Top Posts Tagged with #halsin x plus size reader | Tumlook (2024)


Oct 7, 2023

.⋆。Let Me Be Your Bear。⋆.

Halsin x plus size reader (Tav)

An accident involving a fiery touch and your beloved stuffed teddy leads you to something wonderful

Warnings: Tav!reader, fluff, mutual pining, daddy Halsin, cuddling, reader has no specified gender or pronouns

WC: 782

Minors DNI

Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library

It had been an accident really. You knew Karlach was just curious about the small stuffed animal that was sitting on top of your open pack, she didn’t mean to turn it to ash as soon as she touched it and you didn’t resent her for it, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t break your heart just a little bit.

Especially now as you lay by the dying fire, clutching a small bag Wyll had given you for the ashes tightly to your chest in some vain attempt to receive the same warmth the toy had given you before. You knew it was silly, it was just a small bear you found at the beginning of your journey but it was comforting on the darkest of nights when you were stuck with your thoughts or nursing some wound.

Sighing, you rolled over onto your back and came face-to-face with the massive druid who was standing over you, looking at you curiously. You inhaled sharply in shock, clutching the bag even tighter. Halsin just tilted his head. “Why are you holding a pouch?”

Heat crawled up your neck in embarrassment. “It’s dumb.” You mumbled, but his sensitive ears caught each word. Firelight flickered over his face yet the light in his eyes was even brighter.

“You can tell me you know. I have been told I am a good listener.” You sighed, patting the ground beside your bed roll. With no hesitation, Halsin took a seat beside you, his muscular thigh only a few inches from your soft one.

Your fingers toyed with the small braided rope that tied the top of the pouch together, the ends already frayed from your nervous fiddling. “It was my bear, it was accidentally burned up which I understand, it wasn’t deliberate. But I can’t sleep without it.”

Halsin hummed under his breath and you braced yourself from some teasing remark (perhaps you were spending too much time with Astarion) but it never came. Instead, the druid smiled softly at you. “Perhaps, you would allow me to help, with your permission of course.” He must’ve noticed your confused expression because he quickly spoke again. “I think you forget, I myself am a bear.”

Realisation dawned on you then, which was quickly followed by bashfulness. He was offering to let you cuddle him just so you could sleep. That of itself was an enticing offer, he was an incredibly handsome man, only a fool would deny that. But more than his outward appearance, he had a gentle and kind soul, one you had quickly fallen for.

“You don’t have to.” You replied but Halsin laid one massive palm on top of your knuckles, easily enveloping your much smaller hands.

“I want to.” No other words were needed. He pulled away from you just far enough for him to shift without hurting you as his eyes began to glow a beautiful gold. You blinked and suddenly there was a brown bear standing before you. He huffed and nudged your shoulder, pushing you to lay back down.

You didn’t even notice as the pouch slipped off your lap, too focused on the way that Halsin’s huge front legs now straddled your wide hips as he himself lay down between your legs. A soft groan was forced from your lips when he placed his head onto your soft stomach but it wasn’t uncomfortable, far from it actually. His weight on top of you eased the tension throughout your body and you quickly found yourself overwhelmed with exhaustion.

He gazed at you with emotions you couldn’t quite comprehend, watching with some satisfaction as you relaxed beneath him.

Your arms curled around his head as best you could, rubbing one of his ears between your fingers. He gave a satisfied groan, his black eyes shutting. “Thank you.” You whispered and he nuzzled further into you, almost purring as your closed your eyes.

“What in the bloody hells are you doing!” Astarion’s shrill voice cut through the tranquillity of the morning, startling you from your surprisingly deep slumber. Hot breath fanned across your face as the massive bear on top of you growled before settling back to sleep, his huge maw resting on your sternum.

“Sleeping.” You grumbled and your fingers tangled in his dark fur.

“Well yes I can obviously see that but why do you have a bear on top of you?” You cracked open one eyelid to glare at the elf who looked greatly put off by this whole thing.

“He’s my bear.” You answered simply as Halsin groaned in agreement, both of you wishing to go back to sleep and maybe get another blissful hour of just holding each other.

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Feb 25

Unsolicited Affections (Part 1)

[Screenshots and Tav, Ban, by the lovely @brabblesblog]

Halsin x Plus Size F!Reader

Warnings: Body insecurity; internalized fatphobia; otherwise, floof (for now)

Synopsis: Your growing feelings for Halsin can no longer be ignored. Even so, that doesn't mean you don't try for your poor heart's sake. However, Halsin keeps bringing you closer, and you aren't sure how much longer you can take it without confessing... even though confessing is your worst fear.

Author's Note: Thank you so much to @brabblesblog for taking these screenshots and allowing me to use Ban in the header! For all readers, there will be a Part 2 to this fic and it will be the smut you all requested from the poll I took! This became a super duper indulgent fic for me, as I struggle with all of the insecurities the reader struggles with here. But I hope this little 2 part creation can act as a balm for anyone who has ever struggled with their bodily image, or wondered if they'd ever be seen as beautiful. This one's for you; for us. <3

Part 2 Here

The battle had been bloody. Grime and viscera was spread across each body, hair color lost in deep dyes of red in the wake of the victory. You and your companions trudged back to camp in silence; exhausted. You had failed to obtain what the battle had been fought for in the first place, and you were certain that your mood was soured for the rest of the evening. Upon reentering your campground, Gale was the first to greet you all, thankful to see that everyone was alive, albeit roughed up; obvious disappointment creased his features for a moment when you told him the news that you had failed to obtain the magical object you had set out for, but he hid it behind an understanding smile and ushered you to sit by the fire as he finished dinner.

You had reasoned that if the Netherese Orb in Gale's chest required the consumption of magic to remain stable, that the more powerful the object, the longer it would sate him. So you had taken a group and set out for the most powerful magical object in your direct vicinity - the Circlet of Blasting. You had recognized it the day previous on the head of a Drow with several of its companions near the Myconid colony in the Underdark. Once you found them again, you approached to inquire whether you could cough up enough gold to take it off their hands, but when they turned and pierced you with vicious red eyes that gleamed back at your group with a reflectiveness like a cat's, you knew gold would not satisfy them. And as they drew their daggers, you were proven correct, and the battle had begun.

You slumped over on the log next to the fire, too exhausted to properly stow your weight, as you removed your armor piece by piece. The second person to approach you carried a warm bowl of stew and placed it gently into your palms. The hands were tender and gentle, and much too large to belong to anyone but your favorite Archdruid. You raised your weary head to meet his beautiful bright green eyes, creased with worry, but soft with care as he lowered himself to the ground beside your legs, his muscular arm grazing the now-bare skin of your thigh as he adjusted. A flutter ran through your stomach at the contact, but you clamped down on it before you could get carried away. You knew his kindness was platonic. It had to be. Halsin was simply…kind.

The tell-tale signs of complicated and painful feelings had risen within your chest since rescuing Halsin from the goblins, and although you had tried to deny them, recently it had proven impossible. But while you finally admitted to yourself that you had fallen for his disarming smile, the scratch of his well-worn fingertips against your softer skin, and how passionately he cared about every living creature in nature, you refused to admit it to anyone else. You would be sparing yourself that embarrassment this time around. Your chest ached, remembering the many times you'd fallen for someone and approached them with this truth, only to be turned away over and over again. Inwardly, you snarled, blaming the extra plush your body carried for your lack of luck in love. Whether the objects of your affection had been kind, polite, or downright rude, there was always a moment in which their eyes would quickly rake your body up and down before delivering their blow. Perhaps they didn't even recognize that they did it, but you saw. You always saw.

So, while you knew Halsin would never be unkind to you, you had been trying to make peace with the very probable fact that he would only ever see you as a friend - never quite attractive enough to be anything more. It was something you were used to, but it never seemed to dull the throbbing pain in your heart whenever you thought on it too long. There was a part of you, somewhere deep, that knew you were not at fault; that knew you were not to blame; that perhaps if they had deigned to look beyond the surface for even a moment, that they would have seen how genuine your heart was, and how they never would have had to go without affection, love, or loyalty should they have chosen you. You weren't without this enlightenment, but the constant dissatisfaction of, or concern for, the body you carried from those around you - from well-meaning friends to pushy strangers - weighed heavy on your tired mind.

This moment around the fire was no exception, your burning desire to curl around Halsin's broad shoulders like a cat and purr was strong, but overshadowed by the fear of rejection. You had him near, but pulling him too close was to risk sending him far away, and you weren't sure you'd be able to stand it were that to occur. An icy shudder ran through you at the mere thought of Halsin retracting his warmth from your side. "- giving you a chill?" His dulcet voice pulled you back to reality like a line reeling you in, but you caught only his last few words.

"What?" You said, blinking as his image in your eyes grew sharper again. "Apologies, my mind was far away."

"No worries." He chuckled. "I merely asked if the night air was giving you a chill. You were shaking, my heart."

My heart.

You melted a little. The nickname was fairly new. The first time he had called you that had been two mornings prior, after a late start and a quick bath in the bioluminescent pools near your campsite in the Underdark. You had come trudging back to camp in clothes that were quickly dampening due to being pressed against your still wet skin, wringing your hair out ferociously as you tried to hurry to catch up with everyone else's progress. You had just started to wrench your boots up over your clinging pants when Halsin had approached you, laying a warm hand against your wet-stained shirt. You had startled, your head snapping up to his in a surprised daze.

"Slow down." He had said, running a soothing hand down your bent spine and back up, sending full bodied shocks through you like tidal waves. "You needn't worry, my heart. We will wait for you."

As the memory warmed your cheeks, you cleared your throat and averted your eyes, praying he couldn't see the thoughts lingering just inside the colors of your irises. "No, I'm alright. Just- just a bit weak from not eating all day. Thank you, for bringing me this." You finally acknowledged the bowl in your hands and raised it a little.

"Of course. Please, eat. I hear from the others that you had a rough skirmish. I implore you to let me check you over once you've finished your stew."

Ignoring the way your heart jumped dangerously near to your throat, you nodded silently, opting instead to pick up the wooden spoon in the bowl and begin to eat. It was one of Halsin's spoons; one he whittled. It was smooth and beautiful and easy to hold. Almost all of the cutlery in camp had been fashioned by Halsin, and several of the stools you kept as well. It was his hobby and his form of relief, to create things with his hands. Subconsciously, you glanced down to where the hands in question rested on his knees; large and rough, his hands had seen it all and done it all through his 300 plus years of life, and you couldn't help but quietly admire how much they had learned and lost in the process. And after all of that, he chose to create beauty with those hands that knew so much. It made your heart clench with a new wave of affection. You swallowed hard, as if the feelings would force their way back down in the same way as the contents of your bowl.

Again, you were drawn back from your reverie by the Druid's movements, one of his hands moving from his lap to yours. His palm came down to rest flat on your thigh, only a thin layer of fabric left to separate the blazing heat from your skin. You barely suppressed a gasp of surprise at the sudden contact, feeling much more intimate than it probably was, and locked eyes with Halsin, whose brow was worried into wrinkles. "You seem more distant than usual, are you sure you're alright?" He said, his thumb taking a slow drag across your leg, sending your poor heart racing in your chest.

"Yes," you managed to respond, rather breathlessly. "I- I'm alright." Even you weren't convinced by your attempt at deflection, and Halsin's frown only deepened.

"When you've finished your stew, come find me by my tent. I will have some healing herbs waiting for you." He said sternly and you nodded silently. His eyes softened at your wide-eyed expression and he reached up to gingerly tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Promise me you will come." He murmured quietly, his eyes never leaving yours, and your heart stuttered wildly in your chest.

"I promise." You replied, and a soft smile graced his lips. He nodded in return and stood up, brushing himself off before walking back towards his tent.

"Gods," you muttered under your breath, pressing your palm to your chest in an effort to keep your pounding heart inside.

"You've been given the perfect opportunity, darling." A voice chimed lyrically behind you, and you turned your head to find Astarion eyeing you appreciatively. "Don't waste it." He grinned widely, putting his fangs on display as he did so.

"Shut up, Astarion." You mumbled, your face heating as you pressed your hands over your eyes. You only hoped you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.


#baldur's gate 3#bg3#halsin silverbough#halsin bg3#bg3 halsin#halsin#baldur's gate 3 halsin#baldur's gate halsin#halsin x reader#halsin x tav#halsin x f!reader#halsin x f!tav#halsin x plus size reader#halsin x plus size f!reader#unsolicited affections


Feb 27

Claim me

Halsin x plus size GNC reader · rating: +18 · words: 652

content warnings: Breeding kink (no mentions of pregnancy), creampie, size difference, PIV Sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, unprotected sex (don’t do this IRL!)

read here on AO3

Here here and here is some spicy fanart that inspired me!

The first time you laid with Halsin a few weeks ago was romantic, gentle and you’d remember that night forever. Him whispering sweet adorations into your ear, softly nibbling at your lips and slowly stroking over your body with his large hands.

This wasn’t going to be anything like it.

“If it gets too much, you know the word and I’ll stop immediately”, he reminded you in a loving tone. You had talked about this in detail beforehand.

You sent a silent prayer to the oak father that you won’t be needing your safeword. Halsin had prepared you generously with his broad fingers and plenty of lubricant. You were ready.

“I know…” you cupped his face. Your hand looked tiny as you caressed his cheek with your thumb. You gazed deeply into his eyes. “f*ck me, please, Halsin. Don’t hold back.”

Halsin positioned himself at your entrance and pushed slowly inside. You moaned with pleasure as he fed you inch for inch of his glorious co*ck. Once he was fully inside you and had given you a moment to adjust to his girth, his face changed.

He loomed over you, an almost feral expression on his face, his large shape shadowing over you, ready to pounce.

Halsin grabbed your plump waist, your love handles, and started slamming into you mercilessly, his massive co*ck hitting your g-spot in an unyielding manner, making you see stars.

Heavens, he was big.

And you loved it.

You whined needily, grasping desperately at his broad forearms, urging him to go harder, faster.

“You want me to claim you? Make you mine?” Halsin’s voice was low and rumbling, his hunger for you coming from deep inside him.

Your answer got lost in a choked noise as he thrust deeper into you.

Suddenly Halsin slipped out, leaving you empty, but before you could complain about it, he had already turned you over onto your knees. He grabbed your hips with one hand and held you down with the other on your neck and slammed back into you with reckless abandon.

The sounds of his rough grunts, your high-pitched whines, and his balls slapping against your skin filled the room.

“You want me to fill you up… You want my seed?” He grunted above you, his words going directly to your puss* and you clenched around him.

“Please… claim me.. fill me up!” you cried out desperately. You were so close.

And with that, he took a fist full of your hair and pulled while f*cking into you hard and fast. Your org*sm hit you with such brutal force, it pushed the air right out of your lungs, and the wrecked noise you were about to make got stuck in your throat. He f*cked you through your org*sm, his movements getting more and more erratic and with a few short but hard thrusts he spilled inside you.

Halsin groaned loudly, pushed inside once, twice, three more times as he filled you up with his seed. There was so much of it, it oozed out of you, making a mess on the sheets.

After a few minutes, he carefully slipped out and turned you back around gently.

“Are you alright, my little flower?” he whispered, kissing your forehead.

“I am… amazing, Halsin, my love,” you uttered, still a little out of it, floating with pleasure and love for him. You gave him a little kiss, before he got up to fetch something to clean you both up with.

Then you got comfortable under the sheets, Halsin spooning you from behind, wrapping his big arms around you. You felt safe and loved. And very sleepy, but immensely satisfied.

“My heart, I love you so much” Halsin murmured into the crook of your neck as the both of you drifted off to sleep.

tag list: @lordoftheelves @orehuna @bunnydiamond ? idk who else to tag, so if you'd like, I'd be happy to tagy ou next time!

dividers by @cafekitsune and @saradika-graphics

#halsin fanfic#halsin x reader#halsin x tav#halsin x plus size reader#plus size reader#halsin smut#bg3 smut#bg3 fanfiction#bg3 fic#bg3 fanfic


Feb 29

Unsolicited Affections (Part 2)

[Far Left & Right Screenshots + Tav by @brabblesblog & Center Screenshot by Raz]

Halsin x Plus Size F!Reader

Warnings: Body insecurity; internalized fatphobia; Halsin is a sweetheart

Synopsis: Halsin's cure for your ailments isn't exactly what you expected, but you're not exactly upset about it.

Author's Note: Thank you again to Ban and Raz for the wonderful screenshots! This one is where we dig really deep, everybody. Settle in with your comfort items and prepare for some Halsitherapy. <3 I hope you all enjoy, and get ready for some spice in Part 3!

Part 1 Here

Your hands shook as you made your way toward Halsin's tent near the edge of camp. He had insisted on being the first line of defense from any unwelcome visitors as a way to repay you all for saving his grove from the shadow curse, and while at first you had argued, you stopped short after witnessing the earnestness in those beautiful green eyes. He wanted to do this. He wanted to protect you all. So you had relented, and had found it nearly impossible to say no to him since.

You clamped your hands together and steadied your breaths. "Gods, get it together. He's just going to check over your cuts and bruises like always." You reasoned, chastising yourself for even taking your vampiric friend's words into consideration. "I'm nothing more than a good Samaritan to him. He is being kind in response to my kindness, nothing more." You reminded yourself, doing your best to ignore the way your heart ached sharply at the admonition. You wanted to hope, but you couldn’t afford it. Wrenching your hands with one another, you stepped up to Halsin's tent and awaited his appearance.

"There you are." His soothing voice rumbled in your ear after several disarming seconds of silence and you would have toppled over in surprise had a strong arm not wrapped firmly around your waist to steady you. The Druid pulled you against his front and you nearly lost all of the breath in your lungs to the feeling of being tucked against him. He was solid, 7 feet of muscle mass, beautifully encased by the soft ripple of tanned skin that pillowed ever so slightly to accommodate you being pressed against it. You had never been this close to him before and your mind blanked as your heart hammered painfully against your ribcage.

"Yep, here I am." You managed to sound playfully flippant, unable to reveal your true feelings, despite how desperately you wanted to jump into his arms. "I really do think I'm alright, Halsin. Nothing more than a scrape here or a bruise there."

"Physically, you seem well for wear, but I sense something bothering you, and I'd like to help, if you'll allow me. So please, follow me. I believe I have just the remedy." He smiled down at you, at last releasing you from his hold, which sent confusing waves of both relief and disappointment coursing through you.

"Well… alright. I'll see what you have in mind." You mused, shrugging your shoulders and missing the way his eyes glinted in the light pulsing from the plants around you. You fell into step beside him, giddy at the prospect of spending more time with him. You figured this was as close to the Druid as you would ever get, so you relished each moment you spent by his side. You tried not to think about what would happen in the future. If you didn't end up the product of a non-consented ceremorphosis, what then? Where would you go? You knew it was likely that you'd never see Halsin again; that he'd return to the Grove to resume his position as Archdruid and that you'd end up somewhere far away, working some tavern job to survive. Hollowness carved its way through your chest, more painful than any knife, and you suddenly had to take a steadying breath to keep up with your companion's long strides.

‘Don’t think on it now,’ you chastised yourself silently, instead forcing a glance to the towering man beside you. He was relaxed, walking in a gate slow enough for you to keep up without much effort. A soft smile decorated his beautiful lips and his green eyes reflected the serenity of the darkness surrounding them. There was not much peace in the Underdark, but what little there was, you found with Halsin. Soon, the path he led you on tapered into a clearing of stone and rocks, and in the very center, a small lake. A gasp escaped your lips at the sight. It was beautiful. The water hummed with the glow of bioluminescent lichen from beneath the surface, growing in scattered mounds at the bottom of the body of water. From the surrounding rocks and the looming trees hung glowing moss, their effervescence bathing you and Halsin in a soft blue light.

"Halsin, this is stunning." You breathed out quietly, taking in the scene before you.

"It is, is it not? Even here in the Underdark, a form of nature prevails and finds a way to create beauty. It inspired me when I found it. I have checked the water many times over, and it is safe for submersion." He replied, looking across the lake with a sense of pride that he could only find in what was natural. Several more seconds of awe passed through you before the implications of his words connected in your mind.

"Oh, uhm…" you sputtered, your mind beginning to reel away from the scene before you and into your own insecurities. 'Oh gods, he's talking about swimming! I can't just swim in my clothes; can I? Maybe I can. He can't see me bare! Hells, he'd never look at me again!' Your thoughts ran away with you and you stood there, unmoving and unresponsive, and Halsin took notice.

"My heart, please be silent no longer. What is it that troubles you?" He coaxed softly, fingers trailing over your arm with a gentleness that should not be possible from a man his size. When you did not react, he reached forward with the same fingers and curved them under your chin, turning your head to face him. Your eyes met his, wide and afraid, and his other hand came up to cup your cheek, his fingers wrapping around the back of your head as he settled into the hold.

"Oh-" was all you managed to mumble before Halsin's lips were on yours; tender, loving. 'Gods..' your mind was racing.

You practically moaned into his mouth when he abandoned your chin to wrap his arm around your back, pulling you flush against him, the hard planes of his body sending electric shockwaves through you at an alarming rate. All thoughts from moments ago had scattered and you were awash with a feeling more overwhelming than anything you could ever remember experiencing. You weren't sure how your arms had made it around the Druid's neck, or when he had hoisted you into his arms, but when you finally parted for air, your ankles were crossed behind Halsin's back and he stood ankle deep in the lake, holding you in a vice grip against him. His eyes locked with yours and the green of his irises was overshadowed by how large his pupils were blown, staring at you like he held the world in his arms. You were made breathless all over again and felt your cheeks warm.

"I- gods… Halsin, I-" you sputtered, your words still not having returned to you quite yet.

"I do hope I have not been careless, my heart." He said lowly, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "If I have misconceived your heart, I deeply apologize."

"I- no! Halsin, I- it was incredible. It was… it was everything, I had no idea. I never thought you would feel that way about- about me." You shook your head in surprise, a breathless chuckle escaping you. "Of all people." You added, attempting to seem at least somewhat put together in front of this incredibly handsome man who had just kissed you senseless.

A confused look passed across Halsin's features. "You speak as though you are disbelieving. You saved me. You saved my home, knowing I could do little to pay you back in return. You are incessantly kind to me, and understanding of my position, my condition-" He paused, his voice cracking with barely hidden emotion, and you reached a tentative hand to his cheek, brushing your fingertips across it gently in hopeful comfort. You let out a shaky exhale as he leaned almost desperately into your touch, his eyes having fallen closed. "You are a wonder, my heart. Nature could not possibly have made a more divine creature."

Your heart swelled, and the thorny vines that had grown around it over time began to prick it painfully, letting it bleed into Halsin's. You sniffled as a tear escaped your eye and cascaded down your cheek, and green eyes met yours once more. It was time. He deserved to know. "I-" you took a deep breath, steadying yourself. "It seems so foolish now, in the face of everything you've said to me."

"If it troubles you this deeply, it cannot be foolish." He corrected you gently, and you nodded, another tear falling down your face. He kissed them away like it was the most natural solution in the world and you giggled; a strained, breathless thing, riddled with leftover pain, shock, and love - gods, so much love.

You curled your fingers into his chestnut brown locks and fiddled with his braids while you sorted out the correct way to begin. Halsin waited on you patiently, stroking the undersides of your thighs with his thumbs as he continued to hold you far above the water below. "I have never been perceived as beautiful. The- uhm… well, the world has decided on an idea of what beautiful is, and I simply don't fit. I never have. No matter what I tried or how hard I tried it… I never became that ideal. I've come to accept, at this point, that I was never meant to be that. I have always and will always take up more space than most people. I will always have trouble finding clothes. I will always be more difficult to pick up and swing around. I will always be too large, in all the wrong ways." Tears were streaming from your eyes now, vehicles of the pain you carried deep in your heart running out to join the water around you. "I have always been told that someone will find beauty in me eventually, that someone will find me worthy of love, but there's a hesitancy in their eyes; a question in their gaze. 'Should I tell her this? Should I raise her hopes like this?' But even with all of their good intentions, I have only ever been ignored, or used and tossed away."

A little sob escaped you and you clapped a hand over your mouth to quiet it, but lips pressed firmly against your knuckles and you blinked through your tears to look at the Druid. "Do not hide your pain from me, my heart. I wish to see all of you, to love all of you. I wish for you to know my heart as well as my body, and I want the same from you." Your hand returned to his shoulder and he nuzzled your nose with his own. "You should never have had to know such heartache. You shine brighter than any sun, and had they not already been blind, perhaps they would have seen that." He murmured the words you had been longing to hear all your life into your mouth like a prayer, and then he kissed you with such earnestness that you thought you would melt away and become a part of the lake beneath you.

You cried through the kiss, your tears wetting Halsin's cheeks along with your own, but he only held you tighter, his fingers finding purchase in the dips your thighs readily made for his grip. When your lips parted, only far enough for air to play across them, Halsin murmured, his voice low, "Let us bathe together, my sweet."


Tag List, Darlings: @thoughts-of-bear @knightofmight01 @snumlik @tifaria @listen-to-navi @greycloudsy @tiedyedghoulette @halsinsilverbough @nightlyrayne @the-library-of-the-smut @brabblesblog

(if your name isn't highlighted/underlined, I wasn't able to tag you!)

#baldur's gate 3#bg3#halsin#bg3 halsin#halsin bg3#halsin silverbough#halsin x reader#halsin x f!reader#halsin x fem!reader#halsin x tav#halsin x f!tav#halsin x female tav#halsin x plus size reader#halsin x plus size f!reader#halsin x plus size tav#halsin x plus size f!tav#unsolicited affections


Jun 23

Unsolicited Affections (Part 3)

[Outer 2 screenshots by Raz; middle screenshot by @brabblesblog]

Halsin x Plus Size F!Reader

Warnings: Fingering, cunniling*s..... waterfall sex? Waterfall sex.

Synopsis: Halsin decides to prove to you just how desirable you are to him.

Author's Note: Thank you so much to @brabblesblog, @spite-made-me, and @midnight-musings-of-nyx for inspiring me, assisting me, and encouraging me along this journey. I couldn't have done it without you!

Ps. This got.... long, and I didn't get to everything I wanted to in this fic. Sooo part 4, maybe, if people are interested in even more Druid debauchery? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Part 1 | Part 2

You were nodding before you could let your thoughts catch up to you, gripping Halsin like a lifeline in the stormy sea of your doubt, and he bent at the knees, lowering himself - and eventually you - down into the water.

"sh*t." You jumped when the icy lake met the undersides of your legs, and you curled tighter around Halsin in a desperate attempt to keep his warmth. His chuckle rumbled in your ear, and you pouted disapprovingly. "You could have warned me, you know." You tutted gently, and he chuckled again.

"Apologies, my heart, but it was best left as a surprise. A sudden dip in the chill will take all your worries away." He stroked your back, his massive hand radiating heat into your skin, and you stuttered a sigh in relief at his touch. But your lower body was beginning to ache.

"I t-think all it d-does is f-freezes t-them." You said through chattering teeth as your legs shook. This time, the Druid laughed; a beautiful and boisterous thing that echoed around the tiny alcove like birdsong in the night.

"Well then, we shall melt them." He murmured softly into your ear before his hand left your back and hovered over the surface of the water. You turned your upper body around in curiosity, and your eyes lit up as Halsin's magic seeped from his palm into the water, creating a soft warm glow on the surface of the lake. The water touching your body was no longer cold, the magic permeating the icy blue with heat and comfort.

You felt all your tension ease, and you relaxed against Halsin, nuzzling your nose into his bare chest. Then you paused. "Oh, hells!" You exclaimed in realization, looking down at yourself. "These will take hours to dry." You lamented, peeling your wet top from your body and letting it slap back against you as you realized that your camp clothes were now soaked.

"They will take even longer while still on your body, my love." Halsin's voice spoke reason, but with a lilt of mischief, and your eyes met his suspiciously.

"You did this on purpose." You accused, and his eyes darted away from yours, his expression shifting into one of obvious sheepishness.

"I- I did, yes." He met your gaze once more. "I did not want you to hide from me any longer because I wish to show you how beautiful you are in my eyes. But if I have sincerely wronged you, you have every right to end this now and wear my dry clothes back to camp." His eyes quivered with a potent mixture of regret and anxiety, and you softened at his sincerity, a foreign thrill running through you at the thought of him proving your beauty to you. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, clamping down on the cringe that began to form as you reached for the hem of your soaked camp shirt and pulled it up over your body until the heavy piece of clothing rested in your hands. The night air took possession of your newly exposed upper body, and your nipples hardened into peaks underneath your hide bra. You shivered, but it was not solely due to the cold: a piercing, heated gaze had fallen upon you like a heavy blanket. Halsin’s forest green eyes were nearly obscured by how large his pupils had blown, effectively darkening his gaze as he took a deep and ragged breath in through his nose.

His eyes traveled the length of you appreciatively before he dove down to capture the curve of your neck with his supple lips and you let out a gasp as his hot mouth worked a pucker into your sensitive skin. He trailed a blazing path from your neck down to your collarbone and then up under your chin. A whimper broke your silence when his lips met your jaw and one of his hands pressed into your side, traveling up your back and sliding under your bra, touching skin that had never before felt the caress of another’s hands. “So soft, my heart. Touching you is an honor I am not worthy of, for Silvanus himself must have crafted you by hand.” he murmured against the shell of your ear as he wrapped one arm around your low back and pulled you closer to him, and tugged the hide around your breasts loose with the other.

“Halsin,” you breathed, unable to say much more as white hot tingles danced across your skin everywhere he touched. Your breaths were coming shorter, and you clung to his shoulders, moaning when he adjusted his position, and his arousal met your slit through layers of wet clothes under the water. He was large; not that you were surprised when comparing it to the rest of him, but the solid press of his hardening co*ck against your opening sent you spiraling into a torrent of anxiety-ridden thoughts. 'Will it fit? Will he even want it to when he realizes how inexperienced I am? Will he stop? Will he leave?'

"Little dove," His voice brought you back. "You've tensed. Have I done something you do not like?"

"No!" You answered, almost too quickly, then sighed. "I- I'm very… inexperienced with.. things like this. I've been with others before, but they were only curious to see what it would be like to lay with someone, you know… like me. And I've also been turned away once they've seen… all of me." Your voice was small, achingly fragile, and you couldn't bear to meet the Druid's eyes as the admittance passed your trembling lips. The fear that he would be one of them was like bile in your throat, and the shame that you felt at even considering he would be was pressing it closer to your mouth with each passing moment. You were ruining this, you just knew it, and you'd end up alone in your tent that night yet again, shaking and crying as the regret rolled over you in waves.

But one of Halsin’s warm hands splayed across your back, and the other wrapped loosely around your neck as he pressed his thumb gently into the base of your chin, training your face upwards. When your hesitant eyes finally met his, you choked back another sob at the sheer compassion there. "My heart, I cannot promise you a cure for the intruder in your mind, nor can I promise you that every day from this day forward will be a kind one, but the one thing I can promise you, and will swear on my life this very night, is that you hold more allure to me, both your heart and your physical vessel, than you could even imagine. I am over 350 years old. I have taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly, but it does now, here with you. Your inexperience does not frighten me, nor does it do anything to turn me away from you. If anything, it presents to me the opportunity to demonstrate all that love can provide for you, if given in the way you deserve. Will you let me love you?”

Like a ray of sunshine finding its way through the clouds, a smile carrying a glimmer of hope broke across your face, pulling taut on your tear-stained cheeks. “Yes, Halsin.” you whispered and pulled nearer to him so that your lips rested nearly against his. “Yes.” The word breathed into his mouth seemed to light a fire scorching through him, and he released a desperate groan into your mouth before taking it with his own; firm, and passionate and all-encompassing. Suddenly, his hands were everywhere, and you could no longer tell where you ended, and he began. His tongue prodded at your lips, and you opened your mouth to him, moaning as it found yours and entered into a sensual dance. He pulled the hide around your chest free and discarded it on the bank, then his hands cupped your breasts, weighing them in his hands. You gasped into his mouth as each warm palm encompassed the entire breast. “Halsin,” you whined softly when the rough pads of his thumbs brushed across your sensitive nipples, pebbling them even more under his attentive touch. He moaned, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple before taking a deep, steadying breath.

Halsin's large hands encompassed one of yours, and you realized how delightfully new it felt to be so very small by comparison. He pulled away ever so slightly, his velvet lips brushing across yours as he whispered softly. "These hands are the proof of your determination. They work diligently to keep us safe and provide for us a place to rest." He massaged the tight muscles in your palm gently and brushed his calloused fingers over your knuckles. "When someone is in need, these hands are the very thing that reaches for them to bring them home and into the light. These are the hands that brought me back into the light. They reached for me when I was lost and held me through the worst of it until the dark receded." His lips quirked up into a gentle smile as he bumped his nose affectionately with yours. You sniffled a little, smiling back at him. Gods, this man.

Next, his rough hands tracked a path up your arms, coming to rest on your shoulders, his thumbs brushing tender circles along the dips. "Your shoulders bear a mantle not many could carry, but you wear it well, heavy as it is. These muscles are far too tense all of the time; it is devastating that they must be. Please, allow me to ease them." You nodded, your eyes already falling closed at the tantalizing sensation of Halsin’s fingers pressing into your skin. "Turn around." His voice was closer than it had been a moment ago, a breath away from the shell of your ear, and you shivered, turning to obey his gentle command.

His fingers cascaded up and down your spine, and you arched forward, your breath escaping you as a rush of tingles shot straight to your core. He chuckled lowly and dragged his finger up the center of your back, taking time to lean down and press a kiss to each dip, curve, and fold along the way. You bit your lip as your breathing picked up. You were unused to this level of love and dedication, and being so blatantly worshiped was spreading heat to your skin faster than the warm water ever could.

Resisting the urge to apologize for the way you looked, you bit down on your lip and closed your eyes to focus on the sensations he brought to your long-unattended body. "You are the embodiment of strength, honor, and integrity, my heart." He muttered against your skin, and you shuddered as his hands crept around your front and traveled below the water. He toyed with the band of your shorts, his fingers dipping under it to stroke the curves there, and you gasped as the rough pads of his digits found your folds and pressed between them, swiping your swollen bud teasingly. "You deserve to be repaid for all that you are and all that you do. There is a push and pull in all natural things. You exist in nature, and nature receives you. I receive you, and I would be honored to act as the push in response to your ever-present pull." Halsin murmured softly in your ear, his finger still tracing light circles around your cl*t as you desperately clenched around nothing.

"Ah, H-Halsin," you whined, your hips bucking unconsciously against his hand in search of more friction.

"Are you ready to lay yourself bare for me, my heart?" The Druid whispered against the skin of your neck, and you shuddered, nodding quickly as his fingers took a daring dip inside of you. You cried out softly as he stroked you in earnest a few times before pulling back out of you and yanking your loincloth free, tossing it to the bank to join your other sopping wet clothes.

You took a moment's hesitation, but the second you felt Halsin's scorching hands return to your aching core, your reluctance gave way to lust and you pressed against him in haste, refusing to wait for his skin on yours any longer.

Halsin groaned his approval into your mouth, and one of his massive hands roamed your hips, traveling back to squeeze your cheek until you whined and rocked back against him.

He pulled you against the hard planes of his chest, and his large hands then traveled a burning path back up the sides of your arms, over your tense shoulders, then down your chest. Water droplets cascaded from his fingertips down onto your taut nipples, his hands following their path and encasing your breasts, one filling each hand and squeezing gently. A low growl rumbled through his chest at the whine you let out when he thumbed over your sensitive buds.

"By Silvanus, you will be the end of me." He murmured against your hot, damp skin.

"Halsin, please." You whimpered softly, writhing against him, your skin growing hotter every second his throbbing erection pressed against the slit of your ass.

"What will you have me do, my little dove?" He asked, nibbling on the lobe of your ear.

A breathless laugh escaped you as the words tumbled from your lips. "Love me."

A full-bodied laugh rumbled through him, and you smiled in triumph at the sound, sighing into him as he gathered you in his arms and led you towards the waterfall. It was low, its height barely reaching the Druid's head, and its water was fairly gentle on your hand when you held your fingers out to it; another pulse from Halsin's magic and it warmed under your touch. A smile pulled across your lips, and you willingly stepped under it, closing your eyes and basking in the sensation. You could feel Halsin's eyes on you, and beneath your own eyelids, you could practically see the crinkles in his face as he smiled. Without opening your eyes, you reached for him, fearing for only a fleeting moment that he would not be there to reciprocate before his warm touch was there, pulling you against him again. His hands explored your body with all the tenderness of a disciple tending to his goddess, and you rested your cheek against his chest as he molded you to him, like putty in his capable hands.

You felt pliant beneath his touch, blazing and newly unfettered by the anxieties that so constantly plagued you. At his mercy, you became something new. Something beautiful. He pressed a gentle palm against your plush stomach, urging you to lean your upper body back behind the waterfall. You trusted him immediately, stretching back until your head emerged in a cave behind the pooling water, and you rested your back against the first rock to welcome you. It had smoothed out over time, and its cool surface ran a shiver down your spine but did not scrape your skin. Halsin pressed forward, sliding you further onto the rocks as he stepped through the water, your legs wrapped firmly around his middle.

He smiled at you; gentle, adoring, and mischievous. Your heart stuttered in your chest as he took hold of the undersides of your knees and lowered himself before you, his brilliant emerald eyes never leaving your own. "My heart," he murmured reverently, and you wriggled as his hot breath fanned across your swelling folds. "Please, allow me to feast."

You swallowed hard, your eyes wide and unmoving from him, and nodded, more sure of this than anything you had ever been before. "Yes." You breathed, barely audible over the sound of the pouring water. But Halsin received the message, for only seconds later, his mouth had descended upon you and his tongue parted your folds eagerly. You cried his name and one of your hands found his head immediately, your fingers curling into his wet locks like a lifeline as he devoured you. The drag of his tongue inside of you was molten and you writhed at the heat that exploded up your body as he suctioned his lips to your cl*t and drank you in. He pulled back ever so slightly before delving into your hole with growing fervor. In doing so, he drew you closer to his mouth and an unexpected sensation had you mewling loudly and rutting your hips against the Druid's face. A trickle of water from the waterfall above was now streaming directly onto your sensitive bud, the pressure and sudden chill alighting you inside.

Halsin was an observant man, you deduced, your mind in a haze, as he stood to angle you closer to the stream. But what little thought you had left in your head fled as soon as he secured your legs around his broad shoulders and brought his hand up to rub your cl*t while the water hit it. You moaned loudly and flung your arms over your head to catch a hold of the rock and cling to it. With your bottom half in the air, you were at the complete mercy of the Druid, who vigorously resumed lapping at your sensitive c*nt. As you floated above your body in a state of suspended bliss, you marveled at how easily your lover held you up, as though you weighed nothing in his hold.

To be so small compared to him - so light. You keened as his tongue swiped up and down through your folds, his groans reverberating through your body as your slick coated his tongue. You felt desired, and the feeling sent chills up your spine as you felt your release nearing. Halsin felt it too, and plunged his tongue deep within you and curled it upwards, sending you spiraling.

"Oh, Ha- mmf! I'm gonna, Hals-ah!" You attempted to choke out a warning, but it was too late; already tumbling off the precipice with a scream that overpowered the sounds of the water around you, your entire body tightened around Halsin's. You mindlessly rutted against his face until your high began to abate, then your muscles began to tremble as you relaxed gently into his hold. All at once, the water thrumming against your cl*t was far too much, and you squirmed in an effort to get away from it.

Halsin chuckled and appeared through the water moments later, letting you down into the pools to catch your breath. "You are a wonder of Silvanus himself." He rumbled with a smile as he closed in to kiss you. You chuckled against his lips and let out a small, pleased sigh at your taste on his tongue.

You allowed your hands to roam the solid planes of his wide chest, exploring along each dip and curve where the muscles rippled underneath the skin. The pads of your fingers were tickled by the hair that grew in each place they traveled, and a soft giggle escaped your lips. "That laugh is birdsong." Halsin murmured, and you felt your cheeks flush.

"Funny, I think the same about yours." You admitted quietly, your hand coming to rest in the center of his chest, your eyes on the dark hair that fell over your fingers.

"Do you?" He sounded almost… surprised.

"Of course I do." You lifted your head, a sudden determination rushing through you. "Halsin, you are the kindest, most gentle man I have ever known. But you are also indescribably strong, and I don't only mean your body." You let your hands travel from his chest to his arms and slide up along all of the divots his muscles made, his biceps too large for you to even fit your hand around. But your eyes were trained on his, steady and confident for the first time this evening. "The strength of will you carried to see that shadow curse to its end; the way you refused to allow your heartbreak and pain to overtake you. The gentleness you showed in the face of such abhorrence to all those who were too oppressed to deserve your anguish."

Your hands reached his face, and you cupped his cheeks, brushing a stray tear away as it fell with one of your thumbs. "You show love where you've been shown pain, Halsin. That is breathtakingly admirable and the truest mark of strength. So yes, your joy is birdsong and your eyes are flower petals, and your touch is as all encompassing as a dip in the water, and I am honored to behold these things, you wonderful, wonderful man. My strong and gentle bear."

His tears fell freely now, his eyes as glassy and reflective as the surface of the water, and he smiled at you. It hurt, this smile, you could tell; but it healed too. He pulled you to him suddenly and wrapped you up in his embrace. You pressed your cheek to his chest, your hands against his pecs again, and closed your eyes. He enveloped every hurt and broken piece of you, pulling you back together with his love and care. His heartbeat thrummed loudly beneath your ear, and a breathless chuckle escaped your lips. You could only assume that yours sounded the same.

"Let me love you too." You whispered against him, and he shuddered.

He nodded, smiling against your hair and pressing his lips against the crown of your head reverently. "As you wish, my heart."


Tagging, Darlings (aka, a general tag of everyone who seemed interested from Part 2):

@greycloudsy @vixstarria @listen-to-navi @thoughts-of-bear @tallymonster @nightlyrayne @snumlik @knightofmight01 @starfleetteddybear @makeitmagical @divineknightmare @allthecraftandthings @fruitymoonbeams-blog @sititran @ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian @xyndario @karlachtheestallion @connorsui @the-library-of-the-smut @halsinsnaturepocket @halsinsilverbough (if your name is not gray, I wasn't able to tag you!)

#baldur's gate 3#bg3#bg3 halsin#daddy halsin#halsin bg3#halsin silverbough#halsin#baldur's gate#baldurs gate 3#halsin baldur's gate 3#halsin x reader#halsin x plus size reader#halsin x plus size f!reader#halsin silverbough smut#halsin bg3 smut#halsin smut#comfort smut#bg3 smut#Unsolicited Affections#Unsolicited pt. 3


Feb 22

He pulled you against him, and his large hands traveled a burning path up the sides of your arms, over your tense shoulders, then down your chest. Water droplets cascaded from his fingertips down onto your taut nipples, his hands following their path and encasing your breasts, one filling each hand, then squeezing gently. A low growl rumbled through his chest at the whine you let out when he thumbed over your sensitive buds.

"By Silvanus, you will be the end of me." He murmured against your hot, damp skin.

Here we goooooo!!!! 👀

#baldur's gate 3#bg3#halsin#halsin baldur's gate 3#bg3 halsin#baldurs gate halsin#halsin bg3#halsin silverbough#halsin x reader#halsin x tav#halsin x fem!reader#halsin x female tav#halsin x plus size reader#halsin x plus size tav#halsin x plus size f!reader#halsin x plus size f!tav#halsin smut#halsin bg3 smut


Mar 21

Oh look, a preview. 👀

His eyes traveled the length of you appreciatively before he dove down to capture the curve of your neck with his supple lips and you let out a gasp as his hot mouth worked a pucker into your sensitive skin. He trailed a blazing path from your neck down to your collarbone and then up under your chin. A whimper broke your silence when his lips met your jaw and one of his hands pressed into your side, traveling up your back and sliding under your bra, touching skin that had never before felt the caress of another’s hands. “So soft, my heart. Touching you is an honor I am not worthy of, for Silvanus himself must have crafted you by hand.” he murmured against the shell of your ear as he wrapped one arm around your low back and pulled you closer to him, and tugged the hide around your breasts loose with the other.“Halsin,” you breathed, unable to say much more as white hot tingles danced across your skin everywhere he touched. Your breaths were coming shorter and you clung to his shoulders, moaning when he adjusted his position and his arousal met your slit through layers of wet clothes under the water.

Part 3 is on its way!! Thank you for your patience, everyone. <3

#baldur's gate 3#bg3#halsin#halsin silverbough#halsin bg3#bg3 halsin#baldur's gate 3 halsin#halsin baldur's gate 3#halsin x tav#halsin x reader#halsin x female tav#halsin x female reader#halsin x plus size tav#halsin x plus size reader#halsin x plus size f! tav#halsin x plus size f!reader#halsin silverbough smut#bg3 smut#baldur's gate 3 smut#unsolicited affections#part 3


Feb 29

You practically moaned into his mouth when he abandoned your chin to wrap his arm around your back, pulling you flush against him, the hard planes of his body sending electric shockwaves through you at an alarming rate. All thoughts from moments ago had scattered, and you were awash with a feeling more overwhelming than anything you could ever remember experiencing. You weren't sure how your arms had made it around the Druid's neck, or when he had hoisted you into his arms, but when you finally parted for air, your ankles were crossed behind Halsin's back and he stood ankle deep in the lake, holding you in a vice grip against him. His eyes locked with yours, and the green of his irises was overshadowed by how large his pupils were blown, staring at you like he held the world in his arms. You were made breathless all over again and felt your cheeks warm.

Part 2 is finished. 👀 Posting before the weekend!

Sorry guys, this has become a trilogy because I just can't stop, soooo... Part 3.... whenever the hell I finish it. 😂😅

#baldur's gate 3#bg3#halsin#bg3 halsin#halsin bg3#halsin silverbough#halsin x reader#halsin x plus size reader#halsin x fem!reader#halsin x f!plus size reader#unsolicited affections
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.