Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (2024)

Posted in Local News, Malaysian Fuel Prices / By Mick Chan /

The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) anticipates a “mild adjustment” in RON95 subsidy and therefore, the fuel’s retail price in Malaysia, and it expects the price adjustment to be carried out in July or October this year after the impact of the diesel subsidy rationalisation has been assessed, reported Bernama.

The adjustment is expected to be not as steep as that of retail pricing of diesel fuel, which increased by 56%, or RM1.20 from RM2.15 per litre to RM3.35 per litre earlier this week on June 10, said MIER executive director Anthony Dass.

“We need to look at the impact of the diesel subsidy rationalisation, so we probably need to give it a three- to six-month grace period. We need to look at the impact analysis first, and how the people are adjusting. From that, the government can make the next adjustment to the RON 95 (petrol subsidy),” Dass said.

The price adjustment for RON 95 petrol is expected to be carried out “closer to October” as this would give the government more time to look at the impact analysis, he added.

Regarding the contribution of diesel fuel pricing to the consumer price index (CPI) basket, a 1% increase in diesel price leads to an impact of 0.2% upon the CPI basket, which is therefore almost negligible, Dass said. Meanwhile, the contribution of RON 95 petrol pricing to the CPI basket is around 5.5%.

Yesterday, finance minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan said the government will focus on the implementation of its targeted diesel subsidy programme before it decides to move on to further related matters, when asked about a timeline for a targeted subsidy to be implemented for RON 95 petrol.

The subsidy reform agenda being carried out by the government is aimed at reducing the country’s fiscal deficit so it can reinvest into things that are important, Amir Hamzah said. “Over time, there has been leakage of subsidies caused by smuggling of petroleum products and subsidies enjoyed by sectors who do not deserve them,” he said.

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Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (5)

Mick Chan

Open roads and closed circuits hold great allure for Mick Chan. Driving heaven to him is exercising a playful chassis on twisty paths; prizes ergonomics and involvement over gadgetry. Spent three years at a motoring newspaper and short stint with a magazine prior to joining this website.


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (6) Pro-Palestineon Jun 14, 2024 at 9:42 am

    I told you guys. The moment the brought up the “smuggling” bull crap excuse about RON95 like they did with the diesel, I knew they will increase the price. Otak OKU people are very easy to predict.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (7) 55Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (8) 8


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (9) guess I will ride a bikeon Jun 14, 2024 at 11:16 am

      No matter which party is the government this will happen anyway. They’re planning for this for a few years even before the pandemic staring from LGE to Zafrul to now DSAI. To bad we are joining other countries as well.

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (10) 19Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (11) 13


      • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (12) Brianon Jun 14, 2024 at 5:56 pm

        When a basic BMW 3 series needs $100K to run in this country you know the lunatics are running the asylum.

        Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (13) 9Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (14) 5


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (15) Dah Menang Semuaon Jun 14, 2024 at 2:45 pm

      “minyak turun” since zaman-PR
      Ask PAS why promised that but
      pilot Targeted Fuel in 2022 ?

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (16) 5Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (17) 15


      • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (18) Angry Voterson Jun 15, 2024 at 7:23 pm

        There is no such thing as subsidy, according to his mentri formula it is all paid for with higher global oil prices. They must give what they promised!

        Pakatan Rakyat Leader = Pakatan Harapan Leader
        Promises of Pakatan Rakyat for RM1.50/L petrol = Promises of Pakatan Harapan

        Stop defending and give us cheap fuel that we voted for!

        Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (19) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (20) 0


      • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (21) Richard Teoon Jun 16, 2024 at 12:12 pm

        Very simple. PN or PH seems they got no other choice but to implement targeted fuel subsidy

        Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (22) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (23) 0


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (24) hazrion Jun 15, 2024 at 2:00 am

      smuggling is real. not a crap. otak OKU is someone who cannot comprehend easy thing. like increase price and remove subsidy, they think it the same thing.

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (25) 5Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (26) 13


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (30) talk rubbishon Jun 14, 2024 at 9:56 am

    people can accept this subsidy changes if only the gov is serious in eradicating corruption, cronism, abuse of power,etc else all bullsh*t wayang only….people already fed up with all these lies and smokescreens…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (31) 68Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (32) 3


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (33) Rubbishon Jun 14, 2024 at 12:55 pm

      Tangkap bilis saja, jerung lepas jugak

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (34) 25Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (35) 0


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (36) No way out or easy way out?on Jun 14, 2024 at 1:08 pm

      Diesel subsidies ballooned from RM1.4 Billion to Rm14 the last 5 years.(latest reports..(pls factcheck)
      Did usage increase so drastically among Msians,or just due to MASSIVE UNCONTROLLED smuggling done by syndicates?
      So,the easy way out is to float the price,while smuggling now shifts to petrol.
      Why is it so difficult to stamp out or minimise smuggling?
      How come our southern neighbour doesnt seem to have this problem? Is it due to their border is less porous?
      It all boils down to effective,unannounced,sudden enforcements all year round to nab the culprits.

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      • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (39) Mahal Dah Nion Jun 16, 2024 at 9:59 am

        our nbour fuel price are all expensive as per world mkt price without subsidy by their govt….so obviously they dont have smuggling issues

        Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (40) 1Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (41) 0


      • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (42) anwar menang, rakyat dikencingkanon Jun 16, 2024 at 10:58 pm

        Why is it so difficult to stamp out or minimise smuggling?.
        Because they(all the politiicans are all getting a certain percentage lor.
        Thats why there is no willingness for any gov to curb the smuggling!!

        Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (43) 5Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (44) 0


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (45) Dah Menang Semuaon Jun 14, 2024 at 2:28 pm

      lapor MACC cepat!
      ape tunggu lagi

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (46) 4Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (47) 2


      • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (48) Brianon Jun 14, 2024 at 5:59 pm

        MACC is in cahoots with PH Govt larr! See how fast they defended Hannah ‘my family is acceptable crony’ Yeoh from the DRT fiasco even before they investigated anything. Last last now they are forced to open an investigation due to public pressure.

        Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (49) 26Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (50) 4


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (51) Diam-leron Jun 14, 2024 at 11:05 am

    The problem is caused by diesel smugglers, and instead of catching them, the rakyat are being punished.
    1) The subsidy for the fisher folks is massive, 1.65 against 3.35 on the market. That’s a 50% subsidy. No wonder it’s more lucrative for them to sell diesel than do fishing. I think the government’s approach seems flawed.
    2) The 1.20 price increase is too drastic, and subsidies alone cannot eliminate the impact of unsubsidized diesel input, hence prices will move up.
    3) The government should have opted for a more measured increase, perhaps over two years, and reduced the categories of recipients for subsidies. The subsidy for RON95 should also be reduced concurrently. This is about biting the bullet, so to speak.
    4) A gradual increase in the ceiling prices will allow people to adjust to the reality. Imagine, even at 3.35 per liter, we are still below all other ASEAN countries except Brunei.
    5) The public needs to be weaned off the subsidy mentality, and that can be accomplished with a growing economy and low unemployment. We are roughly there now.

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  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (54) Alamak...on Jun 14, 2024 at 11:21 am

    Ini kalilah…

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  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (57) two times fiveon Jun 14, 2024 at 11:37 am

    All dua kali lima la. Doesn’t matter which government.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (58) 11Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (59) 9


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (60) Rogeron Jun 14, 2024 at 11:37 am

    So much from formula minister, a remedy for disaster.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (61) 15Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (62) 0

    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (63) English Teacheron Jun 19, 2024 at 9:11 am

      Trusting formula man is a formula for disaster

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (64) 1Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (65) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (66) Ali-Xon Jun 14, 2024 at 11:41 am

    if only the previous you-know-who govts were less corrupt, we wont have to suffer this, when those greedy sickos filled their pockets with $$$, the rakyat suffer.

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    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (69) Brianon Jun 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm

      You mean the previous PH Govt that was elected based on their promise to stamp out corruption were more corrupted? I am shocked!

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  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (72) TinKosongon Jun 14, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    rakyat kena scam…

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  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (75) Eric Chanon Jun 14, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    I hope gov can show data subsidised 200k diesel vehicles represent how many % of total in malaysia. I can sure the % will be lower than 20% of total diesel vehicles in malaysia

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (76) 10Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (77) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (78) Barang Naikon Jun 14, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    And yet failed to stop prices raise within these few weeks . Another massive hike after ron95 price floated. Ended up satu cawan kopi O panas RM5. Baik sekali PMX. Mesti Sokong kuat kuat! Hidup mana susah kan Ada wang sokong Sara hidup. Sungguh mesra.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (79) 18Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (80) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (81) Ang Suan Yorkon Jun 14, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Current expiry date of my car us 4 Sept 2024. Can I renew it with extra 10%, ? Who shld i contact? Which insurance company ?

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (82) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (83) 1


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (84) Ang Suan Yorkon Jun 14, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    Pls respond with quotation. Insured sum RM14000. Insured screen for RM600

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (85) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (86) 1


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (87) Sairamon Jun 14, 2024 at 6:06 pm

    Taking out subsidies. Govt employees bloated. Personal tax is increasing. Pmx ur such arse&^(÷

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (88) 14Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (89) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (90) popon Jun 15, 2024 at 3:21 pm

    the smart businessman will now increase price first, while anticipating the ron95 increase. because if you increase AFTER that, you go to jail.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (91) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (92) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (93) JLon Jun 15, 2024 at 6:35 pm

    Try to nominate yourself as a candidate for the next GE.
    Voice out how u can deal with this fuel subs things.
    Rakyat need to hear the solution from you all.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (94) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (95) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (96) Nic Liewon Jun 16, 2024 at 7:39 am

    when government plan to stop the petrol subsidies,
    are they planning to stop the duty for CBU cars?

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (97) 1Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (98) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (99) Nazmieron Jun 16, 2024 at 7:59 am

    Sorry, I am not involved in this matter, even though the headline clearly bears my name. I am absolutely against any opinion supporting a fuel price hike, as it is detrimental to many, and the suggestion of it happening this July really saddens me.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (100) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (101) 1


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (102) Jacobon Jun 16, 2024 at 11:05 am

    Snuggling is real for sure.Why is the government punishing the entire nation with increase of fuel prices? Given that smuggling is true,is that not the responsibility of the government to curb it? Why do they pass the responsibility to tax payers who have to bear increase in fuel prices? This is just the beginning of a chain reaction where prices across the board will be increased.The governments failure to curb the smuggling is failure on their part and has nothing to do with the normal law abiding citizens

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (103) 3Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (104) 0


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (105) Rakyat Malaysiaon Jun 18, 2024 at 11:24 am

      Smugglers will continue to profit.
      Gomen will continue fail to control.
      Rakyat will continue suffer under PH Gomen.
      When will this end?

      Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (106) 4Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (107) 0


  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (108) Dineshon Jun 16, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    Govt should encourage people to shift to hybrids or EVs. Should encourage homes to install solar panels. Make public transportation more attractive

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (109) 0Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (110) 0


    • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (111) Uncommon Senseon Jun 18, 2024 at 11:41 pm

      Cheapest quoted price to install solar panel system for landed property is about RM20k. Will take you some years to breakeven or feel the savings from selling your electricity from solar to TNB.

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  • Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (114) Williamon Jun 17, 2024 at 11:39 am

    Fail policy coming from fail minister who knows how to suck money from the Rakyat.

    Like or Dislike: Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (115) 9Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (116) 0


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Price increase in RON95 petrol expected in July or October upon mild adjustment of fuel subsidy - MIER - (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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