The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)

i ftsof on of the aforesaid macbiiiw, accord lift U. wm mns treacherously pushed inside. t. :t.KMMr. intun.

mill and lOted iP camcu to a in case iade vkleiW Shall s.fch bare conduct besubm lit What 1 Are not the British satiatiaa Kinif men ohihelMjfh seas Mu.ttl.eyse Iin mif citizen in itli lid tin 6 niulrraiooil what price mm nsbivetl as atjove titmcd. thueriousislifttOoa of Uagrcss. 7. Aboiita, Dee. 26.

imii rvatli ri sometime since. an imposition practised in guildmg Amen ,111 an1 nassinp them Jor eagles i of ihose I jsmillarwUh the American gold com we would hilt wht well irilt. bso great, thrt tolerable judges might :ete0.t)llRf'' Bills of the Merchants Hank i rn altered to Ten Dollar inspection is said to be tvqmrcd 'detect imposition our Maatriviu io wen to wanW Vf 8aiJ lh? ton i bir a. comnoifiiion. and 10 shd the' same is dime villi the word WeattheTfttomwTh tipper ptrrt of the ngr kand oFihc bill i tumidly, turn off and the le! Band end is cut, aiid the end of a true bill iiiccl rlued on.

The EartlniUftke oficed in our lt wa. felt. i Trv direction from this place as far as we hav term. In Columbia South CttMlini i UUcif urn lt as in thia vriH imw i tiid at abotit th mc hours tbe Columbia paper I. n.HM l.t.

It. i.G if natea, uiai mo iiunscs uc Sn rocVed'brtke nVve of the sea the South Caroli ZiiaCSihVge appeared to rock fnun its foundation .1 II wlircll dfl klul ITI "til ilie students that they It ft the Cullepa without lli Drill so sicken to eauscihc clapper of Bell i i. fotlu; i airiKe. in aaviM'uaii ihe was eauallv evere. as it was in differ places inrhc upper country.

On Amo was rsecuted i pitMUinpe of hi sentence, for the rfurder of AVil waui i rxcrtitlon by the Itevcrend Mr. Thompson, the n.l Kd Um' tfJttrvitv I.iimnttitf(Mi tuteiutedjii SIierift'' guard, tua tmincroiu jpcctaiors wrc prese nt uic aui m(L aAiM Imm rliiriniv t4ii if tim frrT hW IIHltDbV'Mil awful exit, and we undmtaitd during hi whole behad with great tk corum and ph) nriet ami evliiHawl many evidence of peni tence lie tfeniedany dehberate intention to take the lift ot Fairclmth, but ai.kuow:el)'cU tnai lie went tc kim, and in the cxixutiou of tl.iu outrage had been i. m. laJUULMirer own Biu.CJ nijf uicrviuiE, tttKft IihK tli 4ut net AnlM an Imnppa. ive andiU'miiachrionuionaguinsl giving way to Frm th Dtulg JMvertittr.

1 On a a man was digging rmvelfrum abauknn Tcnny creek, fthe pniiiertj ot 'Lewi 'rniiing) near theeitfranco of Frankfurtl CreeS, lur tlie purpose ot erecting a atone wall, fce fortunately discovered, at the distance of throe feet from llie'iurtace of the earth, a small pitcher Containing 100 pieces of antiqualed Silver Coins, of rariou natlouj (uinongat which are two of New fjigundj the latest date at 1652 all ui a pirteci state, excepting the two largest nearest the earth hich were eorrodvd with verdigreaae i a tale ban tectt handed down by tradition irom father to son, that Blackbeanl, the noted pirate, deposited UU treasure in the vicuuty otthe borotigli or crank fcrd afw of the cmtulous inliubitaiua thereof, who were aniJotu lo better O.cir jrtuac spcedi ly, rather than by the alow toil of many years. fiave been diireinjr In quest ot iinacinarY treasure jn Tain, Whilst this worthy labourer, by the sweat tua brow, trusting to fctineit industry, lias Ik cii 'asiply repaid for his toil by providence. Some upe rsiHiotis persons called on a conjurer in the neighbourhood to know his opmi.m respecting the ITeaaur wlio predicted that the two lurgesi atid Rest valued Were our two first rresitleuts, (tlie nuuest and inki inr, the penpk) whouc virtuous tdrainidtratbn. at present bv calum would resume grailuully the confidence of tlit opl arul that ot.r present p'uoiii prospects wbuw uisapiiear, and our country once more bios ra as the rpsc Anottier account from tbe Philadelphia True American: A small earthen pot filled with one hundred pie. frs of silver ava (liiir un bv iinnr workmen on Mr awis Weniuag's place, rear Frankfoi the e'oun'Ty seat of ltbn XiM, Esq.

This pt Was btuud in a bed of gravel, three feet under ou the margin of Taconcy Crk4 The coin consist of many dipt pieces of very ancient toglish motit some crown pieces uf Jnies 1. el theda sll. ami William HI I ilcq. wine several shilling piectsof (as it is spelt, with Xew Kngland on tire reverse') of the tlate of 1C32 The gloss on the pot is still bright and scarcely any part Of it decayed, except at the bottom. From th Philadelphia JlegiMter, entriat the serious attention of all American ieadcr, democrats or federalists to the details of Congressional and Exvcutiu procerdiiigx, as fin in this daa Itcgister, and ahen they have oigested the resolution of Mr.

l'orcr and Mr. Kee, and the St creiary of War's letter, mending the repeal of the Non Importation Law, We pray them reflect on the state of the nation, nd to adjnirt the prospect of 'glory and interest ich it uiifi)ld. Tlutthe Tragedy of "CCNPOAVDEU PLOT," (6r RAw Usao Axe Bloody Jlo.vts," so announced in the president iul Play Mill of the 5ih f)f November ht, would gite placf Jj die Farce of" WHO's DUPE was bo jeved by every one actpiainted wiih tlictalenls ol lne Manager and bin VoaHg. But lhaUbe mis" crable office Sf Scene jluftir should devolve on the iCttETAST or Waa thiithe, fall the per formers, should be selected to announce the sub stitutc Uurletia if Stroi di ai Blakkits, an attempt at Stage Effect, which bafBcs all tbe SutuhMionj of the Cognoscenti. A careful cumparisun of Uie American swti WntscoMaiwl iMr.

ShcfTet's sjieecb, vith the I'tay JiiU above referred lo, "Iksisteery rradiTiis draine conclusions toe probable catastrorlie. NtwronT, Jan, 4. TJubip Miiminj.Star, Capt. t.inftoii, which "le 1 htie for Charleaton (S cnthe22dof month, has retured as fr aa Bristol, in e.n n' ncc ofUsimr pju of her sails in a late tie rle cfwind, which hours J01' 53. nit be saw a ship King to under a mi avo, Uavkg lost msin topsail, ad 9P gallant aail ws flying.

The next he itanding to the with tf her principal taiu unbent. TLt same day, in 1at3d lon. spoke Ihe JchkTrtiidenl Capt. Carii irom Oiewport, under jury ioremast, having cht awy Bis.loniniastm Uic gale on the 24th utt. and U)a all his sails except his maiusail.

She had been twice on her beam ends, and ilie cantain and mate had been badlv wounded. Copt Carr intended to into the first port he could rendu On the 1st inst. he spoke a schr, from Bal timore hound to Salem, commanded by uapi. John PeahiKly, who said he intended to go imo Xcw port, having sprung his foremast and sustained tner tlainagt, and had teet dis noiu. TO THE PUBLIC The Manarers of the New York Tlicatre, de plorinif in common with their ellow citizens of the United States, the dreadful calamity occasion ed by the burniiijr of the 1 heatre at Kiclimond, and anxious, as far as human precaution can, to guard agiinst the possibility ol'a similar acci dent, have solicited many of the most competent judge to an examination of the Theatre in (his city.

The rewilt ot this examuiatwn, ana tne opinion of the Gentfe meTi who have politely attended on the occasion, ill be; found in the Certifi cf.tes annexed. To testimonials so strong and sat istsclory, it seems almost" supe'rlluotis to make any addition but, as tuo much cannot be to destroy tbe apprehensions to which a casualty like that we bemoan is too well calnnliktcd to give birth, we musttrt ijcwftittedlodraw the public at tention for a fe. moments t' that of the report of the CommUtce. of tne Hall at relates to tar unparalleled exten sion of the mischief. Unt they) thure is dne part of the Siihjec which, though il docs, not fall strictly within the letter the teitiuiion, or perhaps the line of our doty, is yet too iiitereslingto he passudover.

fty thii fatality i Vhy have to many victims perislitd on this mclanchplly oc casion It rnunot said that it was the combustibility of the building'aml the rapidity of the fire, great as thev undoumeuly were, which altogeiuer produced this mortality of the sficcies for we cannot believe, if large vomitories had been erect ed tor the passage of the crowd, it mere had been doors enough to admit them, that more than one tent of ap audience should have perished on the occasion." That a iic complaint cannot be made against this Theatre, we believe is well understood. The public have already been apprised, "that there are 6vw different communications from the Boxes, (two into TlieatrcA Hey, from the Stage, and three into Chatham street one the usual Rox entrance a second the Gallery entrance, to uhicli there are communications through the tipper and lower Qoiree Huoms'i and a third through the Hox Office From the Pit there ai two passage that arc fire proof." In addition to the preceding, and still ftir dicr to insure safety in case, of an alarm, a third communicatiott with the common entrance" has' been made, andafiftlt door opened through I he vacant apartment lately occupied by MrDunlap, the Miniature Painter. Il should also be rt collected, that the Lobbies of the Theatre are adequate to contain the whole uf the audience, and that the venlillator In the centre of the dome, must preclude, all danger from suffocation by smoke. The Scenery of this Theatre is all canvas, the most of which is paitited on tiotli shies, a' therefore nearly incombustible From the solidity and construction of the building, and the number of, hands constantly engugyd pi every department where an accident might arise; the Managers feel confident in asserting, that it is scarcely within the scope of possibility ibat such a thing should occur, or if occurring, that it should be attended by any consequences Ulalto the audience. w.

The snbsrribers, at the request of the Managers of the New York. Theatre, having examined the same, do report that the said Theatre is a Sub itantial. stone building i that the roof of the said building, although wood, is so pent ctly secured nd well supported that it could not under a con s'dcrablc length; of time be tlcinol slied i that the boxes "are sunnorted by Iron Columns cased i'iih wood; that there are four passages lead, ing from the boxes to Clutham ttrcct, und three leading into Theatre Alteyj that there ave two passages from i he pit i and that in the opinion of the subscribers, it'the said building was to take Are there rould be possible danger lo the audi i the rettue brhiy ftirc the doori a ing outwtirib, and the meant of etcape iew or, januarj'O, WU. E. Il'ett, 77iiot TagFor," IfilUam Hvidgeit iftn J.

Holland, Uie Firemen of the city of N. York, having? accnrarel Cxatnlnedthe New York theatre, are of opinion, lhat no danger could oc cur to the audience in cae of fire, and our "opin ion is founded upon tbe very substantial manner in which Hie Theatre is built, and the various com munications leading into the A a. I having examined the roofand findiugh so well supported, we are of opinion that there would no danger, and we should not hesitate in going into the build ing provided il had been on fire for hahf an hour. J. Mutt, Ceorje U.

(iei jart Snorter, l. 't. JZdvani Smith, Mtnjamin M. JXrdalt, Jliuhew Jiiker, i' Cex; Quick, CharUt Smith, Jim. Jantiary oV 131 i.

At the particular req'iVst of Mr. Price, we havt eareftily examined the condition of the New Yort I heatre, and are of pinton tliat the foregone' stalemente aa to its security hi the audience against mc iHjurivs oi nre are correct. Jotiuk Ogde i John JJvinttti, H'tUiam A Jacib Jttort lt, t. CudmiUatL D. ColJtn, 'iltium JrviHg.

January 7, 1312. Good timet for Bathelort non but better timet for OHM COmtHgf rr By the late Census, there are i the United States fourteen thousand and seventy one" more females than males between tlie age of 2B and 16 btit be tween 16 and 10 the mates exceed the females, nineteen thousand, ight hundred aiid fifty nine nd of 10 years and under, the nialcs also exceed the females, fifty three thousand, tighj hundred and fifty two Girlaj will, tf course, lit a short time, be in good demand, though th Market appears to be well supplied af present Gazette. From the Alexandria Duila Gazette. Loud whistled tJie wind, t'other day, on rAe ESU Each cranny Eolian ntiiaie sup iedt The gale was so bleak as the stoutest tOch'lL Ami compel even misers reluctant to ride Cries old My friends, we liave chew'd long enough, On war resolutions, and conq'rintr the ten. Let's go to the President', kit ttvff, as nas seen our custom on each He Year day." Oh no, (replies B.ji,) all swee! meats I hate.

And shall hile I mumble the weed of tbe south My fetidness for littttUngt now grrat, No poundcakes or' mince pies e'er enter my mouth." Poor old was for his custom" he holt By hi ci devant friends lie was sadly fiirsakep gave jhe, lotigtundred old 8.. jb was cretr, And James savl his cheese, and the 1 louse sav'd B. nthingian City. FUDGE. Fifiy six voted against adjourning to visit the President oil New Year's day, and fifty in favor of it.

No instance is recollected in which the house refused to adjourn at an early hour on that day, it' they sat at all, which has not always been the case. Ilaie Mr. Madison's old friends nnihing to con gratulate mm upon hereby hangs stale. From a Baltimore bnber. On Saturday laat departed this traawtory life, lorone lull ot permanent bliss and'glorv, Mrs Eleanor Hocebi, consort, of Nicholas 'Uotrers Esq.

of Druid hill Oft Friday she was possessed healKi and strength and seemed likely to cheer tor many years the Jit arts of her aflectionate rela tives and friends, to whom she was eminently and deservedly dear and in a tew short hours, to their bitter anguish she was numbered with the dead. lint death presented no horrors to her mind tor she lived in the habitual practice of moral and reli gious duty, and sought earnestly to secure the ap proving sentence ot her judge. In litj: the poor bare lost a zealous and active Mend i and especially the orphans under the protection of the benevo lent society, ol which she may be said to have been the founder society li is lost an ornament i and religion, a votary, who possessed both the form godliness aiid' the power thereof. Hut sore indeed is tbe bcre.iu ment ot those nearly and intimatelv. allied to Her, by the" ties of blood and friendship, aiid irroparable their loss and most bitter ttnd afflicting this' sudden and melancholy event to the widoweiLpatinerof her Ixwom Ah, who shall assuage Ins grief, who apply bal sam tohis wounded heart Only that God, who tempers the wind lo the shorn limb, arid trracious ly binds up those, whom be hath smitten.

To the con.olauons othia Holy hjMrit, we allectionate ly and piously.commit.him. EVEA'LYG POST MMUJVE'LIST. AKK1VED T1H3 lOftEXOOY. Schr. Three Somers, Richmond 8 LEADED.

Ship Massasoit, bitten, Newry The Three Sallys has flour and tobacco to. I. II Jackson and otbers. Ship George, Crow.lrjmMadelra, to J. Buchan an Son, and One schooner.

The ships and Aristomcnes bave arrived al Charleston from Kew York. The ship Louisa Cecelia, Edgarj arrived at Sa vannah on the ZSih of December from New York. Part of Botton, Jan. S. Arrived Ganges, Valiison, 70 davs from a full cargo of CeiiiiaiV and French Goods and Glass ware.

Lett, Oct. 26, Friendship, ot Philadelphia, bad been detained two hut was released, atd to be sold to pay chaises AC' Frcdenckstad.V of Salem, cargo lauded aiid much xuniSgeoV expectqd she wonkl be cleared Olive Brahcli, TirMalaaelplua was htadini? at Keil The Fair Trader i Minerva, Smith i and Ariel, still unden detention, but expected to cleared. Spoke DcaiS3, olTC. CikI, E. disU 15 ttgues, a ship with, figure head, yellow ids and painted ports, who avoided speaking us.

Monsieur J. B. M. Capt. G.YV.

Mr. A. Schwaun sicd, Mr. YVm Konclicridorl, Mr. F.

Prabsting, Mr. U. G. Steinbrugge, Mr. C.

Tistorius, Mr Ci Hesse, Mi. J. Bumsteadf andseverul ix the steerage. The Ganges arrived in Uoston Bay, lVc.24, aud encountered the late storm, which was very severe and ld, so that the captain was obliged to hear away bi iore the wind, and lias been driven off 3 times, with loss of Sails saw yesterday afieriiowi a shir and brig. Saaie day brig lianilei, Clark, Savannah 24 days Six Hrotliers, Uarnea, NYork 10 days.

iklow, brig Success, Crosby, from Aigciiras 45 ilavs no communication with her. The sli Alfred, from St. Petersburg, for" Bos: toil, was driven shore at ll illibut's Point, (C. Ann) on FrWay morning at 4 o'clock, vessel bilged, and very little of her cargo expected to be savcd 7 none able to do duly on board, except the captain, mate and boy one roan was lost ovcr board mother bad previously fallen from the masthead, and binised himself severely, and a nothef was sick with lie scurvy. It as reported by tlie man who ciunc for.

the doctor, that the man who had fallen from the mast head had lived in that situation 46 days the ship had been out a bout 70 davs. The above ship is new, owned at Portsmouth, N. IL and was very valiuble rConsid. crabie insurance has been enecteu in tins town on her but ween 20 and 30 people ere employed in saving her cargo, by last accounts. fX3 A LECTCKB on the composition of the Atmosphere ami of Water, will be give this evening at J.

Crisconi's Lecture Kbvm in Green street at 7 Tickets may be hail at the Book Store of Collins and Co. Pearl street, or at the Lecture Uoem, ft it fi At a incctii of tlie Trustees of tie New York, Free School, lit mo. Jan. 3, 1812 lnnarJ llleecker, Treasurer, reported the receipt of dollars, from Tbnma L. Ogdea, one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Charles LerouxJ deceased, a Legacy left to this Institution, which is gratefully accented.

Order ed, that the Secretary acknowledge receipt of the tame in two or more ot the newspapers published in Uiis citv. Extract from the minutes of the Bonrd. Jan. 8 It 4 TUPS. BUCKLEY, Sec'r ToliUfi PUilLIC CJ A simplw exposure" of ibe.

following facts, will doubtless suffice to excite the interest of feel hsr hearts. GEOKGE LVBOTTIEJIHB, professor in danc and late mater of ballets of the theatre of this city, bmed himself dangerotisly in reliearsing a part entrusted to him. He had afterwards the misfortune of being burnt In ius bed they trans ported him to the hospi tat, ami it is enly within a ti days lhat he lett it. 1 hisunlortunate man, 'vhn is father of a finnly, scarcely recovered rom his wounds, and finds himielf in Hie crrealest lit furniture and two violins (Vis princU resource) bave been seized during his illness. He wishes, therefore, to give a ball on the 16th ot this month, at Mechanic.

Hall, to relieve him, if from the misery tn which he is. reducciL Uut httre known in XeW York. lie has thought oroper to publish the "above facts, in the hope of Mn.itia.nnf urucTuicncr, inn or vovirif iiimscn worthy of the interest o'a grncrnus public Ticttets to be had at the bar of the Hall Mess. PafTs Music Store, Broadway i Tontine CwfTce nue, and at No. 58 PinstrceL Jan, 8 tlCJ CC? the subset ipointed at a of Episcopalians of the City of New York, lo coiisKter ana adopt such measures as we should think pro ier ta piii sue in' die present unfortunate state ofour Church, request jhc members of die dittcrcnt Episcopalian Congregations of ihis cily, who disapprove of the late proceedings of the es try of Trinity Church, aud of the tribune to which they appealed in the case of Uie Hev.

Cave Jones, to meet at Mechanic Hdl, on Tuetday new, at 7 o'clock in the evening TIIOS. FARMER, PJ4TE11 JAY MUXRO, PETLi M1EU, Jan. 85t YVM IRVING, M2i The brig IIEPSA, Wm. A. Bayley, master, will cornmence loading the 10th inst.

and will not meet with any delay. For freight of 3a0 tierces, or passage, ajiply to tlie captain on board at Jones's whaH', or to ALEX'B CRANSTON CO. m. 8 4t 50 Pine street. iXTElttlD AS A RtCVtAtt TKAPBR 3 Die new schr.

SALLY, Wing, master, 94 Ions burthen she will jxtsitive'ly sail, wind permitting, on or before the 10th in.t For freight or passage, apply on board, west side to HOWL AND GUI NN ELL, 1st mo 8th 90 Pine street. The regular packet sli ip BELLE, Law son, master, will jwl on the 15th inst. 1 "For freight or passage, having elegant uccommada twns, apply on board at Hurling slipor to JONES tt MEGRATII, 83 Sautli street. WHO rOX SALB, NOW LANDING, 54 whole and 15 half casks prime new Rice, 7 hhds. Carolina Pink KooV 1 tierce Seneca Snake Root, 30 Mi ar Skins.

i Jan 8 For UOitUEsiUX, The schooner MARMION. a fast sail ing pilot boat built vessel now loading west side of Burling slip, and will be dispatched immediately. For freight, apply to J. HULL GR1SWOLD, JJan 3 83 Soiuh Mreet For Sale, Freight or Charter, XiXau The new substantial andfast sailing ship EDWARD BARD1N, Porter, master, burthen 2B tons, Is in complete order for a voyage, she lies at Dover street whiirf. alV Alto, for Freight or Charter, jjniliin, The new substantial and, fast sniling ship DEBBY ELIZ'A, Stutson, Master, burthen 234 tons, she has ballast on board, and is in complete order, she lies at Dover street wharf.

For terms, apply to ROWLAND GRINNELL, 1st. mo. 8th 90 Pine street. ALADV having lost hrr child, who has a fresh breast of reilk, wishes to take the child of some respectable family to nurse. Enquire of the printer.

Jn. 8 3t JHlUF.iitX U.vtUJtM. A narit, JX it. slu*t, ana rrutlirr, ti nearly a. 1m i a a new, will be sold a bargain if applied fur immediately at 13 Win streel.

Jan. 8 lw 1 ALE The House and Lot No. 10 l'ine streetv situated bctwuea Broadway Nassnu slree.t. The house is built of Inck, fire proof, and threv stories high, besides the basem*nt story and cc.llar underneath has nine 'fire places, and every convenience for'a large family, besides that of an office or counting room on' the first floor. greater part of the consideration money may remain at interest, i the security of the property.

For terms, apply on ilie premises. Jan. 8 3w vtlt ALU. 1 story Brick house, almost new, sHuated in the pleasantest part of Broadway, front'mg the Park Enquire of STEPHEN 8 No. 279 TVarl strcet.

lnSl.OP IILUAUl I'A't t. 1 0 MOKROW (4'hursdav) will be published by T. SWORUS, and sold at their Store, No. 150 Pearl street Also, by Messrs. Mesicr, Sargeant and Inskeep 8c Bradford.

CPriceftg ecnlSfJ A STATEMENT, addressed to the Protestant Episcopalians In the State of New York, relative to some recent events in the Episcopal Church. Jan. 8 lw i IN CHANCERY. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Chancery, made in the above cause, will be sold inder (lie direction of the subscriber, as a master of said court, at public auction, at the Tontine Coflce House, in tlie city of New York, onlbe Monday of 11th day of November next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day i all that certain piece or tract of land, situated in the Township No 4, in the seventh Range, in the county of Ontario I containing one thousand acres of land Also, a certain tract known and distinguished by lut No. 6ii.

Cicero Townahin. iiiMonttromer? Coun ty. Also, two fifth parts of two kits of landdistin yuished bv N. 42 ami 43. the one situated in the county off Iietkimcr, tlie oilier in the county of Montgomery, containing each six nunureu aci es land will) the rights, members and appurtenances.

T.BLAKE, N. B. Information of the tides and description ofthe above mentioned property, my be had by applying at the. office of Joseph C. Cooper, Esq.

No 99 water street. Oct 3 te Nov. It. D. T.

The sale of all that certain piece or tract of land, situated is. the Township No. 4, in the 7th range in the county ofOnrario, is postponed till 1st day of Februury next. Dec 3 Master in Chancery. VTOTICR is hereby given tluit ape.

aide to the ol act of incorporation, an elect ion witl be held at the oflice of tlie City Dispensary on Monday next, between 12 and 1 for the purpose of chasing thirteen Trustees for the ensuing year. JUtlJI WAI 13, D. HOSACK, Committee. M. ROGERS," 3 3t N' Tot 1GB is hereby given to the creditors of Georee Dennison, an insolvent debtor, that by virtue of an act of the legislature of the state of New York, 'entitled act for the benefit of in and their creditors," passed the 3d if April, 1801, the Hon.

Pierre C. Van Wick Esq. Recorder of the city of New York, has appointed iesse Raldwin, Samuel S'evens and Robert GilL assignees of the estate of tSe said George Denni lon and the said tcorg uenmson nam assigned his estate to us, according to the directions of the above entitled act The said creditors are hereby notified lo appear by themselves, I hair agents or attornies, on Uie 15ib day of January nest, at 4 o'clock P. M. at tlieotTiee of Samuel Stevens, No.

225 Water street, in the city of Kcw.Yoik, to prove their respective debts. New York, Dec. 31, 1811 J2 till Jan. IS jAilSl; bV "POWER PAXTON; Fridau i At 60 clack, in their Auction Room, Front atree', alargeCpllectibniM IJoeks and Sta tioaary. Catalogues ready iin Friday moniing.

Perjons wihhing Books fold, Will please iehti Uiclu iu the day previous th'c sale. DAMD Dl'NIJAM, TLnrtrfuff, 9 o'chnk, a targe and general' sorinient of DRY GOtJDS. Consisting bf London stiprrflne; second quality and common broadcloths 2 trunks cur.on hosery i 2 do very elegant robes, and nhi cambr'io shawls, embroideretl i 1 do. colored Sarsneta 1 trunk Black tnglidi seiying ilk i 1 case nuns thread, assorted from 10 to 48 i do. cotum balls in paper b.ixes 1 do.

white cambric hdkft. with borders 1 trunk English sewing silk, assorted colors 1 bale carpet ing 1 1 trunk Suspenders i Co. beaver and Woodstock gloves a handsome assortment of ivory combs 1 case silk Webbing 1 box cotton lace, and a variety 'of other articles. AlsoCcasos Iadon silif. In avor bats tki meijs fur hall Part ofthe above1 goods will be sold for approved notes 90 days.

Same time, the stock in trade oft; person deoll' ning business, consisting ol'a varikty of in the di eood liiie. 111 ANTED immediately, a Journenail. rfiia dresser, to whom the HIGHEST; WAqE. will tie given Also, an apprentice to the'infe'ii. E.

q. January 4 tf 14 Old The A'ervoiit Cordial fur Contxtnptiv uuillieblii fated Constitution! aud JJrania. IN the whole Matr Medica there is ntitiupre efiicacipus Medicine than the above, as a restorer of strength to internal decay, it standa unri vailed and may be relied on in giving immediate relief and certain cure, in lmost all stages of ner vous complaints, froth the langour and weakness a' tendiint on disorders of tlie stomach. This ex altcd medicine has been productive of geuefal' good, and the many restored to tlie blessings oF health from the gates of death by this inestimable1 preparation, is the highest eulogium which could possibly be paid to Dr. and is indeed his and his reward, it is the most efficacious medicine for disorders uf il.e head and stomach and every part of the buman'frume, headache, low ness uf spirits, alarming dreums, mental agitation, appioftcbing insanity, indigestion, loss of appctiijy, biloiisptomjluints, rlicuraatism, jaundice, slow putrid and malignant fevers, dixlincs, tifins, flatiilenciesi spasms, heart burns, cbolics, Jotivcness, fcc.

Paralytic ami apoplvctic fcfleC tious, S'arlings1, fits, pidpatalions and oilier incop. trovertable pi oofs of the derstngemer ofthe ner vous system, which in all cases ei.iierof or relaxation it braces and restores to its proper As there are ccmplaints peculiar to the fair se" altogctlier unknown to and of too delicate a nature to be mentioned through the medium of pub lie prints, and which require" hi situations, the most skillful medical assis'taitce to complete the original Mesign of tlie all wiz ar omnipotent author of the universe, to the ladies, therefore and frspecially what is understood by the turn of life, this nervous cordial it miist admira, bly adapted, and allflld! great and inestimable benefits whicli' were so lonjr and so generally experienced froni the celebrated Doctors Dc Ui Cour and Muerh Smith, which ln deed 'ere solely practised by the tiseof this iticohi paratle medicine. I his nervous Cardial was in vented and prepared by W. Rrodum, M. D.

F. II S. member of the Marischal College ofPhysU. cians bbcrdecn, and author of tho Guide to old Agi, No. 9 Albion Iondon.

A small eiuM efche above valuable medicine has been'ob'ained and may he bad at the Medicine and Paint Store, No. 148 Broadway, New.York, in bottles at tour and seven dollars each, (pampldut included containing certificates uf remarkable cures,) warran led genuine. Jjuk DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE AQUIDNECK RHODE ISLAND COAL. J'tv for tide at the yard Massh St Vvjr tAisel, Warren ttreet. HE barrs of the grate ought to be at least 1 inch apart at the bottom, and entirely ed from any substance that might prevent the free, circulation ol air." A bed of charcoal 'or wood cut hp in such size as to suit the grate must he prepared if charcoal is usd as the kindling material, it will be necessary to make a bed complete ly across the bottom, about three inches inJyfSglitn if wood, then to fill lite grate to the upper laying the stone crossways, a 'das soon as it is partially ignited, the" Rhode Itland Coal 4 put on taking care, however, that the pioees da not exceed Uie size pfa goose egg.

In the course of 15 or 20 minutes, the wood, or'clarcoal, tht may have been put in will be consumed i conse quently, the ooal will fall lo Uie bottom, and lake its place i when tins happens, itwm he necesna ry to fid up the grate1 with as much coal as it III bold. The fire when made in this manner, wilt, continue from 10 to 12 Lours without, addition, or any bthertroublc than keeping tbe. lower ban (toast ShdliA A i N. B. After Uie.

fire is made jt 'should nit ba disturbed. Dec. 21 4'V THE plan adopted bv the Subscriber d(mm i. ishine Uie high prices ot FA8HIONAKLE CLOTHES (by Saving his employers tlie additional charges necessarily madsee ritkf whes kng credits are given) having met with tho support if many gentlemen and families his friends and tha public are respccifiilly iidorihedy do business on Uie same plan and for tasU.onlyi On a fashKinable' and handsome assortment of first qjalitv Entdish and Dutch CLOTtlS and CASSIMKRES, Pantaloon and Breeches Svafi'a Waistcoatings, Florentines, Cloths suitable for Great Coats, and other articles, in his line.whioli he will make up tb.order in the most substantial and fashionable' manner. Naval and Milita ry Uniforms, madeaccordiiigto Uie latest Smprrrve menu and regulations.

THOMAS STOKES, Merchant Taylor, No. 18 William Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Jan 6 end 2m OS I on a.mlai Lveiuiig, A MOUNTAIN 1 i ippftt Khii. AA witiihuifl supposed to be lost in Broadway or Sugar loaf St. Whoever has found it and will leave it 18 North Moore st, shall be handsomely renrsrded.

Jan 6 rod lw tur A'OTICE. R. WAITE give notice, that Tickets a Union CcMen No. 5. wM lie advanced to Eight Dollars each, on Monday next uut which time ihey may be had at seven dollars and a half each, at then Truly Fortunate Lottery Offices sl Book Stones, 64 aiiuNo.JS Waiden.utne.

Vn.i nut Nn. oa Siair.atreet. Aibanv. Order alo received at their office Baltimore, corner of St Pauls ne and Maikettreet i wbeae maf be had Tickets inthen ashingtoa iumnmejil. bosa terr, now diwiay there.

Dec. S3 jit ft i ft 1 1 ft if .1.

The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.