Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (2024)

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Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (1)

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Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (2)

'); $.get(link+'&onlyData=1', function(data) { var dane=data.match(/([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,})/) if(dane != undefined && dane != null) { var indMxSzer=parseFloat(dane[1]); var indMxWys=parseFloat(dane[2]); $('span#maxSzer').html(indMxSzer); $('span#maxWys').html(indMxWys); $('div#maxWymDiv').html('Maximum size (width x height): '+indMxSzer+' x '+indMxWys); $('#maxWymSzer').attr('value', indMxSzer); $('#maxWymWys').attr('value', indMxWys); szer=parseFloat(dane[3]); wys=parseFloat(dane[4]); obr=parseFloat(dane[5]); v=parseFloat(dane[6]); w=parseFloat(dane[7]); $('#pion').attr('value', v); $('#poziom').attr('value', w); $('#obrot').attr('value', obr); $('div#reloader').remove(); $('div#detCardMain').css('position', 'static'); $('div.jc-pelna-rama').show(); var odbijLink='&pion='+v+'&poziom='+w+'&obrot='+obr; $('#fotos').attr('src', link+odbijLink+'&rozmiar=400'); $('#fotos').css('width', szer+'px').css('height', wys+'px'); jcrop.setImage($('#fotos').attr('src')); jcrop.destroy(); setTimeout('initCrop();recountPrice();',500); } }); } if ($('.wizFotka').length > 0) { $('.wizFotka').parent().css('backgroundImage', 'ur' + 'l(' + link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=400)'); } } var selLan = '4'; var _daneZdjecia = { idFototapety: 125587413, id: 26, idCart: 125587413, nazwa: 'Ziege, frech, Portrait', waluta: 'USD', cena: 30.8, nazwaKategorii: 'Posters' }; var px = 0; var py = 0; var maxSzer =0; var maxWys =0; var startSzer =0; var startWys =0; var newMaxSzer = 0; var newMaxWys = 0; var lastRotate = 0; let imageWithOverlay = 0 function rotateCrop() { if ($("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value") == 1) { $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", "0"); } else { $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", "1"); } setCrop(jcrop); } function setCrop(jcrop) { // IND MYLO //$('tr#ramaZ').show(); // IND MYLO $('tr#ramaW').remove(); var dane = getSize(); var product_x = dane[0]; var product_y = dane[1]; recountPrice(); var photo_x = $("#fotos").width() * 1; var photo_y = $("#fotos").height() * 1; var crop_x = Math.round(product_x / product_y * photo_y); var crop_y = Math.round(product_y / product_x * photo_x); if ($('#fullSizeCrop').is(':checked')) { crop_x = photo_x; crop_y = photo_y; } else { if (crop_x > photo_x) { crop_x = photo_x; } if (crop_y > photo_y) { crop_y = photo_y; } } if (jcrop) { jcrop.release(); jcrop.setSelect([0, 0, crop_x, crop_y]); } setLabels(); } function setLabels() { var cont = $(".jcrop-holder > div:first-child"); if ($("#wysokosc").length > 0) { tmp_wys = $("#wysokosc").val() || 0; tmp_szer = $("#szerokosc").val() || 0; } else { tmp_wym = $("#zamWym option:selected").text(); tmp_szer = (tmp_wym.match(/^([0-9.]{1,})/) || [, 0])[1]; tmp_wys = (tmp_wym.match(/[ x]{1,2}([0-9.]{1,})[ ]{1,}/) || [, 0])[1]; } if (cont.length > 0 && $("#labelLeft").length == 0) { cont.prepend('

' + tmp_wys + 'in

' + tmp_szer + 'in

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Maximum size (width x height): ' + tmpSzer + ' x ' + tmpWys + '

'); } else { $("#zamWym").parent().parent().append('

Maximum size (width x height): ' + maxSzer + ' x ' + maxWys + '

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'); var s_uklObj = $("#uklad").closest('td'); s_uklObj.parent().before('

Choose a layout:

'); } else { var s_uklObj = $("#uklad").closest('td'); if (s_uklObj.length > 0) { s_uklObj.parent().before('

Choose a layout:

'); s_uklObj.parent().after('


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    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (3)


    Ziege, frech, Portrait.

    Author: ©

    Photo number:


    Other topics:

    green, portrait, mammal, countryside, animal, cattle, nature, lea, horn

    Customise product


    Print as:


    30,80 USD

    you save 25,20 USD

    standard price 56,00USD


    365 days for exchange and refund

    Safe shopping

    We deliver worldwide

    Guarantee of quality


    Product Description

    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (6)


    Myloview standard posters are printed on high-quality poster paper with a satin finish. All posters are printed using the state-of-the-art HP Latex print technology, which guarantees the depth of colors. The product is ready to hang right after unpacking.

    Poster paper density: 200g/m2
    Available accessories: We offer posters in frames (available black and silver aluminium frames) or clip frames.
    Cleaning: The material can be wiped with a wet cloth

    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (7)

    Framed Poster

    Myloview standard posters are printed on high-quality poster paper with a satin finish. All posters are printed using the state-of-the-art HP Latex print technology, which guarantees the depth of colors. The product is ready to hang right after unpacking.

    The poster comes with a black or silver aluminium frame.

    Poster paper density: 200g/m2
    The product includes: a silver or black aluminium frame
    Cleaning: The material can be wiped with a wet cloth

    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (8)

    Clip framed Poster

    Myloview standard posters are printed on high-quality poster paper with a satin finish. All posters are printed using the state-of-the-art HP Latex print technology, which guarantees the depth of colors. The product is ready to hang right after unpacking.

    The poster comes with a clip frame.

    Poster paper density: 200g/m2
    The product includes: a clip frame
    Cleaning: The material can be wiped with a wet cloth

    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (9)

    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (10)

    Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (11)

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    Other topics

    green portrait mammal countryside animal cattle nature lea horn buck farm close-up view theme index related topics

  • Ziege, frech, portrait - Posters - myloview (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5939

    Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

    Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

    Birthday: 1996-05-10

    Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

    Phone: +96313309894162

    Job: Legacy Sales Designer

    Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

    Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.