher processor * 1GB of RAM * 7.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers (not required for games purchased through a digital reseller) *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® Choe-Funk GeForce® 6800 256 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ x1600 256 MB RAM and better chipsets Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows Vista®: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows Vista® with Service Pack 1 * Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ XP 2500+ or higher processor * 1 GB of RAM * 7.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows Vista®-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows Vista®-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows Vista®-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers (not required for games purchased through a digital reseller) *Supported Chipsets for Windows Vista® All NVIDIA® GeForce® 6800 256 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ x1600 256 MB RAM and better chipsets


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 64 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP * Pentium(R) III 800MHz or Athlon(TM) 800MHz or higher processor * 512 MB of RAM Choe-Funk * 3 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 300 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows(R) XP- compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows(R) XP- compatible quad speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows XP All NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 4 Ti 4200 64mb and better chipsets All ATI(R) Radeon(R) 8500 64mb and better chipsets


RiDKiD: Civ 4 atau Civilization 4


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent RAM: 256 MB RAM (Windows 2000) / 512 MB RAM (Windows XP) VGA: DirectX 9.0c-compatible 64 MB video card with Hardware T&L support ( GeForce 2/Radeon 7500 or better) DX: DirectX® version 9.0c (included) or higher OS: Windows® 2000/XP with SP1 or higher HDD: 1.7 GB Free Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card ODD: CD-ROM: 4X Speed / DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: Civ 4 Complete


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista Processor: 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent Memory: 256 MB RAM (Windows 2000) / 512 MB RAM (Windows XP) Hard Disk Space: 1.7 GB Free DVD-ROM Drive: 4X Speed Choe-Funk Video: DirectX 9.0c-compatible 64 MB video card with Hardware T&L support (GeForce 2/Radeon 7500 or better) Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX®: Sid Meier's Civilization 4: Complete DirectX® version


RiDKiD: Civilization 4 Coloniz


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista Processor: 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent Memory: 256 MB RAM (Windows 2000) / 512 MB RAM (Windows XP) Hard Disk Space: 1.7 GB Free CD-ROM Drive: 4X Speed Choe-Funk Video: DirectX 9.0c-compatible 64 MB video card with Shader 1.1 Support or better Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX®: Sid Meier's Civilization 4: Colonization DirectX® version


RiDKiD: Civ 5 atau Civilization 5


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows XP SP3 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.0 GHZ Memory: 2 GB of RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk Space: 8 GB Free DVD-ROM Required for disc-based installation Video: 256 MB ATI HD2600 XT or better, 256 MB nVidia 7900 GS or better, or Core i3 or better integrated graphics Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX® DirectX® version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Civ 5 DLC


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 1.0 GHz or higher RAM: 256 MB RAM VGA: 64 MB video card with Hardware T&L support device should be compatible with DirectX version 9.0b or higher. DX: DirectX version 9.0b or higher OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP HDD: 1.2 GB Free Sound: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP-compatible sound card (device should be compatible with DirectX version 9.0b or higher.)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X850 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium 4 3ghz or better GPU: Geforce 6800 512MB or better, must support Pixel Shader 2.0 Disk: 800MB Disk Space Memory: 2GB For Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, 32bit and 64bit supported


RiDKiD: Windows XP/ME/2000/98 700 MHz Pentium or Athlon processor (or equivalent) 64 MB RAM DirectX 8.1 compliant 3D accelerator card w/32 MB VRAM DirectX 8.1 compliant sound card Choe-Funk DirectX 8.1 or higher (included) 4X CD-ROM drive 1.8 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: Windows XP/ME/2000/98 1 GHz Pentium III or Athlon processor (or equivalent) 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk GeForce3 Ti/Radeon 8500 Video Chipset w/32MB VRAM DirectX 8.1b (included on CD/DVD) DirectX 8.1 compliant sound card 4X CD-ROM or 2X DVD-ROM drive 4.7 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1.0GHz Processor RAM: 256MB RAM VGA: 32MB GeForce3 Ti or Radeon 8500 Class Video Card Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 8.1b OS: Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows 98 HDD: 4GB Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual core CPU such as Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ RAM: 1 GB (XP) or 2 GB (Vista) VGA: DirectX 9.0c compliant video card such as ATI Radeon HD-series graphics card (minimum 256 MB) or NVIDIA GeForce 7800-series graphics card (minimum 256 MB) DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows® XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista® (with SP1) HDD: 10 GB Free space


RiDKiD: -Minimum Configuration: Win 2000/XP Only DirectX 9.0c 1.5 GHz Pentium 4, AMD Athlon, or equivalent 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk 64MB DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with Pixel Shader 1.1 capability DirectX 9.0 compatible sound device DVD-ROM 8x or faster 2.8 GB hard drive space Windows-compatible mouse required


RiDKiD: ## Processor: Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon 2.0 GHz RAM: 1 GB RAM Video card: 128 MB RAM DirectX 9–compliant, video card capable of rendering Pixel Shader 2.0 Hard Disk space: 6.0 GB free hard disk space DirectX version: DirectX 9.0c or later (included) Sound Card: DirectX 9 –compliant sound card DVD-ROM Drive: 4X DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: Minimum Configuration: CPU: Intel® Core2Duo® E4400 or AMD® Athlon™ 64 X2 4000+ or higher Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3) or Windows Vista® (with Service Pack 2) RAM: 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista) Choe-Funk DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM speed 4x, dual-layer drive Drive Space: 8 GB Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compliant video card (ATI® Radeon HD2600/GeForce® 8800 or better) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) Peripherals Supported: PS2/USB Keyboard and Mouse required


RiDKiD: Windows 98: CPU: PIII 500 or equivalent RAM: 128MB Video: 32MB supported Direct3D capable video card with DirectX 7.0 or greater compatible driver Disk Space: 1.6GB CD-ROM: 8X or faster Other: DirectX 8.1 Windows Me, 2000, XP Home, and XP Professional: CPU: PIII 500 or equivalent RAM: 256MB Choe-Funk Video: 32MB supported Direct3D capable video card with DirectX 7.0 or greater compatible driver Disk Space: 1.6GB CD-ROM: 8X or faster Other: DirectX 8.1


RiDKiD: * OS: Windows(R) XP SP2 / Vista* * Processor: 1.7 GHz Intel CPU or faster, AMD XP 2100+ or faster * Memory: 512 MB RAM * Hard drive: at least 2.1 GB free space * Video card: 128 MB** * DVD drive: 4 speed Choe-Funk * Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible * DirectX - Version 9.0c (included on disc) * Input - Keyboard, Mouse *Windows Vista requires a 2.4 GHz processor or equivalent and 1 GB RAM.


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.0GHz or Equivalent AMD Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible Video Card Memory : 512 MB RAM Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Sound : DirectX Compatible Direct X : 9.0 Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.2 GHz Processor RAM: 256MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: DirectX 7 level graphics card DX: DirectX 7 OS: Windows 2000/XP

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (55)

Singles 2 - Triple Trouble ** 1CD MisSins of a Solar Empire 1DVD StrategySins of a Solar Empire - Trinity 1DVD StrategySingularity 2DVD FPSSki Region Simulator 2012 1CD SIMSky Taxi 3 The Movie 1CD ARCADESkyDrift 1CD RACINGSmash Cars 1CD RACINGSmuggle Truck 1CD ACTIONSniper: Ghost Warrior 1DVD FPSSniper - Art of Victory ** 1CD FPSSniper Elite 1DVD FPSSlingo Mystery 2 The Golden Escape 1CD PuzzleSnoopy vs. the Red Baron ** 1CD AASo Blonde 1DVD AdventureSoap Opera Dash 1CD MisSOL Exodus 1DVD ACTIONSol Survivor 1CD StrategySoldier Of Fortune Payback 1DVD FPSSonic And Sega All Star Racing 1DVD RACINGSonic Generations 2DVD AdventureSpace Pirates and Zombies 1CD AdventureSpace Ranger 2 1DVD RPGSpace Siege 1DVD RPGSpecnaz 2 1DVD FPSSpeedway Liga 1DVD RACINGSpellForce 2 - Dragon Storm 1DVD RPGSpellForce 2 - Shadow Wars 1DVD RPGSpellforce : Platinum Edition 1DVD RPGSpiderMan - Friend or Foe 1DVD ACTIONSpiderman - Shattered Dimensions 2DVD ACTIONSpiderMan - Web Of Shadows 2DVD ACTIONSpiderMan - The Movie ** 1CD ACTIONSpiderMan - Ultimate 1DVD ACTIONSpiderMan 2 1CD AASpirit of the Wolf 1DVD AdventureSplit/Second Velocity 2DVD RACINGSpore 1DVD StrategySpore Creature Creator 1CD StrategySpore Galactic Adventures - (Xpack) 1DVD StrategySpy Hunter - Nowhere to Run 1DVD ACTIONStacking 1DVD PuzzleStalin Subways 2 Red Veil The 1DVD FPSStalin vs. Martians 1DVD StrategyStar Ruler 1CD StrategyStar Sentinel Tactics 1DVD Strategy


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows ME/2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz Memory: 256 MB Hard Drive: 1 GB Free Video Memory: 32 MB Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 GHz Single-Core Processor RAM: 512 MB RAM (1 GB under Vista) VGA: 128 MB DirectX 9 3D Video Card (Radeon 9600 / GeForce FX 6600 and above) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2 / Vista HDD: 3 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP SP2/Vista/7, 1.8 GHz Single-Core Processor, 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows Vista), 128 MB DirectX 9 3D Video Card (Radeon 9600 / GeForce FX 6600 and above), DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card, DVD-ROM Drive, 3 GB Hard Drive Space, Keyboard and Mouse, DirectX 9.0c,


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Intel® Pentium® D (dual core) 2.8GHz or AMD Athlon™ X2 4800+ or better * 1 GB of RAM * 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers** * 512 kB/sec upstream internet connection required to host Choe-Funk *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding GeForce® 9400) All ATI Radeon™ X1800 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding X1800 GTO, Radeon™ HD2400, Radeon™ HD2600, and Radeon™ HD3450) Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows Vista® and Windows® 7 * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 * Intel® Pentium® D (dual core) 2.8GHz or AMD Athlon™ X2 4800+ or better * 2 GB of RAM * 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers** * 512 kB/sec upstream internet connection required to host Choe-Funk *Supported Chipsets for Windows Vista® and Windows® 7 All NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding GeForce® 9400) All ATI Radeon™ X1800 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding X1800 GTO, Radeon™ HD2400, Radeon™ HD2600, and Radeon™ HD3450) Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Microsoft Windows XP (SP3), Vista and 7 * Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel or equivalent AMD processor * Memory: 1 GB RAM * Hard Drive: 1 GB free hard drive space * Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 6800 Series, ATI Radeon X850, S3 Chrome 430 GT or better (min 256 MB VRAM) * Sound: Sound card


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 800 MHz processor 256 MB RAM DirectX 8.0 or later


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: AMD/Intel dual-core at 2.0 GHz * RAM: 1 GB (XP), 1.5 GB (Vista/7) * HDD: 1 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 300 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## • Windows XP/Vista/7 • DirectX 9c • 2 GHz • 512 MB RAM




RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3500+ RAM: 1GB for XP / 2GB for Vista and 7 VGA: Nvidia 6800 or ATI X1650, 256 MB RAM, Shader Model 3.0 Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows® XP (SP3) / Vista™ (SP1) / 7 HDD: 6GB Sound: Compatible with DirectX® 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.6 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 8500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP 1 GHz Pentium CPU or equivalent GeForce 2 32Mb 256 Mb RAM Choe-Funk DirectX 8 compatible sound card 4 Gb free hard disk space DVD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: · Operating System: Windows XP or better. · Processor Speed: 1GHz or better. · System RAM: 512 MB or more. · Video Driver:DirectX 7 or better. · Hard Drive: 500 MB free hard drive space or more. · Resolution: 1024x768 or higher.


RiDKiD: Windows XP, Vista, 2000 64MB Video Card Choe-Funk Requires hardware vertex XL (transform and lighting) support OpenGL 1.1 compatible video card Pentium III 1.0 GHz (or higher) 256 MB RAM (or more) 16-bit DirectX sound card


RiDKiD: ## Pentium 4 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce 6600 or better), 3 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista.


RiDKiD: ## * Windows Vista, XP * Pentium IV 1.2 Ghz * 256 MB RAM * 79 MB available HD space * DirectX 8.0


RiDKiD: ## 1. OS: Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), or Windows 7 2. CPU: 1.8Ghz Dual Core 3. RAM: 2.0GB 4. HDD: 4GB available 5. Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible; 256Mb VRAM or higher; NVIDIA GeForce 7600GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better 6. Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible; 16-bit


RiDKiD: ## Intel Processor - Pentium 4 2.0GHz AMD Processor - Athlon XP 1700+ Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8800 GS ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X1900 Series RAM Memory - 2 GB Hard Disk Space - 0.5 GB Direct X - 9


RiDKiD: . Windows XP/Vista . Pentium 4 2.5GHz . 512 MB RAM . DVD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk . 256MB DirectX 9.0c Compatible 3D accelerated video card with . pixel/vertex shaders version 2.0 - ATI Radeon x800 or Nvidia GeForce 6800 . DirectX 9.0c (INCLUDED) . Mouse and keyboard . 3.3 GB uncompressed Hard Drive Space . Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c Compatible




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista. (if running Windows Vista SP2 is recommended) DirectX 9.0c compliant video card with 256 MB RAM (NVIDIA 7600 or better, ATI X1300 or better)* 3.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4/Athlon 64 3000+ or equivalent processor 1GB RAM (2GB on Vista) Choe-Funk DirectX Compatible Sound Card Dual Layer Compatible DVD-ROM Drive 6 GB Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Intel Pentium Dual-Core T4200 2 GHz or AMD equivalent * RAM: 2GB in XP/7, 3GB in Vista * HDD: 11 GB free disk space * Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## Windows 7 / XP / Vista 2 GHz Processor 1 GB Available System Memory 256 MB 3D DirectX 9 Compatible video card 250 MB Available Hard Disk Space


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium II - 450 MHz or equivalent RAM: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 800 MB Other: 800x600 High Color


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.6 GHz processor RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: 128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 6800/ATI 9800 or better) DX: DirectX® 9 OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™ HDD: 3 GB available hard-drive space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 6 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Graphics Card: GeForce 7600 or Radeon X1600 RAM: 1GB The amount of free disk space: 2GB Choe-Funk Processor: Intel Pentium IV, Athlon 2400 + 2.0GHz/AMD Operating system: Windows XP / Vista DirectX 9c. Sound Card DirectX 9 compatible DVD-ROM Internet connection for multiplayer


RiDKiD: Intel Pentium ® 4 1.5 GHz 512 MB RAM 3D graphics card with 128 MB RAM (GeForce 4 Ti or higher) Windows ® 2000, XP, Vista 32 Bit 5 GB free hard drive space DVD drive DirectX®9.0c


RiDKiD: Intel Pentium ® 4 1.5 GHz 512 MB RAM 3D graphics card with 128 MB RAM (GeForce 4 Ti or higher) Windows ® 2000, XP 5 GB free hard drive space Choe-Funk DVD drive DirectX®9.0c


RiDKiD: PC, Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, DirectX 9.0b or higher CPU 1000 MHz 256 MB RAM AGP 3D accelerator, 32 MB onboard video RAM (compatible to nVidia GeForce2MX or better) Mouse Soundcard CD-ROM Drive 4 GB free fixed disk storage plus 500 MB for the Windows swap file and saved games


RiDKiD: - 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP or Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Vista - Pentium(R) 1.6 GHz or Athlon(TM) 1.6 GHz or higher processor - 256 MB of RAM or 1GB of RAM for Windows(R) Vista systems Choe-Funk - 5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (Plus 500MB for swap file.) - A 100% Windows(R) XP/Vista-compatible computer system including: - DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included) - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c - compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers - 100% Windows(R) XP/Vista - compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers - 100% Windows(R) XP/Vista - compatible 4X DVD-ROM drive or better (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers - 100% Windows(R) XP/Vista - compatible gamepad (optional) (Ten or more buttons and dual analog thumb sticks required)




RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3 Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ or better 1 GB of RAM 14 GB of uncompressed hard disk space A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: DirectX® 9.0c (Included) 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers 100% Windows® XP-compatible DVD-ROM drive and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800 256 MB and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ X1800 256 MB and better chipsets Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows Vista® and Windows® 7 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* Microsoft® Windows Vista® with Service Pack 2 or Windows® 7 Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ or better 2 GB of RAM 14 GB of uncompressed hard disk space A 100% Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 compatible computer system including: DirectX® 9.0c (Included) 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers 100% Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers 100% Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 compatible DVD-ROM drive and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows Vista® and Windows® 7 All NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800 256 MB and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ X1800 256 MB and better chipsets Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported *Important Note: Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Spider-Man™: Shattered Dimensions. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatibility.


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows® XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows® XP * Intel® Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz or Athlon X2™ 4600+ or higher processor * 1GB of RAM * 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows® XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows® XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP All NVIDIA® GeForce® 7900GTX 512 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon® X1900XT 512 MB RAM and better chipsets Choe-Funk Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft® Windows VISTA™: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft® Windows VISTA™ * Intel® Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz or Athlon X2™ 4600+ or higher processor * 2 GB of RAM * 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible computer system including: * DirectX® 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows VISTA™-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows VISTA™ All NVIDIA® GeForce® 7900GTX 512 MB RAM and better chipsets All ATI® Radeon® X1900XT 512 MB RAM and better chipsets


RiDKiD: • 3-D Hardware Accelerator (32 MB VRAM) with full Transform and Lighting* • US version of Microsoft® Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP operating system • Pentium® III 500Mhz processor or Athlon® processor • 128 MB RAM • 800 MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files; plus an additional 200 MB for Windows® swap file • 100% Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM drive, video card, sound card and input devices) • DirectX® 8.1 (included) Choe-Funk • 100% DirectX® 8.1-compatible 32 MB video card and drivers • 100% DirectX® 8.1 or higher compatible sound card and drivers • Quad Speed CD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) • 100% Microsoft®-compatible mouse, keyboard • 100% Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible gamepad (optional) (Game controller with 12 or more buttons recommended.)


RiDKiD: ## Pentium III 1.2 GHz or Athlon 1.2 GHz Choe-Funk Windows 2000/XP 256MB RAM 64MB RAM 3D DirectX 9 compatible card


RiDKiD: - 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0b-compliant 16 MB video card and drivers* - English version of Microsoft(R) Windows 98/ME/2000/XP - Pentium(R) III 600 MHz or Athlon(TM) 600 MHz or higher processor - 128 MB of RAM - 827 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows swap file) - A 100% Windows 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible computer system including: - DirectX 9.0b (Included) Choe-Funk - 100% DirectX 9.0b-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers - 100% Windows 98/ME/2000/XP- compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers - 100% Windows 98/ME/2000/XP- compatible quad speed CD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP All NVIDIA GeForce(TM) chipsets NVIDIA TnT and TnT2 All ATI Radeon chipsets Matrox Parhelia(TM)


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista C.P.U : Any Single Core Processor at 1.0 Ghz Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 comapatible video card Memory : 512 MB RAM (XP) / 1 GB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk : 2 GB of free Hard Drive Space Sound : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: - Microsoft® Windows® 7 / Vista® SP2 / XP® SP3 - 3.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® D processor (Windows® 7 / Vista®) / 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D processor (Windows XP®) or 2.0 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or equivalent processor - Recommended: 3.0 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo processor or 2.4 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or equivalent processor - 2.5 GB RAM (Windows® 7 / Vista®) / 2.0 GB RAM (Windows XP®) - 6.5 GB uncompressed hard drive space Choe-Funk - 256 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 3.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® 7600 or better, ATI Radeon™ X1600 or better) - Recommended: 512 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 3.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GT or better, ATI Radeon™ HD3870 or better) - NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported - 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card - 8x DVD-ROM drive - DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 512 MB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 Choe-Funk * At least 4 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for creations FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 768 MB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * At least 4 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for creations.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 300MB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for created creatures. FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 768 MB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * At least 300MB of hard drive space for installation, plus additional space for created creatures.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 512 MB RAM Chpe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 * At least 2.0 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for creations FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 768 MB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * Windows VISTA Service Pack 1 * At least 2.0 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for creations.


RiDKiD: ## Pentium IV / Athlon XP 1.8 GHz; 1 GB of RAM; 4.3 GB of free disk space; DirectX 9.0c - compatible 3D graphics card of GeForce 6600 / Radeon X1300 support shaders version 3.0 with 256 MB of memory; DirectX 9.0c - compatible sound card; DirectX 9.0c (available on disc); The device for reading DVD-ROM; Keyboard; Mouse.


RiDKiD: ## Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 896 MB (GeForce 260 GTX or better), 1.5 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7.


RiDKiD: Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2000 MHz / AMD AthlonÕÐ 2000+; RAM: 256 ÌB Video display card: Direct3D 9.0-compatible video card with 64 Ìb of video memory GeForceFX 4200 / Radeon 9600 Controllers: keyboard, mouse; Choe-Funk Sound card: DirectX 9-compatible Free space on hard disk: 2500 Mb; DVD Operating system: Windows 2000,XP; DirectX 9.0c and higher


RiDKiD: ## # Microsoft Windows XP / Vista # 1.5 GHz Processor # 1 GB Available System Memory # 2 GB Available Hard Drive Space # Currently the game is compatible with the following graphic cards: NVidia GeForce 6/7/8/9 series, ATI Radeon 9600/X1xxx, AMD Radeon HD 2xxx series, Matrox Parhelia.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 500 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX 9 .0 or higher * CPU 2.0 GHz * 1 GB RAM * Shader Model 2.0 3D graphics card, 128 MB RAM * Sound card * 2,5 GB of free hard drive space

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (56)

Star Sky 1CD ACTIONStar Trek - Deep Space Nine - The Fallen ** 1CD TPSStar Wars - Battlefront 1DVD FPSStar Wars - Empire at War 1DVD StrategyStar Wars - Empire at War - Forces of Corruption (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyStar Wars - Episode I - The Phantom Menace ** 1CD ACTIONStar Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds 1CD StrategyStar Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns (Xpack) 1CD StrategyStar Wars - Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy ** 1CD FPSStar Wars - Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast ** 1CD FPSStar Wars - Knights of the Old Republic ** 4CD RPGStar Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords ** 4CD RPGStar Wars - The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes 2DVD AAStar Wars - The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition 4DVD ACTIONStar Wars - The Force Unleashed II 2DVD ACTIONStar Wolves 3 1DVD SIMStarcraft II - Wings of Liberty 2DVD StrategyStarpoint Gemini 1DVD RPGState of Emergency ** 1CD ACTIONSTCC The Game 2 1DVD RACINGSTCC The Game 2 - Race 07 GT Power Expansion (Xpac) 1CD RACINGSTCC The Game 2 - Race 07 Retro (Xpack) 1CD RACINGSTCC The Game 2 - Race 07 WTCC 2010 Expansion (Xpac) 1DVD RACINGSteam Slug 1DVD FPSSteel Armor: Blaze of War 1DVD StrategySteel Fury Kharnov 1942 1DVD SIMSteel Storm Burning Retribution ** 1CD ACTIONStill Life 1DVD AdventureStill Life 2 1DVD AdventureStoked Big Air Edition 1DVD SPORTStolen 1DVD AAStorm Frontline Nation 1DVD StrategyStorm Over the Pacific 1CD StrategyStormrise 1DVD StrategyStory of Sealed Steel 1CD RPGStrange Cases - The Tarot Card Mystery 1CD MysteryStrangleHold 3DVD ACTIONStreet Fighter IV 1DVD FIGHTINGStreet Legal Racing - Redline 1CD RACINGStreet Legal Racing - Redline NF 2010 V2 1DVD RACINGStreet Racing Syndicate 1DVD RACINGStreets of Moscow 1DVD RACINGStrength & Honour 2 1DVD StrategyStronghold 3 1DVD StrategyStronghold Crusader Extreme 1DVD StrategyStronghold Legends 1DVD Strategy


RiDKiD: ## -Operating Sys : XP - Seven -Ram : 512 Mb -CPU : 2.80 -VGA : 64


RiDKiD: CPU: Pentium II 266MHz or higher RAM: 64Mbytes system RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 4Mbyte video card (3D accelerator recommended) DX: DirectX version 7.0 or later. OS: Windows 95 or Windows 98 or Windows NT4.0 with Service Pack 4 installed or Windows 2000. HDD: 165Mbytes local disk space (for minimum install)


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1GHz Processor 256MB RAM 64MB 3D Accelerated Video Card with Hardware T&L DirectX compatible Sound Card 8X CD-ROM Drive DirectX 9.0c 2.7GB Hard Disk Space




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium III 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz RAM: 256MB VGA: 32 MB graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) capability DX: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP HDD: 3.5 GB of hard drive space. Please allow an additional 200 MB of free space after installing the game for the Windows swap/page file and additional patch downloads.


RiDKiD: SW EAW Xpack


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium III 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz RAM: 256Mb RAM or higher VGA: 32 MB graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) capability * DX: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP HDD: 3.5 GB of hard drive space. Please allow an additional 200 MB of free space after installing the game for the Windows swap/page file and additional patch downloads. Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible, PCI or Onboard Audio Device Resolution: Monitor: 1024 X 768 capable monitor ODD: 8x Speed CD-ROM drive or faster required. Network: Internet: 56kbps or faster connection (required for multiplayer only) Recommended peripheral: Keyboard and Mouse Note: * Supported Chipsets: ATI Radeon 8500/9000/9200 family ATI Radeon 9500/9600/9700/9800 family ATI Radeon x300/x600/x700/x800/x850 family ATI Radeon X1K family NVIDIA GeForce 3/4 family NVIDIA GeForce Fx family NVIDIA GeForce 6 family NVIDIA GeForce 7 family


RiDKiD: Computer: 100% Windows 95/98 DirectX compatible computer required CPU: 200 MHz or faster CPU required Memory: 32MB RAM required Video: 4MB PCI or AGP Direct 3D compatible Graphics Accelerator required Sound: 16-bit sound card or better required CD-ROM: Quad speed IDE or SCSI CD-ROM required Input Device: 100% Windows 95/98-compatible keyboard required. Optional support for gamepads and joysticks. DirectX: DirectX 6.1 is included on the CD and must be installed before to play The Phantom Menace. Note: Your system might require the "latest" Windows 95/98 drivers for your particular hardware. The Phantom Menace is a 3D-only game that requires a 3D accelerated video card to play.


RiDKiD: Computer -------- 100% DirectX compatible computer required. CPU --- Pentium II or Athlon class 233 MHz or faster CPU required. Pentium II or Athlon class 300 MHz or faster recommended. Memory ------ 32 MB or higher RAM required. 64 MB RAM recommended. 64MB required, 96 MB RAM recommended for Windows 2000 and XP. Graphics Card ------------- 2 MB graphics card required. 4 MB graphics card recommended. CD-ROM ------ Quad speed CD-ROM drive required. Sound Card ---------- 100% DirectX compatible 16-bit sound card required. Input Device ------------ 100% DirectInput compatible keyboard or mouse required. DirectX ------- Microsoft DirectX 8.0a is included on this CD and may need to be installed to play Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. NOTE: Your system may require the "latest" Windows drivers for your particular hardware. OS -- Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds supports Windows 95, 98, 2000 or ME as your operating system. MS-DOS, Windows 3.1x, Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.0, Linux and OS/2 are not supported. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds is compatible with Windows XP.


RiDKiD: Computer -------- 100% DirectX compatible computer required. CPU --- Pentium II or Athlon class 233 MHz or faster CPU required. Pentium II or Athlon class 300 MHz or faster recommended. Memory ------ 32 MB or higher RAM required. 64 MB RAM recommended. 64MB required, 96 MB RAM recommended for Windows 2000 and XP. Graphics Card ------------- 2 MB graphics card required. 4 MB graphics card recommended. CD-ROM ------ Quad speed CD-ROM drive required. Sound Card ---------- 100% DirectX compatible 16-bit sound card required. Input Device ------------ 100% DirectInput compatible keyboard or mouse required. DirectX ------- Microsoft DirectX 8.0a is included on this CD and may need to be installed to play Clone Campaigns. NOTE: Your system may require the "latest" Windows drivers for your particular hardware. OS -- Clone Campaigns supports Windows 95, 98, 2000 or ME as your operating system. MS-DOS, Windows 3.1x, Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.0, Linux and OS/2 are not supported. Clone Campaigns is compatible with Windows XP.


RiDKiD: SW JK Jedi Academy


RiDKiD: zComputer: 100% DirectX 9.0a compatible computer required. CPU: Pentium III 450 MHz or faster CPU required. Pentium III or Athlon class 600 MHz or faster CPU recommended. Memory: 128 MB RAM required. 256 MB RAM recommended. Graphics Card: 32 MB OpenGL 1.4 compatible AGP or PCI 3D Hardware Accelerator required. Sound Card: 16-bit sound card required. CD-ROM: Quad Speed IDE or SCSI CD-ROM drive required. Input Device: Keyboard and mouse required. 100% DirectX 9.0a-compatible joystick or gamepad (optional). DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0a is included on this CD. You will be prompted to install DirectX during installation of this game if a more recent version isn’t already properly installed on your system.


RiDKiD: ## Windows 95 OSR2/98/ME/2000/XP 100% DirectX compatible computer Penitum II or Athlon class 350 MHz or faster CPU 64MB RAM (128MB RAM for Windows XP and 2000) 16MB OpenGL compatible PCI or AGP 3D hardware accelerator 16-bit DirectX 8.x compatible sound card DirectX 8.0 (included) 665MB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: Computer: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible computer required. CPU: Pentium III or Athlon class 1 GHz or faster CPU required. Pentium 4 or Athlon XP class 1.6 GHz or faster CPU recommended. Memory: 128 MB RAM required for Windows 98, 256 MB RAM required for Windows ME/2000/XP. 512 MB RAM recommended. Graphics Card: 32 MB OpenGL 1.4 compatible AGP or PCI 3D Hardware Accelerator with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability required. Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible audio device required. CD-ROM: Quad Speed IDE or SCSI CD-ROM drive required. Input Device: Keyboard and mouse required. DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0b is included on this CD. You will be prompted to install DirectX during installation of this game.


RiDKiD: Computer -------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible computer --- CPU --- Required: Pentium III or Athlon class 1 GHz or faster CPU. Recommended: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP class 1.6 GHz or faster CPU. ------ Memory ------ Required: 256 MB RAM Recommended: 512 MB RAM ------------- Graphics Card ------------- Required: 32 MB OpenGL 1.4 compatible AGP or PCX 3D Graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability required. Recommended: 128 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Vertex and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability ---------- Sound Card ---------- Required: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device


RiDKiD: SW Clone Wars


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel P4 3.0GHz AMD XP 3000+ or higher RAM: 1GB Ram, 2GB for Windows Vista VGA: Nvidia 7300 GS or better, ATI X1600 or better DX: DirectX 9.0c (Nov 08 on disc) OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista HDD: 8GB


RiDKiD: SW FU atau Starwars FU 1


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP SP3, Windows Vista® SP2. Windows® 7 CPU: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2 5200+) Memory: 2 GB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 25 GB + 1 GB Swap File Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Video Card: 3D Hardware Accelerator Card Required – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 256 MB Video Memory with Shader 3.0 support Video Card (ATI): Radeon™ HD 2600 Video Card (Nvidia®): Geforce® 8600 Disc Drive: 8X DVD-ROM drive Peripherals: Windows® XP/Windows Vista® compatible mouse and keyboard or Microsoft Xbox 360 Wired Controller Notice: This product does NOT support Windows® 95/98/ME/2000/NT.


RiDKiD: SW FU2 atau Starwars FU2


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ Memory: 2 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 11 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium IV 2,0 GHz or AMD 2,0Ghz (Single Core) RAM: 512 MB VGA: nVidia GF FX5700 or ATI Radeon 9600 with 128MB VideoRAM DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows XP HDD: 5,5 GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.6 GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon processor RAM: 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB required for Windows Vista/Windows 7 users, 2 GB for Mac users) Choe-Funk VGA: 128 MB PCIe NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT or ATI Radeon 9800 PRO video card or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 (Latest Service Packs) with DirectX 9.0c HDD: 12 GB available HD space Resolution: 1024X720 minimum display resolution ODD: DVD-ROM drive Untuk bisa maen VS A.I caranya: 1. download map yang kamu suka lewat link ini sini 2. setelah download jangan lupa rename map yang udah kamu download, contoh nama map = mosajalah.sc2ma, karena disitu kurang satu huruf, yaitu "p", yang seharusnya = mosajalah.sc2map, 3. setelah itu edit sesuai hati kalian 4. klik test document (atau bisa langsung pencet hotkey ctrl + f9) 5. play vs a.i deh, dan bisa di load game kalian yang udah di save lewat starcraft 2 launcher...


RiDKiD: PC, Windows XP or later DirectX 9.0C or later CPU 1.3 GHz Single core 768 MB RAM Choe-Funk DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card, 128MB RAM, Shader 3.0 Mouse Onboard sound card 3 GB of free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 600 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Hard Drive: 600 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.7 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 2.5 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600


RiDKiD: ## Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP Home/Pro, Windows Vista Processor: 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or 100% compatible Memory: 512 MB RAM Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with 128 MB memory Sound: DirectX 9 compatible Direct X Version: 9 Hard Drive: 2.5 GB free space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Win XP home/pro, Win Vista Processor: 1.7Ghz intel Pentium 4 or 100% compatible Memory: 512Mb RAM Hard drive: 2.5Gb free space Graphics card: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with 128Mb memory Sound card: DirectX compatible Input: Keyboard and Mouse DirectX version: 9


RiDKiD: ## Race'07 or STCC The Game 2 installed OS: Microsoft Windows XP Home/Pro, Windows Vista* (*Limited Support) Processor: 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or 100% compatible Memory: 512 MB RAM Hard Disk Space: : 2.5 GB free space Video: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with 128MB memory Sound: DirectX 9 compatible DirectX®: 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium ® Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or equivalent Athlon ® XP RAM: 1 GB VGA: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c (GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300) DX: DirectX ® 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista HDD: 3 GB Sound: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP SP2 or Vista AMD Athlon 2000\Intel Pentium 2400GHz [Game demands support of instructions SSE by the processor] 512 MB RAM 1x speed DVD-ROM drive or better ATI Radeon 9500\nVidia GeForce 6600 128 Mb [NOTE: Game is not started on video cards series nVidia GeForce FX] DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: AMD Athlon 2000\Intel Pentium 2.4 GHz [Game demands support of instructions SSE by the processor] RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: ATI Radeon 9500\nVidia GeForce 6600 128 MB [NOTE: Game is not started on video cards series nVidia GeForce FX] DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2 or Vista


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2400+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 800 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 2400 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Pentium III 800MHz Processor 128MB RAM 16X CD-ROM Drive 600MB Hard Disk Space 32MB DirectX compatible Video Card with Hardware T&L DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 8.1b


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1,5 GHz-es Intel Pentium 4 RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: 128 MB DirectX ® 9 Compatible Videocard DX: DirectX ® 9.0c OS: Windows ® XP / Vista HDD: 4 GB free Sound: DirectX ® 9 Compatible soundcard


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows: /Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3/ Seven * Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz * Memory: 1.5GB, * 8GB Free Hard Drive Space * Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900 (Direct X 9c compatible) [not compatible with ATI 2400 Series


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP MINIMUM Pentium III 1GHz Processor 64MB RAM (128MB for 2000/XP) 1.2GB Hard Disk Space Choe-Funk GeForce 2 Class Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card Directx 8.1


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium III at 1.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 2000+ Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible Video Card Memory : 512 MB RAM Hard Disk : 600 MB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Sound : DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound Card Direct X : 9.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.8 GHz Dual core CPU RAM: 1GB VGA: ATI 2400 / NVIDIA 8400 DX: DirectX 10 OS: Microsoft® Windows® Vista® (SP1 or later) HDD: 9GB of Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: ## * Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX 9 .0 or higher CPU 2.0 GHz 1 GB RAM Shader Model 2.0 3D graphics card, 128 MB RAM Sound card 2.5 GB of free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ##* OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * CPU: 800 Mhz * RAM: 256 MB * DirectX: 7.0 * Hard Drive: 120 MB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual Core Processor RAM: 2 GB VGA: Nvidia 7800 or higher / ATI x1300 or higher DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2 / VISTA (Games for Windows compliant) HDD: 15 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Resolution: 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 848x480, 1024x768, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080 ODD: DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium4 2.0GHz or higher RAM: 1GB RAM or higher VGA: NVIDIA GeForce6600 series, ATI Radeon(TM) X1600 or higher or higher, DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible, VRAM 256MB or higher DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista HDD: 10GB of free HDD space or more


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 500 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 500 Mb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0b


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista; ? Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz; ? Memory: 1.0 GB; ? Video-map: class nVidia GeForce 5200 or ATI Radeon X800 with 128 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0; ? Sound card: compatible with DirectX 9.0; ? Hard Disk: 9 GB of free space; ? DirectX 9.0.; ? Keyboard, Mouse.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1GHz Pentium / Athlon CPU RAM: 256MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 32MB DirectX 100% 9.0b compatible video card* DX: DirectX 9.0 HDD: 2GB Uncompressed Hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 at 2 GHz (or comparable) RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: nVidia GeForce 6600 128MB or ATi Radeon 9800 128MB DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 HDD: 3 GB on your hard disk


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP SP2 or above 2.0 GHz processor or higher 1 GB or more of RAM Minimum 64 MB, 100% OpenGL 1.3 compatible video card The following video cards might have compatibility issues with Magitech games: eVGA nVidia GTX 275 and some ATI Radeon cards. Please try the demo version for the video card compatibility before you purchase the game. 6.0 Gigabyte of uncompressed hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2 or Windows 7 * CPU: 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 3000+ or higher * RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista and Win7 * HDD: 2 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium II 300MHz RAM: 64MB RAM VGA: DirectX 7.0 compatible 4MB video card DX: DirectX 7.0 OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP HDD: 850MB Sound: DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Operating System Windows 2000/XP/Vista CPU 1.6 Ghz Memory 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Drive Space 2.5 Gb Video 64 Megabyte (GeForce3/Radeon 8500 upwards) Soundcard DirectX 7 compatible DirectX 9.0c

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (57)

Sudeki 1DVD RPGSuffering: Ties That Blied The 1DVD AAHSummer Athletics 2009 1DVD SPORTSuper Meat Boy 1CD ACTIONSuper Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2DVD FIGHTINGSuperstars V8 Racing 1DVD RACINGSuperstars V8 Next Challenge 2010 1DVD RACINGSupreme Commander 2DVD StrategySupreme Commander - Forged Alliance 2DVD StrategySupreme Commander 2 2DVD StrategySupreme Commander 2 DLC Infinite War Battle Pack - add on 1CD StrategySwashbucklers - Blue vs. Grey 1DVD AASWAT 2 ** 1CD StrategySWAT 3 ** 1CD FPSSWAT 4 ** 2CD FPSSWAT 4 - The Stetchkov Syndicate (Xpack) 1CD FPSSword and Blood 1CD RPGSword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 1DVD StrategySyberia ** 2CD AdventureSyberia II ** 2CD AdventureSylvenia Fantasy Poker 1CD StrategySyndicate 2DVD FPS

TT-72 - Balkans on Fire 2CD SIMTake On Helicopters 4DVD SIMTakeda III 1DVD StrategyTales of Monkey Island Chapter 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal 1CD AdventureTales of Monkey Island Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay 1CD AdventureTales of Monkey Island Chapter 3 - Lair of the Leviathan 1CD AdventureToMIC 4 - The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood 1CD AdventureTales of Monkey Island Chapter 5 - Rise of the Pirate God 1CD AdventureTales of Monkey Island Colector Edition 1DVD AdventureTangled The Video Game Disney 1DVD ACTIONTeam Fortress 2 1DVD FPSTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2CD ACTIONTennis Masters Series 2003 ** 1CD SPORTTerrafarmers 1CD AdventureTerminator Salvation 2DVD TPSTerrorist Takedown 2 1DVD FPSTerrorist Takedown 3 1DVD FPSTest Drive Unlimited 1DVD RACINGTest Drive Unlimited 2 2DVD RACINGThe Filmmaker Game 2DVD AdventureThe Sims 1 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 ** 4CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Apartment Life (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual Life


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz Memory: 256 Mb Hard Drive: 1.8 Gb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Video Card: GeForce 3 / better Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0 Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium III 1.0 GHz Processor RAM: 128MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 32MB DirectX compatible Video Card ATI: Radeon 7000 series and higher NVidia: GeForce 2 series and higher ATI: Radeon 7000 series and higher NVidia: GeForce 2 series and higher DX: DirectX® 9.0b (Included on disc) OS: Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP [XP64 is not supported] HDD: 2 GB Free Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 1,4 GHz RAM: 1024 MB VGA: 100% Directx 9.0c-combatible 3D Graphics Card with 256MB Video RAM. DX: Directx 9.0c OS: Windows Xp/Vista HDD: 4.7 GB Sound: Directx 9.0 combatible ODD: 4x DVD-Rom


RiDKiD: ## *OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500+ *Memory Ram: 768 Mb *Hard Disk Space: 100 Mb free *Video: 64 Mb @ nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500 *Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating System: - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP *1 - Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) *1 - Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 *1 Hard Disk Space: at least 10GB Minimum System Requirements CPU: - Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 processor or higher - AMD Athlon(TM) X2 Dual-Core Processor or higher System RAM: - Windows(R) XP : 1GB or higher - Windows Vista(R) : 2GB or higher - Windows(R) 7 : 2GB or higher Video Card: DirectX(R)9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible with at least 256MB of video RAM - NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 6600 series or higher - ATI Radeon(TM) X1600 or higher Sound Card: DirectX(R)9.0c compatible sound card DVD-ROM Drive: DVD9 compatible Drive Monitor: 800 x 600(SVGA) or higher


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 at 2.4GHz or similar RAM: 1GB VGA: NVIDIA Geforce 6600 or ATI X1600 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista Choe-Funk HDD: 7 GB or more Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP (SP2) / Windows Vista Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.4 Ghz or equivalent AMD Choe-Funk Video Card : nVidia Geforce 6600 or ATI X1600 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) Memory : 1 GB RAM Hard Disk : 7 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : DirectX 9.0 compatible Sound Card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel or equivalent AMD processor RAM: 512 MB VGA: 128MB video RAM or greater, DirectX 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia 6x00 or better) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 / Windows Vista HDD: 8 GB


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2, Vista 1.8 GHz processor 512 MB RAM 8 GB available hard-drive space 128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia 6x00/ATI 9600 or better) Sound card, instancing required


RiDKiD: • Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 • Direct X 9.0 • 2.6 GHz or better, Intel or AMD CPU Choe-Funk • 1GB RAM (XP) 2GB RAM (Vista / Win 7) • Video: 256 MB VRAM with Pixel Shader 3.0 • Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required • Hard Drive: 2-3 GB, for full install & DirectX The PC min spec is: • Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 • Processor: 2.0 GHz or better, Intel or AMD CPU • Memory: 1GB RAM (XP) 1GB RAM (Vista / Win 7) • Video: 256 MB VRAM DX9 compliant with Pixel Shader 2.0 w/ instancing support • DirectX support: DirectX 9.0 • Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required • Hard Drive: 2-3 GB, for full install & DirectX • Internet Connection with Cable / Broadband


RiDKiD: • Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 • Direct X 9.0 • 2.6 GHz or better, Intel or AMD CPU Choe-Funk • 1GB RAM (XP) 2GB RAM (Vista / Win 7) • Video: 256 MB VRAM with Pixel Shader 3.0 • Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required • Hard Drive: 2-3 GB, for full install & DirectX The PC min spec is: • Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 • Processor: 2.0 GHz or better, Intel or AMD CPU • Memory: 1GB RAM (XP) 1GB RAM (Vista / Win 7) • Video: 256 MB VRAM DX9 compliant with Pixel Shader 2.0 w/ instancing support • DirectX support: DirectX 9.0 • Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required • Hard Drive: 2-3 GB, for full install & DirectX • Internet Connection with Cable / Broadband


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP Processor: Pentium III 1,5 GHz Memory: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk Video card: DirectX 9.0b - compatible video card 128 MB Sound card: DirectX 9.0b - compatible sound card Hard disc: 1,5 GB


RiDKiD: Pentium 133, Win 95, 16 meg RAM, Sound card, 154 meg hard drive space


RiDKiD: Pentium 233 Mhz 32 MB RAM Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 CD-ROM: 4X or better 400 MB free hard drive space Choe-Funk 50 MB swap file 800 X 600 SVGA high color (16 bit) 4 MB video card Direct X 6.1 (Included on CD) Windows compatible sound device Mouse and Keyboard


RiDKiD: Windows 98SE, Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP with Service Pack 1 DirectX® 9.0c 1.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® III, Intel® Celeron® 1.2 GHz, AMD® Athlon™ 1.2 GHz, or equivalent 256 MB RAM 32 MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2 (MX 200/400 not supported), 64 MB ATI® Radeon™ 8500, or equivalent graphics card Choe-Funk DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound device CD-ROM/DVD-ROM required for installation 2 GB hard drive space Windows®-compatible mouse 56kbps modem for online play (Cable modem or DSL recommended)


RiDKiD: Windows® 98SE, Windows® 2000 w/Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP w/Service Pack 1 DirectX® 9.0c 1.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® III, Intel® Celeron® 1.2 GHz, AMD® Athlon™ 1.2 GHz, or equivalent 256 MB RAM 32 MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2, 64 MB ATI® Radeon™ 8500, or equivalent graphics card GeForce™ 2 (MX 200/400 not supported), Choe-Funk DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound device CD-ROM/DVD-ROM required for installation 1 GB hard drive space Windows®-compatible mouse Windows®-compatible keyboard


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Core2 Duo or equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard disk space: 2 GB free space Video: 512 MB DirectX 10 Sound: Any Windows Vista compatible sound device, stereo speakers or head phones DirectX®: February 2010 or newer (DX10) Controller support: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers


RiDKiD: Pentium II 350 MHz processor Direct3D compatible 3D graphics card with 16 MB 64 MB RAM 400 MB free on hard disk Choe-Funk 16X CD-Rom drive DirectSound compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Pentium II 350 Mhz 16 MB DirectX 8.1 compatible 3D video card 64 MB RAM Choe-Funk 400 MB Free Hard Disk Space 16X CD-Rom Drive DirectX Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: * Windows 7 / Vista / XP, or Mac OS X * 1.6 GHz Processor * 512 MB Available System Memory * 256 MB 3D Video Card w/1280 Pixel Width * 300 MB Available Hard Disk Space * Internet Connection for Multiplayer * DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP (SP 3), Windows Vista (SP 2) or Windows 7 (SP 1) Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600 + or higher RAM: 2.0 GB Windows XP and Windows 7, Windows Vista 3.0 GB Hard Drive: 10.5 GB or more free space Video: NVIDIA 8800 GT 512 MB ​​/ ATI 4650 or higher Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c DVD drive


RiDKiD: Minimum system requirements: CPU - 1 GHz Athlon or Pentium III Memory - 256 Mb RAM Sound card - DirectX 9.0 compatible Video card - GeForce 2/4MX, Radeon 7500 Hard drive - 2 Gb free space Operating system - Windows XP/2000 DirectX - 9.0c


RiDKiD: • Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz or faster • 2 GB RAM • NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or ATI Radeon 4850 with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM or faster • Windows XP / Vista / 7 • DVD (Dual Layer compatible) for DVD version, 17.5 GB free HDD space • DirectX®: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * Windows XP SP2 or above * 2.0 GHz processor or higher * 512 MB or more of RAM * Minimum 64 MB, 100% OpenGL 1.3 compatible video card * The following video cards might have compatibility issues with Magitech games: eVGA nVidia GTX 275 and some ATI Radeon cards. Please try the demo version for the video card compatibility before you purchase the game. * 3.0 Gigabyte of uncompressed hard disk space * DVD-ROM drive, mouse, keyboard


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP / Vista * Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) * Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device * Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) * DirectX®: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: ## * OS: XP/VISTA * Processor: Pentium IV 2 GHz or better * Memory: 512 MB * Hard Drive: 300 MB * Video Memory: DirectX Compatible * Sound Card: DirectX Compatible * DirectX: 8.1 * Keyboard & Mouse * CD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows XP / Vista * Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent rec.) * Memory: 512MB (1GB rec.) Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device * Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compliant video card (128MB rec.) * DirectX®: Version 9.0c or better


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP, Vista * CPU: 2.0 GHz + Intel Pentium 3 * RAM: 512 MB * HDD: 1 GB free disk space * Graphics: 64 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## - OS: Windows XP / Vista - Processor: 2.0 GHz - Memory: 512MB - Video: 64MB DirectX 8.1-compatible video card - DirectX 9.0c - Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® Vista® SP2/ XP® SP3/ Windows® 7 Home Premium Intel® Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz, AMD 3000+ or equivalent processor 1GB RAM 2.0 GB uncompressed hard drive space 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5600 or better, ATI Radeon™ 9600 or better) NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported (e.g., Intel® on-board 8xx/9xx series chipsets, SiS and S3 series, ATI® Mobility Radeon® 7500 & X1300) 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card 8x DVD-ROM drive DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.7 GHz RAM: 512MB VGA: DirectX® 8 level Graphics Card DX: DirectX® 8 OS: Windows® Vista/XP/2000


RiDKiD: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP 800 MHz Pentium 3 or Athlon processor 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk Nvidia GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 8500 w/ 32MB VRAM 1.65 GB of free hard drive space DirectX 9.0b (included) DirectX 9.0b compliant sound card 4X CD-ROM


RiDKiD: Windows 98 / Windows Millennium / Windows 2000 / Windows XP Pentium II 350 (or greater) 64 MB RAM Choe-Funk Direct3D compliant card w/ 16MB RAM Windows compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP, Vista or 7 / 1 GHz processor / 256 MB RAM / 220 MB hard drive space / 16 MB video card / DirectX 9.0 or later


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz (2 CPUs) / AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~2.2GHz RAM: 1024 MB Choe-Funk VGA: Nvidia® series 86xx / Radeon™ 38xx / DirectX® 9 (Shader Model 3 compatible) (VRAM 256MB) OS: Windows® XP SP2, Windows Vista® HDD: 8GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Processor 1.7 GHz RAM: 512 MB of RAM VGA: Ati Radeon 9000 or GeForce4 Ti with 64 MB RAM DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista HDD: 3 GB of Hard Drive Space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card ODD: DVD ROM


RiDKiD: - Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7 - DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on the DVD) - CPU 2.4 GHz or equivalent - 1 GB RAM (Windows 2000/XP), 1.5 GB RAM (Windows VISTA/7) Choe-Funk - ATI X1600 or GeForce 7600GT Video card with 256 MB RAM - 16-bit sound card with EAX 2.0 compatible with DirectX 9.0 - 4.5 GB of free hard drive space for installation - 4x speed DVD-ROM Drive - Keyboard - Mouse




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel P4 @ 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon 2800+ RAM: 512 MB VGA: ATI Radeon 9800 256MB VRAM or Nvidia 6600 GT with 256 MB of VRAM. Video Cards with vertex/pixel shaders 2.x and above are recommended DX: DirectX 9.0C (included) OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista HDD: 8 GB




RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4400+ RAM: 2GB Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX/ ATI Radeon HD 3870 or faster *, minimum 512 Mo Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible Hard Disk free space: 18 GB Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse Other: Internet Connection required for online activation, Internet Broadband Connection, Microsoft .NET 3.5 required * Integrated video cards, such as the ATI Radeon HD 3200 or Intel HD Graphics, are not supported


RiDKiD: ## - Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 - Processor: Pentium 1,5 MHz - Memory: 256 MB RAM - Video: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c - Free space: 5 GB


RiDKiD: - Windows(r) 95, 98, 2000 or XP (Windows(r) NT and Windows(r) ME are not supported) - 450 Mhz or faster Intel(r) Pentium II(r) processor - 128 MB RAM - 4MB PCI or AGP video card capable of High Color (16-bit Color), 800x600 resolution display. It must have a DirectX 7.0 or later compatible driver. - 4x CD-ROM drive using 32-bit Windows(r) 95/98 driver - 1120 MB (or 1.12 GB) free hard disk space (additional space required for Windows(r) swap file) - DirectX 7.0 (or higher) compatible sound card - A keyboard, mouse, monitor and a power source.


RiDKiD: * 800 MHz processor * 256 MB RAM * Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * Windows XP, ME, 98, or 2000: 1.8 GHz processor * Windows Vista: 2.4 GHz processor * Windows XP, ME, 98, or 2000: 1 GB RAM * Windows Vista: 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. * At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims(TM) 2 and The Sims(TM) 2 Apartment Life at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 64 MB of video RAM.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (58)

The Sims 2 Body Shop (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Decoration Edition (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Double Deluxe (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 FreeTime (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Happy Holiday Stuff (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Kitchen and Bath Stuff (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Nightlife ** (Xpack) 2CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Open For Business ** (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Pets ** (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Seasons (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff (Xpack) 1CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 2 University (Xpack) 2CD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 2DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Ambitions (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Create A Sims (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Fast Lane Stuff (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Generations (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Hidden Springs DLC 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - High End Loft Stuff The (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Late Night (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Master Suite Stuff (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Outdoor Living Stuff (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Pets (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Showtime (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - Town Life Stuff (Xpack) 1DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims 3 - World Advanture (Xpack) 2DVD Virtual LifeThe Sims Medieval 2DVD SIMThe Sims Medieval - Pirates and Nobles (Xpack) 1DVD SIMTheatre of War II - Africa 1943 1DVD StrategyTheatre of War 2 Battle for Caen (Xpack of TOW2 Kursk) 1DVD StrategyTheatre of War 2 Centauro (Xpack of TOW2 Afrika) 1DVD StrategyTheatre of War II - Kursk 1943 1DVD StrategyTheatre of War 3 Korea 1DVD StrategyThey Are Alive 1DVD FPSThief - Deadly Shadows 1DVD AATidalis 1CD PuzzleTiger Woods PGA TOUR 12 The Masters 1DVD SPORTTime Mysteries Inheritance 1CD MysteryTimeShift 1DVD FPSTINcan Race 1CD RACINGTitan Quest 1DVD RPGTitan Quest - Immortal Throne (Xpack) 1DVD RPGTMNT 1DVD ACTIONTOCA Race Driver 3 2DVD RACING


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 95/98/XP CPU: 233 MHz or faster Intel Pentium II processor. Choe-Funk RAM: 64 MB RAM; 128 MB RAM if using Windows XP or with expansion packs.


RiDKiD: * 1000 MHz processor * 256 MB RAM * Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.0 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * Windows XP, ME, 98, or 2000: 1300 MHz processor * Windows Vista: 2000 MHz processor * Windows XP, ME, 98, or 2000: 512 MB RAM * Windows Vista: 1 GB RAM * Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 FreeTime Expansion Pack at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows 98/98 SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista * CPU: 1GHz * RAM: 256MB * Disc Drive: 8x CD-ROM/DVD drive * HDD: 350MB free space * Video: 32MB DirectX 9.0 and T&L compatible * Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible


RiDKiD: * 1000 MHz processor or higher (1300 MHz for Vista) * 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk * Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. * At least 1.0 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims(TM) 2 IKEA(R) Home Stuff at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 1000 MHz processor or higher (1300 MHz for Vista) * 512 MB RAM * Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. * At least 1.0 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims(TM) 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff at the same time.) Choe-Funk * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 1000 MHz processor * 256 MB RAM * Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Nightlife at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 1000 MHz processor * 256 MB RAM * Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Open for Business at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 1300 MHz processor * 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM is recommended if you are running with a few expansion packs installed) * Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Pets Expansion Pack at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 1300 MHz processor * Windows XP: 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM is recommended if you are running with a few expansion packs installed) * Windows Vista: 512 MB RAM * Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 1000 MHz processor or higher (1300 MHz for Vista) * 512 MB RAM * Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1.0 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims(TM) 2 Teen Style Stuff at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: * 800 MHz processor * 256 MB RAM * Windows(R) XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System. Choe-Funk * At least 1 GB of additional hard drive space (4.5 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 University at the same time.) * A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 * At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 * At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games Cara install Sims 3 + all xpansion (berurutan) The Sims 3: ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 World Adventures ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Create A Sim ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Ambitions ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Late Night ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Generations ( instal tanpa dikrack ) The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff (instal tanpa dikrack) The Sims 3 Pets (instal tanpa dikrack) The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff (instal tanpa dikrack) The Sims 3 Hidden Springs (instal tanpa dikrack) The Sims 3 Showtime (instal dikrack di The Sims 3)


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games.




RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Choe-Funk * At least 2.2 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 2.2 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 350 MB of hard drive space (6.5 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 350 MB of hard drive space (6.5 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows, the game requires at least: * Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA 3-Series or above Choe-Funk * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent * 0.5 GB additional RAM FOR MAC OS X * Mac OS X 10.5.7 Leopard or higher * Intel Core Duo Processor * 2 GB RAM * ATI X1600 or NVIDIA 7300 GT with 128 MB of Video RAM, or Intel Integrated GMA X3100. * At least 350 MB of hard drive space (6.5 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. This game will not run on PowerPC (G3/G4/G5) based Mac systems, or the GMA 950 class of integrated video cards.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows, the game requires at least: * Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA 3-Series or above * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent * 0.5 GB additional RAM


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP(SP2) / Vista(SP1) / 7 CPU - 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent (XP), 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent (Vista/7) RAM - At least 1 GB (XP) / 1.5 GB RAM (Vista and 7) / 2 GB for NVIDIA ION computers Disc Drive - DVD drive Hard Drive - At least 1.5 GB of free space (7 GB if installing with The Sims 3), with 1 GB for saves Video Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible cards with 128 MB of video RAM and support for Pixel shader 2.0 (See The Sims 3 website for the full list of cards supported and not supported)




RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 300 MB of hard drive space (6.4 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 300 MB of hard drive space (6.4 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows, the game requires at least: * Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA 3-Series or above * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent * 0.5 GB additional RAM


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Hard disk space: 6.3 Gb RAM: 1 Gb Video Card: 64 Mb @ nVidia GeForce FX 5900 / ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: sims 3 OLS


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 500 MB of hard drive space (6.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent Choe-Funk * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 500 MB of hard drive space (6.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows, the game requires at least: * Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA 3-Series or above * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent * 0.5 GB additional RAM


RiDKiD: Please note: The Sims 3 Pets is an Expansion Pack. The Sims 3 must already be installed for The Sims 3 Pets to work. PC System Requirements (EP5) OS: XP SP2 / Vista SP1 / Windows 7 CPU: For XP 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; For Windows Vista and Windows 7 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent RAM: For XP 1 GB RAM / Windows Vista and Windows 7 1.5 GB RAM* DISC DRIVE: DVD drive Hard Drive: At least 3.5 GB** of hard drive space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. Video: 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * For NVIDIA ION™ computers, the game requires at least 2.0 GB RAM. ** 9.6 GB of hard drive space if installing with The Sims 3. Supported Video Cards: Nvidia GeForce 6 series or better, and all NVidia G, GT, GTS, and GTX video cards. ATI Radeon™ series card 9500 series or better, and all ATI X, X1, and HD video cards; Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA): GMA 3-Series, GMA 4-Series Please note that the GeForce 6100 and 7100 cards are not supported.


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Hard disk space: 6.3 Gb RAM: 1 Gb Video Card: 64 Mb @ nVidia GeForce FX 5900 / ATI Radeon 9500 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9


RiDKiD: System Requirements =================== Please note: The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff is a Stuff Pack. The Sims 3 must already be installed for The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff to work. FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * DVD drive * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 1.5 GB of hard drive space (7 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 1.5 GB of hard drive space (7 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows, the game requires at least: * Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA 3-Series or above * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent * 0.5 GB additional RAM




RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP (Requires Service Pack 2 or above) * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games. FOR WINDOWS VISTA (Requires Service Pack 1 or above) and WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space (9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games.


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 256 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 * At least 5.3 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM Choe-Funk * A 256 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 * At least 5.3 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games FOR WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 256 MB Video Card Choe-Funk with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * At least 5.3 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for saved games


RiDKiD: FOR WINDOWS XP * 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1 GB RAM * A 256 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * The latest version of DirectX 9.0c * Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 * At least 600 MB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games FOR WINDOWS VISTA * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 256 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 * At least 600 MB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games FOR WINDOWS 7 * 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent * 1.5 GB RAM * A 256 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 * At least 600 MB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for saved games For computers using built-in graphics chipsets under Windows, the game requires at least: * Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA X3-Series or above * 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent * 0.5 GB additional RAM


RiDKiD: Windows XP/ Vista Intel Pentium IV 3.0 Ghz 1 Gb System RAM Video card: nVidia GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X800 1.5 Gb of HDD space (full game will require approx. 3.5 Gb) DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card DirectX 9.0c DVD-ROM Choe-Funk Keyboard Mouse


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP or Vista CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Phenom II (2.4GHz or better) RAM: 2GB Graphics: nVidia GF 7600 or AMD Radeon HD 2000 series with at least 256MB RAM and Shaders 3.0 support Sound card: DirectX 9-compatible HDD: 3.5GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: OS: MS Windows XP, Vista; DirectX 9.0с; CPU: Intel Pentium IV 3 GHz; RAM: 1 GB; Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon X1900 with 128Mb RAM or more and SM 3.0; Sound: any sound card compatible with DirectX 9; Disc space: 2 GB;


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon64 X2 (2,4GHz or better) RAM: 2GB VGA: nVidia GeForce 6600 or AMD Radeon X1900 with 256MB RAM or better DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows XP or Vista HDD: 3.5GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Memory: 2 Gb Hard Drive: 3.5 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1900 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: Windows XP Intel P4 2400 MHz, AMD Athlon XP 4500+ RAM 1 Gb 128 Mb Video card DirectX 9.0C+ HD 3000 Mb


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium® IV 1.5GHz (AMD Athlon XP™ equivalent) RAM: 256MB System Memory VGA: Graphics Card must support Pixel Shader 1.1!* DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows 2000/XP (Admin Rights required)(95/98/ME/NT Not supported!) HDD: 3GB free hard disc space Sound: 100% DirectX 9 Compatible sound card EAX Advanced HD Supported - requires SoundBlaster Audigy range of soundcards. ODD: CD-ROM drive required


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000 or later, 32 or 64 bit * 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended) * 1.4Ghz CPU minimum, 1.8 Ghz recommended for background animation or multiplayer * 600MB Hard Disk Space * 800x600 or greater screen resolution (32 bit color, 1280x720 recommended)


RiDKiD: OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows Vista with SP2, Windows XP with SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 (or equivalent) running @ 3 GHz or greater RAM: 1 GB or greater Screen Resolution: 1024x768 pixels or greater Video Adapter: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB;NVidia Geforce 6200 128MB or greater Hard Drive: 6 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible Internet Connection: 768kbps broadband


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.2 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 326 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 8 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon x700 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: - Windows 2000 or XP - 1.8 Ghz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent - 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk - 5 GB free hard drive space - 64 MB NVIDIA GeForce 3 or equivalent or ATI Radeon 8500 series with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent - DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card - 8x CD-ROM drive - Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: - Windows 2000 or XP - 1.8 GHz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent or AMD Athlon XP or equivalent - 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk - 64 MB NVIDIA GeForce 3 or equivalent or ATI Radeon 8500 series with Pixel Shader 1.1 support or equivalent - DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card - DVD drive - Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: CPU: Intel and AMD processors, 1.5 GHZ Operating System: Windows XP (service pack 2) Memory: 512 MB Choe-Funk Drive Space: 1.6 GB Graphics Card: Direct X 9 compatible shader 1.1 and 64 MB RAM Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible DirectX version: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP MINIMUM Pentium 4 or Athlon 1.4GHz Processor 256MB RAM DirectX 9.0c 32MB Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card 6GB Hard Disk Space 2X DVD-ROM Drive

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (59)

Tom Clancy's - End War 1DVD StrategyTom Clancy's - Ghost Recon 1CD FPSTom Clancy's - Ghost Recon - Desert Siege 1CD FPSTom Clancy's - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW) 1DVD FPSTom Clancy's - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (GRAW2) 1DVD FPSTom Clancy's - Hawx 2DVD ARCADETom Clancy's - Rainbow Six : Lockdown 1DVD FPSTom Clancy's - Rainbow Six : Vegas 2 2DVD FPSTom Clancy's - Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield ** 2CD FPSTom Clancy's - Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory 1DVD AA

2DVD AATom Clancy's - Splinter Cell : Double Agent 1DVD AATom Clancy's - Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow 1DVD AATomb Raider - Angel Of Darkness 1DVD AATomb Raider - Anniversary 1DVD AATomb Raider - Chronicles 1CD AATomb Raider - Legend 1DVD AATomb Raider - The Last Revelation ** 1CD AATomb Raider - Underworld 2DVD AATommy Tronic 1CD ACTIONTomorrow War The 1DVD SIMTony Hawk's American Wasteland 1DVD SkateboardTony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 ** 2CD SkateboardTony Hawk's Underground 2 ** 3CD SkateboardTop Gun Hard Lock 1DVD Flight ActionTorchlight 1CD RPGTotal Overdose A - Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico 1DVD TPSTotal War Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai (+ Crack Fix) 7DVD StrategyToy Story 2 ** 1CD AdventureToy Story 3 1DVD AdventureToy Story Mania 1DVD AdventureTrackMania Complete Collection 2DVD RACINGTrainz Simulator 2009 - World Builder Edition 1DVD SIMTrainz Simulator 2010 - Engineers Edition 2DVD SIMTrainz Simulator 12 2DVD SIMTransformers 1DVD AATransformers - War for Cybertron 2DVD AATransformers 2 - Ravenge Of The Fallen 2DVD AdventureTrapped Dead 1CD StrategyTreasure Island 1DVD AdventureTree Card Games SolSuite Solitaire 2011 1CD Card GameTrine 1CD AATrine 2 1DVD AdventureTrivia Golf 1CD Card GameTRON: Evolution 2DVD AATropico 2 - Pirate Cove 1DVD Tycoon

Tom Clancy's - Splinter Cell : Conviction


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® XP (with SP2) or Windows Vista® (with SP1) Processor: Intel® Core® 2 Duo E4400 2.0 GHz, 3.0 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core or better RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP and 2 GB for Windows Vista and configurations with shared memory video cards Choe-Funk Video card: Nvidia™ 7800GS or ATI™ 1800XT or better DirectX® 9.0c–compliant 256 MB video card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (See Supported List 1.0.3 for more information) DVD-ROM: Dual-layer DVD-ROM drive Hard Drive Space: 10 GB free hard disk space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers


RiDKiD: ## # Windows 2000 or better # Pentium II 450 MHz processor # 128 MB of RAM Choe-Funk # DirectX 8.0 or higher (included on CD) (must have compatible sound card) # 16 MB VRAM 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 8.0 # 1 GB hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP only Processor: Pentium® II 450 MHz, AMD K6 III 500, or equivalent Choe-Funk RAM: 128 MB of RAM Video Card: 16 MB DirectX® 8.0-compliant 3D card; Voodoo cards not supported Sound Card: DirectX 8.0-compliant sound card DirectX: DirectX 8.0 or higher (included on CD) CD-ROM: 4x or better (not recommended for use with CD-RWs) Hard Drive Space: 2 GB




RiDKiD: Processor: Intel or AMD, 2 GHz Operating System: Windows 2000/XP Memory: 1024 MB RAM Disk Space: 4.5 GB Choe-Funk Graphics Card: 128 MB DX9.0c compatible card, GeForce 6200 or higher Radeon 9600 or higher Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive : x2 read speed DirectX Version: 9.0c




RiDKiD: Processor: Intel or AMD, 2 GHz Operating System: Windows XP/Vista Memory: 1024 MB RAM Disk Space: 5 GB Choe-Funk Graphics Card: 128 MB DX9.0c compatible card, GeForce 6200 or higher Radeon 9700 or higher Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible DVD-ROM drive : x2 read speed DirectX Version: 9.0c


RiDKiD: CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz/ AMD Athlon XP 2000+ or higher Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3) or Windows Vista® (with Service Pack 1) RAM: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM speed 4x, dual-layer drive Drive Space: 9 GB Choe-Funk Graphics Card: 128 MB DirectX –compliant, Shader 2.0– enabled video card Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 – compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 libraries (included on disc)


RiDKiD: Windows XP/2000 DirectX 9.0 or newer Pentium 4 processor 1.5GHz+ or AMD equivalent 512 MB RAM 64 MB AGP or PCI-Express Dx9 video card that supports pixel & vertex shaders (GeForce 3+, ATI Radeon 8000+) Choe-Funk Laptop models of these cards may work but are not considered supported Monitor capable of 1024x768 resolution at a minimum of 60Hz DirectX9 compliant sound card 12x CD-ROM Drive ~7 gigabytes of free hard disk space Windows XP/2000 compliant Mouse & Keyboard


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3 GHz Pentium 4 Hyper Treading or AMD Athlon 3000 RAM: 1024MB for Windows XP / 2048MB for Windows Vista Choe-Funk VGA: 128 MB DirectX -compliant, Shader 3.0-enabled video card * DX: DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) OS: Windows Vista/Windows XP SP2 (only) HDD: 7 GB


RiDKiD: Win 98/ME/2000/XP Only DirectX 8.1b 800 MHz Pentium III, AMD Athlon, or equivalent 128 MB RAM (XP users: 256 MB required) 64MB DirectX 8.1b compatible graphics card DirectX 8.1b compatible sound device Choe-Funk CD-ROM/DVD-ROM 16x or faster (not recommended for use with CD-RW drives) 1.7 GB hard drive space Windows-compatible mouse required


RiDKiD: Supported OS : Windows® 2000/XP (only) Processor : 1400 MHz Pentium® IV or AMD Athlon™ or better RAM : 256 MB RAM (512 MB required for XP) Video Card : 64 MB DirectX® 9-compliant video card (see supported list*) Choe-Funk Sound Card : DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card DirectX : DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD) DVD : 4x DVD or faster Hard Drive Space : 4.0 GB free




RiDKiD: Supported OS : Windows® XP (32/64 bits) / Windows® Vista (32/64 bits) / Windows® 7 (32/64 bits) Processor : Intel Core® 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHZ RAM : 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows® Vista - Windows® 7 Video Card : 256MB DirectX9-compliant video card (see supported list*) Choe-Funk Sound Card : DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card DirectX : DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD) DVD-ROM : 4x DVD-ROM or faster Hard Drive Space : 10.0 GB free Internet Connection : 128 kbps Broadband




RiDKiD: Supported OS : Windows XP Processor : 3000 MHz Pentium IV or AMD Athlon or better RAM : 1GB RAM Choe-Funk Video Card : 128MB DirectX9-compliant video card (see supported list*) Sound Card : DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card DirectX : DirectX 9.0c (included on DVD) DVD : 4x DVD or faster Hard Drive Space : 8.0 GB free


RiDKiD: Windows 95/98 DirectX 7.0a installed Choe-Funk 150 MB of Hard Drive Space P166 or greater processor 16MB RAM 2MB SVGA card fully DirectX 7 compatible


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Processor: 500 MHz Memory: 128 Mb Hard Drive: 300 Mb free Video Memory: 64 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 8.1


RiDKiD: Minimum Specification OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista CPU: Pentium 3 1.4Ghz or Athlon XP 1500+ RAM: 256MB (for Windows 2000/XP) 512MB (for Windows Vista) Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB 3D Accelerated Card with TnL (GeForce 3Ti / Radeon 9 series) SOUND: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible) DVD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 4GB free disk space INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows 2000/XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: COMPUTER: IBM PC or 100% compatible OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME CPU: Pentium II 266 MHz. RAM: 16 Mb CD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) CD-ROM drive Graphics: 4Mb SVGA video card, as well as a 4Mb 3D Card (100% DirectX 7-compatible) Supports most major 3D acceleration graphics cards(using Direct3D), compatible Soundcards and Joysticks through DirectX 7.


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP CPU: Pentium 3 1.0Ghz or Athlon XP Equivalent RAM: 256MB GRAPHICS: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB 3D Accelerated Card with TnL (GeForce 3Ti / Radeon 9 series) SOUND: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible) DVD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 9.9GB free disk space


RiDKiD: COMPUTER: IBM PC or 100% compatible OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 95/98 CPU: Pentium 233 MHz. RAM: 16 Mb CD-ROM: Quad-speed (4x) CD-ROM drive Graphics: 4Mb SVGA video card, as well as a 4Mb 3D Card (100% DirectX 6.1-compatible) Supports most major 3D acceleration graphics cards(using Direct3D), compatible Soundcards and Joysticks through DirectX6.0


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP (admin rights required)/Microsoft Windows Vista (admin rights required) CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3+GHz or AMD Athlon 2.5+GHz RAM: 1GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista) system memory Choe-Funk GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series 6800GT (or better) / ATI 1800XT (or better) SOUND: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 8 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and mouse


RiDKiD: · CPU: 1 gigahertz · RAM: 512 meg · GFX: 32 meg · H-DISK: 80 meg of free space


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 2.4 GHz or higher * RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk * HDD: 7 GB free disk space * Graphics: ATi 9600/nVidia 5600 128 MB or higher * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows XP CPU: AMD or Intel 1.2 GHz, 2 GHz or faster recommended Memory: 256 MB or higher, 512 MB recommended Hard Drive: 3.5 GB free disc space Choe-Funk Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compliant, Sound Blaster(r) X-Fi(tm) series card recommended Video Card: 64 MB DirectX 9.0c video card (see supported list) Disc Drive: 8X CD-ROM drive required to install and play Peripherals: Keyboard required, gamepad recommended


RiDKiD: - Windows 98/ME/2000/XP - 800 MHz Pentium III or better - 256 MB of RAM - GeForce 2 video card, Radeons, or similar - 32MB of video memory (VRAM) - DirectX 8.1 or higher - 700MB hard drive space - Internet (TCP/IP) play supported through the Windows matchmaking service GameSpy Arcade - Internet play requires a 100% Windows compatible 28.8 Kbps (or faster) modem.


RiDKiD: - 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 32 MB video card and drivers* Choe-Funk - English version of Microsoft(R) Windows 98/ME/2000/XP - Pentium(R) III 800 MHz or Athlon(TM) 800 MHz or higher processor - 256 MB of RAM - 2.5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 200 MB for the Windows swap file) - A 100% Windows 98/ME/2000/XP-compatible computer system including: - DirectX 9.0c (Included) - 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers - 100% Windows 98/ME/2000/XP- compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers - 100% Windows 98/ME/2000/XP- compatible quad speed CD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers


RiDKiD: ## System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium D 3,0 GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 + 2.2 GHz Memory: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista / 7 graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 8800 GT or better), 8 GB HDD, Sound card: compatible with Direct X 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: x86-compatible 800MHz processor RAM: 512MB VGA: DirectX-compatible 3D graphics with at least 64MB of addressable memory (such as an ATI Radeon 7200, NVIDIA GeForce 2, or Intel GMA 950) DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows 2000 or later HDD: 400MB


RiDKiD: ## 256 MB RAM, 0 MB Video RAM, 360 MB disk space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2,8 GHz Memory : 1 GB (2 GB for Vista / 7) Video : Radeon HD 2600 Pro / nVidia GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB VRAM Sound Card : DirectX compatible Free hard disk space : 28.9 GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium™ class 166 MHz processor RAM: 32 MB RAM VGA: 4MB, DirectX-compatible video card, 16-bit color depth OS: Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/XP HDD: 60 MB hard disk space Sound: DirectX-compatible sound card ODD: 4X CD-ROM drive


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® Vista® SP2/ XP® SP3/ Windows® 7 Home Premium Intel® Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz, AMD 3000+ or equivalent processor, or Intel® Core® 2 1.8 GHZ 1GB RAM Choe-Funk 6.0 GB uncompressed hard drive space 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIA® GeForce® FX 5600 or better, ATI Radeon™ 9600 or better) 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card 4x DVD-ROM drive DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows®Vista® SP1/ XP® SP3 (For Russian: Windows XP SP2/Vista SP1) 1.5 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD Athlon™ or equivalent processor 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk 4.5 GB uncompressed hard drive space 128 MB OpenGL® 3D video card (NVIDIA® GeForce® 6 series or better, ATI Radeon™ X1000 Series or better) 16-bit DirectX® 9.0c-compatible sound card 8x DVD-ROM drive DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: -Trackmania -TrackMania PowerUp! (Addon) -Trackmania United -TrackMania United Forever -TrackMania Sunrise eXtreme -TrackMania Nations Forever -TrackMania 2 Canyon ## Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 CPU: 1.5 GHz RAM: 1 Gb Video Card: 256 MB, Pixel Shader 2.0 / Intel HD 2000 / Nvidia ION / AMD HD 6310 Hard Disk: 1.5 Gb




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 2.2 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 64 MB 3D Graphics Card (NVIDIA GeForce 2 or equivalent) DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 / Windows Vista HDD: 2.55 GB Sound: DirectX 9.0




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium D 3.4 GHz (or equivalent) RAM: 1GB Choe-Funk VGA: nVidia GeForce 7200 / 128MB (or equivalent)* DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: XP (SP3) HDD: Approximately 15 GB of free Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: ## * OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Pentium D at 3.4GHz * RAM: 1 GB * HDD: 15 GB free disk space * Graphics: 128 MB Graphics Memory * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: - 3D hardware accelerator card required 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 64MB video card and drivers* - Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista - Pentium® 4 2.0GHz or Athlon® 2.0GHz or higher processor - 256MB of RAM (1GB for Windows® Vista) - 4 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 300 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 1MB free for saved games) Choe-Funk - DirectX 9.0c (Included) - 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers - 100% Windows XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers - 100% Windows XP-compatible quad speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) - All NVIDIA® GeForce® 4 Ti 4200 64MB and better chipsets - All ATI® Radeon® 8500 64MB and better chipsets - 100% Windows XP-compatible gamepad (optional) (Game controller with 10 or more buttons and dual analog sticks required)


RiDKiD: Transformer WFC


RiDKiD: Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7 * Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo E4300 1.80 GHz or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ 2.0 GHz * 2 GB of RAM Choe-Funk * 9 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7-compatible computer system including: * DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows(R) XP / Windows Vista(R) / Windows(R) 7 All NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7900 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 8400 cards) All ATI Radeon (TM) X1900 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450) Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported


RiDKiD: Transformer 2


RiDKiD: o Operating System: Windows® XP (with Service Pack 3) or Windows Vista® and DirectX® 9.0c o Video Card: 256 MB 3D hardware accelerator card required* o Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4800+ / Intel® Core™2 2.13 GHz or better o RAM: 1 GB of RAM for Windows® XP/Windows Vista® systems o Hard Drive Space: 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (Plus 500 MB for swap file.) o Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compliant sound card Choe-Funk o DVD-ROM: 100% Windows® XP/Windows Vista® - compatible 4X DVD-ROM drive or better (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers o Peripheral: 100% Windows® XP/Windows Vista® - compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers o INTERNET: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP and Windows Vista® All NVIDIA® GeForce® 7600 GT and better chipsets All ATI Radeon™ X1600 and better chipsets


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 CPU: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz processor / AMD Athlon XP 1500+ RAM: 1 Gb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 128 Mb Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Hard disk: 2 Gb


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium III at 800 Mhz or equivalent AMD processor Video Card : 64MB VRAM -DirectX 9.0 compatible video card Memory : 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 1.2GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows XP Sound Card : DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0 Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP(sp2), Vista / 7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 at 2.0GHz Memory: 1 Gb Video: 128 Mb


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista Processor: 2.0 GHz CPU RAM: 512 MB (XP), 1 GB (Vista) Hard-Disk Space: 1 GB Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard Video Card: Radeon X800 or GeForce 6800 or better


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP / Vista / 7 Intel Pentium IV 3.0 GHz XP 1 GB – Vista / Win7 2 GB 3 GB Video: 256 MB DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: · OS: Windows XP/Vista · CPU: 800 Mhz · RAM: 512 MB · DirectX: 9.0 · Hard Drive: 63 MB




RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® 7 / Vista® SP2 / XP® SP3 CPU: Intel Pentium D Processor 3 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Memory: XP = 1GB, Vista/ Windows 7 =1.5GB Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 256MB RAM (NVidia 8800 GT or higher, ATI Radeon HD 3870 or higher). 3D Video card supporting Shaders 3.0. NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported, Sound Card: 100% direct X 9.0c compatible sound card Hard disc space: 10GB free space DVD-ROM Drive Internet connection


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/ME/2000/XP Pentium III 500MHz Processor 64MB RAM CD-ROM Drive Choe-Funk 1.8GB Hard Disk Space 16MB DirectX compatible Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (60)

Tropico 3 1DVD TycoonTropico 3 - Absolute Power (Xpack) 1DVD TycoonTropico 4 1DVD TycoonTropico 4 - Modern Times (Add on) 1DVD TycoonTruck and trailer 1CD SIMTruck Racing by Renault Trucks 1CD RACINGTunnel Rats - 1968 1CD FPSTurning Point - Fall of Liberty 2DVD FPSTurok 3DVD ACTIONTwilight Scene It 1DVD MisTwin Sector 1DVD AATwisted A Haunted Carol 1CD PuzzleTwo Worlds 1DVD RPGTwo Worlds II 1DVD RPGTwo Worlds II Castle Defense (Stand Alone) 1CD RPGTwo Worlds II - Pirates of the Flying Fortress (Add On) 1DVD RPGTwo Worlds - Epic Edition 1DVD RPGTycoon City - New York 1DVD Tycoon

UUber Soldier 1DVD FPSUFO - Afterlight 1DVD StrategyUFO - Aftershock 1DVD StrategyUK Truck Simulator 1CD SIMUltimate Machine 1DVD RACINGUniverse at War - Earth Assault 1DVD StrategyUnreal Anthology 2DVD FPSUnreal Tournament III 2DVD FPSUnstoppable Gorg 1DVD ACTIONUp 1DVD AA

VVagrant Hearts 1CD RPGVampire Hunters 1CD RPGVancouver 2010 1DVD SPORTVelvet Assaassin 2DVD ACTIONVenetica 2DVD RPGVenus Hostage 1CD FPSVenus The Grand Slam Queen 1CD MisVertigo 1DVD RACINGVessel 1DVD ACTIONVictoria II 1CD StrategyVietcong 2 1DVD FPSVirtua Tennis 2009 1DVD SPORTVirtua Tennis 4 1DVD SPORTViva Pinata 2DVD Virtual LifeVivisector - Beast Within 1DVD FPSVoid The 1DVD Adventure


RiDKiD: ## CPU: CPU with 2.5 GHz RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 128 MB 3D Graphic Card DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7 HDD: 5 GB Available HDD Space Sound: 16-bit Sound Card


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.4 GHz or equivalent AMD Video Card : 256 MB VRAM – NVIDIA GeForce 6 Series / ATI Radeon X1300 with Pixel Shader 3.0 support Memory : 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk Hard Disk : 4 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound : DirectX compatible sound card Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## * Operating System: Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Vista / 7 (32 or 64-bit) * Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core CPU * Memory: 1 GB RAM * HDD: 5 GB free hard disk space * Graphics: Shader Model 3.0 (Geforce 6600 or higher, Radeon X1600-Series), 256 MB, DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## The original/master version before install this game Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core Memory: 1GB RAM Free HDD Space: 5 Gb Graphics card: 256MB DirectX9c, Shader Model 3.0 (Geforce 6600, ATI X1600) Sound Card: DirectX 9-compatible


RiDKiD: ## - Operating system: Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 - Processor: 2.2 GHz - 1 GB RAM (2 GB on Windows Vista or Windows 7) - 256 MB graphics accelerator (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 or better class, ATI Radeon 1800 class or better) - DirectX 9 compatible sound card - DirectX 9.0 - 900 MB of free hard drive space


RiDKiD: Minimum Configuration : 1.8 Ghz CPU + 1 Gb ram, Graphic card : 128 MB (DirectX8 compatible) Choe-Funk Recomended Configuration : 2.5 Ghz Dual core CPU + 1 Gb ram, Graphic card : 512 Mb, DirectX9.0c compatible Force feedback steering wheel


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: Singlecore CPU with 2 Ghz RAM: 512MB Video: Pixel Shader 3 Graphics card with 256mb VRAM (Geforce 6800 or Ati X1600) Sound: Standard stereo soundcard HDD: 2GB


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 3 GHz RAM: 1 GB VGA: GeForce 6600 or ATI X1300 OS: Windows Vista/XP HDD: 6GB ODD: 8X CD-ROM


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows Vista® / XP SP2 2.4 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 class or AMD® Athlon 3400+ or equivalent processor 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk 18.0 GB hard drive space 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card (nVidia® GeForce® 6600 or better, ATI® Radeon® X1300 or better, excluding X1550) NOTE: Onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets are not supported: (e.g., Intel® on-board 8xx/9xx series chipsets, SiS and S3 series, ATI® Mobility Radeon® 7500 & X1300) 16-bit DirectX™ 9.0c-compatible sound card 8X DVD-ROM drive DirectX® 9.0c (included)


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium IV at 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 2000+ or equivalent processor Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0c Compliant video card (nVidia GeForce 6600 or better / ATI Radeon X800 or better) Memory : 1 GB RAM (XP) / 2 GB RAM (Vista) Hard Disk : 3.5 GB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Choe-Funk Sound : DirectX Compatible Sound Card Direct X : 9.0 Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4 ghz multicore recommended RAM: 1.0 GB or more VGA: 256 MB, Shader model 2.0, ATI 9600, NVidia 6600 or better, recommended Shader model 3.0 DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows XP Sp3, Windows Vista Sp2 HDD: 3.5 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 600 Mhz RAM: 128 MB DirectX: 6.0 HD: 357 MB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor : Intel Pentium 4 at 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 2400+ Video Card : 128 MB VRAM – NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9500 Memory : 512 RAM Hard Disk : 6 GB of free Hard Drive space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Direct X : 9.0c Controls : Keyboard & Mouse Installation : 2x DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: 1.1 Operating Systems --------------------- Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows 7 1.2. Minimum ------------ - Intel or AMD Single-Core Processor (2,0 GHz) - 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Windows Vista and 7) - Windows XP - Radeon HD, Geforce 8800GT (Shader 3.0 and 512 MB RAM) - Mouse, Keyboard, DVD-drive, soundcard - Internet connection for Multiplayer - 8 GB free space 1.3. Recommended system requirements ------------------------------------ - Intel or AMD Multi-Core CPU (2,6 GHz) - 4 GB Ram - Windows 7 - Radeon HD 5770, GeForce GTX 460 - Mouse, Keyboard, DVD-drive, 5.1-soundcard - Internet connection with 6.000 BPS for Multiplayer - 8 GB free space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X1900 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Pentium 4 @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ RAM: 1 GB HDD: 4 GB free disk space Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## # Windows XP or Windows Vista # 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent # 512 MB RAM # DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics chipset with Shader 2.0 support or higher # DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® 98SE Processor: Pentium® 4 1.8 GHz or AMD Athlon(tm) 1.8 GHz or higher Memory: 256 MB RAM (512MB recommended) Hard Disk Space: 1.5 Gig free Choe-Funk Video: 64 MB Hardware T&L-compatible video card (128MB recommended) Sound: DirectX® version 9.0c-compatible sound card DirectX®: DirectX® version 9.0c (included) or higher


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP MINIMUM Pentium 4 2.4GHz Processor 128MB 3D Video Card with Hardware T&L 512MB RAM 2.5GB Hard Disk Space DirectX compatible Sound Card DirectX 9.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU: PIII 1 GHZ RAM: 512 MB VGA: Nvidia 5700 or Ati Radeon 9500 of 64 MB DX: Directx 8.1 OS: MS Windows® XP or 2000/XP HDD: 4 GB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: MS Windows® XP / 2000 Processor: Intel Pentium® III or AMD® Athlon 1GHz Memory: 512MB RAM Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce TM 5700 or ATI Radeon® 9500 Sound card: MS DirectX® 9.0 compatible soundcard Hard disc: 4GB HDD space CD ROM: DVD ROM Other: MS DirectX® 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 900 Mb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Choe-Funk Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6200 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or equivalent 2GHz RAM: 512 MB system RAM VGA: 128 MB video RAM, DX9 compliant card (ATI 9500 or NVIDIA 6200) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista HDD: 6 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium III 1.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz or faster RAM: 128MB RAM VGA: DirectX 9.0b compatible video card with at least 32 MB video memory DX: DirectX 9.0b OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista HDD: 5.5GB Hard Disk Space Sound: Windows compatible Sound Card ODD: DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 GHz Single Core RAM: 512 MB VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 6200 vagy ATI Radeon 9600 OS: Windows XP SP2 vagy Windows Vista HDD: 8 GB


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 Intel Pentium 4 (2Ghz) or AMD Athlon 64 (1.6GHz) processor or better nVIDIA 6600 or ATI X700, 256MB GPU memory or better 1GB RAM 1GB of Hard Disk Space DirectX compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium IV processor running at 2 GHz, AMD 64, Core 2 duo 1.6Ghz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM on Vista) VGA: Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT or ATI Radeon x1600 with at least 64MB of memory (video cards with Pixel Shader version 1.1 or better are required) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c and above OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista HDD: 2GB of hard drive space Sound: 16-bit Sound Blaster Compatible Resolution: DirectX-compatible display capable of 800x600 resolution in 16-bit color ODD: 2X DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/2k/Vista/Win7 RAM: 256 MB


RiDKiD: ## * PC with 1.3 GHz processor * Graphics card for modern games with 256 MB video ram (preferably 512 MB video ram) * 1.7 GB of free hard drive space during installation * Microsoft Windows operating system (preferably Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP


RiDKiD: Windows XP Pentium IV/ AMD Athlon 3GHz single core processor or higher 1GB RAM Choe-Funk NVIDIA GeForce 7600GT* / ATI Radeon 2900* or higher with support for Pixel Shader 3.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 3.2GHz RAM: 1GB VGA: GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300 Or Above Graphics Card OS: WinXP/Vista (Windows SP1 Recommended), Not Mac Compatible HDD: 6GB ODD: 4X DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: Operating system: Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 or Vista Processor: Pentium® 4 CPU 2.4 GHz or comparable CPU RAM: 1024 MB for Windows® XP, 1536 MB for Vista, 2048 MB for Vista 64 Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT with 256 MB RAM or comparable Choe-Funk Optical drive: DVD ROM Sound card: DirectX® 9c compatible sound card Free hard drive space: 10 GB


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/Vista/7 • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz • DirectX 9c • 2 GB of RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz/Athlon XP 2400+ Memory: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista) Hard Drive: 13.33 Mb Free Video Memory: 128 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon X800) Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista * CPU: 800 MHz, INTEL or AMD processor * RAM: 256MB for XPx32, 512MB for XPx64; 768MB for Vista x32, 1024MB for Vista x64 * HDD: 2 GB free disk space * Graphics: 64 MB vRAM Shader Model 1.1 compatible * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Core 2 Duo 2 GHz 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM - Vista/7) graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 7600 GT or better) 1.5 GB HDD Windows XP/Vista/7


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+ RAM: 2 Gb RAM VGA: NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900 DX: DirectX 9 OS: XP/Vista/Windows7 HDD: 2 GB Available HDD Space Sound: DirectX® compatible


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 1.8 GHz/Athlon XP or better RAM: 512 MB VGA: 128 MB Shader 2.0 compliant video card DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 3.5 GB free disk space


RiDKiD: Operating System : XP and Vista supported Processor: Intel® Dual Core Processor 2.8 GHz or equivalent Memory: 1 GB Graphics: 6600 Nvidia graphics card or ATI equivalent with support for Pixel Shader 3 DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c Sound: DirectX Compatible Hard Drive: 4 GB Choe-Funk Recommended Spec. Operating System : XP and Vista supported Processor: Intel® Core 2 Quad Q8200 processor or equivalent Memory: 2GB Graphics: GeForce® 8000 series graphics card or ATI equivalent with support for Pixel Shader 3 DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c Sound: DirectX Compatible Hard Drive: 4 GB Note: The game's performance and/or graphical quality may differ according to your computer's hardware and/or video card. Computers with high-performance hardware will provide the best game performance.


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent RAM: 2 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 4 GB free hard drive space Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7800, ATI Radeon X1800


RiDKiD: System Requirements Viva Piñata requires a personal computer with the following minimum requirements: A 1.8-GHz or higher processor. Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or Windows Vista. 1 Gigabyte (GB) of RAM. 10 GB of available hard disk space (DVD 1 must be in the DVD-ROM drive to play the game). Choe-Funk A 4× DVD-ROM drive. An NVIDIA 5900, ATI 9600, or better video card. A keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device, or an Xbox 360 Controller for Windows. A sound card and speakers or headphones for audio. DirectX 9.0c or later (included on DVD 1; see below for installation instructions if not installed automatically). Internet access for optional downloadable content and Games for Windows – LIVE features such as trading.


RiDKiD: Minimum system requirements: MS Windows 2000/XP; 1Ghz Processor; DirectX 9.0c; GeForce3 or Radeon 7000 video card with 64 Mb; Choe-Funk 512 Mb RAM; DirectSound compatible sound card; DVD-Rom drive; 3 Gb Hard disk space; keyboard; mouse.


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2GHz/AMD Athlon 2000 Memory: 512 MB (1 GB Recommended) Hard Drive: 6 GB free space Video Card (graphics): GeForce FX 5600 128Mb/ATI Radeon 9600 128 MB (Recommended: GeForce 6800 256Mb/ATI Radeon X800 256 MB) Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card DirectX: DirectX 9.0c

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (61)

WWALL-E 1DVD ACTIONWallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures 1DVD AdventureWanted: Weapons of Fate 1DVD TPSWar Front - Turning Point 2DVD StrategyWar World - Tactical Combat 1CD TPSWarbirds Dogfights 1DVD SIMWarbirds Red Baron 1DVD SIMWarcraft III - Reign of Chaos + The Frozen Throne (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyWarfare 1DVD StrategyWarfare Reloaded 1DVD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War 3CD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Dark Crusade 1DVD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Mark Of Chaos 1DVD StrategyWarhammer 40K DOW - Mark of Chaos Battle March (Xpack) 1DVD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Soulstorm 1DVD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Winter Assault (Xpack) ** 2CD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War 2 1DVD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising 2DVD StrategyWarhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War 2 Retribution 2DVD StrategyWarhammer 40,000 - Space Marine 2DVD TPSWarleader - Clash of Nation 2DVD StrategyWarlords Battlecry ** 1CD StrategyWarlords Battlecry II ** 1CD StrategyWarlords Battlecry III 1CD StrategyWARP 1DVD Puzzle ActionWarriors Orochi 1DVD ACTIONWarrock Online Indonesia 1DVD OL - FPSWars and Warriors - Joan of Arc ** 1CD AAWasteland Angel 1DVD ACTIONWatchmen - The End Is Nigh 1DVD ACTIONWatchmen - The End Is Nigh Part 2 1DVD ACTIONWay of The Cossack The 1CD RPGWestward Kingdoms 1CD SIMWheel man 2DVD ACTIONWhere's Waldo The Fantastic Journey 1DVD AdventureWhisper World The 1DVD RPGWildlife Park 3 1DVD TycoonWings of Prey 3DVD SIMWings of Prey Collectors Edition 3DVD SIMWings Over Israel ** 1CD SIMWinter Sports 2011: Go for Gold 1DVD SkyingWinter Sports 2012 1DVD SkyingWitch and the Warrior The 1CD TycoonWitcher Enhanced Edition The 3DVD RPGWitcher 2: Assassins of Kings The 3DVD RPG


RiDKiD: - Intel Pentium III processor running at 800 MHz - Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista - 256 MB ram (min 512 MB ram on Vista) - 2GB of hard drive space - 1X DVD-ROM drive Choe-Funk - NVidia GeForce3 / ATI 7500 with at least 64MB of VRAM ( GeForce4 Mx is NOT supported ) - DirectX 9.0c and above - DirectX-compatible display capable of 800x600 resolution in 16-bit color - Sound: 16-bit Sound Blaster Compatible - Mouse and Keyboard


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Processor: 2.0 Ghz or better (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended) Memory: 512MB (1GB recommended) Hard Drive: 310MB Sound: DirectX 8.1 sound device DirectX: Version 9.1 or better


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Dual-core processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo E6540/AMD® equivalent or higher) RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: DX9.0c Compatible graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 support(NVIDIA® GeForce® 8 series/AMD® equivalent or higher) DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista® HDD: 5 GB Available HDD Space Sound: 16-bit, DX9 compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2 GHz Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 4 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## System Requirements OS: Windows 2000/XP (Works with Vista Processor: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Memory: 256 MB Video Memory: 64 MB (GeForce 3 Ti/Radeon 9 series Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard & Mouse 4x DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows 2000, xp, Vista or higher Processor: Intel / AMD 1 Ghz or above Memory: 256 MB Ram, 512 mb or higher recommended Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free hard drive space Video Card: 128MB or higher Direct X compatible video card with transform and lighting Sound Card: DirectX compliant card DirectX: DirectX 9.00 or higher


RiDKiD: ## * Intel/AMD 1 GHz or above. * Compatible with Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP and Vista. * 256 MB RAM, 512 MB or higher recommended. * DirectX 9.0c * DirectX compatible sound card. * 128 MB DirectX compatible video card with transform and lighting. * Joystick is recommended. * Internet Connection required for online play.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium II 400MHz/Athlon RAM: 128 MB VGA: 8MB Direct3D Card (NVIDIA TNT+/ATI Rage 128+/Intel 810+) with DirectX 8.1 support DX: DirectX 8.1 OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP HDD: 700 MB free disk space


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP (SP2) / Vista (SP1) / Windows 7 Pentium IV 2 GHz / AMD Athlon 2000 + (2.5 GHz / 2500 + for Vista), Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista) 6.5 GB free hard disk space, GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon 9600, DirectX 9.0c,


RiDKiD: Windows(R) 98/2000/XP/ME DirectX 9.0b (included on disc) 1.4 GHz Pentium III or equivalent AMD Athlon XP processor 256 MB RAM (512 MB required for 8-player multiplayer games) 1.8 GB free hard drive space Choe-Funk 4x CD-ROM 32 MB DirectX(R) 9.0b compatible AGP video card with Hardware Transform and Lighting DirectX(R) 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: Windows® 2000/XP DirectX® 9.0c (included on disc) 2.0 GHz Intel® Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD® Athlon XP processor 512 MB RAM required for 8-player multiplayer games) 4.0 GB free hard drive space for installation 4x DVD-ROM Choe-Funk 64 MB DirectX® 9.0c compatible AGP video card with Hardware Transform and Lighting DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD Athlon RAM: 512 MB system RAM RAM: 1 GB system RAM VGA: 128 MB NVidia GeForce 4800, 128 MB ATI Radeon 9200 Choe-Funk 256 MB Radeon X800 or greater DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows 2000/XP HDD: 3GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## Windows 2000/XP, DirectX 9.0c, 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD Athlon, 512 MB system RAM, 3GB free hard drive space, Choe-Funk, 128 MB NVidia GeForce 4800, 128 MB ATI Radeon 9200, DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit card sound card, 1024x768 display resolution


RiDKiD: Windows® 2000/XP DirectX® 9.0c (included on disc) 2.0 GHz Intel® Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD® Athlon XP processor 512 MB RAM (required for 8-player multiplayer games) 5.1 GB free hard drive space for installation 4x CD-ROM Choe-Funk 64 MB DirectX® 9.0c compatible AGP video card with Hardware Transform and Lighting DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: Windows(R) 98/2000/XP/ME DirectX 9.0c (included on disc) 1.8 GHz Pentium III or equivalent AMD Athlon XP processor 256 MB RAM (512 MB required for 8-player multiplayer games) 1.3 GB free hard drive space for installation Choe-Funk 4x CD-ROM 32 MB DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible AGP video card with Hardware Transform and Lighting DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card Keyboard, Mouse


RiDKiD: Warhammer DOW2


RiDKiD: ## CPU: P4 3.2 GHz (single core) or any Dual Core processor RAM: 1 GB RAM (XP), 1.5 GB RAM (Vista) VGA: A 128MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600, or equivalent Choe-Funk OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1 HDD: 5.5 GB of Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: DOW Chaos Rising


RiDKiD: ## CPU: P4 3.2 GHz (single core) or any Dual Core processor RAM: 1 GB RAM (XP), 1.5 GB RAM (Vista) VGA: A 128MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600, or equivalent Choe-Funk OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1 HDD: 5.5 GB of Hard Drive space


RiDKiD: DOW Retribution


RiDKiD: • Windows(R) XP SP2 or Vista(R) SP1 or Windows(R) 7 • Intel 3.2GHz / AMD Athlon64 3200+ / Intel Core (or Pentium D) 2.0 GHz or higher CPU • 1GB RAM (Windows(R) XP) or 1.5GB RAM (Vista(R)) • 256 MB Video Card using Shader Model 3 (Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600) • DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible sound card • 6.5GB of uncompressed Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7 Processor: 2.0Ghz Dual core CPU (any Core 2 Duo or AMD X2 or better) Memory: 1GB (XP), 2GB (Vista), 2GB (Windows 7) Graphics: 256MB Video Card using Shader Model 3 (Performance equivalent to an AMD Radeon 3850 or Nvidia GeForce 8800GT) DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 20 GB space free (10 GB free after install)


RiDKiD: ## System: P4 2.4Ghz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Other: 128MB video


RiDKiD: Minimum Specification Pentium 233 or equivalent 64MB of RAM Choe-Funk Windows 95/98 (Windows NT and Windows 2000 are not supported) Direct X 7


RiDKiD: Minimum Specification Pentium II 350 or equivalent 64MB of RAM 8Mb Video Card Choe-Funk CD-ROM 8x Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP (Windows NT is not supported) Direct X 8.1


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: WIndows 98SE, 2000, ME, or XP (WIndows 95&NT not supported) CPU Type and Speed: Pentium II 450 MHz or processors of the same grade Memory 128 MB RAM CD-ROM: 8x CD-ROM Hard Drive Space 1 GB Graphics Card DirectX compatible video adapter with 16MD of memory. Recommended System Requirements: CPU Type and Speed: Pentium 800 MHz or processors of the same grade Memory 256 MB RAM


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.8 Ghz or higher RAM: 1 GB HDD: 6 GB free disk space Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible DirectX: Version 9


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 1.6GHz RAM: 256MB RAM: 512MB VGA: 64MB or more of VRAM DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP and Windows Vista HDD: 4GB or more of free space


RiDKiD: ## Windows ME / XP / Vista * Pentium 3, 800 MHz * 1 GB RAM * Geforce MX 400 / Radeon 8500LE or Better * 3.0 GB of free hard drive space


RiDKiD: Operating system Windows 98, 2000, ME or XP (Windows 95 and NT not supported) CPU type and speed 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or processors of the same grade Memory 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk CD-ROM Speed 4x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive Hard drive space 1.1 GB Video card NVIDIA GeForce 2, ATI Radeon, or 3D cards of the same grade Other needs DirectX 8 compatible sound card; Keyboard; Mouse; Monitor capable of 1024x768 resolution


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel® 2.0GHz CPU RAM: 2GB VGA: 256 MB of dedicated video memory with support for pixel shader 3.0. (nVidia 8600 or equivalent) DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows® XP/Vista/7 HDD: 4GB Sound: Sound card with DirectX 9.0c support


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8Ghz 64bit (dual core) RAM: 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: Geforce® 6 Series or greater, ATI Radeon™ x800 series or greater, shader 3.0 and 256MB video memory required DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1+ (32bit & 64bit), Vista SP1+ (32bit & 64bit) HDD: 2GB Available HDD Space Sound: DirectX® compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.8Ghz 64bit (dual core) RAM: 1 GB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: Geforce® 6 Series or greater, ATI Radeon™ x800 series or greater, shader 3.0 and 256MB video memory required DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1+ (32bit & 64bit), Vista SP1+ (32bit & 64bit) HDD: 2GB Available HDD Space Sound: DirectX® compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Windows XP, Windows Vista Pentium IV 2 GHz \ AMD Athlon x64 3000+ 1024 MB RAM 2 Gb HDD free space 256 Mb NVidia GeForce 6600/ ATI Radeon X600+ DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## * Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 * Pentium III 1.0 GHz or better (1.0 GHz Vista) * 384 MB System RAM (512 MB Vista) * 64MB Video RAM * Internet Explorer 5.0+, AOL 5,6 or MSN browsers * Direct-X 9c (10 Vista) * Direct-X compatible sound card * Keyboard & mouse required * Joystick and game pad are not supported


RiDKiD: • Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista • 2.0+ GHZ Dual Core Processor • 2GB of System RAM Choe-Funk • NVIDIA 7800GT/ATI Radeon x1800XT Video Card or higher • 15 GB of Free Hard Drive Space


RiDKiD: System Requirements (Windows®) Supported OS: Windows® XP SP2 or later & Windows Vista® only Processor: 1Ghz AMD® Athlon® or Intel® Pentium® 3 or better (Pentium® 4 1.6Ghz, Athlon® 1.6ghz recommended) RAM: 512 MB (Windows XP®) / 1 GB (Windows Vista®) Video Card: 128 MB RAM, DirectX® 8 (256 MB recommended, DirectX 9 class card recommended) see supported list below Sound Card: DirectX® 8–compatible sound card DirectX Version: DirectX® 9.0c DVD-ROM: 1x or faster DVD drive Choe-Funk Hard Drive Space: 400 MB Peripherals Supported: Mouse Supported Video Cards: ATI® RADEON® 9000, 9550, X1050, Express 1250, 9250, 9600, 9800, X1300 Pro, X1650 Pro, X1800GTO, X190 Pro, X600, X700 NVIDIA® GeForce3 Ti, GeForce4 Ti 4200, 6200GS, 6600GT, 7300, 7300GT, 7600GT, 7800GS, 7900GT, 7950GT, 8600M, 8800GTS, FX5600, Go6150, Go7300, MX4000, MX400 NVIDIA® Quadro NVS 285 Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Family Chipset Intel GMA 950 Mobile Intel® 945GM/GU Express Chipset Family Intel GMA 950 Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2.0 GHz processor RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 256 MB graphics card, DirectX 9.0 compatible DX: DirectX 9.0 OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 HDD: 3 GB free hard disc space


RiDKiD: 3 GHz Intel Pentium D, AMD Athlon64 3000+ NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT or higher, ATI Radeon X1800 or higher (Minimum 256 MB Video RAM, DirectX 9c, shader model 2.0) RAM 1GB


RiDKiD: Minimum Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3200 MHz (or analogous) RAM: 1024 MB Choe-Funk Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 256 MB or ATI Radeon X1650 256 MB Hard disk space: 10 GB free disk space for game files Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3, DirectX 9.0c Sound card: DirectX compatible (AC'97 or analogous) Internet connection: 56 kbits/sec Keyboard, mouse


RiDKiD: Minimum Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3200 MHz (or analogous) RAM: 1024 MB Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 256 MB or ATI Radeon X1650 256 MB Hard disk space: 10 GB free disk space for game files Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3, DirectX 9.0c Sound card: DirectX compatible (AC'97 or analogous) Internet connection: 56 kbits/sec Keyboard, mouse Recommended Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2400 MHz (or analogous) RAM: 2048 MB Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 512 MB or ATI Radeon 4850 512 MB Hard disk space: 10 GB free disk space for game files Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 with DirectX 9.0c Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 / Microsoft Windows 7 Sound card: DirectX compatible (AC'97 or analogous) with 5.1 channel support Internet connection: 512 kbits/sec Keyboard, mouse, joystick The game is not guaranteed to run on integrated graphics adapters and laptop computers. ATTENTION! ATI Radeon X2100 and older graphic cards are not supported by the producer when used with Windows 7. More detailed information can be found on the producer's website.


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 2000/XP Processor: 1.0 GHz Memory: 1.0 GB RAM Hard Drive: 1.1 GB free space Video Card: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium [emailprotected] GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500 + Memory: 1 GB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 512 MB Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Free hard drive space: 5 Gb


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 * CPU: Intel Dual Core 2.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 2.0 Ghz * RAM: 1 GB * HDD: 2 GB free disk space * Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible 256 MB * DirectX: Version 9.0c


RiDKiD: · Operating System:Windows 98+ · RAM: 256 MB


RiDKiD: OS (Operating System): Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2, Microsoft® Windows® Vista (must be up to date with the latest fixes) Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 +2800 Choe-Funk RAM: 1024 MB RAM for Microsoft® Windows® XP / 1536 MB RAM for Microsoft® Windows® Vista Video: 128 MB Video RAM or greater with DirectX9 Vertex Shader/ Pixel Shader 2.0 support (NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X800 or better) Free HD Space: 8 - 13 GB available hard drive space Sound: DirectX 9.0c compliant soundcard, plus speakers or headphones DVD: DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or similar AMD RAM: 1 GB for Win XP / 2 GB for Win Vista VGA: Nvidia GF 8800 512 VR or similar ATI DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 HDD: 8GB for game and 8GB bonus content

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (62)

Wolfenstein 2DVD FPSWolfschanze II 1DVD FPSWolverine : X-Men Origins 2DVD ACTIONWomen's Murder Club - Twice in a Blue Moon 1CD Adventure

1CD ACTIONWorld Gone Sour 1DVD ARCADEWorld in Conflict 1DVD StrategyWorld in Conflict - Soviet Assault 2DVD StrategyWorld Of Warcraft (WOW) 1DVD OL- StrategyWorld Of Warcraft - CF Burning Crusade (Xpack 1st) 1DVD OL- StrategyWorld Of Warcraft - CF Cataclysm (Xpack 3rd) 2DVD OL- StrategyWOW - Wrath Of The Lich King (Xpack 2nd, server indogamers) 4DVD OL- StrategyWorld of Zoo 1DVD Virtual LifeWorld of Zoo Tycoon 2 1DVD TycoonWorld War II Combat - Road to Berlin ** 1CD FPSWorld War II - General Commander 1DVD StrategyWorld War II - Tank Commander 1CD ACTIONWorld War II - Time of Wrath 1CD StrategyWorld War One Gold 1DVD StrategyWorld War Zero 1CD FPSWorldShift 1DVD StrategyWorms Crazy Golf 1DVD ACTIONWorms Reloaded 1CD StrategyWorms Ultimate Mayhem 1DVD ACTIONWRC: FIA World Rally Championship 2010 1DVD RACINGWRC: FIA World Rally Championship 2011 1DVD RACINGWSC Real 09 - World Championship Snooker 1DVD Billiards




XX3 Gold Edition 3DVD RPGX3 Albion Prelude 2DVD SIMX3 Terran Conflict 2DVD SIMXIII 1DVD FPSXIII Century - Death or Glory 1DVD StrategyX-Blades 1DVD ACTIONX-Plane 9 2DVD SIMX-Plane 10 14DVD SIMX-Superbox Bundle 4DVD SIMXenus II: White Gold 1DVD ACTIONXotic 1DVD FPS

Woody Two-Legs: Attack of the Zombie Pirates

WWE Impact 2011 (527 MB, kapasitas CD 703MB, ini game CD)WWE RAW 2008 CF Totally Edition (415 MB)WWE RAW CF Ultimate Impact 2008 ** (660 MB)WWE Raw Ultimate Impact 2010 (Size 744MB, ini game DVD)

WWE Smack Down VS Raw 2007 CF Feat ECW (478 MB)WWF RAW CF 2002 (size 637 MB & 231 MB, ini game 2CD)


RiDKiD: SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP or Windows Vista(R) (Windows 95/98/ME/2000 are unsupported) Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c (included & required for Windows XP & Vista) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon(TM) 64 3400+ processor RAM: 1GB RAM Choe-Funk Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA(R) Geforce(R) 6800 GT or ATI Radeon(TM) X800 Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card HDD Space: 8GB (Plus an additional 800MB for Windows swap file) Media: 100% Microsoft Windows compatible DVD-ROM drive Internet: Broadband connection and service required for multiplayer


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium IV at 2.4 GHz RAM: 1 GB RAM VGA: 256 MB VRAM – nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD2400 Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista HDD: 4 GB of free Hard Drive Space Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible ODD: DVD-ROM Drive


RiDKiD: Wolverine (TM) does not support Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000. Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP: * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft(R) Windows XP(TM) * Intel(R) Pentium (R) 4 3.0 GHz or Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 E6300 or AMD Athlon (TM) 64 3000+ * 1 GB of RAM * 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible computer system including: * DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows(R) XP-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows(R) XP All NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7800 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 8400 cards) All ATI Radeon (TM) X1800 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding X1800 GTO, Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450) Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported Choe-Funk Minimum System Requirements for Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) * 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* * Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) * Intel(R) Pentium (R) 4 3.0 GHz or Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 E6300 or AMD Athlon (TM) 64 3000+ * 1 GB of RAM * 8 GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows(R) swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) * A 100% Windows Vista(R) compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows Vista(R) compatible computer system including: * DirectX(R) 9.0c (Included) * 100% DirectX(R) 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers * 100% Windows Vista(R) compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers * 100% Windows Vista(R)-compatible 6x speed DVD-ROM drive (600 K/sec sustained transfer rate) and drivers *Supported Chipsets for Windows Vista(R) All NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) 7800 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 8400 cards) All ATI Radeon (TM) X1800 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding X1800 GTO, Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450) Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported


RiDKiD: ## Windows XP/VISTA/Windows7, 100% DPI, Processor speed: Pentium III, 1 GHz, RAM: 512 MB, Hard drive space (uncompressed): 150 MB, DirectX 9 required, Resolution: 1024 x 768


RiDKiD: ## System: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500 Memory: 1 GB Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X1300 Sound Card: DirectX compatible Hard Disk: 300 MB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 7 / XP / Vista Processor: 1.5 GHz processor Memory: 1GB Graphics: 3D Card with 128MB video memory DirectX : 9.0c Hard Drive Space: 1 GB


RiDKiD: Windows XP, Windows Vista 2.0 GHz or faster (2.2 GHz for Windows Vista) 512 MB RAM (1.0 GB for Windows Vista) 8.0 GB free hard disk space Choe-Funk 128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (GeForce 4MX, Radeon 8500, Radeon 9200 not supported) DirectX 9 minimum card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT or better DirectX 10 minimum card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT or better DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card Keyboard and mouse Internet play requires a broadband Internet connection


RiDKiD: • OS: Windows® XP (Service Pack 2), Windows Vista™ • CPU: Single-core 2.0 GHz or faster (2.2 GHz for Windows Vista™) • CPU: Dual-core Any Intel® or AMD® • RAM: 512 MB (1 GB for Windows Vista™) Choe-Funk • Graphics: 128 MB video RAM, DirectX® 9.0c-compatible (NVIDIA® GeForce® 4 MX, ATI® Radeon® 8500, 9200 not supported) • Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible • Hard Drive: 8 GB or more available hard drive space • Disc Drive: DVD (Not required for downloadable version) • Input: Keyboard and Mouse • Internet play: Cable/DSL or better • DirectX® 9.0c




RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium® III 800 MHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz RAM: 512 MB or more of RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 32 MB 3D graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting, such as NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2 class card or above DX: DirectX® 9.0c Choe-Funk (included) and latest video drivers OS: Windows® System 2000/XP OS HDD: 6.0 GB available HD space


RiDKiD: WOW Burning Crusade


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium3 800MHz or AMD Athlon 800MHz RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: 32MB 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting, such as an NVIDIA GeForce 2 class card or above OS: Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4) or Windows XP (Service Pack 2) Sound: DirectX-compatible sound card


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+ RAM: 512 MB RAM (1GB for Vista users) Choe-Funk VGA: 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting with 32 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon 7200 or NVIDIA *Choe-Funk* GeForce 2 class card or better OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) HDD: 15 GB free hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## - Intel Pentium IV processor running at 2 GHz, AMD 64, Core 2 duo 1.6Ghz or equivalent - Microsoft Windows XP/Vista - 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM on Vista) - 2GB of hard drive space - 2X DVD-ROM Drive - Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT or ATI Radeon x1600 with at least 64MB of memory (video cards with Pixel Shader version 1.1 or better are required) - DirectX 9.0c and above - DirectX-compatible display capable of 800x600 resolution in 16-bit color - Sound: 16-bit Sound Blaster Compatible - Mouse and Keyboard


RiDKiD: • A Pentium 733 or higher processor. • Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. • 256 Megabytes (MB) of RAM. • 900 MB of available hard disk space (requires the CD in the CD-ROM drive to play the game). • A 4× CD-ROM drive. • A Direct3D-compatible super VGA display adapter with 16 MB of VRAM. • A keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device. • A sound card and speakers or headphones for audio. • DirectX 9.0b or later (included on CD; see below for installation instructions if not installed automatically).


RiDKiD: ## System: Pentium III/1.2 GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 1000 MB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP/Vista. CPU: Pentium III 1.5GHz or Athlon equivalent. RAM: 512 Mb. Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free space. Video Card: 128 MB video memory and card that supports Shader 2.0. DirectX: 9.0c compatible sound card.


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP Processor: AMD or Pentium® III 1.0 GHz Memory: 256 MB (512 recommended) Hard Disk Space: 950 MB Free CD-ROM Drive: 8X Speed Choe-Funk Video: 32 MB GeForce3/Radeon-class or other Direct X version 8.1 compliant video card* (64 MB or higher recommended) Sound: 16-bit Sound Card* ( EAX 4.0 recommended sound card) DirectX®: DirectX® version 9.0 (included) or higher *Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX® version 8.1 (included) or higher.


RiDKiD: ## Processor : Intel Pentium III at 1.2 GHz or equivalent AMD Video Card : 64 MB VRAM – DirectX 9.0 Compatible 3-D Video Card Memory : 512 MB RAM Hard Disk : 300 MB of free Hard Drive Space Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista Sound Card : DirectX 9.0 Compatible Direct X : 9.0


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 2 Gb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse DVD Rom Drive


RiDKiD: ## Windows 98/2000/XP 1 GHz Pentium or equivalent 128 Mb RAM DirectX 9 compatible graphics card: GeForce 3 1.5 Gb Hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 GHz single-core CPU RAM: 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows Vista) VGA: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 128 MB of video memory (Radeon 9600 / GeForce 5800 and above) DX: DirectX 9.0c HDD: 3 GB of hard drive space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 1 Gb Hard Drive: 700 Mb free Video Memory: 128 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4200 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.25GHz AMD Athlon or Intel equivalent RAM: 1GB VGA: 128MB Video Card (GeForce4 or equivalent card) Choe-Funk DX: DirectX® 9 or above OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 HDD: 2063MB Sound: DirectX® 9.0c-compliant sound card


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP Processor: 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or AMD64X2 (or higher) Memory: 2GB Graphics: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8400 / ATI Radeon HD 4650 or higher DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: At least 1.8 GB of Space


RiDKiD: WRC 2010


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows®XP™ SP2, Windows®Vista™ or Windows®7 WRC FIA World Rally Championship can be configured to make the most out of your PC’s capabilities. For a satisfactory gaming experience, your PC requires the following specifications: Processor: Intel™ 2.4Ghz or similar Hard disk space: 3 GB Choe-Funk RAM: 1GB Video Card: NVIDIA® Geforce 7600 or ATI® X1600 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) with at least 512MB of display memory. Online Gaming: Broadband internet connection To enjoy the full graphic potential of WRC FIA World Rally Championship it is advisable to use a PC with at least the following specifications: Processor: Intel™ Core 2 Duo / AMD™ Athlon 64 X2 or higher. RAM: 2 GB on Windows®XP™, 3 GB on Windows®Vista™ and 4 GB on Windows®7 Screen: 19" LCD Wide Screen or bigger. Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce™ series 8800 or higher, ATI® Radeon™ HD4850 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) with at least 512MB of display memory. Laptop versions of these cards are not fully supported.


RiDKiD: WRC 2011


RiDKiD: Operating System: Windows®XP™ SP2, Windows®Vista™ or Windows®7 WRC 2 FIA World Rally Championship can be configured to make the most out of your PC’s capabilities. For a satisfactory gaming experience, your PC requires the following specifications: Processor: Intel™ 2.4Ghz or similar Hard disk space: 5,5 GB RAM: 1GB Video Card: NVIDIA® Geforce 8800 GT, AMD® Radeon™ HD 3870 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) with at least 512MB of display memory. Online Gaming: Broadband internet connection To enjoy the full graphic potential of WRC 2 FIA World Rally Championship it is advisable to use a PC with at least the following specifications: Processor: Intel™ Core 2 Duo / AMD™ Athlon 64 X2 or higher. RAM: 2 GB on Windows®XP™, 3 GB on Windows®Vista™ and 4 GB on Windows®7 Screen: 19" LCD Wide Screen or bigger. Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce™ 9000 series or higher, AMD® Radeon™ HD4000 series or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) with at least 512MB of display memory. Laptop versions of these cards are not fully supported.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2GHz Pentium 4 or better CPU RAM: 512MB or more of RAM VGA: Graphics card supporting Pixel Shader 3 or better with 128MB or more of RAM (see notes below) NVIDIA: 6000 series or newer ATI Radeon: X1300 or newer DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows XP or Vista HDD: 5.5GB of free hard drive space for installation


RiDKiD: ## OC: Windows XP/Vista/Win7 Processor: P4 2,0 GHz Memory: 512 MB Choe-Funk Sound device: compatible with DirectX 9.0c Free DB: 1 Gb Video Card: Video card with 256 MB


RiDKiD: WWE Raw: Ultimate Impact can be played *Choe-Funk* on the minimum-recommended specifications: Windows 98/ME/XP compatible PC with DirectX 8 Pentium III/500MHz *Choe-Funk* Processor 3D Graphics Card 128 MB RAM 700 MB of free Hard Drive Space DirectX certified sound card 100% Microsoft *Choe-Funk* compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: Windows 98/ME/XP compatible PC with DirectX 8 Pentium III/500MHz Processor 3D Graphics Card 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk 700 MB of free Hard Drive Space DirectX certified sound card 100% Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard


RiDKiD: ## Minimum: PentiumIII-500, 128MB RAM, 8MB 3D Card Recommended: PentiumIV-1.0, 256MB RAM, 32MB 3D Card


RiDKiD: Windows 98/ME/XP compatible computer system with DirectX 8.1 Pentium III 500 Mhz Processor 3D Graphics *Choe-Funk* Accelerator Card 128 MB RAM 4x CD-ROM 1.05 GB of free Hard Drive Space DirectX certified *Choe-Funk* sound card 100% Microsoft compatible mouse and keyboard Recommended Specs Pentium III or K6-2 500 Mhz Processor 3D Graphics *Choe-Funk* Accelerator Card with 16 MB of VRAM 128 MB RAM EAX Compatible Sound Card


RiDKiD: Microsoft® Windows® 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP Pentium® IV (or AMD® equivalent) 1.7 GHz 512MB RAM 128MB 3D DirectX 9 compatible card (not onboard) with Pixel Shader 1.3 support Choe-Funk Soundcard 2GB free disk space DVD-ROM drive Mouse + Keyboard or Joystick (Optional support for force-feedback) or Gamepad


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP (SP-2), Vista SP1 Processor: Pentium® IV or AMD® equivalent at 2.0 GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: 256 MB 3D DirectX 9 Compatible video card (not onboard) with Pixel Shader 1.1 support Hard Drive: 10GB of free space Sound: Soundcard (Surround Sound support recommended)


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+ Memory: 1 Gb Choe-Funk Hard Drive: 10 Gb free Video Memory: 256 Mb Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600 Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0


RiDKiD: - Computer: A 700 MHz Pentium III or equivalent processor is required. - Operating System: XIII is supported on the following operating systems: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. - Memory: The game requires 128 MB of RAM. Choe-Funk - Controls: A keyboard and mouse are required - Drives: 1,2 Gb of free space on hard disc are required to install and play the game - Video: A 3D accelerator video card with support for DirectX® 8.1 and at least 32 MB of video memory is required. - Sound: A DirectX®-compatible 16-bit sound card is recommended.


RiDKiD: - Operating system: Windows® XP SP2, Windows® 2000 or Windows® Vista - Processor: 2.4 GHz Pentium® 4 or AMD® 2000+ - RAM: 1 GB Choe-Funk - Graphics: 256 Mb GeForce 5600 or Radeon 9600 class card or above and updated drivers - Latest drivers for ATI and nVidia graphic adapters (not older than summer 2007) - 3 GB or more available on hard drive - DVD-ROM drive - Sound card, keyboard, mouse


RiDKiD: ## CPU: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz processor or equivalent RAM: 512 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: ATI Radeon 1650 256 MB or nVidia GeForce 7600 256 MB DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 HDD: 5 GB hard disc space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 2 GHz+ RAM: 1 GB Choe Funk VGA: 64 MB VRAM, OpenGL OS: Windows® XP™ or Vista™ HDD: 70 GB Resolution: 1024x768+


RiDKiD: * a 2 GHz, dual-core CPU, * 2 GB of RAM, * a DVD-ROM, and * a DirectX 9.0c-capable video card with 128 MB of on-board, dedicated video RAM (VRAM). See here for graphics card compatibility.


RiDKiD: ## * Operating system: Windows 2000 (SP4) / Windows XP (SP2) / Vista * Processor: Intel Pentium IV processor with a clock frequency of 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 3000 + Memory: 1 GB * Video: class, comparable to the GeForce 6600GS * Free hard drive space: 6 GB of free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: 1.7 GHz Dual Core or better Memory: 2 GB Ram Hard Disk Space: 3.5 GB Available space Video Card: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card (shader model 3) DirectX®: 9.0c Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (63)

Xpand Rally Xtreme 1DVD RACINGXyanide Ressurection 1DVD SHOOTER

YYamaha Supercross 1CD RACINGYar's Revenge 1DVD ACTIONYesterday 1DVD AdventureYou Dont Know Jack 1DVD TriviaYou Are Empty 1DVD FPSYu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion 1CD MisYu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Kaiba the Revenge ** 1CD MisYu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Yugi the Destiny 1CD MisYulgang Online Indonesia 1DVD RPG

ZZeit 2 1CD SHOOTERZeno Clash 1DVD FPSZombie Driver ** 1CD DRIVINGZombie Driver Summer of Slaughter 1DVD DRIVINGZombie Murder Hell Arrives 1CD ACTIONZombie Pirates Collectors Edition 1CD ACTIONZombilution 1CD AdventureZoo Tycoon 2 1CD TycoonZoo Tycoon 2 - African Adventure (Xpack) 1CD TycoonZoo Tycoon 2 - Endangered Species (Xpack) 1CD TycoonZoo Tycoon 2 - Extinct Animals (Xpack)** 1CD TycoonZoo Tycoon 2 - Marine Mania (Xpack) ** 1CD TycoonCatatan: List akan terus di update kalau ada game baruSemua game sudah dicoba ditest di kompie ane dengan OS Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit.Game yang tidak bisa diinstall atau sudah diinstall tapi gak jalan di kompie ane, Ane tes & jalan di kompie yang pake OS Windows XP Proffesional SP2 32 bit atau SP3 32 bitBisa jadi gambaran buat agan game apa aja yang bisa jalan di Windows 7Tapi game yang tidak jalan di Kompie ane yg win7 bukan berarti juga gak jalan di Windows 7Bisa aja jalan tapi triknya belum ane tau atau karena hardware ane gak supportUntuk game yang cracknya berbentuk mini image banyak yang gak jalan di Windows 7. Cuma 2 game yg cracknya mini image yang jalan di Win 7 yaitu FM 2010 dan MotoGP 3

Arti Rincian biaya, misal agan beli paket Insane 13 dvd, 4dvd kompilasi dan 2dvd Dash Time lokasi di Jakarta, pake box

Itu artinya total 13 dvd game, diskon 1dvd jadi diitung 12dvd, dikali @5000/dvd ditambah 4 dvd kompilasi kali @8ribu/dvdditambah 2dvd dash time ditambah box (19 dvd boxnya 20rb) ama ongkir 12.000. Jumlah yg harus ditransfer Rp. 124.066

Rinciannya diurutin berdasarkan:

Sistem bonus udah diganti dengan diskon. Setiap 11dvd game diskon 1dvd game ( paket mix & dash time gak ada diskon)

pake servis YES. Ane kasih rincian 13dvd>12x5k +4x8k+ 2x10k+ 20k+ ongkir12k= 124.066

DVD Game > Kompilasi CD Game > PC Dash Time > Box > Ongkir. Lebih singkat kan, kalo disingkat. Ngirit karakter sampe 78%


RiDKiD: Windows 2000/XP P IV/AMD Athlon processor with 1.8 GHz 256 MB RAM Choe-Funk Video DX 9.0 compatible (GeForce 5700 or ATI Radeon 9600)* Sound card DX 8.0 compatible 2GB of free space on hard drive DirectX 9.0c DVD-ROM


RiDKiD: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista (admin rights required) or Windows 2000; Windows 95/98/ME/NT4 are no longer supported. Choe-Funk CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.8 GMHz or Athlon XP equivalent RAM: 256 MB system Memory 512MB(Vista) GRAPHICS: GeForce FX, Radeon 8500 64MB SOUND: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM drive HARD DRIVE: 2.6 GB Free Space INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard and3 button mouse


RiDKiD: ## Minimum System Requirements: - System: Microsoft ® Windows 2000/XP SP2 / Vista - Processor: with a clock speed of 1.7 GHz - Memory: 512 MB - Video card:-class GeForce FX, ATI 7XXX or higher - Audio card: DirectX-compatible sound card - Hard Disk: 700 MB


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP SP2, Vista SP2, 7 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 or AMD Athlon X2 4400+ Processor RAM: 1 GB Video Card: : Radeon ATI Radeon HD 2600 or NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or faster. Other integrated graphics, such as the Intel G43/G45 Express, are not supported. DirectX: 9.0c Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2) / Vista (SP1) / 7 Processor: Intel processor with a clock frequency of 2 GHz or equivalent AMD's Memory: 1 GB (for XP) or 2 GB (for Vista / 7) of RAM Video: ATI Radeon X800/Intel GMA 3000/NVIDIA GeForce 6800 * with 256 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX 9 Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 Free space on hard disk: 4 GB


RiDKiD: ## OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: 1.8 Ghz min processor speed Memory: 2GB Ram Graphics: 128 MB Direct X 9 compliant video card Choe-Funk DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5GB Sound: Direct X compatible sound card


RiDKiD: Windows 2000 or Windows XP; Intel Pentium 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon/Sempron 2500+; 512 MB RAM; ChoeFunk GeForce FX 5600 or ATI 9600 video card with 128 MB of video memory and video card drivers of the following or later versions: ForceWare 91.33 (NVidia) and Catalyst 6.6 (ATI) respectively; Windows Media 9; Sound card, 8x CD-ROM.


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 450 MHz Pentium II (or equivalent) RAM: 128 MB RAM VGA: DirectX 8.1 compliant graphics card DX: DirectX 8.1 or higher (DirectX9.0b included on disk) Choe-Funk OS: Windows XP/ME/2000/98SE HDD: 300 MB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 450 MHz Pentium II (or equivalent) RAM: 128 MB RAM VGA: DirectX 8.1 compliant graphics card Choe-Funk DX: DirectX 8.1 or higher (DirectX9.0b included on disk) OS: Windows XP/ME/2000/98SE HDD: 300 MB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 450 MHz Pentium II (or equivalent) RAM: 128 MB RAM Choe-Funk VGA: DirectX 8.1 compliant graphics card DX: DirectX 8.1 or higher (DirectX9.0b included on disk) OS: Windows XP/ME/2000/98SE HDD: 300 MB free hard disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: at least 2.13 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent RAM: 2GB VGA: at least Geforce 79XX or equivalent with DirectX 9, Shader Model 3.0, 256 MB VRAM, VGA resolution DX: DirectX 9 OS: Windows XP, Vista, and 7 HDD: 1 GB free disk space


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.7 GHz processor RAM: 512 MB RAM VGA: DirectX 8 compatible video card DX: DirectX 8 OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista


RiDKiD: ## CPU: 1.6 GHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent AMD Athlon processor RAM: 1GB VGA: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible or better video card with pixelshader 3.0 DX: DirectX® 9.0c OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP (Only) HDD: 800MB of free space


RiDKiD: ## Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7 Processor: 1.6 GHz Memory: 1 GB Video Memory: 127 MB Sound card: DirectX Compatible Hard disc: 900 MB


RiDKiD: ## - Operating system Microsoft Windows 98, XP, Vista, Win7 - Pentium 3 and above - 256 MB RAM - Video card with 32 MB memory - The sound device compatible with DirectX 9


RiDKiD: ## - CPU: 1GHz or higher, - OS: Windows XP ® or newer (vista ® or newer recommended) - Memory: 1Gb RAM (2Gb RAM recommended) - Video: 3d graphics accelerator card (must support shader model 1.1)


RiDKiD: ## # OS: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP # Processor: 1.5 GHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent AMD Athlon processor # Memory: 512 MB # Graphics: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible # DirectX®: 9.0c # Hard Drive: approx. 500 MB # Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card


RiDKiD: • A Pentium 733 or higher processor. • Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. • 256 Megabytes (MB) of RAM. • 900 MB of available hard disk space (requires the CD in the CD-ROM drive to play the game). • A 4× CD-ROM drive. Choe-Funk • A Direct3D-compatible super VGA display adapter with 16 MB of VRAM. • A keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device. • A sound card and speakers or headphones for audio. • DirectX 9.0b or later (included on CD; see below for installation instructions if not installed automatically). • Internet access for optional downloadable content.


RiDKiD: • A Pentium 733 or higher processor. • Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. • 450 Megabytes (MB) of RAM (plus space for Zoo Tycoon 2). • 900 MB of available hard disk space (requires the CD in the CD-ROM drive to play the game). • A 4× CD-ROM drive. Choe-Funk • A Direct3D-compatible super VGA display adapter with 16 MB of VRAM. • A keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device. • A DirectX 9.0-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones for audio. • DirectX 9.0c or later (included on CD; see below for installation instructions if not installed automatically). • Internet access for optional downloadable content. • Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure requires that you have Zoo Tycoon 2 installed.


RiDKiD: • A Pentium 733 or higher processor. • Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. • 256 Megabytes (MB) of RAM. • 900 MB of available hard disk space (requires the CD in the CD-ROM drive to play the game). • A 4× CD-ROM drive. Choe-Funk • A Direct3D-compatible super VGA display adapter with 16 MB of VRAM. • A keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device. • A sound card and speakers or headphones for audio. • DirectX 9.0c or later (included on CD; see below for installation instructions if not installed automatically). • Internet access for optional downloadable content. • Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species requires that you have Zoo Tycoon 2 installed.


RiDKiD: • 1-gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor. • Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista. • 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM or 512 MB of RAM if using Windows Vista. • 600 MB of available hard disk space (plus space for Zoo Tycoon 2). • 4× CD-ROM drive. The game CD must be inserted in the CD-ROM drive to play. • Graphics card with 32 MB Hardware T&L (plus support for DirectX 9.0c or later, which is included on the CD). Choe-Funk • Microsoft keyboard and mouse or Microsoft-compatible keyboard and pointing device. • Installed version of Zoo Tycoon 2. • Sound card and speakers or headphones for optional audio. • Internet access for optional Zoo Tycoon 2 downloadable content.


RiDKiD: • 1-gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor. • Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista. • 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM or 512 MB of RAM if using Windows Vista. • 600 MB of available hard disk space (plus space for Zoo Tycoon 2). • 4× CD-ROM drive. The game CD must be inserted in the CD-ROM drive to play. • Graphics card with 32 MB Hardware T&L (plus support for DirectX 9.0c or later, which is included on the CD). Choe-Funk • Microsoft keyboard and mouse or Microsoft-compatible keyboard and pointing device. • Installed version of Zoo Tycoon 2. • Sound card and speakers or headphones for optional audio. • Internet access for optional Zoo Tycoon 2 downloadable content.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (64)

Link download software pendukung game: 1. Winrar (untuk mengekstrak) >>> Download disini: Daemond Tools Lite >>> Download disini: Visual C++ 2005 / vcredist_x86 >>> Visual C++ 2008 / vcredist_x86 ) >>> Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 >>> Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 >>> DirectX 9.0c >>> AMD Radeon Driver >>> Nvidia GeForce Driver >>> Nvidia PhysX >>> Windows Live >>>

Choe-Funk GamerLand

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (65)

Choe-Funk GamerLand

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (66)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Installasi Tested With Serial Number Game, kalau di DVD gak adaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Beres install game, install sopwer, lalu ubah compabilitySETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

. Jangan sampe pesen Battlefield Bad Company 2 disingkat nulisnya Battlefield 2 karena itu game yg beda. Atau pesen Sniper Ghost Warrior nulisnya Sniper. Karena Sniper itu ada 3 judul, ntar ane anggap beli semuanya kalo nulisnya gak lengkap cuma nulis Sniper (MSR) arahkan pointer mouse ke Judul Game. MSR diambil dari dvd game atau tepmat installan game. Yg gak ada disana ane gogling. Yang dapet dari gogling ada tanda dua pagar ( ##) di awal tulisan MSR

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (67)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Untuk windows 7, pas mau install ubah komatibility jadi vista sp1, dan run admin di file setup.exe dan pas mau maen lakukan hal yg sama untuk gamenyaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

RAR Windows 7 EUG3-BXTSF-YAWUY-YULEY-UYWXY-PSRQ5-WEYVW-2ED1SETUP Windows 7 EUG4-FCU4F-YTSUY-XUYXY-SYUUF-VY03W-W66WQ-DA25SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP N/ASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 DXR32-X44M7-CYTCX-P6H6P-97CPGSETUP Windows 7 KDJMG-PF9JB-BYQ3V-H697Q-CWGHCSETUP Windows 7 RLD12-XTBWA-RLD13-MDFKA-RCTJPSETUP Windows 7 CJ6PX-37B8Q-3QT87-DXY4X-VM24GSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 saat mau main pilih begin fresh, lalu masukan Serial : 5341-1832-5559-8710SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Baca komennyaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7


RiDKiD: When asked for registration details use given information from below: User ID.........: Team CRD E-mail address..: [emailprotected] Serial key......: 11111-11111-22222-22222-33333-33333-44

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (68)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 saat ada tulisan error klik ignoreSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 2500-5248097-9624846-2118SETUP Windows 7 Copy ke hardisk, install dari hardiskSETUP Windows 7 THETA9211H1PBDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 36ekf-5ycgk-lelhy-grvvs-2kr9l-66434-cpgfz-4hccuSETUP Vista 32JVL-L3747-V3UVX-EXKE9-2FH7H-H6SNE-VEZ3J-9JQVCSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP VistaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 8HPG-ZY2YZ-XE0HS-CXLBK-649SZSETUP Windows 7 G049-HT8GW-FK40Z-GCHDX-1H749


Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (69)

SETUP Windows 7 RIDI-C4KEP-CH03Y-FUNKY-G4MEZSETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 93KK-NB47-RXM5-3BAA-HRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Install deffault aja, di C/Program file ……SETUP Windows 7 Install, copi crack. Untuk main pilih Offline modeSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7 Pastikan crack tercopi semuaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (70)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Bedanya dengan Batman AA yang biasa cek disini: Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di SKIDROWSETUP Windows 7 8456-2999578-6218439-0605SETUP Windows 7 9584-9628122-5156194-3229SETUP Windows 7 PENN-5GAD-TPAA-55NU-ZAVDSETUP Windows 7 D6GY-VGJ2-BPE5-8MSS-IVTLSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 U6F7-WMAU-I1I5-V8X7-1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 P7JA-SSJK-4FRN-M4F6-TRLD SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 0YYG-NSRE-FIGH-TING-4FUNSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 RELOADED2009-12345678-C84C9SETUP Windows 7 TRIVIUM2010-THETA-1W264ECE6SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7( + All DLC + Patch + Map Pandora + installnya simpel, gak pake copi crack saat install )SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 BRR-394-23242-N6475-69437SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 9JFP-TENA-AQBQ-XAQ5-TRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 (buat windows7: harus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. Gak bisa diinstall dari Image) (kalo di vista bisa diinstall langsung dari image). SN: 4SGK-UDDW-GU8G-K24U-5923SETUP Windows 7 74B3-JN4N-4WT4-WRHN-64BFSETUP Windows 7 XEZL-GZWX-XQZG-GEGU-EEFCSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 MPC8-MD8P-78P1-75DU-890FSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7 COJ-RKYRT-9FACF-YE9AA-E9XCF-ECF9YSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Matikan antivirus saat mengcopy crackSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 copi ke hardisk biar bisa diinstallSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder TiNYiSOSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 serial number: ridicakepSETUP Windows 7 serial number: ridicakepSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 E9TEW-Y5YTU-ETEAX-TPEEBSETUP Windows 7 Password : loongkeeSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Install patch, copi crak dari folder binSETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3 7700-1090412-6523035-4931SETUP XP SP3 RBHZ-6BHM-1NEC-ROMA-NCERSETUP Windows 7 Untuk main klik Renegade.exeSETUP Windows 7 020736-428526-011875-6507SETUP Windows 7 TQF7-FHLA-WCHN-TWCB-RRLDSETUP Windows 7 2SRR-T77D-WK2C-AEMI-RRORSETUP Windows 7 HFXF-3DL8-ZKFN-UZKK-RRLDSETUP Windows 7 ZLT3-RHQ8-CPVS-MCPP-VRLDSETUP Windows 7 HKM5-YD73-72H6-B273-6FLTSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 3438-fdf3-fd15-7fa6-94b7SETUP Windows 7 4825-03cf-668e-1765-fd43SETUP Windows 7 0AA5-37B3-F914-4FD3-910ASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Install game, install update dari dvd 2, copi crack ke C:\Program Files\Anima\Conspiracies2 (kalo agan install deffault)SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder 'nocd'SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Untuk main klik SecretVault.exe di tempat installanSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7 076W-9CJS-HMFA-32RS-SFLTSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 RP9H-4CXG-A0R2-Q8Y8-1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 HiRes jalan untuk 64bit & VGA 768MB keatas, kalo DX11 buat 32bit juga bisaSETUP Windows 7 78R9-B4KT-P5SF-X26H-UZFYSETUP Windows 7 Install game, copi crack (3 in 1 activator.exe) ke tempat install , lalu klik crack, ketik 1 (untuk game CSI) dan ketik enterSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 8WFP-QEQF-J6JS-5J6C-VRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 QZP3-EPZW-SP5N-2XEX-H7JGSETUP Windows 7 AV4E-YVQE-NACM-DD3M-KBW3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 pake krak yg biasa aja bukan imageSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 du67120631759495SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 EWCB-CGMV-K26M-GXNRSETUP Windows 7 66BP-CGPG-F96V-74E2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 VVXK-BB4L-FCUV-5J7E-8ESETUP Windows 7 PSBC-TASC-33WB-PH7L-C0SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 15KK-JC13-1111-ZSKI-DROWSETUP Windows 7 (Reloaded Version + High Resolution Texture Pack + The Black Emporium DLC + The Exiled Prince DLC + Signature DLC)SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 Crack di folder UnleashedSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 MWXT2-WTJJ4-4BMPM-C8WFR-RTBRDSETUP Windows 7 13cb-2d9b-48d5-e09bSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

RAR Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7 6L3X-W5JY-W9LH-6ATZSETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder SkidrowSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 BEM5-MYP9-JUD4-FAJ7-4548SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 Install dari file "installer.exe" dari folder 'EFTE"SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 K8W4Q-FDDHC-KPY9J-BHVJR-TCCBYSETUP Windows 7 11111-11111-11111-11111-11111SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7 install dulu game Fallout New Vegas, lalu install Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC-SKIDROW . Lalu copi crack dari folder Skidrow pada dvd DLCSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 RSNBJ-54PRT-74LFD-B8TD2-MRNPZSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 FAW3-LYS9-NUC5-LEG7-5976SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 setting config baru playSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 VW77-BSBX-QXTE-PQXX-HRLDSETUP Windows 7 DQ8G-KDNK-VNY8-KJ2X-HG2DSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 RT9Z-CZ5W-UZX9-9UZY-DRLDSETUP Windows 7 HGGY-KMBR-B4M6-T6E1-1911SETUP Windows 7 GHBT-8834-78R9-B78X-ERLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder razor 1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 [Reloaded Version + Crack + Patch V11.1.0]SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP VISTASETUP Windows 7 3615-4209737-2601657-1161SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 1311D-216A9-DF75B-3EBB2-A31A0SETUP Windows 7 0690-0872-9869-9546SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Sekarang patch sudah include di dvd gameSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 harus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. Gak bisa diinstall dari Image. crack di folder DEViANCESETUP Windows 7

RAR Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 Install game, copi crack ke hardisk, mount image crack, playSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 66N6-5QFG-GQTS-MGQ4-6RLDSETUP Windows 7 Y5N6-TYM5-76YP-K764-TRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder TiNYiSOSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 1FFE-F2C7-0D04-F2B5SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3 & Win7 Game ini dibuat untuk Vista dan XP SP 3. Untuk Windows 7 dan XP SP2 ada trik supaya gamenya jalan. Baca di Readme di DVD 1 dan 4SETUP Windows 7 Installnya lama & berat, lebih dari 1jamSETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 saat ada tulisan insert disc 4 masukan dvd 2, saat ada tulisan insert disk 7 masukan dvd 1SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP VISTASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7 digitalclubSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 11111-11111-11111-11111-11111SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 KTEE-6RQP-W5Y2-43B6-1911SETUP Windows 7 18P7-2B1Q-119S-SKID-ROW0SETUP Windows 7 B433-ZVO4-HJ9B-W247-KDEVSETUP Windows 7 F48Y-YUL4-W5L1-56F5-1911SETUP Windows 7 MGM5-Q51D-17UP-VOMF-0HTD

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 75GU-Y6UV-7YSM-EHRF-0DZV-LAN0SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 crack di disc2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 0690-0872-9869-9546SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 0756-7803-2878-7552SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7 Harus di burn lagi ke CD, install dari CDSETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 031f-f8d0-6536-b510SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 13579-24680SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 CB1Y-Y1F7-RBLZ-ND55-9ESETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Copi crack ke tempat install, tanpa overwrite. (copi file "John Daly's ProStroke Golf.exe'' ke C:\Program Files\Gusto Games Ltd\John Daly's ProStroke Golf\ )SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Install ke tempat dimana diinstall King Arthur, lalu copi crack dari folder SkidrowSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP VISTASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 crack di folder ViTALiTYSETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Installnya lama & berat, biar cpet copy ke hardisk, install dari hardiskSETUP Windows 7 Installnya lama & berat, biar cpet copy ke hardisk, install dari hardisk. Waktu main jangan balik ke desktop, bakal ngehangSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7 pas instal minta product key, ketik aja ''ridi cakep''SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 install file setup.exe dalam folder LOMAC, kluar dari folder LOMAC, trus install install file setup.exe dari dvd. Install patch, copi crack(ke instalan yg kedua/yg bukan installan dari folder LOMAC)SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2 HCGY-Z6FY-GNHJ-SGHJ-0HLMSETUP XP SP2 C8LL-RY46-H2U6-GH2N-9RLDSETUP XP SP2 7FRR-P794-5MGC-X5MC-GRLDSETUP Windows 7 UFMM-E9GQ-H1R1-M2D8-1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 XUF5 JUB2 JAB8 JUD3 4947SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 TLC-4YK9C-DR8AF-H6PR4-C3YAT-27B4YSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 KKKK-KKKK-KKKK-KKKKSETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 K27F-UNAL-O64D-72O6-4VTYSETUP Windows 7 harus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. Gak bisa diinstall dari Image. Pas main CD1 harus dimasukan ke CD romSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Install game, install update, copi crackSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 serial number: ridicakepSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 HNCU-9F7G-1OML-YHFD-1VTYSETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7 WQR9-R4F3-K3H4-C5J8-1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7 CJBB-AZ8Q-899Q-XBLA-0HTDSETUP Windows 7 4508-7460064-6505320-5319SETUP Windows 7 3LP7-ZL59-ENHM-PYCU-AULJSETUP Windows 7 5000-0960691-7327127-3234SETUP Windows 7 2NH9-37LE-TV6K-M2YS-VJB8SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 911C-318D-906E-B01ESETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crak di skidrow. Install game, beres install copi file skidrow.exe ke tempat install lalu jalankan lalu exit aja. Kemudian copi file mow_assault_squad.exe ke tempat install, maen dehSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 UHY8-XBYG-ZGJ4-YZGH-8RLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Gak pake Serial Number, lewat aja(baca Read me di disc 2)SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack ada di folder ENiGMASETUP Windows 7 F16-193-25760-10134-77088SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP VVindows NTSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 C6E6-6DSU-6DAV-36D4-YRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP VISTASETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder SkidrowSETUP Windows 7 Z79H-AJJ3-DKJA-AVDZ-6974SETUP Windows 7 KKKK-KKKK-KKKK-KKKK-3473SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 saat ada tulisan please insert disc 4, masukan dvd 2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7 4YYP3-FETKF-3WWYE-YAYWP-KWL3RSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Untuk main klik engine.exeSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Jangan terhubung internet saat mainSETUP Windows 7 MFTT-WUUP-IY5Q-T59Z-0HTDSETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 MNZZ-M4TH-T2E4-T7W3-1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 0YZH-C4CY-9681-S9K5-4DEVSETUP Windows 7 9NNW-CLG2-DGGL-MDGD-QRLDSETUP Windows 7 U5HZ-H98Q-W6UA-NW6N-DRLDSETUP Windows 7 L2QY-QE7J-Y8AA-VY84-DRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 YHSJ-3R5U-XZ27-PXZ6-ARLDSETUP Windows 7 U4XP-59QG-QYUU-Z2U2-2DEVSETUP Windows 7 H4NW-3B7M-P2RD-JYP7-RLD0SETUP Windows 7 WE999-ARE99-RLD99-L33T9-AD9VD-K6AGU-DVGEESETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Cara install baca petunjuk di folder crackSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 DZF5-J3KC6-BA3X6-1HCTR-PDK27SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 11111-11111-11111-11111-11111SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 xtrak ke hardisk, copi crack ke folder binSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 PAT4-G6UW2-5RLEB-7YP2X-N77PAsETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 perimeterSETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP VISTASETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 2222222222222222-09SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 NA9C-97AN-HSLC-46R5-JYM9SETUP Windows 7 APVM-69N6-WW3U-UE7R-3PKMSETUP Windows 7 5HRV-LVRU-F75R-MV2L-RK45SETUP Windows 7 SWY7-HTUN-3YF5-CD4D-W3AFSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Ekstract, klik setup.bat di folder extrakanSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7


SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 bh82-2206-9111-9281SETUP Windows 7 Kalau bahasa aneh, seting language di sebelah kiri atas launcherSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 untuk menginstall, klik RHEM2_Install ENGL.exe dari CD1. kalau mau main CD2 harus di mount image(Cracknya CD2)SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 EXWM6-3HJ3T-KAFDU-URJRD-AFD93SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Jangan online, baca petunjukSETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 xa3d-fwp8-ullk-s7j2-etwn-45ul

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Q6QQ-PWVZ-CUQX-YCUU-2RLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 untuk xpansion ini, starter packnya harus pake dari ane (Sacred 2 per tanggal 29 Mei 2011 kalo starter packnya beli dari yg laen xpansion ini gak akan coco*k)SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

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SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 3333-4444-5555-8521SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 crack di folder SkidrowSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7 Install dari autoplay, atau klik autorun.exe jangan klik setup.exe, beres install copi crack dari folder Skidrow ke tempat install misal di C:\Program Files\Sid Meier's Civilization VSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 622A-3TLB-XQAR-PUKT-M2RDSETUP Windows 7 L8WE-BP7V-G2U9-BG2Y-CRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (94)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 N3DP-WTNW-5WTW-D5H4-6274SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Copi isi dvd ke hardisk, langsung mainSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 1111-1111-1111-1111-2222SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 3H7M4-KMLHX-JSFXX-96GYX-E2NCZ-3GNLH-LLW9Z-S4DMDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 1kdfa-635gz-38o2t-qabuw-mc1osSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Copy ke hardisk, langsung mainSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Y4W6-BW4A-GGE6-DGGJ-9RLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 GALU-T27U-Q67K-NTSZ-MEF2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 abis install restar kompie kalo gak bisa maenSETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (95)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 5A9F-146-28D-1875-EU20SETUP Windows 7 4c01-6c6-49b-75c2-eu60SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Ekstrak, baca read me di folder CrackSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (96)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

RAR Windows 7 SR9H-WXZb-DR6X-C4GS-X1VBSETUP Windows 7 RELO-ADED-RELO-ADED-UQUQSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP2SETUP VVindows 2000SETUP Windows 7 SEB2-MYG4-GYP4-DUP5-3564SETUP VistaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 pas mau beres intal Minta insert disc1 trus, close aja. Copy crack, mainSETUP Windows 7 Matikan antivirus saat menginstall. pas mau beres intal Minta insert disc1 trus, close aja. Copy crak dari folder Deviance,SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP VistaRAR Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP VistaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 NKEM-Q25E-LAUZ-4W3TSETUP Windows 7 7ADW-EDYX-7WH9-5GU7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 DKSS-YCA2-ZO11-SSP7-3AFHSETUP Windows 7 Y34C-UKYL-6PY2-36P4-6RLD

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (97)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 f93b-4dbx-bx55-atr3-u933SETUP Windows 7 F4EN-XDGJ-8HWJ-F8HV-MRLDSETUP Windows 7 C4XP-FMKL-N936-LA1E-GVTYSETUP Windows 7 34TK-2XZL-ERKZ-YEZ9-2K8D SETUP Windows 7 QEZ9-F3QL-SAYR-KSAS-URLDSETUP Windows 7 H8JA-8LRD-7THY-5YCO-HFLTSETUP Windows 7 3S7X-SVEA-GF3U-LV7T-DBHPSETUP Windows 7 79E6-LKNL-XZPS-7XZN-WRLDSETUP Windows 7 AHNW-MG5V-XBOX-LRLD-RULESETUP Windows 7 252A-PPWQ-X2AZ-ZX22-5RLDSETUP Windows 7 DF7-2S6L-S729-2S7U-BRLDSETUP Windows 7 R44C-HRNL-VUCT-8WAZ-U1G9SETUP Windows 7 T82S-4PLG-J6V4-P1S1-1911SETUP Windows 7 Vjzr-upac-scrm-pita-litySETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 VPMV-7PYX-VTY6-RTY6-6VTYSETUP Windows 7 S34C-RA2Y-2ED7-L2ES-BRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 V677-YLAC-SCRM-E201-0VTYSETUP Windows 7 RYYG-FGVC-KZKZ-PKZM-5RLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 NQTB-JGKJ-M7X1-UML2-1FLTSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 WJC4-6MZS-YAJ3-EYAN-6RLD SETUP Windows 7 5QEN-783P-NRYG-RNRN-SRLDSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 but must have Kursk & AfrikaSETUP Windows 7 but must have Kursk & AfrikaSETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP windows 7SETUP Windows 7 99E9-AA2C-7140-F029-D009SETUP Windows 7 A823-CD0F-F249-AFE7-4ED6SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (98)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 FDA5-GTRQ-BAE3-7YFKSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 2Q4PL-S4YXN-QSULH-VR53S-SNH7FSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 P4EPBTIQDAIH7WXMSETUP Vista BUUG-CFB3-2CKA-UYMG-E15FSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 ATRZ-32UX-V29H-RZDE-A5MH-4YJASETUP Windows 7 ATRZ-N2QU-PDKP-KNT6-RMPP-RPPPSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 D5TA-WL3C-6QQJ-W77A-A6C5SETUP Windows 7 C67A-5H7A-46VX-1P11-8C10SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (99)

SETUP Windows 7 CXDBL-FMDBX-URGAJ-XREA7-XXD4W SETUP Windows 7 RRRRR-RRRRR-RRRRR-RRRRR-RRRRRSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2 serial number: ridicakepridicakepabissssSETUP Windows 7 BPZAB-E6LTP-BC9FW-BH8AMSETUP Windows 7 UXQW-9VA2-YVHP-AH7XSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 crack di folder ViTALiTY

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 P05A-LP6X-T875-PQPV-5LPVSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 pas instal minta product key, ketik aja ''ridi cakep''

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (100)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder SkidrowSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 714a-c106-8072-8665SETUP Windows 7 000 000 000 000SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Install game, copi crack, untuk main klik di start menuSETUP Windows 7 4124-350F-AB81-AC52SETUP Windows 7 76c0-6973-cf45-9954-b935 SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 4eb6-b754-37d4-9ce3-dd10SETUP Windows 7 458B-F302-1B93-D140-8C1FSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Ekstrak ke hardisk, copy crak dari folder Razor 1911(dvd2). Install windows live dari folder install(di tempat instalasi). Buka game, buat new profile windows live, Create offline profileSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder Razor1911SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder FairlightSETUP Windows 7 Instal game, instal patches(berurutan), copy crack dari folder Vitality. Saat main, jangan terkoneksi internet. saat diminta log in, klik NoSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Crack di folder Genesis, harus memakai stick. Untuk penguna wondows 7 harus di run as adminSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7


RiDKiD: Ekstrak ke hardisk, copy crak dari folder Razor 1911(dvd2). Install windows live dari folder install(di tempat instalasi). Buka game, buat new profile windows live, Create offline profile

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (101)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 Gak pake serial number, lewat aja pas dimintaSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP XP SP2SETUP XP SP3SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

RAR Windows 7RAR Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (102)

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7 crack di folder SKIDROWSETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7SETUP Windows 7

Arti Rincian biaya, misal agan beli paket Insane 13 dvd, 4dvd kompilasi dan 2dvd Dash Time lokasi di Jakarta, pake box

Itu artinya total 13 dvd game, diskon 1dvd jadi diitung 12dvd, dikali @5000/dvd ditambah 4 dvd kompilasi kali @8ribu/dvdditambah 2dvd dash time ditambah box (19 dvd boxnya 20rb) ama ongkir 12.000. Jumlah yg harus ditransfer Rp. 124.066

Sistem bonus udah diganti dengan diskon. Setiap 11dvd game diskon 1dvd game ( paket mix & dash time gak ada diskon)DVD Game > Kompilasi CD Game > PC Dash Time > Box > Ongkir. Lebih singkat kan, kalo disingkat. Ngirit karakter sampe 78%

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (103)

1. Winrar (untuk mengekstrak) >>> Download disini: Daemond Tools Lite >>> Download disini: Visual C++ 2005 / vcredist_x86 >>> Visual C++ 2008 / vcredist_x86 ) >>> Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 >>> Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 >>> DirectX 9.0c >>> AMD Radeon Driver >>> Nvidia GeForce Driver >>> Nvidia PhysX >>> Windows Live >>>

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (104)

Choe-Funk GamerLand

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (105)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Beberapa Cara Install Yang Beda(baca: Ribet)

Untuk main klik E6.exe

. Jangan sampe pesen Battlefield Bad Company 2 disingkat nulisnya Battlefield 2 karena itu game yg beda. Atau pesen Sniper Ghost Warrior nulisnya Sniper. Karena Sniper itu ada 3 judul, ntar ane anggap beli semuanya kalo nulisnya gak lengkap cuma nulis Sniper (MSR) arahkan pointer mouse ke Judul Game. MSR diambil dari dvd game atau tepmat installan game. Yg gak ada disana ane gogling. Yang dapet dari gogling ada tanda dua pagar ( ##) di awal tulisan MSR

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (106)

copy crak ke folder game

Untuk windows 7, pas mau install ubah komatibility jadi vista sp1, dan run admin di file setup.exe dan pas mau maen lakukan hal yg sama untuk gamenya

Install game, klik setupreg.exe di tempat install. Copy crack, untuk main klik EmpiresX.exe

Age of king gak jalan, tpi klo mau intall the conquerror harus install dulu age of king

Jalan di XP, intal game, copy crak ke hardisk, mount image

saat mau main pilih begin fresh, lalu masukan Serial : 5341-1832-5559-8710Ekstrak, install, update bentar, main

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (107)

Beres install, copi crack (folder Binaries) ke tempat install, replace

Kopi krak(folder binaries) dari folder Skidrow ke t4 install

install game, copi crak ke hardisk, mount image crack

install game, bres install run setup.bat

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (108)

Copi file 'A2526rez' dari folder Skidrow>Crack ke tempat install (folder bin, replace)

Di ane gak jalan, di kompie temen yang pake VGA nvidia jalan

Crack di folder TiNYiSO

Install game, copi crack ke hardisk, mount image Crackpas install, mount image juga Crack Baldur Gate II Shadow of Amn

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (109)

Bedanya dengan Batman AA yang biasa cek disini:

copi crack dari folder Skidrow ke folder bin. Untuk windows7 harus di run as admin

install game, masukan serial, lalu install patch, main

install game, masukan serial, lalu install patch, main

(Saat ada tulisan eror meminta c3, masukan disc 2 lalu klik retry)

Saat ada tulisan error masukan dvd 2 lalu klik retrySaat ada tulisan error, ganti disc. Lalu klik retry

Install game, install patch 1.01, copy crack

Crack di folder skidrow

Crack ada di dvd 1

Install game, install patch 1.01 dan 1.02, copy crack

Beres install, install update, copi crack dari folder Trivium


RiDKiD: Buat yang bermasalah maen BFBC2 mouse muter2, atau susah dikontrol: bisa diatasi dengan install ulang (di repair, bukan di remove trus di install lagi)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (110)

pas bikin profile skip aja

Saat sedang install directX ada file crack yang harus dicopy.( Baca Readme)( + All DLC + Patch + Map Pandora + installnya simpel, gak pake copi crack saat install )

Harus punya dan diinstal dulu yg The Zombie Island - add onHarus punya dan diinstal dulu yg Mad Moxxi's - add onCara installnya, smua folder dicopy paste di tempat instalan Borderland

Copy ke hardisk, start with EiB.exe in \System folder

(buat windows7: harus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. Gak bisa diinstall dari Image) (kalo di vista bisa diinstall langsung dari image). SN: 4SGK-UDDW-GU8G-K24U-5923

crack di folder skidrow

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (111)

Di ane gak jalan, di kompie temen yang pake VGA nvidia jalan

Untuk windows 7 harus ubah kompatibility

untuk windows 7 harus ubah compatibility

crack di folder Vitality

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (112)

Bres intal, copy file dari 'Dvd1/cp_crack' ke tmpat install (codename/home/game) , replace

Saat mau main, di menu game Pilih Multiplayer > Host > Launch

install game, install patch v1.01 sampe v1.03, copy crack C_C_1.03rar ke t4 installan, ekstrak, replaceSerial number semua seri buka folder keygen klik aplikasi fff-ea102.exe beres install copi crack dari dvd 1 dan dvd2

Install game, install update dari dvd 2, copi crack ke C:\Program Files\Anima\Conspiracies2 (kalo agan install deffault)

copi crack ke folder Data di tempat installan

install game, install update, copy crack

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (113)

keygen/crack di folder Fairlight

Di ane gak jalan, di kompie temen yang pake VGA nvidia jalan

HiRes jalan untuk 64bit & VGA 768MB keatas, kalo DX11 buat 32bit juga bisa

Install game, copi crack (3 in 1 activator.exe) ke tempat install , lalu klik crack, ketik 1 (untuk game CSI) dan ketik enter

Saat install diminta masukin, masukkan DVD 2 dan browse ke folder 'Disk1' klik ok. Beres install langsung copy crack

Install deffault. Kalo ada tulisan eror phsyx, restart komputer

untuk pengguna OS 64bit harus nyari crack lagi

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (114)

hrus pakai CD(dimount) pas main

Copy ke hardisk, jalankan file Demigod.exe dari folder bin

Install game, copi crack ke hardisk, mount image crack, play

Copy crack dari folder Vitality

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (115)

Untuk main klik game.exe di folder system

Install game, install patch, copi crack

(Reloaded Version + High Resolution Texture Pack + The Black Emporium DLC + The Exiled Prince DLC + Signature DLC)

Langsung copas ke tempat install DA2 (yg program file, bukan di mydocument

Install game, restart compie, copi crack

Untuk install jalankan Steambackup.exe bukan setup.exe, beres intall copi crack

Uninstall dulu semua software Agiea & Phsyx> Install game, install Phsyx dari folder Agiea, copi crack

aktivasi mirip photosop CS2. masukin serial number trus aktivasi via telephone. ntar ada number dari game, copas ke file serial number.exe di kolom Vcode. Masukin lagi number dari Acode ke game

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (116)

Copy ke tempat install

pas main, klik donlod update, klik cancel, bikin profile offlineCopy isi dvd ke hardisk, langsung main tanpa install

untuk main, klik start_single_player_game

Install game, kemudian install semua aplikasi di folder 'redist'

Copy ke hardisk, klip GP4.exe

xtrak ke hardisk, jalankan setup.bat

Install game, install update, copi crack

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (117)

install dulu game Fallout New Vegas, lalu install Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC-SKIDROW . Lalu copi crack dari folder Skidrow pada dvd DLC

Crack di folder Crack/1.0

beres install masukin disk atau copi umage ke hardsik, mount image

Copy ke hardisk, klik setup.bat, press any key. Klik Fate.exe to play

matikan antivirus saat menginstall game ini

crack copi ke folder "game" di tempat install. Untuk win7 32 bit ubah compatibility jadi Vista SP 1 dan centang tulisan run as administrator

baca petunjuk di dvd

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (118)

Copy patch V.1.1.0 ke hd, instal patch. Copy crak FFOW.exe dari folder Razor 1911 ke folder binaries

crack di folder ViTALiTYHarus uninstall software Phsyx dulu

crack di folder POSTMORTEM

crack di folder ViTALiTYCopi isi dvd ke hardisk, jalankan file yg namanya GPxPatch

harus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. Gak bisa diinstall dari Image. crack di folder DEViANCEInstall langusng main gak usah di crack

Install game, xtrak crack, mount image crack, play

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (119)

Jangan Online Kalau mau main

Copy ke hardisk, klik setupGame ini dibuat untuk Vista dan XP SP 3. Untuk Windows 7 dan XP SP2 ada trik supaya gamenya jalan. Baca di Readme di DVD 1 dan 4

saat ada tulisan insert disc 4 masukan dvd 2, saat ada tulisan insert disk 7 masukan dvd 1

Crack difolder TiNYiSO

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (120)

Pas main CD harus dimount, untuk Win7 ubah compatibility jadi VistaSaat install ganti disc2, browse folder setup di disc2 klik next

Jangan install dari autorun, install dari file gbm_v1.02.exe

Standarnya gerak dengan numlock, kalau mau rubah pilih yang Deffault WASD (Option> Mouse Keyboard)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (121)

Crack difolder Vitality

Crack di folder Skidrow

Saat install ganti disc2, browse folder disc2 di CD2 klik nextCopy ke hardisk, baca read me

pas install ada tulisan error, klik retry atau ignore

Untuk main klik start (windows batch file)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (122)

Copi crack ke tempat install, tanpa overwrite. (copi file "John Daly's ProStroke Golf.exe'' ke C:\Program Files\Gusto Games Ltd\John Daly's ProStroke Golf\ )

Copi file dari dvd1 & dvd2 ke hardisk jadiin satu folder, install dari hardisk, copi crackinstall game, pilih folder extrakan, saat eror copy crack

Crack di folder HATRED

Copy ke hardisk, langsung main

Install ke tempat dimana diinstall King Arthur, lalu copi crack dari folder Skidrow

Crack di folder skidrow

untuk main klik Tomb_Start(batch file)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (123)

Installnya lama & berat, biar cpet copy ke hardisk, install dari hardiskInstallnya lama & berat, biar cpet copy ke hardisk, install dari hardisk. Waktu main jangan balik ke desktop, bakal ngehang

install file setup.exe dalam folder LOMAC, kluar dari folder LOMAC, trus install install file setup.exe dari dvd. Install patch, copi crack(ke instalan yg kedua/yg bukan installan dari folder LOMAC)

Install, copi crack ke tempat install (tapi file loca.rar di ekstrak dulu sblum di cracking)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (124)

crack di folder ViTALiTYharus diburn lagi ke CD, install dari CD. Gak bisa diinstall dari Image. Pas main CD1 harus dimasukan ke CD rom

Baca readme

harus install update 3 dulu

Untuk Win7, sblum instal ubah properti compatibility mode installer jadi vista Sp1. krak di folder skidrow

Install update, copy crack

Copy file rar dari flder crak, xtrak. Copy lagi file dalam folder crak, replaceInstall game, install pacth, copy crack

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (125)

Crak di skidrow. Install game, beres install copi file skidrow.exe ke tempat install lalu jalankan lalu exit aja. Kemudian copi file mow_assault_squad.exe ke tempat install, maen deh

Ekstrak ke hardisk, langsung main

Di ane gak jalan, di kompie temen yang pake VGA nvidia jalan

saat install akan diminta FSX disk 1

crack di folder skidrow

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (126)

Install game, copi crack ke hardisk, mount image crack

beres install game, jalankan file activator di folder crack

untuk main CD harus dimount image

install/mount image klik .ccd

Install game, copi crack, pas main CD harus di mount image

install game, main. cd1 hrus dimount. Jangan dicrack

install game, main. cd hrus dimount

Crack di folder Hatred

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (127)

Jangan online Kalau mau main

Crack di folder Skidrow

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (128)

Untuk main klik The Path (shortcut)Jangan terkoneksi dengan internet saat install dan main

Baca readme

copi ke hardisk langsung main

ekstrak ke hardisk, mount image installer, install game, mount image crack, play

Install game, langsung main jangan copi crack. Pas masuk game, masukin Serial

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (129)

Install game, install patch, copi crackJgan online, baca read me

Patch ISL ada di Disk 2

crak di folder TiNYiSO

krak di deviance

Install dari Autorun/Autoplay jangan klik Setup.exe. Then copi crack

baca petunjukkrak di folder skidrow

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (130)

Install game, copi crack. Klik file no CD, pilih RF2, klik "Crack" Untuk main klik rf2.exe

harus pakai DVD kalau main

Crack di folder Skidrow

harus install di C/ResidentEvil3

Install game, copy crack, kalau gak jalan (ada tulisan 'xlive.dll is missing'), install windows live(gfwlivesetup.exe dalam folder redist dvd 2)

untuk menginstall, klik RHEM2_Install ENGL.exe dari CD1. kalau mau main CD2 harus di mount image(Cracknya CD2)saat mau main ada tulisan minta install Quicktime6, klik Later

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (131)

Install, langsung maen. Klo gak jalan, baru install patch 1.3 dan 1.5 trus copy crak

untuk xpansion ini, starter packnya harus pake dari ane (Sacred 2 per tanggal 29 Mei 2011 kalo starter packnya beli dari yg laen xpansion ini gak akan coco*k)

copi ke hardisk, jalankan setup.bat, untuk main klik Baja.exe

install game, install Phsyx,Xtrak, jalankan unpack.bat smpe beres, jalankan Scrapland.exe nya

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (132)

file image dari dvd harus di mount pas main

install game, copy crack(file '.dll' ke folder bin), copi crack image ke hardisk, mount image crack, playinstall game, copy crack image ke hardisk, mount image crack, play

Crack di folder HATREDUntuk pengguna Windows 7, ubah compatibility jadi Vista SP1 biar gak crash

crack di folder ViTALiTY

Install dari autoplay, atau klik autorun.exe jangan klik setup.exe, beres install copi crack dari folder Skidrow ke tempat install misal di C:\Program Files\Sid Meier's Civilization V

xtrak ke hardisk, main dari folder bin, klik silent hill.exe

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (133)

crack di folder skidrow

Install, copy crack, setting bahasa baca readme

Crack di Folder SKIDROW

Saat mengcopi crack, matikan antivirus. Karena kalo antivir gak dimatiin ada file yg gak ke copi

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (134)

install game, install update, copy crack

cd harus di mount kalo mau main

cd1 harus di mount kalo mau maincd harus di mount kalo mau main

Baca Read Me


Bres intal game, kalo ada tulisan xlive.dll eror, > install gwlive.exe dari dvd

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (135)

mount image cd1 smpe 3, Instal, copi crack ke tempat install, ekstrak, replace, play

klo crash, run admin

pas mau beres intal Minta insert disc1 trus, close aja. Copy crack, mainMatikan antivirus saat menginstall. pas mau beres intal Minta insert disc1 trus, close aja. Copy crak dari folder Deviance,

Install game, install patch di folder skidrow, main

copy ke hardis, buka xuha, bat file

Untuk install di Window7, ubah compatibility file setup.exe jadi Vista SP1

Xtract, lgsug main klik Terminator.exe kalau gak jalan, install phsyx & Open AL

Install game dari disk1, pas mau main masukin disk 2

install game, install mini.exe, mount image hasil intalnya (cracknya image)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (136)

Instal game, copi Crack dari folder Razor. Untuk main klik dari TS3 di xplorer jangan dari shortcut

crack di folder ViTALiTY

Saat ada tulisan error, berarti minta ganti disc 2

gak perlu restart. Copi & intal patch, copy crak

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (137)

Install game, bres install klik setup.bat (Window Batch File) tunggu sampe beres, then playInstall game, bres install klik setup.bat (Window Batch File) tunggu sampe beres, then play

crack di folder DEViANCE

Di kompie ane gak jalan, tapi di kompie temen yg pake vga nvidia jalan

beres install copi folser "src"dari folder crack ke tempat istall game, replaceSetelah install langsung main, tidak perlu dipatch atau copy crack

Copi ke hardisk, install dari hardisk. Kalo install lagsung dari dvd pas install minta insert disc 2,

CD harus dimount pas main

CD harus dimount pas main

Crack di folder binInstall game, install patch, copi crackUntuk instalasi memerlukan CD1 aja, kalau mau main CD2 harus di mount image

untuk main, harus jangan terhubung intenet, klik file trainz.exe di folder bin di tempat install (jangan klik di start menu)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (138)

crack di folder skidrow

install game, replace TwoWorlds.exe, patch, play

kalau ada tulisan PhysX Loader.dll isi mising, agan install aja aplikasi PhysX di folder PhysX dalam dvd game, kalau masih eror, install sekali lagi (2 kali install physX).

Di PC ane gak jalan, stop working. Tapi di PC tmen ane yg pake VGA Nvidia jalan

Install game, install patch. Gak pake crack

pas awal main dvd harus dimasukin. Tpi ntar dikeluarin aja klo dah main

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (139)

copi crack ke masing2 episode(1-4)

Loadingnya gamenya lama banget kaya gak jalan

Install game, copi crack, rename crack dari Warhamme.exe jadi Warhammer.exeInstall game, copi crack

Ekstrak ke hardisk, copy crak dari folder Razor 1911(dvd2). Install windows live dari folder install(di tempat instalasi). Buka game, buat new profile windows live, Create offline profile

beres intal klo gak bisa main restart dulu kompie

copy crak (kapow multi) ke folder data>engine, replace. Main klik kapow multi.exe

Instal game, instal patches(berurutan), copy crack dari folder Vitality. Saat main, jangan terkoneksi internet. saat diminta log in, klik No

Crack di folder Genesis, harus memakai stick. Untuk penguna wondows 7 harus di run as admin

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (140)

crack di folder skidrow

Copi isi disk game ke hardisk, jalankan file setup.bat, tunggu hingga beres

Saat mau main, dvd harus di dalam dvd rominstall game, buka folder crack, klik file 'ru-wcsnd.exe', klik patch, main

Copy isi dvd ke hardis, langsung mainCopy isi dvd ke hardis, langsung main

Saat ada tulisan error, ganti disc. Lalu klik retry

Ekstrak, mount image, install game, copi crack ke hardisk, mount image crackbres intal game, intal patch(xii 1.01), trus copy file dalam folder crack/patch ke tmpat installRestart, copy crack dari folder Vitality

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (141)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (142)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

. Jangan sampe pesen Battlefield Bad Company 2 disingkat nulisnya Battlefield 2 karena itu game yg beda. Atau pesen Sniper Ghost Warrior nulisnya Sniper. Karena Sniper itu ada 3 judul, ntar ane anggap beli semuanya kalo nulisnya gak lengkap cuma nulis Sniper

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (143)

Serial number semua seri buka folder keygen klik aplikasi fff-ea102.exe beres install copi crack dari dvd 1 dan dvd2

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (144)

Saat install diminta masukin, masukkan DVD 2 dan browse ke folder 'Disk1' klik ok. Beres install langsung copy crack

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aktivasi mirip photosop CS2. masukin serial number trus aktivasi via telephone. ntar ada number dari game, copas ke file serial number.exe di kolom Vcode. Masukin lagi number dari Acode ke game

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (146)

crack copi ke folder "game" di tempat install. Untuk win7 32 bit ubah compatibility jadi Vista SP 1 dan centang tulisan run as administrator

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (147)

Standarnya gerak dengan numlock, kalau mau rubah pilih yang Deffault WASD (Option> Mouse Keyboard)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (148)

install file setup.exe dalam folder LOMAC, kluar dari folder LOMAC, trus install install file setup.exe dari dvd. Install patch, copi crack(ke instalan yg kedua/yg bukan installan dari folder LOMAC)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (149)

Untuk Win7, sblum instal ubah properti compatibility mode installer jadi vista Sp1. krak di folder skidrow

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (150)

Crak di skidrow. Install game, beres install copi file skidrow.exe ke tempat install lalu jalankan lalu exit aja. Kemudian copi file mow_assault_squad.exe ke tempat install, maen deh

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (151)

Install game, copy crack, kalau gak jalan (ada tulisan 'xlive.dll is missing'), install windows live(gfwlivesetup.exe dalam folder redist dvd 2)

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (152)

Install dari autoplay, atau klik autorun.exe jangan klik setup.exe, beres install copi crack dari folder Skidrow ke tempat install misal di C:\Program Files\Sid Meier's Civilization V

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untuk main, harus jangan terhubung intenet, klik file trainz.exe di folder bin di tempat install (jangan klik di start menu)

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kalau ada tulisan PhysX Loader.dll isi mising, agan install aja aplikasi PhysX di folder PhysX dalam dvd game, kalau masih eror, install sekali lagi (2 kali install physX).

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (155)

Ekstrak ke hardisk, copy crak dari folder Razor 1911(dvd2). Install windows live dari folder install(di tempat instalasi). Buka game, buat new profile windows live, Create offline profile

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (156)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Cara Install game & TipsPanduan Buat Pemula:Software yang wajib kamu punya buat install game ada 2. 1. Winrar (untuk mengekstrak) 2. Daemond Tools (untuk Mount Image, buat pengguna Windows 7 harus memakai Daemond Tools Lite)Walau kamu install game yang setup tetep harus punya Winrar karena ada game yang setup tapi cracknya formatnya rar. Jadi harus di extract juga, kaya Battlefield 2142 dan Street Fighter 4Walau kamu install game yang setup tetep harus punya Daemond Tools karena ada game yang setup tapi cracknya formatnya mini image. Jadi harus di mount image juga, kaya Football Manager 2010, MotoGP3Software lain kaya directX, Windows live, Microsoft C++, Phsyx, Open AL, Microsoft net Framework biasanya sudah ada dalam DVD game. Kalau gak ada di dvd game, download aja liat webnya di sheet 3

Cara install game setup/autorun + copi crack:a. Cara paling standar> install game(klik setup.exe atau autorun.exe), ikuti perintahnya di next-next aja, beres install langsung main(kalau gak ada crack)b. Install game, copy crack (paling banyak dijumpai)

Crack gak selalu ada dalam folder crack, kadang ada di folder nama pembuat cracknya.Seperti Razor1911, Skidrow, Reloaded, ViTALiTY, Deviance, Hatred, ENiGMA, TiNYiSO, Theta, dll.Cara kerja crack sperti virus, yaitu menjebol pertahanan. Kadang crack terdeteksi sbg virus. Jadi matikan antivirus saat menginstall game>>Maksud copy crack adalah copy semua file dan atau folder dalam folder crack ke tempat install gameMisal di DVD game ada folder bernama "Crack" , " Skidrow", "Reloaded", Razor", dan lain lain. Maka yang ada di dalam folder adalah cracknya.Contoh 1: untuk game Crysis, di folder crack ada file bernama "Crysis.exe" berarti file itu adalah cracknya dan harus di copi paste ke tempat install.Contoh 2: untuk game Splinter Cell Conviction, di dalam folder "Crack" itu ada folder bernama folder "src". Maka yang di copi paste adalah folder "src". Jadi yang di copi paste bukan file exe yang ada di folder "src"Contoh 3: untuk suatu game, di folder cracknya ada file-file dan folder. Maka yang di copas adalah file dan folder itu.>>Ingat2 dimana agan install, kalau lupa liat icon game di desktop atau start menuKlik kanan icon, pilih propertis, lalu klik "Find Target"(untuk Windows XP)atau klik "Open File Location" (untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7)Nanti akan ada Xplorer baru tmpat game diinstall, paste crack disitu.kalau ada konfirmasi buat Replace/timpa, brati udah bener harus dipaste disitu. Klik oke buat replaceJadi saat install sebaiknya install juga shortcut on desktop supaya gampang nyarinya nanti kalau agan lupa dimana menginstall game ituUntuk pengguna XP setiap ada aplikasi baru gampang nyarinya di Start menu (ada warna lain misal oranye untuk aplikasi yang baru diinstall)Tapi untuk pengguna Windows 7 kadang aplikasi baru gak muncul di start menu harus di "Search program and files" di start menu(di bawah tulisan "All Program"). Ketik 3-5 huruf awal aja lalu klik icon Loop

c. Cara install yang lain. Kalau ada patch> Install game, install Patch, copy crackd. Cara install yang sangat simpel tapi jarang> copy isi dvd game ke hardisk, langsung main tanpa installe. Cara install game yang tipenya WinRAR Self Extracting, (yg part pertama tipenya aplication tapi part 2 dan selanjutnya rar, atau Cuma ada 1 file berlambang RAR/buku tapi tipenya aplication) seperti AVP, FEAR2, Last Remnant, DOW Chaos Rising, Napoleon TW:Klik part pertama, lalu muncul jendela baru, browse destination folder ke tempat agan mau install, buat folder baru/make new folder. Klik OK lalu Klik Install. Kalau ada crack, copi crack, lalu main

Ciri - ciri kalau minta crack ada tulisan "Please insert disc" atau "Wrong disc inserted" kalau agan mau main

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (157)

Cara install game RAR/ cara meng-Extract:1. a. Agan harus udah install software buat extract contohnya Winrar b. Buat satu folder di hardisk, misal Folder "ABC" di partisi "D" c. Buka dvd game, file yang RAR(part pertama) di klik kanan. d. Pilih "Extract files..." dan browse tujuan folder extract ke folder "ABC" tadi e. Tunggu sam ai selesai, kalo sudah selesai lihat ke folder "ABC" f. Nanti ada file yang formatnya image (ekstensinya iso, bin, daa, dll). Mount image file itu dengan Daemond Tools g. Akan muncul DVD Drive Virtual, misal di Drive "F". Install game tersebut dari drive "F" h. Install sampai beres, Kalau ada patch, install patchnya, Kalau ada crack, copi cracknya i. Kalau install sudah beres, file image tadi mau dihapus maka file image tersebut harus di unmount dulu. Singkatnya: Extract >> mount image >> install >> patching/cracking

2. Ada juga game RAR yang cara installnya Extract, install game, cracking. (Kaya Starcraft 2)Setelah di extract, di hardisk tidak ada file image yang ada hanya file installer. Jadi gak perlu di mount image lagi

Kalau beres install game ada tulisan "xlive.dll is mising" agan install dulu windows live. Cari file gfwlive.exe di dalam dvd game dan installKalau muncul tulisan d3dx9.dll eror atau missing, install directXnya. Kalo ada tulisan vredist error install aja vredist cari di dvd gameKalau saat beres intal game ada yang harus diinstall lagi install aja supaya gamenya jalanseperti physx, Microsoft C++, Microsoft Net Framework, Direcx, Open AL, Windows LiveKecuali software untuk maen online seperti Game spy comrade, game spy arcade, gak diinstall juga gak papa

Bantuan:Kalo udah ikutin petunjuk di list game masih gak bisa dimainin, cek hardware & operating system apakah sudah memenuhi kebutuhan minimum game. Kalo udah cukup, masih gak jalan coba installnya deffault aja. (Di C/Program File/......)Kalo masih gak jalan matiin antivirus, atau cari crack yang lain, siapa tau gak coco*k cracknya. Kalau masih gak jalan agan download dan install versi terbaru dari Windows Live, Visual C++ 2005 ( vcredist_x86 ), Visual C++ 2008 ( vcredist_x86 ), Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1, Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2, DirectX 9.0c, Driver VGA (Nvidia or AMD) . Coba juga defrag hardisk, atau bersihkan registry dengan c-cleaner. Kalo masih gak jalan, install ulang komputernya. Kalo masih gak jalan juga, coba install di kompie temen.Kalo semua cara ini udah dilakukan dan masih gak jalan, agan tanya lagi sama ane, ane bantu sebisanya. Tapi kalo ane udah gak bisa bantu agan bisa tanya di forum game kaskus, di thread troubleshooting. Biar langsung dibantu oleh para pakar

Cara Mount Image Mengggunakan Daemond Tools1. Install Daemond Tools, restart komputer2. Buka aplikasi Daemond Tools3. Klik kanan icon Daemond Tools(petir biru) di pojok kanan bawah toolbar4. Pilih Virtual Device (lihat gambar disamping)5. Pilih Device 06. Pilih Mount Image7. Pilih file yang akan di mount image8. Kalau mau nambah drive, klik Add Virtual Drive9. Kalau mau reject drivenya klik Remove Drive

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (158)

10. Kalau file imagenya mau dihapus atau mau di reject, klik Unmount image

Untuk pengguna Windows 7 yang menjadikan Daemond Tools Lite sebagai Sidebar Gadget,Cara memakainya lihat dibawah:1. Tombol Play (segitiga) untuk mount image2. Tombol Stop (kotak) untuk unmount3. Tombol Plus (tambah) untuk menambah drive4. Tombol kunci untuk mengatur properties Daemond Tools5. Tombol X untuk meremove drive

Game sekarang banyak yang berbasis windows live. Kalau gak bikin akun maka game gak akan bisa di saveCara membuat account offline Windows live:1. Saat masuk ke game, klik tombol "Home" di keyboard2. Pilih Create New Profile3. Saat ada tulisan Continue, jangan klik Continue tapi scroll mouse ke bawah.4. Pilih Create a Local Profile5. Masukkan nama, Klik submit, klik Done

Tips & Trick buat pengguna Windows 7:Kalau game gak bisa diinstall1. Klik kanan installernya, kaya aplikasi autorun.exe atau setup.exe2. Pilih Properties, pilih tab Compatibility3. Lihat kolom yang ada tulisan "Run this program in compatibility mode for" trus centang.4. Ubah compatibility mode jadi Vista SP1 (untuk Windows 7 32 bit) atau ubah jadi Vista SP2 (untuk Windows 7 64 bit) 5. Lalu centang yang ada tulisan "Run as administrator"6. Pilih Ok atau Apply7. Catatan khusus, kadang di Windows7 32bit compatibility hrus diubah jadi Vista SP2 baru game bisa jalan( tapi sangat jarang, biasanya jadi Vista SP1 juga udah jalan gamenya.)

Kalau game sudah diinstall tapi game tidak bisa dimainkan, atau lagi main malah balik ke desktop, lakukan langkah diatas (poin nomor 2 sampai 5) untuk aplikasi gamenya (di start menu, atau di shortcut di desktop). Misal untuk game The Sims 3 lakukan langkah diatas pada TS3.exe Tapi kalau masih gak jalan juga, lihat di list game apakah ane ngetest gamenya di windows 7. Kalau bukan brarti emang game tersebut gak jalan di Windows 7. Atau ada trik khusus yang harus dicariItu kalo agan pake Windows 7 32bit. Kalo agan pake Windows 7 64bit kalo gak jalan cobain dulu di kompie yang pake windows 32bit karena banyak game yang gak jalan di 64bit

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (159)

Beberapa sheet dari List ini telah diproteksi untuk menghindari copasser-copasser yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Thanx


Created by "RiDKiD 70 Choe-Funk" from "Choe-Funk GamerLand""

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (160)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (161)

DVD PC DASH -TIME (MAX 20 JUDUL DALAM 1 DVD) Rp 10.000/dvd media menggunakan Maxell 16x diburn dengan kecepatan 8x(Coco*k buat anak kecil atau cewek)

Dash -Time Management GamesAerie - Spirit of the ForestAirport Mania - First FlightAirport Mania 2 - Wild Trips Premium EditionAlice GreenfingersAlice Greenfingers 2Alice's Tea Cup MadnessAmelie's CafeAmelie's Cafe - HalloweenAmelie's Cafe - Holiday SpiritAmelie's Cafe - Summer TimeAngeloAnna's Ice CreamAntique ShopApprentice - Los Angeles TheAshton's Family ResortAvalonBaby BlimpBaby LuvBabysitting ManiaBe RichBeach Party CrazeBear's DreamBeauty FactoryBee GardenBelieve in Sandy - Holiday StoryBelieve in Santa - Sandy`s StoryBelles Beauty BoutiqueBetty's Beer BarBig Island BlendsBilbo - The Four Corners of the WorldBirdiesBistro BoulevardBloom BustersBlooming DaisiesBurger BustleBurger IslandBurger Island 2 - The Missing IngredientBurger RushBurger ShopBurger Shop 2Busy Bea's Halftime HustleCake Mania - Lights, Camera, Action!Cake Mania - Main StreetCake Mania - To The Max!Cake Mania 3

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (162)

Cake Shop 2Cake Shop 3Candace Kane's Candy FactoryCasino ChaosCat WashCathy`s Caribbean ClubChampion ChefChemist TycoonChicken ChaseChloe's Dream ResortChocolate Shop FrenzyCindy's Fashion WorldClub ControlClub Control 2Club ParadiseCluelessCoffee House ChaosCoffee RushCooking AcademyCooking Academy 2Cooking DashCooking Dash - DinerTown StudiosCooking Dash 3 - Thrills and Spills Collector's EditionCostume ChaosCountry HarvestCounty FairCrazy BurgerCrazy MolesDairy DashDancing CrazeDaycare NightmareDaycare Nightmare - Mini-MonstersDelicious - Emily's Childhood Memories Premium EditionDelicious - Emily's Holiday SeasonDelicious - Emily's Taste of FameDelicious - Emily's Tea GardenDelivery KingDiaper DashDigby's DonutsDiner Dash - Flo Through TimeDiner Dash 5 - BOOM! Collector's EditionDiner Dash Family StyleDoggie DashDQ TycoonDr. Daisy Pet VetDragon KeeperDream CarsDress Shop Hop

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (163)

Dress Up RushDrugstore ManiaElves Inc. Christmas MissionEnchanted Katya - Mystery of the Lost WizardER ManiaEverything NiceEye for DesignFab FashionFairy MaidsFamily FlightsFamily RestaurantFantastic FarmFarm 2Farm CraftFarm Craft 2 - Global Vegetable CrisisFarm FrenzyFarm Frenzy - Ancient RomeFarm Frenzy - Gone Fishing!Farm Frenzy - Pizza Party!Farm Frenzy 2Farm Frenzy 3Farm Frenzy 3 - American PieFarm Frenzy 3 - Ice AgeFarm Frenzy 3 - MadagascarFarm Frenzy 3 - Russian RouletteFarm ManiaFarm Mania - Hot VacationFarm Mania 2Farmer Ivanich - The Eggs LordFarmer JaneFarmer's MarketFashion BoutiqueFashion CrazeFashion DashFashion FitsFashion FortuneFashion ForwardFashion RushFashion StarFever FrenzyFifth Gate TheFiona Finch and the Finest FlowersFirst Class FlurryFisher’s Family FarmFishing CrazeFitness DashFitness FrenzyFix-it-Up 2 - World Tour

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (164)

Fix-it-Up 80s - Meet Kate's ParentsFlash DatingFlower Shop - Big City BreakForest ResortFruits IncFruity GardenFunky Farm 2 - Farm FreshFunny MinersFunPark Beach BlastGabCabGarage IncGarden DashGarden DefenseGarden DreamsGo-Go Gourmet - Chef of the YearGolden Hearts Juice BarGourmaniaGreat Chocolate Chase - A Chocolatier Twist TheGwen the Magic NannyHappy Hour!Harvest Mania To GoHaunted DomainsHeart's Medicine - Season OneHelens GardenerHell's KitchenHobby FarmHome Sweet HomeHome Sweet Home - Christmas EditionHome Sweet Home 2 - Kitchens and BathsHoratio's TravelsHospital HasteHospital HustleHot DishHot Dish 2 - Cross Country Cook-OffHotdog HotshotHotel Dash - Suite SuccessHotel Dash 2 - Lost LuxuriesHungry Crows 2Huru Beach PartyiCarly iSock It To 'EmIce Cream CrazeIce Cream Craze - Natural HeroIce Cream Craze - Tycoon TakeoverIce Cream Dee LitesIce Cream HeavenIce Cream ManiaIncredible ExpressJane's Hotel Mania

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (165)

Janes RealityJane's ZooJenny's Fish ShopJessica's Bow Wow BistroJessica's Cupcake CafeJet Set GoJewelleriaJoe's GardenJojo's Fashion ShowJojo's Fashion Show 2 - Las CrucesJojo's Fashion Show World TourJoy of Farming TheKelly Green Garden QueenKinderGartenKing's SmithKing's Smith 2Kitchen BrigadeKukoo KitchenLeeloo's Talent AgencyLisa's Fleet FlightLove Ahoy!Lovely KitchenLucy's ExpeditionMagic FarmMagic Farm - the Ultimate FlowerMagic SeedsMagic SweetsMaking Mr. RightMandragoraMegaplex Madness - Now PlayingMegaplex Madness - Summer BlockbusterMegastore MadnessMiraclesMiriel the Magical MerchantMiriel's Enchanted MysteryMiss ManagementMoney TreeMr StuffMy Farm LifeMy Pet StoreMystic EmporiumMystic InnNanny 911Nanny ManiaNanny Mania 2 - Nanny Goes to HollywoodOffice TheOperation ManiaOrchard

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (166)

PAC-MAN Pizza ParlorParadise Pet SalonParisian FlowersParking DashParty DownParty PlannerPenguins ManiaPet PlaygroundPet RushPet Shop HopPet Show CrazePets Fun HousePhoto ManiaPizza ChefPizza FrenzyPlan N PlantPlantasiaPosh BoutiquePosh Boutique 2Posh ShopPotion BarProject Rescue AfricaPuppy Stylin`Purrfect Pet ShopRachel's RetreatRanch RushRanch Rush 2 Collector's EditionRecycloramaRestaurant RushRoad to RichesRoller RushSally`s SalonSally's SpaSally's Studio Collector's EditionSamurai Last ExamSanta IncSanta's Super FriendsSara's Super Spa DeluxeSatisfashionSchool House ShuffleShop it Up!ShopmaniaShop-N-Spree - Family FortuneShopping BlocksShopping MadnessSnowy - Lunch RushSoap Opera DashSpa Mania

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (167)

Spa Mania 2SpongeBob Diner Dash 2Stand O' FoodStand O' Food 2Stand O'Food 3Success StorySummer RushSuper RanchSupermarket ManagementSupermarket Management 2Supermarket ManiaSupermarket Mania 2Sushi FrenzySushi To Go ExpressTeddy FactoryTeddy Tavern - A Culinary AdventureTerrafarmersTikiBarTime to Hurry - Nicole's StoryTop ChefTory's Shop'n'RushTravel AgencyTrick or TravelTropical FarmTurbo FiestaTurbo PizzaTurbo SubsVanilla & ChocolateVirtual FarmVirtual Farm 2Vogue TalesWedding DashWedding Dash - Ready, Aim, Love!Wedding Dash 2 - Rings Around the WorldWedding Dash 4-EverWedding SalonWendy's WellnessWonderful End of the World TheYe Olde Sandwich ShoppeYouda FarmerYouda Farmer 2 - Save the VillageYouda Farmer 3 - SeasonsYouda MarinaYouda SafariYouda SurvivorYouda Survivor 2Youda Sushi Chef

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DVD PC DASH -TIME (MAX 20 JUDUL DALAM 1 DVD) Rp 10.000/dvd media menggunakan Maxell 16x diburn dengan kecepatan 8x

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SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan buyer, sebelum agan bertanya sebaiknya baca dulu ini. Siapa tau ada jawabannya disini

Q= Question, A= Answer

Tentang Thread /Rule

Kenapa sih harus ada rule gan? Ribet bangetDi semua transaksi pasti ada rule baik tertulis atau tidak tertulis, yang simple atau ribet. Contoh di toko perabotan. Ada tulisan "Barang pecah berarti membeli", di toko elektronik di nota ada tulisan "Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat ditukar atau di kembalikan"Sadar tidak sadar itu adalah rule. Begitu juga di toko game, misal di Mall. Ada aturan untuk klaim garansi barang rusak harus membawa nota, dan barang yang rusaknya. Garansinya satu minggu, lewat satu minggu tidak ada klaim apapun.Jadi belanja Game yang COD pun ada rulenya. Kalau yang COD, ada barang/dvd yang rusak gampang. Tinggal bawa dvd gamenya, di tes ditokonya. Kalau terbukti emang error, notanya dibawa, masa garansi masih berlaku, akan diganti saat itu juga.Kalau agan ada game rusak, datang ke tokonya minta ganti tapi dvd gamenya gak dibawa jadi gak bisa dibuktikan dvd gamenya rusak, ane yakin tokonya gak akan mau ganti.

Nah kalau beli via online supaya seller tau kalo dvd gamenya rusak atau corrupt, maka solusinya harus kirim screenshoot buat bukti. Kalau gak bisa ngasih screenshoot maka seller pun ragu itu dvd gamenya rusak apa enggak. Kaskuser bilang no pix = HOAX :D . Dan karena jualnya via online dan ane gak nerima COD maka kalau ada yang rusak akan diganti di next order atau ganti ongkir aja kalo mau cepet.itu salah satu contoh kenapa harus ada rule. Jadi supaya tertib, jadi seller dan buyer pun nyaman

Gan kok harganya gak turun? Yg laen ada yg jual ampe 2500/dvd?Sekarang ane donlod game sendiri bukan beli dari orang. Bayar internet aja perbulannya mahal. Apalagi koleksi game ane lumayan banyak lebih dari 1500 judul. Karena itu ane gak mungkin jual murah banget kek yang lain yg internetnya pake yg murah karena gamenya beli dari orang, sehingga untuk game baru kurang update, koleksinya dikit gak sampe 1000 judulBisa aja harga ane turunin kalo : a. Tarif internet turun drastis, b. tarif listrik turun drastis, c. Harga DVD Blank turun drastis

Tapi entar ada yang jual 2500/dvd ane jadi bukan yang termurah lagi. Dan sekarang kejadian juga ada yang jual 2500/dvd, (apakah ada yang berani jual 2000/dvd atau 1500/dvd? :D ) Kesimpulannya kalo pengen jadi yang termurah gak akan ada habisnya.Dan saat dvd blank kachi harganya naik maka ane pun menaikan harga paket gamer jadi 4500, lalu jadi 4800, lalu 4900 dan sekarang ane hilangkan. Karena harga DVD blank Kachi lebih mahal dari Maxell dengan kualitas dibawah maxell. Jadi udah gak worthedKarena itu ane pengen ningkatin dari segi yang lain. Misal koleksi game yang banyak, dan ke-update-an kalo ada game baru. Sampe ane donlod game & bikin setup sendiri.Dan setelah ane telusuri yang jual 3000/dvd atau 2500/dvd itu koleksinya paling banyak Cuma 1000an jdul. Apalagi ane punya paket Mix, game cd yang kalo yang satu judul di mix dalam 7cd keitungnya jadi Rp 1.142/game

Jumlah game yg setup dibagi jumlah game ane keseluruhan terus dikali 100% >>> 1593 : 1603 x 100%= 0,9955 x 100%= 99.6 %

Gan kok tritnya panjang bener? ane males bacanyaAwalnya trit ane gak sepanjang itu. tapi seirirng waktu banyak pertanyaan yg sering ditanyakan buyer, jadi ane jelasin di trit supaya buyer gak perlu nanya lagi.

Contoh lain, ada satu aturan tidak tertulis di semua lapak game kalo ada game yg rusak diganti dengan barang yg sama. Tapi pernah ada buyer yg gamenya gak bisa diinstall sampai beres, trus minta diganti game lain.Gamenya yg rusak apa gak rame, sampe minta diganti sama game lain. Dan ada buyer yg beli game Blacksite Area (3DVD). Bukan sama ane tapi ke temen ane. DVD ke 2 eror tapi minta diganti semuanya. DVD 1, DVD 2, dan DVD 3.Ada juga buyer yang tiap order selalu minta ganti DVD yang rusak diorder sebelumnya tapi gak pernah ngasih screenshoot error. Alasannya saat install atau isi DVD mau di copi kehardisk kompie malah ngehang. Jadi gak bisa ambil SSIni jadi pelajaran buat ane sehingga harus ditulis di threat dengan detail supaya tidak dijadikan celah oleh buyer untuk mengakal-akali seller. Jadilah tRiD ane panjang supaya gak ada salah faham.

FAQ'S (Frequently Asked Questions)

FYI: Dulu waktu ane mulai jualan ane jual 4000/dvd. Dan itu harga termurah dikaskus saat itu. Beberapa bulan kemudian ada yang jual 3500/dvd. Ane mikir kalo ane pengen jadi yang termurah lagi ane harus jual 3000/dvd.

Dan untuk game Dash Time harganya 10rb/dvd dapetnya 20 judul. Keitungnya Rp 500/ Game. Ini harga game termurah di Kaskus. Yang 2500/dvd pun lewat

Gan bilangnya setup 99,6 % darimana ngitungnya gan?

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Gan kok sekarang pesanannya gak boleh digonta-ganti?Karena kalo agan gonta-ganti pesanan sampai catetan ane kacau dan ane salah kasih game, ane gak bisa kirim ulang. Karena ane bisa rugi besar.Ane manusia biasa yg kemampuannya terbatas dan gak lepas dari salah. Kalo ane salah kasih game karena agan gonta-ganti pesanan, kadang ada buyer yang ngertiin, dan maklum karena dia juga salah, pesanan di gonta-ganti.Tapi ada juga buyer yang gak mau tau, kalo kejadian kek gitu nganggapnya kesalahan dari ane, jadi tetep minta ganti. Bukan di next order atau ganti ongkir. Tapi malah minta dikirim lagi pesanan yg bener dan ongkir harus ane yg nanggung.Walapupun ada juga ynag mau bayar ongkir lagi tapi tetep aja ane rugi dvd blank.

Udah beberapa kejadian ada buyer yang pesanannya digonta-ganti, ane malah jadi salah kasih game. Yang ane burn malah pesanan yang pertama, bukan pesanan yang udah diganti atau di revisi.Kalau kejadiannya gitu buyer dan seller sama2 rugi. Karena itu pesanan gak bisa digonta ganti supaya ane gak disalahin atau dimarahin buyer lagi. Jadi pikirkan matang2 apa yang mau dipesan Kejadian ini sempat membuat ane down, stress, sehingga ane membuat rule pesanan gak boleh diganti supaya kejadian ini gak terulang lagi. Kalo terlurang, bisa-bisa menurunkan reputasi ane.Karena calon buyer yang lain kalau lihat kejadian gini bisa-bisa nganggap ane kerjanya gak becus, suka salah kasih game, jadinya mereka yang mau beli di ane pada gak jadi beli karena takut ane salah kasih game

Wilujeng itu bahasa apa gan? Artinya apa?Wilujeng itu bahasa U.S.A. (urang Sunda Asli). Artinya selamat

Harga bisa kurang? bisa COD? lokasi dimana?Harga udah nett, gak nerima COD, lokasi ane di Bandung. (walopun udah ditulis di trit masih banyak yang nanya soal ini)

Kok list gamenya gak ditulis di tRiD gan?Gak akan cukup gan. satu post maksimal 10rb karakter. Dan kalo ditulis di tRiD agan harus buka kaskus kalo mau liat listnya.Tapi kalo dalam file excel, agan donlod dulu, lagi gak online pun agan bisa liat-liat list gamenya

Kok gak nerima COD gan?Alasan pertama karena ini bisnis ilegal jadi supaya aman dari "seragam co*klat". Alasan kedua efisiensi. COD itu menyita waktu apalagi kalo buyer telat. Misal setengah jam. Setengah jam itu kalo ane ngeburn bisa burn berapa dvd tuh.Kalo ane yang telat, ane yang gak enak sama buyer. Masa buyer disuruh nunggu. Karena itu ane gak nerima COD.

Tentang Pemesanan

Pesennya harus lewat sms ya?Pesan bisa lewat sms, ym, pm atau email. (ane udah tulis ini di trit tapi anehnya banyak yg ngira kalo pesen harus lewat sms)

Kok kalo konfirmasi harus nyebutin transfer ke bank mana dan jumlahnya berapa? Kenapa gak konfirm transfer atas nama siapa, gitu aja gan?Waktu ane cek mutasi lewat e-Banking banyak nama yang gak muncul jadi percuma aja kalo agan konfirm udah transfer atas nama siapa. Dan kalo ane lagi diluar/dijalan trus agan konfirm Cuma bilang udah transfer. Bingung ngeceknya. Harus di cek ke BCA, BNI, trus ke Mandiri. Kalo agan bilang kan ane langung aja cek ke salah satu rekening. Ane kan gak hafal agan transfer sejumlah berapa. Gimana tau kalo agan udah transfer. Kalo ane lagi ditempat ane tinggal liat di database. Agan harusnya transfer berapa, ke Bank mana ane gampang ngeceknya klo lagi ditempat.Bayangin aja gan kalo sehari yg pesen 10 org, tapi yg konfirm 6 org semuanya bilang udah transfer gan, tanpa bilang transfer kemana, jumlahnya berapa, ane jadi harus ngecek catetan satu-satu siapa itu yg transfer.

Kok sms ane gak dibales?ane tanya barang udah dikirim blum? Nomor resi ane berapa? cara install game ini gimana? serial number game ono berapa? kok gamenya gak bisa dimaenin? kok pesanan ane belum nyampe?Sms cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi.klo sms tanya2 gak akan dibales. tanya-tanya via email, ym, pm, atau trit. (udah ane tulis di trit masih banyak juga yg tanya2 via sms. mungkin gak baca trit, atau udah baca tapi gak peduli)

Buat meyakinkan agan, silahkan liat sendiri ke TKP lihat mulai postingan ke 3173 di link ini: (tapi cukup lihat aja gak usah diperpanjang/ditanyakan lagi ke buyer yang bersangkutan karena urusan udah selesai & ane yang salah)

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Ane pesen lewat sms kok harus nyantumin nomor hape juga? Kan kalo ane sms agan jadi tau nomor hape ane?Iya kalau agan pesen lewat sms ane bisa tau. Tapi klo pesen lewat PM, email atau YM kan ane gak tau nomor hape agan. Klo ane tanya lagi "nomor hape berapa?"Kan ribet. Dulu sempet ada yg pesen lewat YM. Dah ngasih data lengkap tapi pas ane mau kirim baru nyadar dia blum ngasih nomor hape. Alhasil yg harusnya bisa dikirim hari itu jadi dikirim 2 hari kemudian karena ane nungguin YM dia aktif buat nanya nomor hape dia. Nomor hape penting, klo kurirnya sulit nemuin lokasi agan kan bisa nelpon.

Gan kok harus transfer pake kode unik? pesanan ane 30ribu tapi diminta bayar 30.022 ?Buat memudahkan pengecekan gan. kadang waktu ane cek namanya gak muncul di e-banking. kalo yg tranfer 30rb cuma seorang gak papa. klo yg pesanannya sejumah 30rb ada 5 orang trus yg transfer ada 4 orang tapi yg konfirm baru 2 ane kan bingung yg 2 org lagi siapa yg udah transfer?kalo pake digit unik gitu jadi gampang ngeceknya

Sistemnya misal hari minggu ini yg pesen 20 org. org pertama ane kasih digit 001, trus 002 smpe yg trahir 020. hari senin yg pertama pesen ane kasih digit 021 dst sampe 099. ntar balik lagi jadi 001. ada gunanya juga. kalau ada yg pesen minggu kemaren atau beberapa hari yg lalu tapi baru transfer sekarang . klo liat digitnya ane jadi tau yg tranfer pesennya hari kapan.

Gan ane pesen game ini kok dapetnya game ono?contoh: ane pesen game batllefield bad company 2 kok dapetnya battlefield 2?ane pesen game warhammer down of war 2 chaos rising kok dapetnya game warhammer down of war 2?Untuk game yang serinya banyak harap cantumkan judul yang lengkap. jadi liat list game ane dulu. banyak yang pesen salah tulis. karena gak tau game itu banyak serinya. Jadi kalo mau disingkat harap pake singkatan yang bener. Seperti contoh di ABB.pesen batllefield bad company 2 tapi nulisnya battlefield 2 ya ane kasih battlefield 2. setelah ane kasih tau baru deh liat list dan baru tau klo battlefield serinya banyak.atau pesen warhammer down of war 2 chaos rising tapi nulisnya warhammer down of war 2 ya ane kasih warhammer down of war 2Untuk game yang serinya banyak kalo nulis judulnya gak lengkap ane kasih semuanya. Itu kalau pesen pake sms, karena kalo ane tanya seri yang mana maka akan panjang, dan jadi tanya jawab lewat sms. Padahal sms Cuma buat pemesanan dan konfirmasi transfer.

Kalopun mau disingkat ya disingkatnya Shrek F.A. Jangan nulis Shrek aja. Kalo agan pesennya lewat PM, email atau YM ane pasti tanya dulu Shrek yang mana.Contoh lain misal agan pesen game Sniper Ghost Warrior, nulisnya pesen Sniper doank maka ane kasihnya game Sniper: Ghost Warrior, Sniper - Art of Victory, & Sniper Elite. Soalnya Shrek ada tiga seri jadi kalo agan nulisnya Sniper doank ane anggap pesen semuanya.

Tentang Ongkir per Kecamatan

Kok harus nyantumin kecamatan? alamat kaya gitu juga nyampe kok gan udah sering ngirimTarif JNE per kecamatan, bukan per kota. Bukannya ane takut paket gak nyampe, tapi supaya pengecekan ongkir lebih akurat & ane gak nombokin ongkir.Kalau agan tinggalnya di pusat kota, ongkir ke kecamatan agan sama dengan ongkir ke kota agan dan ada YESke kecamatan agan(catatan: kalau ke kota agan ada YES). Tapi kalo kecamatan agan bukan dipusat kota kemungkinan gak ada YESKalau agan tinggalnya bukan di kota kemungkinan ongkirnya masuk other provinsi yang lebih mahal dari ongkir ke kota agan.

Dulu ada kasus kaya gini. Waktu ane pake acuan onkir perkota.Ada buyer dari Magelang yang mau dikirim pake YES, onkirnya 22ribu. pas ane mau kirim di JNE ternyata ke kecamatan dia gak ada yes adanya reg onkirnya 27rb. padahal onkir ke kota Magelang yang reg 17rb. daerah dia bukan dikota, agak kedalem jadi onkirnya bukan masuk ke onkir Magelang tapi masuk ke onkir Other Jateng(27rb) jadi ane nombokin 5rb.

Kejadian lain, ada yg sesama Bandung (onkir YES 7rb). Ternyata pas ane ngirim kecamatan dia gak termasuk Bandung tpi masuk daerah lain. Gak ada onkir YES ada juga Reg itupun onkirnya 17rb(masuk ke other Jabar).Ane mau cancel tpi udah di input sama pihak JNE jadi ane nombok 10rb. kejadian kaya gini ane alami lebih dari 5 kali.makanya ane gak akan kasih rincian total berapa dan no. rek ane kalo agan belum ngasih tau kecamatan apa. kecuali buat yg di Jakarta karena onkir ke Jakarta flat, kecamatan apapun onkirnya samaKalo agan jadi seller agan gak mau nombok kan? Klo sehari ane nombok 10rb, sebulan udah 300ribu. Lama-lama bisa bangkrut ane. Wkwkwk... :D

Ane waktu pesen sama seller lain gak usah nyebutin kecamatan ganAne biasanya ngirim di perwakilan JNE pusat bukan di agen. Jadi ongkos kirim diterapkan online, per kecamatan.dipusat. Kalo ane ngirim pagi langsung bisa di tracking pagi itu, kalo di agen ngirim pagi juga baru malemnya bisa di tracking soalnya baru malemnya data diinput

Misal lewat sms agan pesen game Shrek. Shrek ada dua seri yaitu Shrek Forever After & Shrek the Third. Kalo agan mau pesen Shrek Forever After tapi pas pesen nulisnya Shrek aja ane kan gak tau. Coz perlu dicatet ane gak punya indera keenam.

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Kalo agan order gak ditanyain kecamatan brarti agan order dari seller yg ngirim di agen JNE. ongkir perkota.kalo ane ngirim di perwakilan JNE pusat ongkirnya perkecamatan. ini bukan akal-akalan JNE, tapi emang harusnya ongkir perkecamatan.tapi mungkin agen maunya gampang jadi ongkir disamaain kalo kotanya sama.tapi kata orang JNE sekarang agen juga udah nerapin ongkir perkecamatan. soalnya agen sering nombok.

misal di bandung ada yg ngirim lewat agen tujuannya satu daerah di bogor. agen anggap ongkirnya bogor, 8rb. tapi pas diinput di JNE pusat ongkir ke kecamatan itu harusnya masuk ongkir other jabar yaitu 17rb. nah berarti ditagihan nanti agen diminta bayarnya 17rb. jadi si agen itu nombok 9rb. kadang agen yang kalo diitung harusnya ditagih 30jt/bulan oleh JNE pusat malah ditagih jadi 50jt perbulan karena nombok kek tadi. makanya sekarang agen juga dikasih ongkir perkecamatan sampe tebalnya 100 halaman.dan buat kedepannya keknya agen juga menerapkan ongkir perkecamatan.maaf kalo ane rewel karena nanyain kecamatan. tapi kalo ngirim di perwakilan JNE pusat pasti ditanya kecamatan.

Ngirimnya kan pake JNE, bukan pake POS. Masih perlukah ane klo pesen nulis kode POS gan?Perlu banget. Kode POS berguna kalo kecamatan agan gak terdeteksi oleh JNE. Jadi kalo waktu ane cek di website JNE kecamatan agan gak ada, ada dua kemungkinan. Ongkirnya sama ama kota agan atau ongkirnya masuk other provinsi.Kalo gitu maka ane akan ke main agen JNE atau kantor JNE untuk ngecek kode pos agan masuknya wilayah/kota mana jadi bisa dicari ongkirnya. Sehingga ane gak nombok. Tapi ane minta waktu satu hari untuk ngecek ongkirnya soalnya harus ke kantor JNEnya dulu. Atau kalo kecamatan agan merupakan pemekaran. Tadinya desa/kelurahan tapi karena pamekaran wilayah, jadi kecamatan. Biasanya di web JNE blum terinput. Kalo ada kode pos maka bisa di cari ongkirnya. Biasanya sama dengan kecamatan yg dulunya

Tentang xpansion dan emulator

Gan xpansion pack, add on, & DLC itu apa sih?Itu tambahan gan, jadi kalo mau beli yang tiga itu harus punya yang starter packnya dulu. Contoh agan mau beli/install The Sims 3 Ambitions (Xpack). Agan harus punya dan install dulu The Sims 3

Gan kok di agan expansion pack ditulisnya Xpack?1. Biar lebih singkat gan jadi ane nulisnya lebih gampang2. Buat signature ane gan. Ane yang pertama pake istilah Xpack jadi kalo dilist orang ada tulisan Xpack berarti tuh orang copas list ane :D mungkin gak keseluruhan. Tapi copas judul game buat bikin list dia3. Karena kata Xpack mirip sama nama pegulat idola ane gan, X-Pac yang pernah gabung sama D-Generation X

Gan punya God Of War gak?God of War gak keluar buat PC. Itu exklusif console. Kalopun ada buat PC itu pake emulator. Dan ane gak jual game yang pake emulator karena kualitasnya gak maksimal dan suka banyak error.

Tentang Media DVD

Bedanya Maxel, sama Verbie apa gan?Beda Kualitas dan keawetan. Ada harga, ada kualitas. Maxell lumayan. Klo Verbatim kualitas terbaik.

Kok pakenya Maxell Thailand? Kenapa gak pakai Maxell Taiwan? Harga mahal dikit tapi kualitas lebih bagus. ?Sblum jual via online, ane trlebih dahulu jual ke temen buat percobaan. Awalnya pake media DVD T-Match. Selama dua minggu lancar sampai ada masalah game gak bisa diinstall di laptop temen (opticnya DVD ROM Samsung)Saat ane coba install pake media DVD Kachi & Maxell Thailand baru bisa jalan. Padahal yg Tmatch di coba install di kompie ane jalan. Jadi kesimpulannya DVD ROM samsung pilih-pilih media dan DVD T-Match kebaca eror klo dibaca di DVD ROM Samsung.Karena itu ane memakai media itu sampai sekarang(Kachi & Maxell). Pada awal-awal ane pake Maxell Taiwan karena lebih mahal dikit, ane mikir mungkin lebih bagus. Ternyata dari 50DVD Maxell Taiwan Cuma 20 yang berhasil(Cuma 40%) dan sisanya 60% gagal !!! Ada yang eror waktu di burn, ada yg beres diburn waktu di tes gak bisa dibaca. Tapi saat memakai Maxell Thailand lancar2 aja. Jadi kalo buat ane yg Thailand lebih baik. Kalo soal Verbatim gak usah diomongin lagi, udah paling top.

Paket Mix atau kompilasi itu apa sih ? Ane masih blum ngerti

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (183)

Game itu berdasarkan medianya ada game CD, & game DVD. Game dvd yang ane jual paling murah harganya 5000/dvd. Sedangkan harga CD blank yang bagus itu beda tipis ama harga DVD blank. Jadi kalo ane jual game CD dengan media CD paling ane jual 5000/CDkalo game CD nya ada 4CD kaya The Sims 2, ntar harganya jadi 20rb, lebih mahal daripada game yang 1DVD. Sedangkan 1 DVD blank kapasitasnya berkali-kali lipat CD jadi kalo diisi game CD maka akan bisa diisi banyak gameSatu DVD Blank itu kapasitasnya 4,38GB atau 4483MB sedangkan CD kapasitasnya 703MB. Jadi satu DVD blank bisa diisi 6CD game (6CD x 703MB= 4218 MB atau 4,12GB kalo gamenya ukurannya full 703MB. Kalo ukurannya dibawah 600MB maka bisa muat 7CD game)Sehingga jadinya lebih murah kan, kalo ane jual 1CD=5000, kalo beli 7CD game maka agan bayarnya 35.000. Tapi kalo dikompilasi maka cukup bayar 8.000. Satu dvd kompilasi bisa diisi 1 sampai 7CD game.

Gan kok buat Paket Mix/ kompilasi Cuma pake maxel? Kenapa gak ada pilihan verbatim atau kachi juga?Buat game yg DVD juga ane udah minta kalau pesen bilang mau pake media dvd apa (kachi, maxell, verbie) tapi banyak yg gak bilang mau pake dvd apa. Karena itu buat paket mix ane Cuma pake maxell biar gak ribet harus tanya lagi "mau pake DVD apa?"

Kok game CD ada tanda bintangnya artinya apa gan?Karena ane jual kompilasi maksimal 7 CD, kemungkinan bisa muat atau enggak. Kalo ane jual kompilasi 6CD udah pasti muat (6CD x 703MB= 4218 MB atau 4,12GB [dibagi 1024] jadi masih muat karena kapasitas DVD 4,38GB)Kalo yang agan pesen 7CD yang ukurannya full semua 703MB pasti gak muat jadi harus ada 1CD yg di reject (7x 703MB= 4,921MB atau 4,8GB udah gak muat dimasukin DVD) Karena itu yang ukuran diatas 600MB ane tandain bintang, kalo dikompilasi gak akan muat 7CDkalo yang dibawah 600MB per CD-nya dimasukin 7CD ke 1DVD sih pasti muat

Kalo ane pesen game CD tapi Cuma satu gimana gan? Misal ane pesen 6 dvd game dan 1 CD game dihitungnya jadi berapa?Kalo pesen Cuma satu CD ane samain harganya sama dvd. Kalo 1CD disamain sama paket mix jadi lebih mahal ntar. Jadi kek contoh tadi 6dvd dan 1cd diitungnya jadi 7dvd. Kalo cd agan pesennya 2 cd langsung ane anggap paket mix karena kalo dianggap 2dvd akan lebih mahal. Kalo 2CD di mix harganya Cuma 8ribu. Tapi kalo dihitung 2DVD pake yg paling murah sekalipun (paket insane) harganya jadi 10.000. Lebih mahal daripada di MixTapi itu kalo nulisnya game dvd sama Cd dipisahin yah. Kalo nulisnya dicampur game dvd dan cd, maka game 1cd ane anggap 1dvd, 2cd ane anggap 2dvd soalnya ngitung rinciannya jadi pusing.Contoh: GTA 4 (4DVD), Agon (1CD), ARMA 2 (2DVD), Last Remnant (3DVD), NFS Underground (2CD), Anno 1404 (1DVD), Blur (2DVD), Diablo 2 (3CD), The Sims 3 (2DVD). Nah yang acak-acakan kek gitu pusing ngerincinya. Jadi yg 1cd dihitung 1dvd, 2cd dihitung 2dvd

Ane pesan game ukurannya Cuma 700an megabyte. Kok malah dibilang game ini 1dvd gan? Bukannya 1CD yah? Banyak yang salah faham soal ini. Asal ukurannya 700an megabyte langsung dikira CD. Kapasitas CD itu 703 MegaByte. Jadi kalo ada game ukurannya diatas 703MB misal antara 704MB sampai 4483MB maka itu adalah game 1DVD.Misal game WWE Raw Ultimate Impact 2010 ukurannya 744MB, Hospital Tycoon (724MB), Mortal Kombat Apocalypse (752MB), Tycoon City - New York(707MB), Art of Murder - FBI Confidential (739MB) biar ukurannya 700an mega itu adalah game DVD

Karena game baru kalo ukurannya diatas 703MB udah gak akan di split lagi jadi 2CD atau 3CD. Tapi akan dijadikan 1DVD. Jadi game yang 2CD, 3CD, 4CD itu adalah game lama.

game dvd itu ada yg 1dvd, 2dvd, 3dvd, 1dvd ukurannya antara 704MB-4483MB game 2dvd ukurannya antara 4484MB-8966MB (satu game dibagi jadi 2 bagian)game 3dvd ukurannya antara 8967MB-13.449MB (satu game dibagi jadi 3 bagian)game 1dvd ukurannya antara 13.450MB-17.932MB (satu game dibagi jadi 2 bagian)

untuk game CD ada yg 1CD, 2CD, 3CD, 4CD, 5CD1CD ukurannya antara 1MB-703MB (satu game utuh)2CD ukurannya antara 704MB-1.406MB (satu game dibagi jadi 2 bagian)3CD ukurannya antara 1407MB-2.109MB (satu game dibagi jadi 3 bagian)4CD ukurannya antara 2110MB-2.812MB (satu game dibagi jadi 4 bagian)5CD ukurannya antara 2.813MB-3.515MB (satu game dibagi jadi 5 bagian)

Jadi kalau ada game ukurannya 750MB dan filenya gak terbagi menurut agan itu game 1CD, 1DVD atau 2CD? Kalo menurut ane itu game 1DVD

Kok kalo pesen game dvd ama cd nulisnya harus dipisahin gan? Biar ane gampang ngitungnya gan, kalo dicampur ane harus misahin lagi game dvd ama cd. Ribet & tambah lama lagi gan. Semua pesenan ane catet di notepad atau kalo lagi mati listrik ane catet dulu dibuku. Kalo pesanan dvd ama cd dipisah ane tinggal catet, trus di itung. Kalo nulisnya disatuin ane harus ngedit lagi. Nah saat ngedit itu kalo ada judul game yg kehapus atau di cut lupa di paste ntar ane jadi ngasihnya kurang.Misal agan beli 17 game CD, bisa di jadiin 3dvd kompilasi. Tapi kalo ada misal 2 game yg masing-masing 1CD yg waktu ane edit gak ke paste, maka di catetan ane tinggal 15 game CD. Tapi tetep totalnya 3dvd kompilasi.

Game itu berdasarkan medianya ada game CD, & game DVD. Untuk game baru sudah tidak ada lagi game yang 2CD, 3CD, 4CD, yang ada itu 1CD, 1DVD, 2DVD, 3DVD, dan 4DVD.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (184)

Jadinya ane ntar ngasih kurang 2CD. Karena itulah kalo agan pesen game CD mau di mix harap tulis dipisah. Supaya kesalahan seperti ini tidak terjadi. Kalau kejadian ini terjadi pasti ane sebagai seller lah yang akan disalahin

Kalo ane pesen paket mix beli 7CD, trus ternyata pas mau diburning masih sisa banyak bisa ditambah game lagi gak gan?Gak bisa gan. Karena prinsipnya ane jual game CD maksimal 7CD dalam 1DVD. Harga 8rb bisa diisi 7CD. Harga per-CD-nya keitung Rp 1142. Dan ane jual game itu harganya nett.Kalau pesen 7CD, trus masih sisa space di dvdnya dan ane tambahkan game lagi misal jadi 10 CD game, artinya harga paket mixnya jadi Rp 800/CD (8rb dibagi 10). Itu artinya sama aja ane nurunin harga. Padahal ane udah netapin harga game CD itu minimal Rp 1.142. Jadi kalo agan nawar paket mix kalo masuk mau dimasukin 10CD, Sama aja agan nawar pake insane jadi 3000/dvd atau paket extreme jadi 4000/dvd

Kalo ane pesen campuran dvd game ama paket mix bisa dapet diskon gak gan? Misal ane pesen 8dvd game pake verbatim, ama 4 dvd paket mix game, kan kalo ditotal lebih dari 10dvd. Dapet diskon gak?Kalo pesennya campuran gitu dapet diskon tapi yg dijadiin diskon itu yg harganya termurah. Di contoh barusan yang harganya yang termurah itu DVD game yg verbatim (dvd game verbatim 6rb/dvd, mix game 8rb/dvd)Jadi nanti totalnya dvd game 8dvd diskon 1dvd jadi yg diitung 7dvd x 6rb + 4dvd mix game x 8rb= total 74rb blum ongkir

Boxnya agan pake yg tebel apa yg tipis? 1boxnya diisi berapa dvd?Untuk Box ane pake yang tipis (6mm, muat 2dvd)

Kok agan bilang pake box bisa lebih awet? Pake sleeve atau filler juga keknya lebih awet deh?Kalo pake box, kan permukaan dvd tidak bersentuhan dengan box jadi lebih awet. Kalo pake sleeve kan permukaan dvd bergesekan dengan tissu/kassa di slavenya. Sehalus-halusnya tissu slave tetap akan membuat dvd baret jadi lebih gampang rusak

Tentang Operating System

O.S. itu apa sih?Operating System. Kaya Linux, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Kok tesnya pake windows 7?Karena windows 7 masih baru jadi banyak game yg belum bisa dijalankan di windows 7. Dan banyak yg pengen tau game apa aja yg jalan di Windows 7. karena itu di tes di Windows 7 klo XP kan banyak game yg coco*k

Game nya cuma jalan di windows 7 gan?Di tes di windows 7 bukan berarti cuma jalan di windows 7. bisa juga jalan di XP.ane tes game di windows7, yg gak jalan ane tes di xp sp3, atau xp sp 2. kalo masih gak jalan ane gak jual. lebih dari20 game yg ane punya tapi gak dijual karena waktu ane tes gak jalan. ane belum nemu cara install yang bener (atau emang gamenya bermasalah)

Kok tesnya di beberapa OS? Kenapa gak di satu OS aja misal di Windows 7 aja atau di XP aja?Soalnya gak ada OS yg bisa menjalankan semua game. Untuk game baru ada yang Cuma jalan di Vista dan Windows 7 dan gak jalan di XP(contoh just Cause2, NFS The Run, Battlefield 3)Beberapa game baru minimal jalan Di XP SP3 dan Gak jalan di XP SP2(contoh: NFS Shift, Dragon Age, GTA 4)untuk game lama ada yg gak jalan di Windows 7, Cuma jalan di XP SP2(contoh Mass Effect1, Kingkong, Jaws, Ghost Buster, Lord of The Ring Battle for Middle Earth all series)

Ane juga pake windows 7 tapi kok gamenya gak jalan di ane? ane pake yg 64 bitAne tes pake windows 7 ultimate 32 bit. banyak game atau software yg gak jalan di Operatig System 64 bit. karena aplikasi kebanyakan di ciptakan buat 32 bit

Bedanya O.S. 32 bit sama 64 bit apa gan?OS 32 bit paling banyak digunakan jadi banyak aplikasi atau game yg dibuat untuk OS 32 bit. kompatibilitynya tinggi.Tapi kekurangannya windows gak bisa membaca RAM lebih dari 3,5 Gigabyte. jadi kalo agan pake RAM 8 GB kebacanya cuma 3,5 GB

OS 64 bit kelebihannya bisa baca RAM lebih dari 3,5 GB. klo pake RAM 8GB ya kebacanya 8GB. tapi banyak game yg crash atau gak jalan di OS ini.

Karena itu tes harus dilakukan di beberapa OS. Karena gak ada yang namanya OS Universal.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (185)

Tentang compatibility Game

Gamenya jalan semua gak nih?Yg ane jual udah ane tes dan jalan(di kompie ane). prinsipnya kalo dvd game bagus(gak corrupt), DVD rom agan gak rusak, cara install dah bner, dan software & hardware agan udah support gamenya akan jalan.(Software= operating sistem, driver VGA, directx, windows live, c++ dan lainnya)Karena yg ane burn, master gamenya sama dengan yg ane tes.

Kalo gak jalan ini sebabnya. kalo install gak bisa sampe beres, coba copi isi dvd ke hardisk. kalo gak bisa dicopi semua, coba copi pake dvd rom laen. Kalo masih gak bisa juga brarti dvd game rusak. kirim screenshootnya ke email buat bukti. ntar ane ganti.Kalo install udah sampe beres tapi gak bisa dimaenin brati kemungkinannya ada cara intal yg salah atau kelewat, hardware gak support, atau ada software yg crash dengan game(contoh antivirus). intal bisa smpe beres brati dvd game gak rusak dan garansi gak berlaku

Kalo udah ikutin petunjuk di list game /dvd game masih gak bisa dimainin, cek hardware & operating system apakah sudah memenuhi kebutuhan minimum game. Kalo udah cukup, masih gak jalan coba installnya deffault aja. (Di C/Program File/......)Kalo masih gak jalan matiin antivirus, atau cari crack yang lain, siapa tau gak coco*k cracknya. Kalau masih gak jalan agan download dan install versi terbaru dari Windows Live, Visual C++ 2005 ( vcredist_x86 ), Visual C++ 2008 ( vcredist_x86 ), Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1, Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2, DirectX 9.0c, Driver VGA terbaru (Nvidia or AMD) . Coba juga defrag hardisk, atau bersihkan registry dengan c-cleaner. Kalo masih gak jalan, install ulang kompuernya. Kalo masih gak jalan juga, coba install di kompie temen.Kalo semua cra ini udah dilakukan dan masih gak jalan, agan tanya sama ane, tapi kalo ane udah gak bisa bantu agan bisa tanya di forum game kaskus, di thread troubleshooting. Biar langsung dibantu oleh para pakar

Karena game PC itu kompleks, gak kaya konsole (PS & Xbox gak pake install, pas beli paling copi ke hardisk langsung maen. Gak usah diinstall, di patch atau di crack kayak game pc pak tani)Tapi kalau PC buat bisa maenin semua game PCnya harus support. PC terdiri dari hardware, software, dan brainware. Kalo game gak bisa dimainkan coba cek hardware udah memenuhi permintaan minumum game apa belum, kalo udah mungkin masalah di software.Misal Windowsnya support apa enggak, udah update driver VGA terbaru atau blum, udah install software pendukung game atau belum kayak directx, c++, dll. Kalo soal brainware ane kurang tau.Di PC kadang ada factor X. Misal PC buyer udah bagus speknya cukup, software pendukung game udah diinstall, cara install udah bener, pake patch ama crack yang bagus, udah diinstall ulang windowsnya, install udah deffault, tapi game masih gak bisa dimainkan.Kalo udah gini seller pun udah gak bisa bantu lagi karena seller punya keterbatasan ilmu dalam game. Kalo udah gini, maka coba install di PC laen misal PC temen, kalo jalan ya maen aja di PC temen agan. Berarti di PC punya agan ada factor X yang bikin game gak jalan tapi blum bisa diketahui

Gan game yang anu & ono jalan gak di laptop ane? Spec laptop ane segini, kuat gak yah game itu?Ane tes di PC gak pernah tes di laptop jadi gak tau game apa aja yang jalan di laptop. Menurut buyer, banyak game yang gak jalan di laptop mereka. Malah ada yg sempet pesen 7 game, tapi cuma 1 game yang jalan di laptop dia. Setelah di install di PC, malah kebalikannya. Dari 7 game Cuma 1 yang gak jalan di PC nya. Jadi kalau agan beli buat maen dilaptop ane gak jamin gamenya jalan semua.Karena yang ane jual PC Game, bukan Laptop Game

Kok harus pake screenshot klo game error atau kasih foto waktu ngehang gan?Biar ane tau letak errornya dimana dan buat bukti klo gamenya rusak jadi ane gantinya juga enak.Dulu ada langganan yg tiap order selalu minta ganti game yg rusak di order sblumnya. pas ane minta screenshot dia bilangnya "waktu intal atau copi dvd ke hardisk komputer malah ngehang. gak bisa ambil screenshoot?"karena itu klo pas intal atau copi dvd ke hardisk komputer ngehang foto aja layar monitor trus kirim fotonya buat bukti.Kalo ane jual game buka toko, dan COD sih gampang. Game yg agan beli kalo rusak bisa dibawa ke ane lagi. Di tes langsung di kmpie ane. Tapi kan ane gak nerima COD. Jadi kalo ada yg rusak ya caranya harus pake screenshoot untuk memudahkan pengecekanDan buat bukti kalo gamenya rusak

Cara bikin screen shoot gimana gan?Cara Membuat Screen shoot : saat di monitor ada tulisan error, tekan tombol Print Screen di Keyboard.. Lalu buka aplikasi photoshop atau Paint(di assesoris bawaan windows)Kalo pake Paint paste disitu langsung, kalo di Photoshop buat new layer baru paste. Save hasilnya jadi image (format jpg, gif, atau png). Lalu kirim ke email atau PM

Tentang DVD yang kebacanya kosong

Gan dvd nya masih kosong nih. Kelewat gak ke burn ya?Agan liat permukaan dvd nya. ada keliatan bekas burning gak? Atau warnanya agak terang? klo gak ada berati ane kelewat. Bekas burn itu ada garis yang menandakan bekas burn dan ada warna yang beda antara sisi dalam dan sisi luar DVDTapi kalo ada bekas burn berarti ada 2 kemungkinan. ane gagal burn, udah diburn tpi kebaca kosong. atau dvd rom agan rusak.Soale ane pernah burning langsung di tes tapi kebaca kosong pake DVD lite on. pas di baca di dvd pioneer, itu dvd game terbaca.Jadi agan coba baca di dvd rom laen. klo masih kebaca kosong brati gagal burn.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (186)

Ane sesudah burn langsung di tes baca lagi. buat mengurangi resiko ane lupa burn, salah tulis judul di dvd, kompie ngehang saat ngebaca dvd, atau hasil burn tidak terbaca

Tentang Crack & Serial Number

Kok pas mau maen ada tulisan please insert disc, wrong disc inserted?Copi cracknya gan

Cara copi crack gimana? cara mount image gimana?Liat di list game udah ane tulis

Kok cracknya kedetek virus gan?Yang namanya crack itu prinsip kerjanya seperti virus yaitu menjebol pertahanan. Bedanya kalo virus menjebol pertahanan komputer, kalo crack menjebol pertahanan game. Jadi kadang cracknya kedetek virus. Jadi saat mau copi crack atau maen game harap matikan antivirus biar gak di blok. Terutama untuk crack yang extensinya dll. Misal paul.dll skidrow.dll dan rld.dll suka kedetek virusSebaiknya file crack dimasukkan ke Exception List di antivirus supaya gak di blok. Caranya bisa agan cari sendiri karena tiap antivirus caranya berbeda

Serial number game ono brapa kok gak ada di dvd?Kadang serial number game gak ada di file yg menandakan itu serial number. seperti file "Serial Number", "SN" atau file "Serial".Kadang serial number ada di file yg namanya reloaded, rld, keygen.klo yg gak tau nyangkanya game gak ada serial numbernya. karena itu ane tulis serial number di list game.Kalau agan sulit nyari di dvd tinggal liat list.

Minimal order berapa gan?Minimal order 2 dvd, dulu ane terima order cuma 1 dvd tapi sekarang minimal 2dvd karena setelah di pikir2 gak worthed. harga amplop sama slave dvd juga lumayan. apalagi klo pesen cuma 1 dvd tapi alamatnya panjang banget. cape nulisnya ganDan ane mikir kemungkinan terburuk. Misal lagi tanggal merah, agen tutup, yg order Cuma 1dvd, Cuma 1 orang yg order, pake Maxell. Jadi ngirimnya harus ke JNE pusat yg lokasinya agak jauh. Harga gamenya 1dvd Rp 5000 otomatis untungnya juga kurang dari 5000, buat amplop harganya 300, slave 150, kalo pake packing pake buble wrap buat packingnya Rp 700. Smentara buat ngirim pake motor bensin aja 4500/liter.Total yg dikeluarkan 300+150+700+4500= 5.650 dan itu blum termasuk dvd blank dan biaya listrik. Smentara ane Cuma dapet 5000 artinya ane nombok. Gak ada kan seller yang mau nombok. Kalo agan ordernya 2dvd, setidaknya bisa buat gantiin bensin motor ane

Game ini bisa pake stik gak? Game anu bisa maen LAN gak? Game ono bisa multiplayer gak? Game itu bisa online gak?Ane tes maen game cuma beberapa menit buat memastikan gamenya bisa di maenin. Pake keyboard, offline, single player. ane gak utak-atik maen pake stik, multiplayer atau LAN karena menyita waktu yg banyak.

Gamenya udah ada patch atau update terbaru gak? PES nya update-an kapan?Ane gak pernah sengaja donlod patch atau update. karena gak worthed. Ilustrasinya: daripada ane donlod patch trus ane install gamenya lagi buat ngetes patch jalan. trus ane bikin ulang imagenya karena ditambahin patch.Karena game lama pun patchnya masih terus ada. Misal ane punya 1200 game, tiap game ada patchnya tiap bulan, brati ane harus install 1200 game itu tiap bulan. Sangat menyita waktu dan ruang hardisk ane gan.daripada gitu mending ane donlod game yg lain trus ane tes game lain itu. lebih penting daripada cuma ngejar patch yg cuma dibutuhkan beberapa orang. klo patch nyari sendiri juga gampang, ukurannya gak gede2 banget donlodnya gak lamaKecuali kalo gamenya ada bugnya, di level tertentu gak bisa jalan maka ane akan cari dan tambahkan patchnya ke dvd game. Kalo gamenya lancar ane gak akan nyari patchnya.

Kok ane gak bisa donlod list gamenya? di blok gan linknyaKalo dikantor pasti gak bisa. situs2 donlod kaya mediafire atau rapid diblok oleh kantor supaya pegawainya gak donlod file gede2. jadi jangan donlod dari kantor.

Tentang Servis JNE

Nomor resi itu apa sih? Ane baru kali ini belanja online gan

Kalau agan gak tau bedanya DVD kosong ama yang udah di burn bisa lihat langsung gambar disini

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (187)

Nomor resi itu adalah nomor pengiriman paket. Untuk mengetahui status paket kita apakah sudah dikirim atau belum, alamatnya misroute atau enggak, paket kita langsung dikirim dari Jakarta atau transh*t di daerah mana dulu.Atau kalau paket mau di ambil sendiri di JNE kota kita, maka kita harus nyebutin nomor resi. Karena di nomor resi itu tersimpan data kita (nama, alamat, no. HP)

Kok nomor resi ane belum ada gan? Padahal ane udah transfer & konfirmasi Di lapak ane, barang dikirim 1 hari setelah transfer. Bukan dikirim di hari agan transfer. Soal ini udah di tulis di page 1, tapi banyak buyer yang gak baca tulisan itu. Ilustrasinya misal agan transfer hari senin, maka ane kirimnya hari Selasa. Dan nomor resi paling telat keluar hari Selasa malem. (catatan: itu kalau kondisi normal. Kalau orderan lagi overload atau agan pesannya banyak banget maksimal dikirim 3 hari setelah transfer. Jadi jika order senin, orderan lagi overload & agan pesennya banyak maka dikirim paling lambat hari Kamis)

Kok ongkir yang agan minta sama yang tertulis di resi beda gan? Misal ane kan tinggal di Banjarmasin pake servis Regular. Agan minta ongkir 20rb tapi di resi tertulisnya 17ribu. Tepatnya Rp 17.170Ane member JNE yang udah pegang kartu privilage(kartu item) jadi dapet diskon 15%. Dulu sih diskonnya ane kasih ke buyer. Tapi buat dapet diskon ada syaratnya gan. Syaratnya:1. Diskon berlaku buat servis YES & REG. Servis OKE gak dapet diskon2. Harus ngirim di perwakilan jne pusat/Main Agent, atau JNE Pusat yg online. (cirinya resi di print). kalo ngirim di agen gak dapet diskon (kalo di agen resinya tulis tangan)3. Listrik di kantor JNEnya harus nyala

Yang sering jadi masalah nomor 3. ane ngirim servis reg atau yes, ngirim di perwakilan jne pusat, eh malah mati listrik. Jadi sistemnya gak bisa online. jadi ane gak dapet diskon. udah beberapa kali ngalamin kayak gini.ilustrasinya kejadian dulu kayak gini: misal ongkir ke agan yg asli 25rb, karena ada diskon 15% ane cuma bayar 22rb aja ke JNE. jadi ane minta ke agan 22rb.pas ngirim mati listrik jadi ane gak dapet diskon jadi ane bayarnya 25rb. padahal ane minta ke agan 22rb. artinya ane nombok 3rb. itu dari satu orang. kalo hari itu ngirim 10 orang, nomboknya 30rb. (kalo ongkirnya sama, kalo lebih mahal nomboknya lebih gede)Sejak saat itu ane kapok ngasih diskon lagi ke buyer

Perhitungan ongkir untuk member JNE privilage : Ongkir didiskon 15% trus ditambah pajak 1%. Misal ongkir ke Banjarmasin 20rb, diskon 15% jadi 17rb. Lalu pajak 1% kali 17 rb= 170. Total ongkir 17,170 ** Kalo agan di jakarta REG tertulisnya 6,868 yang YES 10,302

Gan YES itu gimana sih? ane masih belum ngertiLayanan JNE yg express, sekarang dikirim besok sampe. singkatan dari Yakin Esok Sampai. ada garansi kalo gak sampai dalam 1 hari onkir bisa diminta kembali ke kurirnya.tapi cuma buat dikota besar dan kecamatan tertentu. Contoh: untuk kota Subang ada servis YES tapi gak semua kecamatan di Subang ada servis YES.karena itu sebutkan kecamatan kalo mau dikirim pake YES ataupun REG.YES itu maksimal sampe jam 11 malem. Jadi kalo dikirim hari ini nyampenya besok bisa pagi, siang, sore, atau malem maksimal jam 11 besok malem. Jadi kalo besok siang blum nyampe blum smpe ya tungguin aja. Jadi jangan kirim YES ke alamat kantor yang gak buka 24jam karena kalo dia smpe jam 11 malem dan kantornya tutup maka garansi ongkir kembali akan hangus.

Kenapa gak pake Servis JNE yang OKE gan? Knapa Cuma pake servis REG ama YES?Karena OKE gak worthed dan ane trauma pake OKE. OKE itu paling cepet nyampenya 3hari paling lama 6 hari. Sdangkan YES udah pasti 1 hari dan REG kalo hoki 1 hari juga sampaiDan servis OKE sekarang Cuma ada buat wilayah kota besar. Di web JNE datanya belum di update. Kadang kalo ngecek di web ke kecamatan agan ada OKE pas mau ngirim udah gak ada. Adanya Cuma REG.Dan ane pernah nombok. Dulu ada buyer yang mau pake servis OKE biar murah. Ke kecamatan dia REG 25rb, OKE 20rb. Pas ane mau kirim ternyata ke kecamatan dia udah gak ada servis OKE adanya REG. Akhirnya ane nombok 5rb. Jadi ane sekarang udah gak pake servis OKE

Ane kan lokasinya di Bandung juga. Harus pake YES gak? Kayaknya sehari pake regular juga nyampe kan deket Emang deket, gan. Tapi yang dikirim sama JNE bukan paket punya agan doank, tapi banyak banget paketnya. Dan yang didahuluin itu yang YES. Soalnya YES kalo sampe lewat dari sehari ongkir bisa diminta balik (ada garansi). Jadi otomatis yang REG dikirim belakangan.Kalo agan lagi hoki mungkin bisa sehari sampe. Misal kiriman ke Bandung yang YES lagi dikit, jadi yang REG bisa dikirim lebih cepet bisa sehari. Jadi kalo mau cepet sesama bandung juga dianjurkan pake YES (kalo ke kecamatan agan emang ada YES)Kalo mau murah ya pake REG tapi gak ada jaminan sehari sampe. Maksimal 5 hari

Kok hari Minggu gak ngirim gan? Kan kalo JNE pusat atau main agen tanggal merah juga buka?Yang kerja atau sekolah pasti ada hari liburnya. Begitu juga ane perlu juga waktu buat libur atau istirahat. Supaya gak sakit. Ane pernah di rawat di rumah sakit karena kecapean kerja tiap hari gak ada libur. Karena itu skr tanggal merah / minggu ane gak ngirim

Gan pesenan ane udah 3 hari kok belum nyampe juga ya?Kalo pake reg lama pengiriman 1-5 hari. jadi kalo belum 5 hari ya masih proses. bukannya gak sampe.

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (188)

Contoh ane kirim pesanan agan hari Senin brati paling cepet nyampenya hari Selasa paling lama hari Sabtu jam 24.00 PM(menjelang hari Minggu).Jadi kalo hari kamis atau jumat atau sabtu sore blum dateng ya masih proses

Gan udah seminggu kok blum nyampe? REG kan maksimal 5 hari tapi ini udah seminggu ganAgan telpon JNE terdekat, sebutkan nomor resinya. Kalau barangnya ada di gudang JNE, agan datang kesana sambil menyebutkan nomor resi dan membawa KTPDan lihat juga ongkir ke kecamatan agan sama gak dengan ongkir ke kota agan? Kalo lebih mahal alias masuk ke ongkir ke other privinsi lama pengiriman emang maksimal seminggu. Soalnya untuk other provinsi emang ngirim pake jadwal, seminggu sekali.

Misal agan tinggal di kecamatan Cibinong, Kota bogor. Ongkir ke Bogor Yes 14rb, reg 8rb. Sedangkan ke Kecamatan Cibinong ongkirnya masuk other Jabar, adanya Cuma servis REG ongkirnya 17rb. Kalo gitu agan yg kecamatannya di Cibinong, ongkir ke kecamatannya 17rb lebih mahal dari ongkir ke kota agan (Bogor) artinya ongkirnya masuk other provinsi. Dan pengirimannya seminggu sekali. Misal hari RabuKalo ane kirim hari Rabu, sampe Bogor hari Kamis, dari JNE bogor gak dikirim langsung hari Kamis. Tapi hari Rabu.Kalo ane kirim hari Minggu, sampe Bogor hari Senin, dari JNE bogor gak dikirim langsung hari Senin. Tapi hari Rabu.Kalo ane kirim hari Selasa, sampe Bogor hari Rabu, mungkin sama JNE Bogor dikirim hari Rabu jadi sampenya 1 hari.Jadi ane kirim hari apapun akan sampenya hari Rabu atau maksimal Seminggu.

Kalo kaya gini, ke kecamatan agan masuk ongkir other provinsi tapi agan mau cepet, maka agan bisa ambil sendiri ke JNE kota agan. Di contoh ini agan yang tinggal di Cibinong kalo mau YES bisa tapi harus di ambil sendiri di JNE Bogor ongkirnya 14rb atau reg 8rb.Kalo mau dianter kerumah ya maksimal seminggu, ongkirnya 17rb.

FAQ's ini dibuat bukan untuk membuat agan pusing atau untuk menceramahi agan. Tapi tujuan dibuat FAQ's ini untuk memudahkan agan kalau ada pertanyaan yang emang pertanyaan itu sering di tanyakan buyer, maka bisa dilihat disini. Kalo nanya ke ane kalo ane lagi gak OL agan harus nunggu beberapa waktu smpe ane OL baru bisa jawab(lewat pm or email, kalo lewat sms gak kan di bales). Tapi kalo lihat di FAQ's gak perlu nunggu lagi. Langsung ketemu jawabannya

Dan tujuan lain FAQ's ini adalah untuk memudahkan ane, kalo ada yang ditanyakan dan jawabnya udah ane tulis di FAQ, maka ane gak perlu cape-cape ngetik jawaban buat buyer. Tapi tinggal ane copas jawabannya dari FAQ's

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (189)

SMS Cuma buat pemesanan & konfirmasi transfer. Mohon maaf tanya2 via SMS gak akan dibales, harap maklum. Tanya2 via YM, PM, atau email aja

Choe-Funk List 14 April 2012 - [XLS Document] (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.