Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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Bismarck Gazettei

Bismarck, Missouri

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Serving arid Selling One of Richest Markets Published Every Thursday ELLINGHOUSE Editor and Publisher Second Class Postage Paid at Bismarck Mo 63624 Released from the GET HIP Living Room urniture meaning mA 1 COME IN MAKE US AN OER Lot Of New urniture Just Arrived Come In Browse Around 5 riendly Service is not word but a reality at GRIHAM BACKS UP THE SALE Irondale Bank IRONDALE MO 749 2715 get acquainted now! Special $2 INTRODUCTORY OER! a St Jfimw wcrat Colonial I I Ark Mo Power Co Street I Bex No State AMERICAN VAW vr I lim "A J2 irst of all please accept jmy personal thanks for your jtlmely observations and reports Polled Her efords are natu rally hornless and are the only major breed of livestock to ori ginate in the starting with 11 head in 1901 Some 3 mll Uon Polled Herefords have been registered in the since 1901 one third of the total in the past 5 years la Oman Stewart of Potosi and Alonzo Stewart Sr of arm ington four slaters Mrs Paul Darld of Bismarck Mrs Cecil Hart Mrs Mary Wiser and Mrs Ray Humphrey an of St Louis and several nephews of this area Chapel service was held riday 1 pm Interment was In Memorial Cemetery Lucas and Hunt Road St Louis proached at 7:30 they left their home and went to their storm cellar When the storm struck at 7:39 their home was com pletely destroyed and only the floor remained This is a rewarding experience to know that your warning actually saved lives and this is really what we are all trying to do The Weather Bureau will al ways cooperate with any com munity preparedness program or group when the goal is to develop and Improve the storm warning system We offer you our close personal cooperation and will Inform our forecasters of any progress that you make so that they will become more familiar with the Potosi and Washington County program Please keep in contact with this office and with me Kindest personal regards Harry Waldheuser Supervising orecaster and Principal Assistant cc: CRH MKC Shaffer Helen Irwin Acting CD Potosi The Spirit al Last Soart Homeward calf crop 500 pound calves weaned 30 cents per pound price and only two months of winter feed for the cows is compared to an 85 per cent calf crop 400 pound calves a 27 cents per pound price and 5 months of winter feed could make a difference of $1620 in profits per calf The man is still the most important factor in management prior to the Sunday storm in north Potosi our Regional Office has been made aware of your continuing Interest in a community preparedness program for Potosi They also express their congratulations and thanks to you and members of the Mineral Area Rescue Sq uad Your reports enabled this office to issue a tornado warn ing with a good lead time and this warning saved the Charles Hoehn family who lived at Rt 1 armington They heard the warning on KSJ TV at 7 15 PM CDT and be an to watch the sky When the storm ap THE BISMARCK GAZETTE Thursday August 28 1969 Page 2 READ THE WANTADS ItovtoN Tw Mrs Lee McAdams Rites Held riday Mrs Lee McAdams of St Louis the former Eileen Stew art of Bismarck daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Marcus Stew Ironton art died August 19 at Park Lane Memorial Hospital in St Louis Surviving are her husband Lee McAdams of St Louis one daughter Brenda of St Louis four sons Donald Paul Wayne and Mike all of St Louis five grandchildren three brothers Elmer Stewart of Cape Coral the cause of the fall of our de mocracy If not careful Crops beans and corn mostly looked good aH the way over to Chillicothe in Southern Ohio where we visited her folks We were traveling guests of our son David daughter in law Buelah Ann and grandson David Allen We had a most enjoyable time I re vised my estimates of this corn and bean crop up wards on what I saw There were some yellowed areas in some of the bottom fields in dicating they had been too wet but they seemed small and in significant in comparison to the over all growth Through Indiana on Highway 50 I noticed most of the steep banks on the sides of the cuts covered with a dense growth that looked something like al falfa On checking it closely I found It to be crown vetch It certainly was making great cover there and wondering why it here check with Joe Patke on that If any of you have successful stands qf we would like to know about It I was saddened to hear of the passing of Henson Short and I get together to talk much but when we did I always felt better He always waved and smiled as I drove past going to work Yes going to miss that guy Some 50 people attended the pasture tour in St rancois and Ste Genevieve Counties last Tuesday Visiting the farms of WH Ragsdale Govro Bro thers Otto Buckholts Dr Wm A Hensley and Levi Pender we saw much evidence of what proper fertilization and good management can do to Increase the forage production from pas tures Although Pearl MlHet showed up well on the farms of Govro and Otto Buckholts there didn't seem to be too much ex citement over it Bovro's said they certainly ready to give' up their sudan sorghum cross for it yet There were varied opinions on fescue The dairymen wanted to knowhowto get rid of it and the beefmen wanted to grow more Stock piling was much in evidence on most of the farms Stock pil ing is letting forage grow up during the summer and pastur ing it off in the winter or beefmen this is an excellent way to get cattle through the winter cheaply especially when through the ASCS feed grain program a good government payment can be realized Tour leader was Joe patke Area Agronomy Agent Speak ers during the tour were Ches ter ancher SCS Ste Gene vieve County CR Pitney Area Livestock Agent for Perry Cape and Bollinger Counties and myself The four counties of Iron Madison st rancois and Ste Genevieve were rep resented on the tmir ancher SCS Ste Genevieve County discussed soil erosion control and water management Home BI8MAB0K MISSOURI or aged tavaMa and convalaoeento Ron under Mediafl Sagerviaton Licensed Nurse 24 Heart or Information Call PE 4 2844 or OX 7 2336 Belleview Mo Owned and Operated By Jack 4k Wilma Thomae LARGE ASSORTMENT USED Ste Genevieve Counties) Last week while on vacation and traveling through Illinois we ran onto Charlie and Rita Venker with their entourage of three cars at a filling station at Vandalia They were on va cation and heading for Wash ington DC and her brothers in Virginia It is always pleas ant to run Into someofthehome folks while on a trip As most of you know they are co owners with Bill Dlcus in three drug stores in redericktown ar mington and Ste Genevieve While visiting the old Illinois state house in Vandalia dating back to 1820 Mary Elizabeth remarked on how small seats the old wooden chairs had in the house chamber where Lincoln and Douglas served as mem bers I reminded her that back in those days men developedblg shoulders and small setters by splitting rails and walking miles after work to return a few cents over charge at a grocery store Now the shoulders and chests are small and the and big from riding in over stuffed car seats and sitting in padded chairs in air conditioned cars belleview Man Buys And Sells Reg He ref ords Raymond Rowland 6f Belleview Missouri recently purchased 10 registered Polled Herefords from Alfalfa Lawn arms of Larned Kansas Mr Rowland of Belleview Mo recently completed the sale of registered Polled Herefords to: Wendell Scott St Louis and Raymond Parker Ironton Ray Grogan Ellington and Clyde Miller 't The US Department of Com Snerce Weather Bureau ore bast Office Lambert ield Ha zelwood Mo has directed a fetter to the Mineral Area Res cue Squad Potosi in expression service on date of the recent storm in this area The letter follows: Mr Don DeClue PresidentMineral Area Rescue SquadPotosi Missouri 3 Don inal sorvices should reflect this5 SOME LIKE NEW Taken In During Our July Sale i i I St Louis Globe Democrat 12th Blvd al Delmar St Louie Missouri 63101 Tucson Arizona left for their home Saturday August 23 having spent two weeks here with relatives and with her folks at Sedgewickville Mo The two weeks just passed too quickly as they get home so seldom Mr and Mrs Robert Sadler celebrated their daughter first birthday in their home Sunday August 24 with their parents and other close relatives Mrs Cecil Hughes attended the wedding of her nephew at Paducah Kentucky last Sat urday She was accompanied on the drive by her sisters Miss Ruth Sutton and Mrs Lauraln Byington of armington Mr and Mrs George Horton of Belgrade and her sister Edna and son of Ontario California attended the fellowship dinner at the Methodist church here Sun day August 24 Please remember our annual ish and Chicken Dinner at the United Methodist Church Labor Day September 1 beginning at eleven and continuing Into the evening about seven We have had this at our church for several years and we do appreciate your pres ence and enjoy your fellowship and rooms Soft living couldbe uo mJ illUvll OU JltJaSC UtJ present You will be glad you did come Mrs Lynn Ross and children of Doe Run spent Sunday with her mother Mrs Callie Hultt We were so glad to have Rev and Mrs Thomas with us Sun day for the fellowship luncheon THE BISMARCK GAZETTE Bismarck Missouri 63624 ORM ST LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT 12TH BLVD AT DELMAR ST LOUIS MISSOURI 63101 DEMcKaTw wJ3 ST LOUIS GLOBE aT 1 on introductory offr to ucqualal woaodm with th St Louis 1 bond nwdil delivery arM md have Mt been a wbialber during th paw tfays Rescue Squads Tornado I Warning Saves Lives burden of earthly care the spirit at last wings home Mall Only Matt the ordv form blow with your $200 chock or Monty order payable to the ST LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT Do nowl If you live in an area where news dealer service is not available we'll mail you the GLOBE every day and weekend at a bargain introductory price of just $21 Enjoy the daily arm Report an exclusive Globa featura Anri the Weekend Edition two full sections of color comics news sports features pius in io wcck MAUAZINt and TV DIGEST SUBSCRIPTION RATES In St rancois and adjoining counties $350 Elsewhere in USA oo Classifieds 4 cents a word Minimum Charge of 50 cent Thanks $100 Memorials for 100 words or less $200 Reader Notices 15 cents per line CALEDONIA NEWS By MRS NORA SUTTON ft Tfc 'J Visitors In the Earl Bean home over the weekend were Mr and Mrs red Price of Osceola Mo Mr and Mrs Harold Ruth of Imperial Mo and Mrs Norman Bean of St Louis On Sunday Mr and Mrs Dewey CoUlns of Potosi Mrs Edith Bean of Potosi visited in the Bean home Mr and Mrs Kenneth Queen of St Louis Mo and his mother visited the Earl Beans Saturday Those from the Caledonia Community Betterment Organi zation who attended the ribbon cutting ceremonies for the Jar vis Supermarket opening on Wednesday of last week were Mrs John Akers who pinned a lovely corsage on Mrs Jarvis Mrs Marjory Watson who pinned a lovely boutonniere on Mr Bud Jarvis and Mr John Seabourne whopresentedMr Jarvis with a lovely bouton niere The were very happy that their friends were so thoughtful MrsRoIlleKlnt zele was present at this grand opening also with many others that I did not get their names Everyone was happy to see this lovely building back in Potosi after the awful tornado destroy ed so many buildings in Potosi Mr Jarvis has many friends here who wish the best for him Mrs John Akers gave the Jar a complimentary address while they were in the new store The ellowship luncheon of the United Methodist Church on Sunday was well attended and a delicious meal was enjoyed by all present Although we w6re all saddened when the news of the death of Mr Victor Boring was announced at church as he was the brother of Mrs Robert Bays and Mrs Neumeyer who are our very loyal members of the United Methodist Church To this family we extend our aeepest sympathy The Alvin Sutton family from nrrrrrirrrrrnrrTrrrrTrrnTT RANKCLAY NEWS By MRS ELLA GLORAAAUJUUUJUUJUUUUUUUULRJUUUUUU Mrs Stella Drummonds en tered the Community Hospital at armlnrton Mnnrfav mnrn Ing Mr and Mrs Ronnie Joe Be nolst purchased a house trailer and moved It out on the property of her parents Mr and Mrs Glen Speers of near Irondale Pvt Michael Benolst of Leonard Wood spent the week end here with his parents Mr and Mrs Benolst Mrs John (Lizzie) Glore is a patient at the Columbia Cancer Hospital She is staying there to be near the hospital Her daughter Mrs Verna Brand Is staying there with her mother and Mrs Hilda Brand Is stay ing with her father Mr John Glore of Stony Point Mrs Imogene Benolst and aunt Mrs Ella Glore were shop ping in lat River riday Mr Royce Whitt of Jackson spent the weekend at his home here Mr and Mrs Gamble and family of Potosi were Sun day afternoon guests of the lat parents Mr and Mrs Wilson and daughter Miss Betty Mrs Viola Smith was a Sun day afternoon visitor of her sister Mrs Mamie Prather of Elvlns Route 1 Gumbo Mo Mr Eugene Denton flUed his appointment the fourth Sunday at the Hopewell Church Mrs Imogene Benolst and Mrs Ethel Smith and Mrs Eva Benolst were in lat River Thursday on business Mr Ames of Viburnum is spending some time at the home of his daughter Mr and Mrs Vernon Mayberry The Globe cove'llie globe! beginning in your own backyard bringing even farawav c'ose to home The Globe digs and probes and adds an extra dimension to the news makes it come alive and gives it meaning And thats what makes a good newspaper a great one! Vacation Sidellghts Pasture Tour Comments By McCreery (Area arm Management Agent with the group arm Supply cent mamewi iron si rancois ana arms representing MJA Purina and the arming Trac tor Supply furnished trucks and soft drinks for the group rank Kohlmeyer encouraged the group to attend the St rancois County air Some figures I presented from our Agricultural Econo mice Department showed that good management wltha95per Caldwell uneral Homes 711 Main lat River M5 Skori St Kvlns 431 3143 431 2451 90B Center Bismarck 734 M66 What's as old fashioned wooden spoked wheel? An old fashioned electrical system 1 You wouldn't use a crystal radio or drive to work in a carriage would you? Then live in an underwired home Want to find out for sure how your home stacks up? Give your electrical contractor a call let him check your present electrical system and give you a professional report You'll be glad you did nos need a NEW buggy? It your is not all it should be 4 come in and let usarrbnge an Auto i Loan at bank rates We w'H work out terms to make repayment convenient for See us a a ull Service Bank 44 IGHT GAINER miMUUUWKJ TO I i 1 1 I 1 I gBr 'f Jc 1 3 1k 1 Hi if: la 5 1 jx I 1 L' 1 'X 1 ft IIWII Illi ji i i i i 'nin i' i 1 'i rairarrrlr i if A AV I 1 1 I Zl i I I yl 4 I I I I I 7 I 1 i I 1 tw I 1 I I I I Ijw I 'W I ft! I i WWW Nursing I jfc Wtai Jta wisn tali wwiK AMERICAN to.

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Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.